48 research outputs found

    Annual Report 1999 / Department for Computer Science

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    Selbstdarstellung des Instituts fĂŒr Informatik der BTU Cottbus und Berichte der LehrstĂŒhle fĂŒr das Jahr 1999.Presentation of the Department for Computer Science of the BTU Cottbus and reports of the chairs at the department for the year 1999

    Analyse en ligne (OLAP) de documents

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    ThÚse également disponible sur le site de l'Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse 3 : http://thesesups.ups-tlse.fr/160/Data warehouses and OLAP systems (On-Line Analytical Processing) provide methods and tools for enterprise information system data analysis. But only 20% of the data of a corporate information system may be processed with actual OLAP systems. The rest, namely 80%, i.e. documents, remains out of reach of OLAP systems due to the lack of adapted tools and processes. To solve this issue we propose a multidimensional conceptual model for representing analysis concepts. The model rests on a unique concept that models both analysis subjects as well as analysis axes. We define an aggregation function to aggregate textual data in order to obtain a summarised vision of the information extracted from documents. This function summarises a set of keywords into a smaller and more general set. We introduce a core of manipulation operators that allow the specification of analyses and their manipulation with the use of the concepts of the model. We associate a design process for the integration of data extracted from documents within an OLAP system that describes the phases for designing the conceptual schema, for analysing the document sources and for the loading process. In order to validate these propositions we have implemented a prototype.Les entrepÎts de données et les systÚmes d'analyse en ligne OLAP (On-Line Analytical Processing) fournissent des méthodes et des outils permettant l'analyse de données issues des systÚmes d'information des entreprises. Mais, seules 20% des données d'un systÚme d'information est constitué de données analysables par les systÚmes OLAP actuels. Les 80% restant, constitués de documents, restent hors de portée de ces systÚmes faute d'outils ou de méthodes adaptés. Pour répondre à cette problématique nous proposons un modÚle conceptuel multidimensionnel pour représenter les concepts d'analyse. Ce modÚle repose sur un unique concept, modélisant à la fois les sujets et les axes d'une analyse. Nous y associons une fonction pour agréger des données textuelles afin d'obtenir une vision synthétique des informations issues de documents. Cette fonction résume un ensemble de mots-clefs par un ensemble plus petit et plus général. Nous introduisons un noyau d'opérations élémentaires permettant la spécification d'analyses multidimensionnelles à partir des concepts du modÚle ainsi que leur manipulation pour affiner une analyse. Nous proposons également une démarche pour l'intégration des données issues de documents, qui décrit les phases pour concevoir le schéma conceptuel multidimensionnel, l'analyse des sources de données ainsi que le processus d'alimentation. Enfin, pour valider notre proposition, nous présentons un prototype

