71 research outputs found

    Handling High-Level Model Changes Using Search Based Software Engineering

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    Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) considers models as first-class artifacts during the software lifecycle. The number of available tools, techniques, and approaches for MDE is increasing as its use gains traction in driving quality, and controlling cost in evolution of large software systems. Software models, defined as code abstractions, are iteratively refined, restructured, and evolved. This is due to many reasons such as fixing defects in design, reflecting changes in requirements, and modifying a design to enhance existing features. In this work, we focus on four main problems related to the evolution of software models: 1) the detection of applied model changes, 2) merging parallel evolved models, 3) detection of design defects in merged model, and 4) the recommendation of new changes to fix defects in software models. Regarding the first contribution, a-posteriori multi-objective change detection approach has been proposed for evolved models. The changes are expressed in terms of atomic and composite refactoring operations. The majority of existing approaches detects atomic changes but do not adequately address composite changes which mask atomic operations in intermediate models. For the second contribution, several approaches exist to construct a merged model by incorporating all non-conflicting operations of evolved models. Conflicts arise when the application of one operation disables the applicability of another one. The essence of the problem is to identify and prioritize conflicting operations based on importance and context – a gap in existing approaches. This work proposes a multi-objective formulation of model merging that aims to maximize the number of successfully applied merged operations. For the third and fourth contributions, the majority of existing works focuses on refactoring at source code level, and does not exploit the benefits of software design optimization at model level. However, refactoring at model level is inherently more challenging due to difficulty in assessing the potential impact on structural and behavioral features of the software system. This requires analysis of class and activity diagrams to appraise the overall system quality, feasibility, and inter-diagram consistency. This work focuses on designing, implementing, and evaluating a multi-objective refactoring framework for detection and fixing of design defects in software models.Ph.D.Information Systems Engineering, College of Engineering and Computer ScienceUniversity of Michigan-Dearbornhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/136077/1/Usman Mansoor Final.pdfDescription of Usman Mansoor Final.pdf : Dissertatio

    Análisis de dependencias entre refactorings para solucionar code smells

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    Los code smells son síntomas en el código fuente que pueden revelar problemas de diseño. Para poder solucionar un smell deben aplicarse un conjunto de refactorings que permitan restructurar el sistema. Sin embargo, al aplicar un conjunto de refactorings en un orden determinado, pueden surgir problemas que impiden que éstos se apliquen. Por ejemplo, porque un refactoring que depende de una reestructuración realizada por otro refactoring que aún no fue aplicado, o porque un refactoring referencia un artefacto del sistema que fue modificado por un refactoring aplicado anteriormente. Por estos motivos, para aplicar un conjunto de refactorings, se deben analizar las dependencias que existen entre estos para poder establecer el orden de aplicación. En esta línea, este trabajo presenta una herramienta que identifica y soluciona los conflictos originados por dependencias entre refactorings para luego aplicar automáticamente los mismos. Los resultados, si bien son preliminares, indican que este enfoque permite identificar y solucionar un alto porcentaje de conflictos

