364 research outputs found

    Earth resources: A continuing bibliography with indexes (issue 61)

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    This bibliography lists 606 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system between January 1 and March 31, 1989. Emphasis is placed on the use of remote sensing and geophysical instrumentation in spacecraft and aircraft to survey and inventory natural resources and urban areas. Subject matter is grouped according to agriculture and forestry, environmental changes and cultural resources, geodesy and cartography, geology and mineral resources, oceanography and marine resources, hydrology and water management, data processing and distribution systems, and instrumentation and sensors, and economic analysis

    GNSS reflectometry for land remote sensing applications

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    Soil moisture and vegetation biomass are two essential parameters from a scienti c and economical point of view. On one hand, they are key for the understanding of the hydrological and carbon cycle. On the other hand, soil moisture is essential for agricultural applications and water management, and vegetation biomass is crucial for regional development programs. Several remote sensing techniques have been used to measure these two parameters. However, retrieving soil moisture and vegetation biomass with the required accuracy, and the appropriate spatial and temporal resolutions still remains a major challenge. The use of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) reflected signals as sources of opportunity for measuring soil moisture and vegetation biomass is assessed in this PhD Thesis. This technique, commonly known as GNSS-Reflectometry (GNSS-R), has gained increasing interest among the scienti c community during the last two decades due to its unique characteristics. Previous experimental works have already shown the capabilities of GNSS-R to sense small reflectivity changes on the surface. The use of the co- and cross-polarized reflected signals was also proposed to mitigate nuisance parameters, such as soil surface roughness, in the determination of soil moisture. However, experimental evidence of the suitability of that technique could not be demonstrated. This work analyses from a theoretical and an experimental point of view the capabilities of polarimetric observations of GNSS reflected signals for monitoring soil moisture and vegetation biomass. The Thesis is structured in four main parts. The fi rst part examines the fundamental aspects of the technique and provides a detailed review of the GNSS-R state of the art for soil moisture and vegetation monitoring. The second part deals with the scattering models from land surfaces. A comprehensive description of the formation of scattered signals from rough surfaces is provided. Simulations with current state of the art models for bare and vegetated soils were performed in order to analyze the scattering components of GNSS reflected signals. A simpli ed scattering model was also developed in order to relate in a straightforward way experimental measurements to soil bio-geophysical parameters. The third part reviews the experimental work performed within this research. The development of a GNSS-R instrument for land applications is described, together with the three experimental campaigns carried out in the frame of this PhD Thesis. The analysis of the GNSS-R and ground truth data is also discussed within this part. As predicted by models, it was observed that GNSS scattered signals from natural surfaces are a combination of a coherent and an incoherent scattering components. A data analysis technique was proposed to separate both scattering contributions. The use of polarimetric observations for the determination of soil moisture was demonstrated to be useful under most soil conditions. It was also observed that forests with high levels of biomass could be observed with GNSS reflected signals. The fourth and last part of the Thesis provides an analysis of the technology perspectives. A GNSS-R End-to-End simulator was used to determine the capabilities of the technique to observe di erent soil reflectivity conditions from a low Earth orbiting satellite. It was determined that high accuracy in the estimation of reflectivity could be achieved within reasonable on-ground resolution, as the coherent scattering component is expected to be the predominant one in a spaceborne scenario. The results obtained in this PhD Thesis show the promising potential of GNSS-R measurements for land remote sensing applications, which could represent an excellent complementary observation for a wide range of Earth Observation missions such as SMOS, SMAP, and the recently approved ESA Earth Explorer Mission Biomass.La humedad del suelo y la biomasa de la vegetaci on son dos parametros clave desde un punto de vista tanto cient co como econ omico. Por una parte son esenciales para el estudio del ciclo del agua y del carbono. Por otra parte, la humedad del suelo es esencial para la gesti on de las cosechas y los recursos h dricos, mientras que la biomasa es un par ametro fundamental para ciertos programas de desarrollo. Varias formas de teledetección se han utilizado para la observaci on remota de estos par ametros, sin embargo, su monitorizaci on con la precisi on y resoluci on necesarias es todav a un importante reto tecnol ogico. Esta Tesis evalua la capacidad de medir humedad del suelo y biomasa de la vegetaci on con señales de Sistemas Satelitales de Posicionamiento Global (GNSS, en sus siglas en ingl es) reflejadas sobre la Tierra. La t ecnica se conoce como Reflectometr í a GNSS (GNSS-R), la cual ha ganado un creciente inter es dentro de la comunidad científ ca durante las dos ultimas d ecadas. Experimentos previos a este trabajo ya demostraron la capacidad de observar cambios en la reflectividad del terreno con GNSS-R. El uso de la componente copolar y contrapolar de la señal reflejada fue propuesto para independizar la medida de humedad del suelo de otros par ametros como la rugosidad del terreno. Sin embargo, no se pudo demostrar una evidencia experimental de la viabilidad de la t ecnica. En este trabajo se analiza desde un punto de vista te orico y experimental el uso de la informaci on polarim etrica de la señales GNSS reflejadas sobre el suelo para la determinaci on de humedad y biomasa de la vegetaci on. La Tesis se estructura en cuatro partes principales. En la primera parte se eval uan los aspectos fundamentales de la t ecnica y se da una revisi on detallada del estado del arte para la observaci on de humedad y vegetaci on. En la segunda parte se discuten los modelos de dispersi on electromagn etica sobre el suelo. Simulaciones con estos modelos fueron realizadas para analizar las componentes coherente e incoherente de la dispersi on de la señal reflejada sobre distintos tipos de terreno. Durante este trabajo se desarroll o un modelo de reflexi on simpli cado para poder relacionar de forma directa las observaciones con los par ametros geof sicos del suelo. La tercera parte describe las campañas experimentales realizadas durante este trabajo y discute el an alisis y la comparaci on de los datos GNSS-R con las mediciones in-situ. Como se predice por los modelos, se comprob o experimentalmente que la señal reflejada est a formada por una componente coherente y otra incoherente. Una t ecnica de an alisis de datos se propuso para la separacióon de estas dos contribuciones. Con los datos de las campañas experimentales se demonstr o el bene cio del uso de la informaci on polarim etrica en las señales GNSS reflejadas para la medici on de humedad del suelo, para la mayor a de las condiciones de rugosidad observadas. Tambi en se demostr o la capacidad de este tipo de observaciones para medir zonas boscosas densamente pobladas. La cuarta parte de la tesis analiza la capacidad de la t ecnica para observar cambios en la reflectividad del suelo desde un sat elite en orbita baja. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la reflectividad del terreno podr a medirse con gran precisi on ya que la componente coherente del scattering ser a la predominante en ese tipo de escenarios. En este trabajo de doctorado se muestran la potencialidades de la t ecnica GNSS-R para observar remotamente par ametros del suelo tan importantes como la humedad del suelo y la biomasa de la vegetaci on. Este tipo de medidas pueden complementar un amplio rango de misiones de observaci on de la Tierra como SMOS, SMAP, y Biomass, esta ultima recientemente aprobada para la siguiente misi on Earth Explorer de la ESA

