455 research outputs found

    Exploiting cache locality at run-time

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    With the increasing gap between the speeds of the processor and memory system, memory access has become a major performance bottleneck in modern computer systems. Recently, Symmetric Multi-Processor (SMP) systems have emerged as a major class of high-performance platforms. Improving the memory performance of Parallel applications with dynamic memory-access patterns on Symmetric Multi-Processors (SMP) is a hard problem. The solution to this problem is critical to the successful use of the SMP systems because dynamic memory-access patterns occur in many real-world applications. This dissertation is aimed at solving this problem.;Based on a rigorous analysis of cache-locality optimization, we propose a memory-layout oriented run-time technique to exploit the cache locality of parallel loops. Our technique have been implemented in a run-time system. Using simulation and measurement, we have shown our run-time approach can achieve comparable performance with compiler optimizations for those regular applications, whose load balance and cache locality can be well optimized by tiling and other program transformations. However, our approach was shown to improve significantly the memory performance for applications with dynamic memory-access patterns. Such applications are usually hard to optimize with static compiler optimizations.;Several contributions are made in this dissertation. We present models to characterize the complexity and present a solution framework for optimizing cache locality. We present an effective estimation technique for memory-access patterns to support efficient locality optimizations and information integration. We present a memory-layout oriented run-time technique for locality optimization. We present efficient scheduling algorithms to trade off locality and load imbalance. We provide a detailed performance evaluation of the run-time technique

    Parallel and Distributed Computing

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    The 14 chapters presented in this book cover a wide variety of representative works ranging from hardware design to application development. Particularly, the topics that are addressed are programmable and reconfigurable devices and systems, dependability of GPUs (General Purpose Units), network topologies, cache coherence protocols, resource allocation, scheduling algorithms, peertopeer networks, largescale network simulation, and parallel routines and algorithms. In this way, the articles included in this book constitute an excellent reference for engineers and researchers who have particular interests in each of these topics in parallel and distributed computing

    Design and resource management of reconfigurable multiprocessors for data-parallel applications

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    FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array)-based custom reconfigurable computing machines have established themselves as low-cost and low-risk alternatives to ASIC (Application-Specific Integrated Circuit) implementations and general-purpose microprocessors in accelerating a wide range of computation-intensive applications. Most often they are Application Specific Programmable Circuiits (ASPCs), which are developer programmable instead of user programmable. The major disadvantages of ASPCs are minimal programmability, and significant time and energy overheads caused by required hardware reconfiguration when the problem size outnumbers the available reconfigurable resources; these problems are expected to become more serious with increases in the FPGA chip size. On the other hand, dominant high-performance computing systems, such as PC clusters and SMPs (Symmetric Multiprocessors), suffer from high communication latencies and/or scalability problems. This research introduces low-cost, user-programmable and reconfigurable MultiProcessor-on-a-Programmable-Chip (MPoPC) systems for high-performance, low-cost computing. It also proposes a relevant resource management framework that deals with performance, power consumption and energy issues. These semi-customized systems reduce significantly runtime device reconfiguration by employing userprogrammable processing elements that are reusable for different tasks in large, complex applications. For the sake of illustration, two different types of MPoPCs with hardware FPUs (floating-point units) are designed and implemented for credible performance evaluation and modeling: the coarse-grain MIMD (Multiple-Instruction, Multiple-Data) CG-MPoPC machine based on a processor IP (Intellectual Property) core and the mixed-mode (MIMD, SIMD or M-SIMD) variant-grain HERA (HEterogeneous Reconfigurable Architecture) machine. In addition to alleviating the above difficulties, MPoPCs can offer several performance and energy advantages to our data-parallel applications when compared to ASPCs; they are simpler and more scalable, and have less verification time and cost. Various common computation-intensive benchmark algorithms, such as matrix-matrix multiplication (MMM) and LU factorization, are studied and their parallel solutions are shown for the two MPoPCs. The performance is evaluated with large sparse real-world matrices primarily from power engineering. We expect even further performance gains on MPoPCs in the near future by employing ever improving FPGAs. The innovative nature of this work has the potential to guide research in this arising field of high-performance, low-cost reconfigurable computing. The largest advantage of reconfigurable logic lies in its large degree of hardware customization and reconfiguration which allows reusing the resources to match the computation and communication needs of applications. Therefore, a major effort in the presented design methodology for mixed-mode MPoPCs, like HERA, is devoted to effective resource management. A two-phase approach is applied. A mixed-mode weighted Task Flow Graph (w-TFG) is first constructed for any given application, where tasks are classified according to their most appropriate computing mode (e.g., SIMD or MIMD). At compile time, an architecture is customized and synthesized for the TFG using an Integer Linear Programming (ILP) formulation and a parameterized hardware component library. Various run-time scheduling schemes with different performanceenergy objectives are proposed. A system-level energy model for HERA, which is based on low-level implementation data and run-time statistics, is proposed to guide performance-energy trade-off decisions. A parallel power flow analysis technique based on Newton\u27s method is proposed and employed to verify the methodology