    Análisis de dependencias entre refactorings para solucionar code smells

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    Los code smells son síntomas en el código fuente que pueden revelar problemas de diseño. Para poder solucionar un smell deben aplicarse un conjunto de refactorings que permitan restructurar el sistema. Sin embargo, al aplicar un conjunto de refactorings en un orden determinado, pueden surgir problemas que impiden que éstos se apliquen. Por ejemplo, porque un refactoring que depende de una reestructuración realizada por otro refactoring que aún no fue aplicado, o porque un refactoring referencia un artefacto del sistema que fue modificado por un refactoring aplicado anteriormente. Por estos motivos, para aplicar un conjunto de refactorings, se deben analizar las dependencias que existen entre estos para poder establecer el orden de aplicación. En esta línea, este trabajo presenta una herramienta que identifica y soluciona los conflictos originados por dependencias entre refactorings para luego aplicar automáticamente los mismos. Los resultados, si bien son preliminares, indican que este enfoque permite identificar y solucionar un alto porcentaje de conflictos.Code smells are symptoms in the source code that can reveal design problems. To fix a smell, a set of refactorings must be applied that allow the restructure of the system. However, by applying a set of refactorings in a given order, problems can arise that prevent them from being applied. For example, a refactoring could depend on a restructuring made by another refactoring that was not yet applied, or a refactoring could reference a system artifact that was modified by a previously applied refactoring. For these reasons, to apply a set of refactorings, the developer must analyze the dependencies that exist between them to be able to establish the order of application. In this line, this work presents a tool that identifies and solves the conflicts originated by dependencies between refactorings and then automatically apply them. The results, although preliminary, indicate that this approach allows identifying and solving a high percentage of conflicts.Fil: Marcos, Claudia Andrea. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tandil. Instituto Superior de Ingeniería del Software. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Instituto Superior de Ingeniería del Software; ArgentinaFil: Vidal, Santiago Agustín. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tandil. Instituto Superior de Ingeniería del Software. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Instituto Superior de Ingeniería del Software; ArgentinaFil: Diaz Pace, Jorge Andres. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tandil. Instituto Superior de Ingeniería del Software. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Instituto Superior de Ingeniería del Software; Argentin

    A Mono- and Multi-objective Approach for Recommending Software Refactoring

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    Les systèmes logiciels sont devenus de plus en plus répondus et importants dans notre société. Ainsi, il y a un besoin constant de logiciels de haute qualité. Pour améliorer la qualité de logiciels, l’une des techniques les plus utilisées est le refactoring qui sert à améliorer la structure d'un programme tout en préservant son comportement externe. Le refactoring promet, s'il est appliqué convenablement, à améliorer la compréhensibilité, la maintenabilité et l'extensibilité du logiciel tout en améliorant la productivité des programmeurs. En général, le refactoring pourra s’appliquer au niveau de spécification, conception ou code. Cette thèse porte sur l'automatisation de processus de recommandation de refactoring, au niveau code, s’appliquant en deux étapes principales: 1) la détection des fragments de code qui devraient être améliorés (e.g., les défauts de conception), et 2) l'identification des solutions de refactoring à appliquer. Pour la première étape, nous traduisons des régularités qui peuvent être trouvés dans des exemples de défauts de conception. Nous utilisons un algorithme génétique pour générer automatiquement des règles de détection à partir des exemples de défauts. Pour la deuxième étape, nous introduisons une approche se basant sur une recherche heuristique. Le processus consiste à trouver la séquence optimale d'opérations de refactoring permettant d'améliorer la qualité du logiciel en minimisant le nombre de défauts tout en priorisant les instances les plus critiques. De plus, nous explorons d'autres objectifs à optimiser: le nombre de changements requis pour appliquer la solution de refactoring, la préservation de la sémantique, et la consistance avec l’historique de changements. Ainsi, réduire le nombre de changements permets de garder autant que possible avec la conception initiale. La préservation de la sémantique assure que le programme restructuré est sémantiquement cohérent. De plus, nous utilisons l'historique de changement pour suggérer de nouveaux refactorings dans des contextes similaires. En outre, nous introduisons une approche multi-objective pour améliorer les attributs de qualité du logiciel (la flexibilité, la maintenabilité, etc.), fixer les « mauvaises » pratiques de conception (défauts de conception), tout en introduisant les « bonnes » pratiques de conception (patrons de conception).Software systems have become prevalent and important in our society. There is a constant need for high-quality software. Hence, to improve software quality, one of the most-used techniques is the refactoring which improves design structure while preserving the external behavior. Refactoring has promised, if applied well, to improve software readability, maintainability and extendibility while increasing the speed at which programmers can write and maintain their code. In general, refactoring can be performed in various levels such as the requirement, design, or code level. In this thesis, we mainly focus on the source code level where automated refactoring recommendation can be performed through two main steps: 1) detection of code fragments that need to be improved/fixed (e.g., code-smells), and 2) identification of refactoring solutions to achieve this goal. For the code-smells identification step, we translate regularities that can be found in such code-smell examples into detection rules. To this end, we use genetic programming to automatically generate detection rules from examples of code-smells. For the refactoring identification step, a search-based approach is used. The process aims at finding the optimal sequence of refactoring operations that improve software quality by minimizing the number of detected code-smells while prioritizing the most critical ones. In addition, we explore other objectives to optimize using a multi-objective approach: the code changes needed to apply refactorings, semantics preservation, and the consistency with development change history. Hence, reducing code changes allows us to keep as much as possible the initial design. On the other hand, semantics preservation insures that the refactored program is semantically coherent, and that it models correctly the domain-semantics. Indeed, we use knowledge from historical code change to suggest new refactorings in similar contexts. Furthermore, we introduce a novel multi-objective approach to improve software quality attributes (i.e., flexibility, maintainability, etc.), fix “bad” design practices (i.e., code-smells) while promoting “good” design practices (i.e., design patterns)

