21 research outputs found

    Modeling the kinematics and Dynamics of Compliant Contact

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    In this paper, we discuss the modeling of the kinematics and dynamics of compliant contact between bodies moving in Euclidean space. First, we derive the kinematic equations describing the motion of the contact point when two rigid bodies are rolling on each other. Secondly, we extend these results to describe the motion of the closest points between two rigid bodies moving freely in space. Then, we use these results to model compliant contact between bodies, using a spatial spring and a damper to model energy stored and dissipated during contact

    Design and Test of an Automotive Clutch Actuation

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    This thesis builds on the analysis of a automatic system for automotive automatic clutches. In this field of study there are some constraint to take into account and through them it is possible to find the best technological solution. The system under consideration is characterized as electromechanical, with an electric motor brush DC and reduction system very complex. The system was modeled using the Bond-Graph technique which allowed the drafting of the dynamical system equations, in state space form. In fact the system itself is quite complex due to the fact that multiple dynamic domains were taken into account. The result is a unique model where all the dynamics are represented, with constitutive equations. Three alternative solutions have been proposed to improve performance and reduce power consumption and system complexity. The prototypes were built and tested. The evaluation of the results were followed by a model parameter identificatio

    Evaluation of bond graph based object oriented approach to determination of natural frequencies of packaging system elements

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    Packaged items passing through distribution system encounter vibrations. It needs to be examined what happens to an object, packaged or unpackaged, in the distribution environment when it is subject to outside vibrations, so that we may predict its behavior resulting from distribution vibrations. To prevent product loss from both static and dynamic forces encountered in distribution, corporations are turning in increasing numbers to services of package engineering. This work evaluates the application of Bond Graphs Based Object-Oriented Approach to Determination of Natural Frequencies of Packaging System Elements. Using the Bond Graph, a model of the Package-product system under testing was developed to closely simulate the real testing model and conditions. The testing model equipment and packaging system were developed using the Bond Graph computer assisted modeling approach. Using simulation, vibrations characteristics of the packaging model were obtained, i.e., natural frequencies and other relevant properties of the system (model). An analysis of the frequency characteristics was conducted by application of physical modeling using a suitable visual computer development platform. The results obtained by simulation, and those obtained on the vibration table (32,9 Hz vs. 26,777 Hz) are close to each other, they are very encouraging, and they open further possibilities. This work has proved that the Bond Graphs based approach has its place in a computer aided total Packaging Distribution Design process. It should also enable one to shorten the entire design/testing process, to insure that those expensive parts (products) are not destroyed during the testing process, and that the finished package design meets the design objectives. This work has proved that satisfactory results could be obtained by computer simulation employing the Bond Graph methodology

    Simulation der Rotordynamik gehäuseloser Strömungsmaschinensysteme mit flexiblen Rotorblättern im Zeitbereich: Entwicklung eines Modellierungsansatzes und experimentelle Validierung anhand eines Tauchmotorrührwerkes

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    Die Arbeit präsentiert eine numerische Methode, welche die domänenübergreifende Simulation der Rotordynamik von elektrisch angetriebenen, gehäuselosen Strömungsmaschinen mit flexiblen, räumlich gekrümmten Rotorblättern in Fluiden ermöglicht. Elektromechanische und strukturdynamische Prozesse werden mit Bondgraphen modelliert. Die Strukturdynamik entspricht dabei einer elastischen Mehrkörpersimulation (MBS). Die Fluiddynamik wird durch ein instationäres Wirbelgitterverfahren (UVLM) modelliert. Fluid- und Strukturdomäne sind über einen bidirektionalen FSI-Ansatz (MBS/UVLM) gekoppelt

    Metode Simulasi Komputer Untuk Tinjauan Dynamics Behaviour Dari Sistem Hydraulic Bow Thruster

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    Baling-baling sebagai penggerak kapal (screw propelled ship) mulai dipergunak.an saat dilakukan uji manuver pertama kali sekitar tahun 1844 di Stockton Collier1 • Pada saat itu dipergunakan baling-baling sebagai penghasil daya dorong (thrust) yang ditempatkan dengan arah melintang kapal seperti tampak pada Gam.bar 1-1. Pemasangan dilakukan pada kapal St. Lawrence ( dipersenjatai dengan 46 pucuk meriam) dengan tenaga penggerak baling-baling di1akukan oleh sepuluh orang ABK, setara dengan 1,5 HP mampu melakukan manuver sebesar 32 derajat dari kedudukan awalnya dalam. waktu 25 menit melawan hambatan ombak sebesar 3 mil/jam. Aplikasi modem pertama dari screw propeller untuk manuver kapal yang ditempetkan pada bagian baluan kapal, dapat menghasilkan kemampuan manuver yang baik walaupun saat kecepatan kapal rendah atau mendekati nol (tidak bergerak) dimana ~ peran kemudi tidak lagi dapat berpengaruh dalam. kemampuan manuver. Propeller untuk kemampuan manuver tersebut kemudian dikenal dengan sebutan bow tii1'11Ster. Dalam. beberapa dekade terakhir, seiring dengan meningkatnya kebutuhan melakukan manuver pada kapal, dicoba melakukan pemswmgan thruster untuk manuver dibagian buritan ~ dikenal dengan nama stem th1'11Ster. Tabel 1-1 menunjukkan latar belakang pendukung teljadinya perkembangan thruster dan Tabel 1-2 menunjukkan beberapa variasi dari basil perkembangan desain thruster.

    Passive based control on a kuka arm

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    L'interazione in maniera sicura e compliante è una caratteristica sempre più richiesta per i sistemi robotici. La modellazione di sistemi eseguita tramite l'uso di sistemi port-Hamiltoninani permette di comprendere cosa avviene a livello energetico durante l'interazione e aiuta nella progettazinoe di un controllore tale che il comportamento del sistema controllato sia passivo e sicuro durante essa. Ciò sfocia nel cosiddetto Controllore Intrinsicamente Passivo (IPC). Dal momento che questo un controllo impone la rigidezza desiderata al sistema controllato, è possibile, tra le altre cose, replicare il comportamento del dispositivo RCC (Centro Remoto di Complianza) e di migliorarlo in modo tale che durante l'azione di peg-in-hole il buco sia meno sollecitato dal robot