237 research outputs found

    TrustShadow: Secure Execution of Unmodified Applications with ARM TrustZone

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    The rapid evolution of Internet-of-Things (IoT) technologies has led to an emerging need to make it smarter. A variety of applications now run simultaneously on an ARM-based processor. For example, devices on the edge of the Internet are provided with higher horsepower to be entrusted with storing, processing and analyzing data collected from IoT devices. This significantly improves efficiency and reduces the amount of data that needs to be transported to the cloud for data processing, analysis and storage. However, commodity OSes are prone to compromise. Once they are exploited, attackers can access the data on these devices. Since the data stored and processed on the devices can be sensitive, left untackled, this is particularly disconcerting. In this paper, we propose a new system, TrustShadow that shields legacy applications from untrusted OSes. TrustShadow takes advantage of ARM TrustZone technology and partitions resources into the secure and normal worlds. In the secure world, TrustShadow constructs a trusted execution environment for security-critical applications. This trusted environment is maintained by a lightweight runtime system that coordinates the communication between applications and the ordinary OS running in the normal world. The runtime system does not provide system services itself. Rather, it forwards requests for system services to the ordinary OS, and verifies the correctness of the responses. To demonstrate the efficiency of this design, we prototyped TrustShadow on a real chip board with ARM TrustZone support, and evaluated its performance using both microbenchmarks and real-world applications. We showed TrustShadow introduces only negligible overhead to real-world applications.Comment: MobiSys 201

    Time Protection: the Missing OS Abstraction

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    Timing channels enable data leakage that threatens the security of computer systems, from cloud platforms to smartphones and browsers executing untrusted third-party code. Preventing unauthorised information flow is a core duty of the operating system, however, present OSes are unable to prevent timing channels. We argue that OSes must provide time protection in addition to the established memory protection. We examine the requirements of time protection, present a design and its implementation in the seL4 microkernel, and evaluate its efficacy as well as performance overhead on Arm and x86 processors

    Research on Efficiency and Security for Emerging Distributed Applications

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    Distributed computing has never stopped its advancement since the early years of computer systems. In recent years, edge computing has emerged as an extension of cloud computing. The main idea of edge computing is to provide hardware resources in proximity to the end devices, thereby offering low network latency and high network bandwidth. However, as an emerging distributed computing paradigm, edge computing currently lacks effective system support. To this end, this dissertation studies the ways of building system support for edge computing. We first study how to support the existing, non-edge-computing applications in edge computing environments. This research leads to the design of a platform called SMOC that supports executing mobile applications on edge servers. We consider mobile applications in this project because there are a great number of mobile applications in the market and we believe that mobile-edge computing will become an important edge computing paradigm in the future. SMOC supports executing ARM-based mobile applications on x86 edge servers by establishing a running environment identical to that of the mobile device at the edge. It also exploits hardware virtualization on the mobile device to protect user input. Next, we investigate how to facilitate the development of edge applications with system support. This study leads to the design of an edge computing framework called EdgeEngine, which consists of a middleware running on top of the edge computing infrastructure and a powerful, concise programming interface. Developers can implement edge applications with minimal programming effort through the programming interface, and the middleware automatically fulfills the routine tasks, such as data dispatching, task scheduling, lock management, etc., in a highly efficient way. Finally, we envision that consensus will be an important building block for many edge applications, because we consider the consensus problem to be the most important fundamental problem in distributed computing while edge computing is an emerging distributed computing paradigm. Therefore, we investigate how to support the edge applications that rely on consensus, helping them achieve good performance. This study leads to the design of a novel, Paxos-based consensus protocol called Nomad, which rapidly orders the messages received by the edge. Nomad can quickly adapt to the workload changes across the edge computing system, and it incorporates a backend cloud to resolve the conflicts in a timely manner. By doing so, Nomad reduces the user-perceived latency as much as possible, outperforming the existing consensus protocols

    TSKY: a dependable middleware solution for data privacy using public storage clouds

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia InformáticaThis dissertation aims to take advantage of the virtues offered by data storage cloud based systems on the Internet, proposing a solution that avoids security issues by combining different providers’ solutions in a vision of a cloud-of-clouds storage and computing. The solution, TSKY System (or Trusted Sky), is implemented as a middleware system, featuring a set of components designed to establish and to enhance conditions for security, privacy, reliability and availability of data, with these conditions being secured and verifiable by the end-user, independently of each provider. These components, implement cryptographic tools, including threshold and homomorphic cryptographic schemes, combined with encryption, replication, and dynamic indexing mecha-nisms. The solution allows data management and distribution functions over data kept in different storage clouds, not necessarily trusted, improving and ensuring resilience and security guarantees against Byzantine faults and at-tacks. The generic approach of the TSKY system model and its implemented services are evaluated in the context of a Trusted Email Repository System (TSKY-TMS System). The TSKY-TMS system is a prototype that uses the base TSKY middleware services to store mailboxes and email Messages in a cloud-of-clouds

    SCFS: A Shared Cloud-backed File System

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    Despite of their rising popularity, current cloud storage services and cloud-backed storage systems still have some limitations related to reliability, durability assurances and inefficient file sharing. We present SCFS, a cloud-backed file system that addresses these issues and provides strong consistency and near-POSIX semantics on top of eventually-consistent cloud storage services. SCFS provides a pluggable backplane that allows it to work with various storage clouds or a cloud-of-clouds (for added dependability). It also exploits some design opportunities inherent in the current cloud services through a set of novel ideas for cloud-backed file systems: always write and avoid reading, modular coordination, private name spaces and consistency anchors.