    Personnalisation d'analyses décisionnelles sur des données multidimensionnelles

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    This thesis investigates OLAP analysis personalization within multidimensional databases. OLAP analyse is modeled through a graph where nodes represent the analysis contexts and graph edges represent the user operations. The analysis context regroups the user query as well as result. It is well described by a specific tree structure that is independent on the visualization structures of data and query languages. We provided a model for user preferences on the multidimensional schema and values. Each preference is associated with a specific analysis context. Based on previous models, we proposed a generic framework that includes two personalization processes. First process, denoted query personalization, aims to enhancing user query with related preferences in order to produce a new one that generates a personalized result. Second personalization process is query recommendation that allows helping user throughout the OLAP data exploration phase. Our recommendation framework supports three recommendation scenarios, i.e., assisting user in query composition, suggesting the forthcoming query, and suggesting alternative queries. Recommendations are built progressively basing on user preferences. In order to implement our framework, we developed a prototype system that supports query personalization and query recommendation processes. We present experimental results showing the efficiency and the effectiveness of our approaches.Le travail prĂ©sentĂ© dans cette thĂšse aborde la problĂ©matique de la personnalisation des analyses OLAP au sein des bases de donnĂ©es multidimensionnelles. Une analyse OLAP est modĂ©lisĂ©e par un graphe dont les noeuds reprĂ©sentent les contextes d'analyse et les arcs traduisent les opĂ©rations de l'utilisateur. Le contexte d'analyse regroupe la requĂȘte et le rĂ©sultat. Il est dĂ©crit par un arbre spĂ©cifique qui est indĂ©pendant des structures de visualisation des donnĂ©es et des langages de requĂȘte. Par ailleurs, nous proposons un modĂšle de prĂ©fĂ©rences utilisateur exprimĂ©es sur le schĂ©ma multidimensionnel et sur les valeurs. Chaque prĂ©fĂ©rence est associĂ©e Ă  un contexte d'analyse particulier. En nous basant sur ces modĂšles, nous proposons un cadre gĂ©nĂ©rique comportant deux mĂ©canismes de personnalisation. Le premier mĂ©canisme est la personnalisation de requĂȘte. Il permet d'enrichir la requĂȘte utilisateur Ă  l'aide des prĂ©fĂ©rences correspondantes afin de gĂ©nĂ©rer un rĂ©sultat qui satisfait au mieux aux besoins de l'usager. Le deuxiĂšme mĂ©canisme de personnalisation est la recommandation de requĂȘtes qui permet d'assister l'utilisateur tout au long de son exploration des donnĂ©es OLAP. Trois scĂ©narios de recommandation sont dĂ©finis : l'assistance Ă  la formulation de requĂȘte, la proposition de la prochaine requĂȘte et la suggestion de requĂȘtes alternatives. Ces recommandations sont construites progressivement Ă  l'aide des prĂ©fĂ©rences de l'utilisateur. Afin valider nos diffĂ©rentes contributions, nous avons dĂ©veloppĂ© un prototype qui intĂšgre les mĂ©canismes de personnalisation et de recommandation de requĂȘte proposĂ©s. Nous prĂ©sentons les rĂ©sultats d'expĂ©rimentations montrant la performance et l'efficacitĂ© de nos approches. Mots-clĂ©s: OLAP, analyse dĂ©cisionnelle, personnalisation de requĂȘte, systĂšme de recommandation, prĂ©fĂ©rence utilisateur, contexte d'analyse, appariement d'arbres de contexte

    Veröffentlichungen und VortrĂ€ge 2003 der Mitgleider der FakultĂ€t fĂŒr Informatik

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    Modélisation des bases de données multidimensionnelles : analyse par fonctions d'agrégation multiples

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    Le résumé en français n'a pas été communiqué par l'auteur.Le résumé en anglais n'a pas été communiqué par l'auteur

    Label monitoring on document streams

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    Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. fĂŒr Informatik, Diss., 2012von RenĂ© Schul

    CRIS-IR 2006

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    The recognition of entities and their relationships in document collections is an important step towards the discovery of latent knowledge as well as to support knowledge management applications. The challenge lies on how to extract and correlate entities, aiming to answer key knowledge management questions, such as; who works with whom, on which projects, with which customers and on what research areas. The present work proposes a knowledge mining approach supported by information retrieval and text mining tasks in which its core is based on the correlation of textual elements through the LRD (Latent Relation Discovery) method. Our experiments show that LRD outperform better than other correlation methods. Also, we present an application in order to demonstrate the approach over knowledge management scenarios.Fundação para a CiĂȘncia e a Tecnologia (FCT) Denmark's Electronic Research Librar

    Influence of Psychological Distance on Process Modeling: A Gamification Approach

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    Nowadays, Business Process Management (BPM) has progressed significantly and established itself as an important management concept for enterprises. For creating efficient and effective business processes enterprises have given process models a high priority. A well-documented business process is intended not only to describe a procedure in detail, but serves as a foundation for further actions such as process automation, improving process performance, and the identification of potential consequences as well as the quickness to respond for changes. To this end, it is important to ensure that process models represent the corresponding real world business processes as accurately as possible. In turn, a not proper described business process may lead to ineffectiveness, costs, and even losses. Hence, a focus is set on the quality, granularity as well as structure of process models. By now, numerous guidelines exist for creating correct and sound process models in respect to their quality, granularity, and resulting structure. However, hardly research addresses cognitive aspects when creating process models. Thereby, cognitive aspects are of particular importance for creating and understanding process models. This thesis contributes insights from a controlled experiment investigating the influence of psychological distance on the process of process modeling. More precisely, the effects of social distance of a process designer to the modeled domain has on the creation of process models are evaluated. In this context, the recent and emerging trend of gamification is applied. Therefore, gamification in a 3D virtual world is used to enhance the effects of social distance and for a better reflection of a real world problem. The final results obtained from the experiment do not agree with the theory. In particular, significant differences between low and high social distance with respect to process model quality, granularity, and structure are observed but are contrary to the stated goal of the experiment. Hence, the findings underline the importance of understanding the effects of cognitive aspects on the process of process modeling. However, the results may provide valuable incitements for enterprises to compose adequate teams for creating or optimizing business process models