    Intelligent Web Services Architecture Evolution Via An Automated Learning-Based Refactoring Framework

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    Architecture degradation can have fundamental impact on software quality and productivity, resulting in inability to support new features, increasing technical debt and leading to significant losses. While code-level refactoring is widely-studied and well supported by tools, architecture-level refactorings, such as repackaging to group related features into one component, or retrofitting files into patterns, remain to be expensive and risky. Serval domains, such as Web services, heavily depend on complex architectures to design and implement interface-level operations, provided by several companies such as FedEx, eBay, Google, Yahoo and PayPal, to the end-users. The objectives of this work are: (1) to advance our ability to support complex architecture refactoring by explicitly defining Web service anti-patterns at various levels of abstraction, (2) to enable complex refactorings by learning from user feedback and creating reusable/personalized refactoring strategies to augment intelligent designers’ interaction that will guide low-level refactoring automation with high-level abstractions, and (3) to enable intelligent architecture evolution by detecting, quantifying, prioritizing, fixing and predicting design technical debts. We proposed various approaches and tools based on intelligent computational search techniques for (a) predicting and detecting multi-level Web services antipatterns, (b) creating an interactive refactoring framework that integrates refactoring path recommendation, design-level human abstraction, and code-level refactoring automation with user feedback using interactive mutli-objective search, and (c) automatically learning reusable and personalized refactoring strategies for Web services by abstracting recurring refactoring patterns from Web service releases. Based on empirical validations performed on both large open source and industrial services from multiple providers (eBay, Amazon, FedEx and Yahoo), we found that the proposed approaches advance our understanding of the correlation and mutual impact between service antipatterns at different levels, revealing when, where and how architecture-level anti-patterns the quality of services. The interactive refactoring framework enables, based on several controlled experiments, human-based, domain-specific abstraction and high-level design to guide automated code-level atomic refactoring steps for services decompositions. The reusable refactoring strategy packages recurring refactoring activities into automatable units, improving refactoring path recommendation and further reducing time-consuming and error-prone human intervention.Ph.D.College of Engineering & Computer ScienceUniversity of Michigan-Dearbornhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/142810/1/Wang Final Dissertation.pdfDescription of Wang Final Dissertation.pdf : Dissertatio

    Mining, Understanding and Integrating User Preferences in Software Refactoring Using Computational Search, Machine Learning, and Dimensionality Reduction

