870 research outputs found

    The B-G News November 10, 1959

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    The BGSU campus student newspaper November 10, 1959. Volume 44 - Issue 15https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/2504/thumbnail.jp

    An emotion-based model of criminal investigators' competences in Polícia de Segurança Pública

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    Competence is a core concept in HRM as it offers the possibility of being the strategic reference around which all HR practices are articulated. Competence models and profiling have been developing by integrating extant literature but are yet to fully grasp the role emotions play in daily organizational life. The present research is set to explore emotion-based competence modelling by focusing on an emotional demanding profession: that of criminal investigator, linking with recruitment and selection as well as initial training. After reviewing the institutional context in which criminal investigators work (PSP), the study starts by exploring police recruitment and selection, and initial training practices in European police forces, focusing both on officials and officers. Findings showed divergences both between police forces and careers thus showing no emergent pattern on these issues. More importantly, no emotion-driven practices was reported. The research evolved to explore how emotions could be mapped under the performance agenda conditioning the entire building of competence model as proposed by Bartram and Roe (2005). With a sample of 703 questionnaires filled in by criminal investigators we collected data on emotional commands, personality, abilities, knowledge, skills, attitudes and values to test a sequential set of relations between these constructs. Findings from SEM analysis show streams of associations linking emotional commands up to specific competences, moderated at certain level by values. The resulting syncretic model addressed both competences and emotions (at the lowest layer), following a modelling methodology in sequenced layers (interfaces) which rendered it a different composition and relation between layers. Findings suggest that it is possible to structure a competence model for criminal investigators with emotions considered at the ground layer as the emotional foundations of human personality (Davis & Panksepp, 2011) expressed as the Emotion Command Systems.A competência é um conceito central na GRH, pois oferece a possibilidade de ser a referência estratégica em torno da qual todas as práticas de RH podem ser articuladas. Os modelos e perfis de competência existentes têm sido desenvolvidos através da integração da literatura, mas ainda não integram bem o papel que as emoções desempenham nas organizações. A presente investigação pretende explorar os modelos de competências com base em emoções, concentrando-se numa profissão emocionalmente exigente: a do investigador criminal, articulando com o recrutamento e seleção, bem como com a formação inicial. Depois de caracterizar o contexto institucional em que trabalham os investigadores criminais da PSP, o estudo começa por explorar o recrutamento e seleção de polícias bem como as práticas de formação inicial nas forças de segurança europeias, focando quer oficiais quer agentes. Os resultados mostraram divergências entre forças de segurança e entre as duas carreiras, não tendo sido possível identificar qualquer padrão emergente. Adicionalmente, não foram identificadas práticas de base emocional. A investigação evoluiu para explorar como mapear as emoções numa perspectiva do desempenho, condicionando todo o modelo de construção de competências proposto por Bartram e Roe (2005). Com uma amostra de 703 questionários preenchidos por investigadores criminais, recolhemos dados sobre comandos emocionais, personalidade, aptidões, conhecimentos, habilidades, atitudes e valores para testar um conjunto sequencial de relações entre estes construtos. Os resultados de análises de equações estruturais mostram fluxos de associações que ligam os sistemas de comando emocional a competências específicas, moderados num determinado interface pelos valores. O modelo sincrético resultante incorporou quer competências quer emoções (na camada basilar), seguindo uma metodologia de modelação em interfaces, o que lhe conferiu uma composição e relação diferentes entre os interfaces. Os resultados sugerem a possibilidade de estruturar um modelo de competências para investigadores criminais assente em emoções, expressas como os fundamentos emocionais da personalidade humana (Davis & Panksepp, 2011) designados por sistemas de comando emocional

    Legal Knowledge and Information Systems - JURIX 2017: The Thirtieth Annual Conference

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    The proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems – JURIX 2017. For three decades, the JURIX conferences have been held under the auspices of the Dutch Foundation for Legal Knowledge Based Systems (www.jurix.nl). In the time, it has become a European conference in terms of the diverse venues throughout Europe and the nationalities of participants

    College Senate Minutes April 23, 2015

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    Minutes for the meeting of the College Senate on April 23, 2015

    Transgressing boundaries? Jesuits, astrology and culture in Portugal (1590-1759)