    Applications of ground-based radar to mine slope monitoring

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    "Slope failure accidents were responsible for about 12% of U.S. surface mine fatalities from 1995 to 2003. Small surface movements on a mine highwall may be precursors of failure that, if detected, could provide sufficient warning to enable workers and machinery to be withdrawn to safety. Radar interferometry offers the necessary precision to detect these movements. Radar has some advantages over other methods in its ability to cover large surface areas for true two-dimensional monitoring day and night under almost any weather condition. Radar's active transmit/receive mode of operation provides for more direct sampling than passive optical methods that depend on solar illumination. Improvements in microprocessor speeds and capacities have led to the development of a number of small, portable, ground-based systems. Such systems are now being deployed at several locations around the world. As part of an ongoing study of monitoring technologies, researchers from NIOSH and Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, cooperated to assess the feasibility of using interferometric radar to monitor mine slope stability. Field tests of a device incorporating prototype equipment were successful in that small, centimeter-scale displacements on rock slopes were detected." - p. NIOSHTIC-

    Earth resources: A continuing bibliography with indexes (issue 52)

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    This bibliography lists 454 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system between October 1 and December 31, 1986. Emphasis is placed on the use of remote sensing and geophysical instrumentation in spacecraft and aircraft to survey and inventory natural resources and urban areas. Subject matter is grouped according to agriculture and forestry, environmental changes and cultural resources, geodesy and cartography, geology and mineral resources, hydrology and water management, data processing and distribution systems, instrumentation and sensors, and economic analysis

    Comparing synthetic aperture radar and LiDAR for above-ground biomass estimation in Glen Affric, Scotland