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    Search-Based Software Engineering (SBSE) is a software development practice which focuses on couching software engineering problems as optimization problems using metaheuristic techniques to automate the search for near optimal solutions to those problems. While SBSE has been successfully applied to a wide variety of software engineering problems, our understanding of the extent and nature of how software engineering problems can be formulated as automated or semi-automated search is still lacking. The majority of software engineering solutions are very subjective and present difficulties to formally define fitness functions to evaluate them. Current studies focus on guiding the search of optimal solutions rather than performing it. It is unclear yet the degree of interaction required with software engineers during the optimization process and how to reduce it. In this work, we focus on search-based software maintenance and evolution problems including software refactoring and software remodularization to improve the quality of systems. We propose to address the following challenges: • A major challenge in adapting a search-based technique for a software engineering problem is the definition of the fitness function. In most cases, fitness functions are ill-defined or subjective. • Most existing refactoring studies do not include the developer in the loop to analyze suggested refactoring solutions, and give their feedback during the optimization process. In addition, some quality metrics are cost-expensive leading to cost-expensive fitness functions. Moreover, while quality metrics evaluate the structural improvements of the refactored system, it is impossible to evaluate the semantic coherence of the design without user interactions. • Finally, several metrics can be dependent and correlated, thus it may be possible to reduce the number of objectives/dimensions when addressing refactoring problems. To address the above challenges, this work provides new techniques and tools to formulate software refactoring as scalable and learning-based search problem. We proposed novel interactive learning-based techniques using machine learning to incorporate developers knowledge and preferences in the search, resulting in more efficient and cost-effective search-based refactoring recommendation systems. We designed and implemented novel objective reduction SBSE methodologies to support scalable number of objectives. The proposed solutions were empirically evaluated in academic (open-source systems) and industrial settings.Ph.D.College of Engineering and Computer ScienceUniversity of Michigan-Dearbornhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/138970/1/Dea Final Dissertation.pdfDescription of Dea Final Dissertation.pdf : DissertationDescription of Troh Josselin Dea Signed Certification Form.pdf : Committee signature fil

    A User-aware Intelligent Refactoring for Discrete and Continuous Software Integration

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    Successful software products evolve through a process of continual change. However, this process may weaken the design of the software and make it unnecessarily complex, leading to significantly reduced productivity and increased fault-proneness. Refactoring improves the software design while preserving overall functionality and behavior, and is an important technique in managing the growing complexity of software systems. Most of the existing work on software refactoring uses either an entirely manual or a fully automated approach. Manual refactoring is time-consuming, error-prone and unsuitable for large-scale, radical refactoring. Furthermore, fully automated refactoring yields a static list of refactorings which, when applied, leads to a new and often hard to comprehend design. In addition, it is challenging to merge these refactorings with other changes performed in parallel by developers. In this thesis, we propose a refactoring recommendation approach that dynamically adapts and interactively suggests refactorings to developers and takes their feedback into consideration. Our approach uses Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGAII) to find a set of good refactoring solutions that improve software quality while minimizing the deviation from the initial design. These refactoring solutions are then analyzed to extract interesting common features between them such as the frequently occurring refactorings in the best non-dominated solutions. We combined our interactive approach and unsupervised learning to reduce the developer’s interaction effort when refactoring a system. The unsupervised learning algorithm clusters the different trade-off solutions, called the Pareto front, to guide the developers in selecting their region of interests and reduce the number of refactoring options to explore. To reduce the interaction effort, we propose an approach to convert multi-objective search into a mono-objective one after interacting with the developer to identify a good refactoring solution based on their preferences. Since developers may want to focus on specific code locations, the ”Decision Space” is also important. Therefore, our interactive approach enables developers to pinpoint their preference simultaneously in the objective (quality metrics) and decision (code location) spaces. Due to an urgent need for refactoring tools that can support continuous integration and some recent development processes such as DevOps that are based on rapid releases, we propose, for the first time, an intelligent software refactoring bot, called RefBot. Our bot continuously monitors the software repository and find the best sequence of refactorings to fix the quality issues in Continous Integration/Continous Development (CI/CD) environments as a set of pull-requests generated after mining previous code changes to understand the profile of developers. We quantitatively and qualitatively evaluated the performance and effectiveness of our proposed approaches via a set of studies conducted with experienced developers who used our tools on both open source and industry projects.Ph.D.College of Engineering & Computer ScienceUniversity of Michigan-Dearbornhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/154775/1/Vahid Alizadeh Final Dissertation.pdfDescription of Vahid Alizadeh Final Dissertation.pdf : Dissertatio