317 research outputs found

    Modeling and verification of web service composition based interorganizational workflows

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    Interorganisationale Workflows sind ArbeitsablĂ€ufe, welche die Grenzen einer Organisation verlassen und einen Rahmen fĂŒr Kooperationen der verschiedenen autonomen Organisationen zur VerfĂŒgung stellen. Ein wichtiger Punkt fĂŒr den Entwurf solcher Workflows ist die Balance zwischen Offenheit und Abgrenzung, wobei erstere fĂŒr Kooperationen und letztere die fĂŒr den Schutz von Know-how benötigt wird. Workflow Sichten stellen ein effizientes Werkzeug fĂŒr diesen Zweck zur VerfĂŒgung. Durch Offenlegung von bestimmten Teilen eines Prozesses, können Organisationen sowohl kooperieren als auch das Know-how schĂŒtzen. Diese Dissertation prĂ€sentiert nun eine Methode fĂŒr die korrekte Konstruktion von Workflow Sichten. Es wird angenommen, dass Organisationen Web Service orientierte Technologien zur Modellierung und Implementierung von interorganisationalen Workflows verwenden. Die Anwendung von Web Services bietet Organisationen viele Vorteile. Den eigentlichen Mehrwert von Web Services stellt aber die KompositionsfĂ€higkeit dar. VerfĂŒgbare Web Services können dadurch von anderen Choreographien und Orchestrationen (wieder-)verwendet werden. Die Notwendigkeit der Implementierung von Systemen von Null weg kann minimiert werden. Die zentralen Anforderungen sind einerseits eine Architektur mit adĂ€quatem Potential, andererseits die Verifikation der Korrektheit. Diese Dissertation prĂ€sentiert nun eine Architektur zur Modellierung von Web Service Composition basierten interorganisationalen Workflows, genannt föderierte Choreographien, die verglichen mit anderen Architekturen verschiedene Vorteile anbieten. DarĂŒber hinaus werden Algorithmen und Techniken zur Verifikation der strukturellen und temporalen Korrektheit vorgestellt. Strukturelle Korrektheit prĂŒft, ob die Strukturen der beteiligten Prozesse zusammenpassen. Temporale Korrektheit ĂŒberprĂŒft, ob ein interorganisationaler Workflow, der aus mehreren Choreographien und Orchestrationen besteht hinsichtlich der lokalen und globalen Bedingungen fehlerfrei ist. Mit Hilfe dieser Techniken kann die strukturelle und temporale KonformitĂ€t des Modells zur Designzeit ĂŒberprĂŒft werden. Falls das Modell nicht strukturell oder temporal konform ist, können nötige Änderungen durchgefĂŒhrt werden, sodass die korrekte AusfĂŒhrung zur Laufzeit garantiert werden kann. Die ÜberprĂŒfung der KonformitĂ€t zur Designzeit reduziert die Prozesskosten vor allem wegen den folgenden zwei GrĂŒnden: Erstens, die entdeckten Fehler zur Designzeit sind normalerweise billiger als jene, die zur Laufzeit entdeckt werden und zweitens, Fehlerbehandlungsmechanismen können verhindert werden, die wiederum Zusatzkosten verursachen. ZusĂ€tzlich zu der vorgestellten Architektur wird eine allgemeinere Architektur zusammen mit den passenden KonformitĂ€tsprĂŒfungsalgorithmen prĂ€sentiert. Der Ansatz ist Platform- und sprachunabhĂ€ngig und die Algorithmen sind verteilt.Interorganizational workflows are workflows that cross the boundaries of a single organization and provide a framework for cooperation of different autonomous organizations. An important issue when designing such workflows is the balance between the openness needed for cooperation and the privacy needed for protection of business know-how. Workflow views provide an efficient tool for this aim. By exposure of only selected parts of a process, organizations can both cooperate and protect their business logic. This dissertation presents a technique for a correct construction of workflow views. It is assumed that organizations and partners use web services and web service related technology to model and implement interorganizational workflows. Application of web services offers several advantages for organizations. The real surplus of web services is their capability of being composed to more complex systems. Available web services can be reused by other choreographies and orchestrations and the need for development of new systems from scratch can be minimized. The essential requirements are on the one hand an architecture with adequate capabilities and on the other hand, verification of correctness. This dissertation proposes an architecture for modeling web service composition based interorganizational workflows, called \emph{federated choreographies}, that provides several advantages compared to existing proposals. Moreover, algorithms and techniques for verification of structural and temporal correctness of interorganizational workflows are proposed. Structural conformance checks if the structures of the involved processes match. Temporal conformance checks if an interorganizational workflow composed of choreographies and orchestrations is temporally error-free with respect to local and global temporal constraints. The proposed algorithms can be applied for checking the structural and temporal conformance of the federated choreographies at design-time. If the model is not structurally or temporally conformant, necessary modifications can be done such that the correct execution of the flow at run-time can be guaranteed. The conformance checking at design time reduces the cost of process because of two reasons: first, errors detected at design time are normally cheaper than those detected at run time and second, exception handling mechanisms can be avoided which are, in turn, coupled with additional costs. In addition to the proposed architecture, a more general architecture together with the conformance checking algorithms and techniques for interorganizational workflows are presented. The presented approach is language and platform independent and algorithms work in a distributed manner

    Towards Truly Flexible and Adaptive Process-Aware Information Systems

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    If current process management systems shall be applied to a broad spectrum of applications, they will have to be significantly improved with respect to their technological capabilities. Particularly, in dynamic environments it must be possible to quickly implement and deploy new processes, to enable ad-hoc modifications of running process instances on-the-fly (e.g., to dynamically add, delete or move process steps), and to support process schema evolution with instance migration (i.e., to propagate process schema changes to already running instances if desired). These requirements must be met without affecting process consistency and by preserving the robustness of the process management system. In this paper we describe how these challenges have been addressed and solved in the ADEPT2 Process Management System. Our overall vision is to provide a next generation process management technology which can be used in a variety of application domains