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    Quantifying above-ground biomass (AGB) and carbon sequestration has been a significant focus of attention within the UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol for improvement of national carbon accounting systems (IPCC, 2007; UNFCCC, 2011). A multitude of research has been carried out in relatively flat and homogeneous forests (Ranson & Sun, 1994; Beaudoin et al.,1994; Kurvonen et al., 1999; Austin et al., 2003; Dimitris et al., 2005), yet forests in the highlands, which generally form heterogeneous forest cover and sparse woodlands with mountainous terrain have been largely neglected in AGB studies (Cloude et al., 2001; 2008; Lumsdon et al., 2005; 2008; Erxue et al., 2009, Tan et al., 2010; 2011a; 2011b; 2011c; 2011d). Since mountain forests constitute approximately 28% of the total global forest area (Price and Butt, 2000), a better understanding of the slope effects is of primary importance in AGB estimation. The main objective of this research is to estimate AGB in the aforementioned forest in Glen Affric, Scotland using both SAR and LiDAR data. Two types of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data were used in this research: TerraSAR-X, operating at X-band and ALOS PALSAR, operating at L-band, both are fully polarimetric. The former data was acquired on 13 April 2010 and of the latter, two scenes were acquired on 17 April 2007 and 08 June 2009. Airborne LiDAR data were acquired on 09 June 2007. Two field measurement campaigns were carried out, one of which was done from winter 2006 to spring 2007 where physical parameters of trees in 170 circular plots were measured by the Forestry Commission team. Another intensive fieldwork was organised by myself with the help of my fellow colleagues and it comprised of tree measurement in two transects of 200m x 50m at a relatively flat and dense plantation forest and 400m x 50m at hilly and sparse semi-natural forest. AGB is estimated for both the transects to investigate the effectiveness of the proposed method at plot-level. This thesis evaluates the capability of polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar data for AGB estimation by investigating the relationship between the SAR backscattering coefficient and AGB and also the relationship between the decomposed scattering mechanisms and AGB. Due to the terrain and heterogeneous nature of the forests, the result from the backscatter-AGB analysis show that these forests present a challenge for simple AGB estimation. As an alternative, polarimetric techniques were applied to the problem by decomposing the backscattering information into scattering mechanisms based on the approach by Yamaguchi (2005; 2006), which are then regressed to the field measured AGB. Of the two data sets, ALOS PALSAR demonstrates a better estimation capacity for AGB estimation than TerraSAR-X. The AGB estimated results from SAR data are compared with AGB derived from LiDAR data. Since tree height is often correlated with AGB (Onge et al., 2008; Gang et al., 2010), the effectiveness of the tree height retrieval from LiDAR is evaluated as an indicator of AGB. Tree delineation was performed before AGB of individual trees were calculated allometrically. Results were validated by comparison to the fieldwork data. The amount of overestimation varies across the different canopy conditions. These results give some indication of when to use LiDAR or SAR to retrieve forest AGB. LiDAR is able to estimate AGB with good accuracy and the R2 value obtained is 0.97 with RMSE of 14.81 ton/ha. The R2 and RMSE obtained for TerraSAR-X are 0.41 and 28.5 ton/ha, respectively while for ALOS PALSAR data are 0.70 and 23.6 ton/ha, respectively. While airborne LiDAR data with very accurate height measurement and consequent three-dimensional (3D) stand profiles which allows investigation into the relationship between height, number density and AGB, it's limited to small coverage area, or large areas but at large cost. ALOS PALSAR, on the other hand, can cover big coverage area but it provide a lower resolution, hence, lower estimation accuracy

    Utilising airborne scanning laser (LiDAR) to improve the assessment of Australian native forest structure

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    Enhanced understanding of forest stocks and dynamics can be gained through improved forest measurement, which is required to assist with sustainable forest management decisions, meet Australian and international reporting needs, and improve research efforts to better respond to a changing climate. Integrated sampling schemes that utilise a multi-scale approach, with a range of data sourced from both field and remote sensing, have been identified as a way to generate the required forest information. Given the multi-scale approach proposed by these schemes, it is important to understand how scale potentially affects the interpretation and reporting of forest from a range of data. ¶ To provide improved forest assessment at a range of scales, this research has developed a strategy for facilitating tree and stand level retrieval of structural attributes within an integrated multi-scale analysis framework. ..

    SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar). Earth observing system. Volume 2F: Instrument panel report

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    The scientific and engineering requirements for the Earth Observing System (EOS) imaging radar are provided. The radar is based on Shuttle Imaging Radar-C (SIR-C), and would include three frequencies: 1.25 GHz, 5.3 GHz, and 9.6 GHz; selectable polarizations for both transmit and receive channels; and selectable incidence angles from 15 to 55 deg. There would be three main viewing modes: a local high-resolution mode with typically 25 m resolution and 50 km swath width; a regional mapping mode with 100 m resolution and up to 200 km swath width; and a global mapping mode with typically 500 m resolution and up to 700 km swath width. The last mode allows global coverage in three days. The EOS SAR will be the first orbital imaging radar to provide multifrequency, multipolarization, multiple incidence angle observations of the entire Earth. Combined with Canadian and Japanese satellites, continuous radar observation capability will be possible. Major applications in the areas of glaciology, hydrology, vegetation science, oceanography, geology, and data and information systems are described