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    Esta tese estuda a pratica e o ensino da astrologia pela Companhia de Jesus nos seculos XVI, XVII e principio do XVIII. Numa primeira analise esta ligação parece inesperada pois a astrologia não era vista favoravelmente pela Igreja e os Jesuítas, uma das ordens mais poderosas da contrarreforma, e firmes defensores da ortodoxia. Com base nesta premissa, muitos historiadores assumiram que o fervor religioso dos jesuítas seria acompanhado por uma igualmente intensa rejeição da astrologia. Esta noção era aparentemente consolidada por publicações anti-astrológicas de autores da Companhia. No entanto, um estudo detalhado de textos e ensinamentos jesuítas sobre a astrologia revelam uma atitude de maior aceitação deste assunto. Este estudo mostra que embora alguns membros da Companhia tivessem uma postura anti-astrológica de base religiosa, outros aceitavam-na como um conhecimento valido, compatível com os limites estabelecidos pela teologia tomista e pelas regras do Índex e das bulas papais (1586 e 1631). Esta aceitação da astrologia e mais evidente entre os astrónomos jesuítas, que a consideravam parte do corpus cientifico pré-moderno, no contexto das ciências matemáticas. Embora presente de forma mais discreta nos textos impressos, e no corpus de manuscritos científicos jesuítas que esta postura se torna plenamente evidente. No centro do presente estudo estão as sebentas de astrologia lecionadas na Aula da Esfera do Colégio de Santo Antão, uma das principais instituições Jesuítas de ensino em Portugal. Aqui a astrologia foi ensinada em conjunto com outras ciências matemáticas, como a astronomia e a navegação. Paralelamente a estas lições foram também analisados outros documentos astrológicos jesuítas originários da Europa, do Extremo Oriente e do Novo Mundo. Este grupo documental permitiu uma visão detalhada das relações dos jesuítas com a astrologia, incluindo textos defendendo a sua pratica, um currículo jesuíta de astrologia ajustado a pratica religiosa, e vários exemplos de julgamentos astrológicos feitos por membros da Companhia. A primeira parte da tese oferece uma visão da astrologia neste período: a sua pratica, as mudanças e divulgação impulsionadas pelo advento da imprensa, os grandes debates antiastrológicos, e a crescente marginalização no final do seculo XVII. Na segunda parte são abordadas as opiniões dos Jesuítas em relação ao tema: os textos anti-astrológicos, os argumentos teológicos e o seu posicionamento no discurso cientifico pela voz dos matemáticos e astrónomos da Ordem. A terceira parte aborda as lições de astrologia da Aula da Esfera do Colégio de Santo Antão, demonstrando que estas faziam claramente parte do currículo publico do colégio. Em seguida e apresentado um estudo detalhado do programa das aulas de astrologia, revelando as suas especificidades cientificas e adequação religiosa. A quarta e ultima parte apresenta alguns exemplos de juízos astrológicos por autores jesuítas demonstrando que o seu uso da astrologia não se restringia a reflexão teórica e ao ensino, estendendo-se também a prática. Desta analise resulta uma nova visão da relação dos jesuítas com a astrologia, colocando esta pratica como parte integrante do corpus de conhecimentos estudados pela ciência jesuíta.This thesis addresses the use of astrology by the Society of Jesus in the early modern period; an almost unexplored topic in both the history of astrology and Jesuit historiography. At first, this connection is unexpected since astrology was not viewed favourably by the Church, and the Jesuits, one of the most powerful orders of this period, were strong defenders of the Catholic faith and orthodoxy. From this premise, many historians assumed that their religious fervor was matched by an equally strong rejection of astrology. This was apparently confirmed by some well-known anti-astrology publications authored by Jesuits. However, a detailed study of what Jesuits wrote and taught in the field of astrology reveals a much more positive, practical, and nuanced attitude towards the subject. This study shows that, while some members of the Society actively opposed astrology based on religious grounds, others accepted it, albeit under the strictures established by Thomistic theology and the rules of the Index and the papal bulls. This acceptance was more evident among Jesuit scholars who debated astrology as a part of the established corpus of premodern scientific knowledge, placed within the fields of mathematics and astronomy. Although this attitude towards astrology is already incipient in Jesuit printed works, it is in their corpus of scientific manuscripts that these views come into full expression. At the core of this study are several manuscripts containing lessons on astrology taught in one of the main Jesuit educational institutions in Portugal, the ‘class on the sphere’ of the college of Santo Antao. To these were added other testimonies of Jesuit authorship from Europe, the Far East, and the New World. This corpus of documents has allowed an in-depth study of their writings defending astrology, their religious and scientifically tailored astrological curricula, and the existing testimonies of Jesuit astrological practice. The result is a novel view on the relationship of Jesuits with astrology, revealing them as competent teachers and prudent practitioners