    Adaptive Parallelism for Coupled, Multithreaded Message-Passing Programs

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    Hybrid parallel programming models that combine message passing (MP) and shared- memory multithreading (MT) are becoming more popular, especially with applications requiring higher degrees of parallelism and scalability. Consequently, coupled parallel programs, those built via the integration of independently developed and optimized software libraries linked into a single application, increasingly comprise message-passing libraries with differing preferred degrees of threading, resulting in thread-level heterogeneity. Retroactively matching threading levels between independently developed and maintained libraries is difficult, and the challenge is exacerbated because contemporary middleware services provide only static scheduling policies over entire program executions, necessitating suboptimal, over-subscribed or under-subscribed, configurations. In coupled applications, a poorly configured component can lead to overall poor application performance, suboptimal resource utilization, and increased time-to-solution. So it is critical that each library executes in a manner consistent with its design and tuning for a particular system architecture and workload. Therefore, there is a need for techniques that address dynamic, conflicting configurations in coupled multithreaded message-passing (MT-MP) programs. Our thesis is that we can achieve significant performance improvements over static under-subscribed approaches through reconfigurable execution environments that consider compute phase parallelization strategies along with both hardware and software characteristics. In this work, we present new ways to structure, execute, and analyze coupled MT- MP programs. Our study begins with an examination of contemporary approaches used to accommodate thread-level heterogeneity in coupled MT-MP programs. Here we identify potential inefficiencies in how these programs are structured and executed in the high-performance computing domain. We then present and evaluate a novel approach for accommodating thread-level heterogeneity. Our approach enables full utilization of all available compute resources throughout an application’s execution by providing programmable facilities with modest overheads to dynamically reconfigure runtime environments for compute phases with differing threading factors and affinities. Our performance results show that for a majority of the tested scientific workloads our approach and corresponding open-source reference implementation render speedups greater than 50 % over the static under-subscribed baseline. Motivated by our examination of reconfigurable execution environments and their memory overhead, we also study the memory attribution problem: the inability to predict or evaluate during runtime where the available memory is used across the software stack comprising the application, reusable software libraries, and supporting runtime infrastructure. Specifically, dynamic adaptation requires runtime intervention, which by its nature introduces additional runtime and memory overhead. To better understand the latter, we propose and evaluate a new way to quantify component-level memory usage from unmodified binaries dynamically linked to a message-passing communication library. Our experimental results show that our approach and corresponding implementation accurately measure memory resource usage as a function of time, scale, communication workload, and software or hardware system architecture, clearly distinguishing between application and communication library usage at a per-process level

    Comparative Evaluation and Case Studies of Shared-Memory and Data-Parallel Execution Patterns

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    Locality-Aware Concurrency Platforms

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    Modern computing systems from all domains are becoming increasingly more parallel. Manufacturers are taking advantage of the increasing number of available transistors by packaging more and more computing resources together on a single chip or within a single system. These platforms generally contain many levels of private and shared caches in addition to physically distributed main memory. Therefore, some memory is more expensive to access than other and high-performance software must consider memory locality as one of the first level considerations. Memory locality is often difficult for application developers to consider directly, however, since many of these NUMA affects are invisible to the application programmer and only show up in low performance. Moreover, on parallel platforms, the performance depends on both locality and load balance and these two metrics are often at odds with each other. Therefore, directly considering locality and load balance at the application level may make the application much more complex to program. In this work, we develop locality-conscious concurrency platforms for multiple different structured parallel programming models, including streaming applications, task-graphs and parallel for loops. In all of this work, the idea is to minimally disrupt the application programming model so that the application developer is either unimpacted or must only provide high-level hints to the runtime system. The runtime system then schedules the application to provide good locality of access while, at the same time also providing good load balance. In particular, we address cache locality for streaming applications through static partitioning and developed an extensible platform to execute partitioned streaming applications. For task-graphs, we extend a task-graph scheduling library to guide scheduling decisions towards better NUMA locality with the help of user-provided locality hints. CilkPlus parallel for loops utilize a randomized dynamic scheduler to distribute work which, in many loop based applications, results in poor locality at all levels of the memory hierarchy. We address this issue with a novel parallel for loop implementation that can get good cache and NUMA locality while providing support to maintain good load balance dynamically