    DR.SGX: Hardening SGX Enclaves against Cache Attacks with Data Location Randomization

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    Recent research has demonstrated that Intel's SGX is vulnerable to various software-based side-channel attacks. In particular, attacks that monitor CPU caches shared between the victim enclave and untrusted software enable accurate leakage of secret enclave data. Known defenses assume developer assistance, require hardware changes, impose high overhead, or prevent only some of the known attacks. In this paper we propose data location randomization as a novel defensive approach to address the threat of side-channel attacks. Our main goal is to break the link between the cache observations by the privileged adversary and the actual data accesses by the victim. We design and implement a compiler-based tool called DR.SGX that instruments enclave code such that data locations are permuted at the granularity of cache lines. We realize the permutation with the CPU's cryptographic hardware-acceleration units providing secure randomization. To prevent correlation of repeated memory accesses we continuously re-randomize all enclave data during execution. Our solution effectively protects many (but not all) enclaves from cache attacks and provides a complementary enclave hardening technique that is especially useful against unpredictable information leakage

    Systemunterstützung für moderne Speichertechnologien

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    Trust and scalability are the two significant factors which impede the dissemination of clouds. The possibility of privileged access to customer data by a cloud provider limits the usage of clouds for processing security-sensitive data. Low latency cloud services rely on in-memory computations, and thus, are limited by several characteristics of Dynamic RAM (DRAM) such as capacity, density, energy consumption, for example. Two technological areas address these factors. Mainstream server platforms, such as Intel Software Guard eXtensions (SGX) und AMD Secure Encrypted Virtualisation (SEV) offer extensions for trusted execution in untrusted environments. Various technologies of Non-Volatile RAM (NV-RAM) have better capacity and density compared to DRAM and thus can be considered as DRAM alternatives in the future. However, these technologies and extensions require new programming approaches and system support since they add features to the system architecture: new system components (Intel SGX) and data persistence (NV-RAM). This thesis is devoted to the programming and architectural aspects of persistent and trusted systems. For trusted systems, an in-depth analysis of new architectural extensions was performed. A novel framework named EActors and a database engine named STANlite were developed to effectively use the capabilities of trusted~execution. For persistent systems, an in-depth analysis of prospective memory technologies, their features and the possible impact on system architecture was performed. A new persistence model, called the hypervisor-based model of persistence, was developed and evaluated by the NV-Hypervisor. This offers transparent persistence for legacy and proprietary software, and supports virtualisation of persistent memory.Vertrauenswürdigkeit und Skalierbarkeit sind die beiden maßgeblichen Faktoren, die die Verbreitung von Clouds behindern. Die Möglichkeit privilegierter Zugriffe auf Kundendaten durch einen Cloudanbieter schränkt die Nutzung von Clouds bei der Verarbeitung von sicherheitskritischen und vertraulichen Informationen ein. Clouddienste mit niedriger Latenz erfordern die Durchführungen von Berechnungen im Hauptspeicher und sind daher an Charakteristika von Dynamic RAM (DRAM) wie Kapazität, Dichte, Energieverbrauch und andere Aspekte gebunden. Zwei technologische Bereiche befassen sich mit diesen Faktoren: Etablierte Server Plattformen wie Intel Software Guard eXtensions (SGX) und AMD Secure Encrypted Virtualisation (SEV) stellen Erweiterungen für vertrauenswürdige Ausführung in nicht vertrauenswürdigen Umgebungen bereit. Verschiedene Technologien von nicht flüchtigem Speicher bieten bessere Kapazität und Speicherdichte verglichen mit DRAM, und können daher in Zukunft als Alternative zu DRAM herangezogen werden. Jedoch benötigen diese Technologien und Erweiterungen neuartige Ansätze und Systemunterstützung bei der Programmierung, da diese der Systemarchitektur neue Funktionalität hinzufügen: Systemkomponenten (Intel SGX) und Persistenz (nicht-flüchtiger Speicher). Diese Dissertation widmet sich der Programmierung und den Architekturaspekten von persistenten und vertrauenswürdigen Systemen. Für vertrauenswürdige Systeme wurde eine detaillierte Analyse der neuen Architekturerweiterungen durchgeführt. Außerdem wurden das neuartige EActors Framework und die STANlite Datenbank entwickelt, um die neuen Möglichkeiten von vertrauenswürdiger Ausführung effektiv zu nutzen. Darüber hinaus wurde für persistente Systeme eine detaillierte Analyse zukünftiger Speichertechnologien, deren Merkmale und mögliche Auswirkungen auf die Systemarchitektur durchgeführt. Ferner wurde das neue Hypervisor-basierte Persistenzmodell entwickelt und mittels NV-Hypervisor ausgewertet, welches transparente Persistenz für alte und proprietäre Software, sowie Virtualisierung von persistentem Speicher ermöglicht