    Improving learning outcomes within a developing maritime nation lacking practical resources through the introduction of classroom technology : a case study at a South African University of Technology

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    This study primarily explores whether or not the use of emerging technologies can be used to counter a lack of available resources in developing countries. The research takes the form of a case study conducted over three successive semesters at a South African University of Technology maritime campus, with the subjects being the Marine Engineering students at a senior level. The study makes extensive use of concept mapping to introduce digital syllabi according to scaffold learning principles, and thereafter to implement a range of selected learning methods based on prominent learning theories to address the needs of the students, as identified by the surveyed data received. Throughout the eighteen-month classroom case study, an action research method was employed to sequentially evaluate the outcomes at each phase, and amend the devised CBT program in line with addressing the research question posed. It was the intention to ascertain if any noticeable changes were evident with regards to the development of critical thinking skills on the part of the students, which would indicate a higher level of learning. The development of critical thinking skills is in line with the desire of the South African government to develop of a skills-based economy for the country, away from an historical past whereby the following of a system was often viewed above the need for critical thinking

    Maine Campus January 26 2012

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    Linking a Business Capstone Course to Employer Needs in Central Florida

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    Capstone courses are well embedded into the curriculum of undergraduate programs in Colleges of Business and are often used to assess program outcomes and curricular goals. Assessment of best practices of Capstone programs and skills within Capstone courses are examined as assurance of learning requirements under AACSB mandates. The conceptual framework of problem-based learning serves as the foundation for national Capstone course models with student-centered pedagogies that enhance learning about a subject through the experience of problem solving by using thinking strategies and domain knowledge. Rubrics assess student mastery of content, professionalism, organization, language structure and presentation skills. The main purpose of this study was to determine to what extent students provided evidence of skills and competencies, as demonstrated through Capstone projects and presentations at a large metropolitan university in Central Florida, which were required to meet the needs of potential employers. Using focus group research, this study examined and interpreted Capstone student papers and presentations to determine to what extent the skill sets evidenced were sufficient for hiring entry-level positions in community business partners\u27 respective organizations. This study served to contribute to an understanding of the factors that should be embedded in course design, linking assignments to course objectives, and overall curricular goals in order to fulfill assurance of learning requirements as established by AACSB mandates

    Discord and Direction: The Postmodern Writing Program Administrator

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    Postmodernism\u27s central moves include questioning hierarchy, valuing paratactic associations, and rejecting grand narratives, and the work of a Writing Program Administrator, most days, includes those moves as well. The argument of this collection is that the cultural and intellectual legacies of postmodernism impinge, significantly and daily, on the practice of the Writing Program Administrator. WPAs work in spaces where they must assume responsibility for a multifaceted program, a diverse curriculum, instructors with varying pedagogies and technological expertise—and where they must position their program in relation to a university with its own conflicted mission, and a state with its unpredictable views of accountability and assessment. The collection further argues that postmodernism offers a useful lens through which to understand the work of WPAs and to examine the discordant cultural and institutional issues that shape their work. Each chapter tackles a problem local to its author\u27s writing program or experience as a WPA, and each responds to existing discord in creative ways that move toward rebuilding and redirection. It is a given that accepting the role of WPA will land you squarely in the bind between modernism and postmodernism: while composition studies as a field arguably still reflects a modernist ethos, the WPA must grapple daily with postmodern habits of thought and ways of being. The effort to live in this role may or may not mean that a WPA will adopt a postmodern stance; it does mean, however, that being a WPA requires dealing with the postmodern.https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/1154/thumbnail.jp