    Multicore Scheduling of Real-Time Irregular Parallel Algorithms in Linux

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    Face à estagnação da tecnologia uniprocessador registada na passada década, aos principais fabricantes de microprocessadores encontraram na tecnologia multi-core a resposta `as crescentes necessidades de processamento do mercado. Durante anos, os desenvolvedores de software viram as suas aplicações acompanhar os ganhos de performance conferidos por cada nova geração de processadores sequenciais, mas `a medida que a capacidade de processamento escala em função do número de processadores, a computação sequencial tem de ser decomposta em várias partes concorrentes que possam executar em paralelo, para que possam utilizar as unidades de processamento adicionais e completar mais rapidamente. A programação paralela implica um paradigma completamente distinto da programação sequencial. Ao contrário dos computadores sequenciais tipificados no modelo de Von Neumann, a heterogeneidade de arquiteturas paralelas requer modelos de programação paralela que abstraiam os programadores dos detalhes da arquitectura e simplifiquem o desenvolvimento de aplicações concorrentes. Os modelos de programação paralela mais populares incitam os programadores a identificar instruções concorrentes na sua lógica de programação, e a especificá-las sob a forma de tarefas que possam ser atribuídas a processadores distintos para executarem em simultâneo. Estas tarefas são tipicamente lançadas durante a execução, e atribuídas aos processadores pelo motor de execução subjacente. Como os requisitos de processamento costumam ser variáveis, e não são conhecidos a priori, o mapeamento de tarefas para processadores tem de ser determinado dinamicamente, em resposta a alterações imprevisíveis dos requisitos de execução. `A medida que o volume da computação cresce, torna-se cada vez menos viável garantir as suas restrições temporais em plataformas uniprocessador. Enquanto os sistemas de tempo real se começam a adaptar ao paradigma de computação paralela, há uma crescente aposta em integrar execuções de tempo real com aplicações interativas no mesmo hardware, num mundo em que a tecnologia se torna cada vez mais pequena, leve, ubíqua, e portável. Esta integração requer soluções de escalonamento que simultaneamente garantam os requisitos temporais das tarefas de tempo real e mantenham um nível aceitável de QoS para as restantes execuções. Para tal, torna-se imperativo que as aplicações de tempo real paralelizem, de forma a minimizar os seus tempos de resposta e maximizar a utilização dos recursos de processamento. Isto introduz uma nova dimensão ao problema do escalonamento, que tem de responder de forma correcta a novos requisitos de execução imprevisíveis e rapidamente conjeturar o mapeamento de tarefas que melhor beneficie os critérios de performance do sistema. A técnica de escalonamento baseado em servidores permite reservar uma fração da capacidade de processamento para a execução de tarefas de tempo real, e assegurar que os efeitos de latência na sua execução não afectam as reservas estipuladas para outras execuções. No caso de tarefas escalonadas pelo tempo de execução máximo, ou tarefas com tempos de execução variáveis, torna-se provável que a largura de banda estipulada não seja consumida por completo. Para melhorar a utilização do sistema, os algoritmos de partilha de largura de banda (capacity-sharing) doam a capacidade não utilizada para a execução de outras tarefas, mantendo as garantias de isolamento entre servidores. Com eficiência comprovada em termos de espaço, tempo, e comunicação, o mecanismo de work-stealing tem vindo a ganhar popularidade como metodologia para o escalonamento de tarefas com paralelismo dinâmico e irregular. O algoritmo p-CSWS combina escalonamento baseado em servidores com capacity-sharing e work-stealing para cobrir as necessidades de escalonamento dos sistemas abertos de tempo real. Enquanto o escalonamento em servidores permite partilhar os recursos de processamento sem interferências a nível dos atrasos, uma nova política de work-stealing que opera sobre o mecanismo de capacity-sharing aplica uma exploração de paralelismo que melhora os tempos de resposta das aplicações e melhora a utilização do sistema. Esta tese propõe uma implementação do algoritmo p-CSWS para o Linux. Em concordância com a estrutura modular do escalonador do Linux, ´e definida uma nova classe de escalonamento que visa avaliar a aplicabilidade da heurística p-CSWS em circunstâncias reais. Ultrapassados os obstáculos intrínsecos `a programação da kernel do Linux, os extensos testes experimentais provam que o p-CSWS ´e mais do que um conceito teórico atrativo, e que a exploração heurística de paralelismo proposta pelo algoritmo beneficia os tempos de resposta das aplicações de tempo real, bem como a performance e eficiência da plataforma multiprocessador.With sequential machines approaching their physical bounds, parallel computers are rapidly becoming pervasive in most areas of modern technology. To realize the full potential of parallel platforms, applications must split onto concurrent parts that can be assigned to different processors and execute in parallel. Parallel programming models abstract the myriad of parallel computer specifications to simplify the development of concurrent applications, allowing programmers to decompose their code onto concurrent tasks, and leaving it to the runtime system to schedule these tasks for parallel execution. The resulting parallelism is often input-dependent and irregular, requiring that the mapping of tasks to processors be performed at runtime in response to dynamic changes of the workload. Motivated by the promises of performance scalability and cost effectiveness, real-time researchers are now beginning to exploit the benefits of parallel processing, with ground-breaking scheduling heuristics to improve the efficiency of time-sensitive concurrent applications. Realtime developments are switching to open scenarios, where real-time tasks of variable and unpredictable size share the available processing resources with other applications, making it essential to utilize as much of the available processing capacity as possible. The p-CSWS algorithm employs bandwidth isolation, capacity-sharing and work-stealing to exploit the intra-task parallelism of hard and soft real-time executions on parallel platforms. This thesis proposes an implementation of the p-CSWS scheduler for the Linux kernel, to evaluate its applicability to real scenarios and bring Linux one step closer to becoming a viable open real-time platform. To the best of our knowledge we are the first to employ scheduling heuristics to exploit dynamic parallelism of real-time tasks on the Linux kernel. Through extensive tests, we show that...