    Reversible Computation: Extending Horizons of Computing

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    This open access State-of-the-Art Survey presents the main recent scientific outcomes in the area of reversible computation, focusing on those that have emerged during COST Action IC1405 "Reversible Computation - Extending Horizons of Computing", a European research network that operated from May 2015 to April 2019. Reversible computation is a new paradigm that extends the traditional forwards-only mode of computation with the ability to execute in reverse, so that computation can run backwards as easily and naturally as forwards. It aims to deliver novel computing devices and software, and to enhance existing systems by equipping them with reversibility. There are many potential applications of reversible computation, including languages and software tools for reliable and recovery-oriented distributed systems and revolutionary reversible logic gates and circuits, but they can only be realized and have lasting effect if conceptual and firm theoretical foundations are established first

    Modelling and Validating Business Collaborations: A Case Study on RosettaNet

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    The way business processes are organised heavily influences the flexibility and the expenses of enterprises. The capability to address changing market needs in a timely manner and to provide appropriate pricing is indispensable in a world of internationalisation and growing competition. Optimising processes that cross enterprise boundaries potentially is a key success factor in achieving this goal but it requires the information systems of the participating enterprises to be consistently integrated. This gives rise to some challenging tasks. The personnel involved in building up business collaborations comes from different enterprises with different business vocabulary and background which requires extensive communication support. The lack of central technical infrastructure, typically prohibited by business politics, often calls for a distributed and computer-aided collaboration structure, so that the resulting complexity must be handled somehow. Nevertheless robustness is an important factor in building business collaborations as these may exchange goods of considerable value. This technical report proposes the use of a two step modelling approach that separates business logic, modelled in the so-called centralised perspective (CP), from its distributed implementation, modelled in the so-called distributed perspective (DP). The separation of these perspectives enables business people to concentrate on business issues and to solve communication problems in the CP whereas technical staff can concentrate on distribution issues. The use of stringent modelling rules is advised in order to provide the basis for formal analysis techniques as one means to achieve robustness. Considering the choreography of RosettaNet Partner Interface Processes (PIPs) as the subject of my analysis, UML activity diagrams for modelling the CP and WSBPEL for modelling the DP are described as enabling techniques for implementing the proposed two step modelling approach. Further, model checking is applied to validate the CP and DP models in order to detect errors in early design phases. As the adequacy of model checking tools highly depends on the detailed modelling techniques as well as the properties to be checked, a major part of our discussion covers relevant properties and requirements for a model checker.Die Organisation von GeschĂ€ftsprozessen hat substantiellen Einfluss auf FlexibilitĂ€t und Kosten eines Unternehmens. Die FĂ€higkeit, flexibel auf neue Marktanforderungen mit angemessenen Preisen reagieren zu können, ist in Zeiten der Internationalisierung und wachsenden Wettbewerbs ĂŒberlebenswichtig. Die Optimierung unternehmensĂŒbergreifender GeschĂ€ftsprozesse ist ein potentieller Erfolgsfaktor fĂŒr die Sicherstellung dieser FĂ€higkeit. Dazu mĂŒssen jedoch die Informationssysteme der beteiligten Unternehmen in konsistenter Weise integriert werden. So ergeben sich herausfordernde Aufgaben fĂŒr Unternehmen. Typischerweise gehören Personen, die an der Realisierung einer GeschĂ€ftskollaboration mitwirken, unterschiedlichen Unternehmen an und haben ein unterschiedliches VerstĂ€ndnis von GeschĂ€ftsprozessen sowie unterschiedliches Vokabular zur Beschreibung von GeschĂ€ftsprozessen. Daher muss die Kommunikation zwischen diesen Personen besonders unterstĂŒtzt werden. Weiterhin muss die Realisierung von GeschĂ€ftskollaborationen hĂ€ufig verteilt vorgenommen werden, da keine zentrale technische Infrastruktur zur VerfĂŒgung steht oder aufgrund unternehmenspolitischer Restriktionen nicht möglich ist. Daher muss die entstehende KomplexitĂ€t bewĂ€ltigt werden. Schließlich werden im Rahmen einer GeschĂ€ftskollaboration hĂ€ufig GĂŒter betrĂ€chtlichen Werts ausgetauscht, sodass Robustheit eine maßgebende Anforderung an deren Realisierung ist. In diesem Arbeitsbericht wird ein zweistufiger Modellierungsansatz zur BewĂ€ltigung dieser Aufgaben vorgeschlagen, in dem die Modellierung von GeschĂ€ftslogik aus der so genannten "centralised perspective" (CP) von der Modellierung der verteilten Implementierung aus der so genannten "distributed perspective" (DP) getrennt wird. Durch die Trennung dieser Perspektiven können kaufmĂ€nnische Experten GeschĂ€ftslogik aus der CP modellieren und Kommunikationsprobleme lösen wohingegen technische Experten die verteilte Implementierung aus der DP modellieren können. Weiter werden stringente Modellierungsregeln fĂŒr die jeweilige Perspektive eingefĂŒhrt, um die zu erstellenden Modelle formalen Analysetechniken zugĂ€nglich zu machen und so Robustheit als Ziel zu verwirklichen. Die in diesem Arbeitsbericht vorgestellte Fallstudie behandelt die Choreographie von RosettaNet Partner Interface Processes (PIPs). FĂŒr die Fallstudie werden als mögliche Technologien UML AktivitĂ€tsdiagramme zur Modellierung aus der CP und WSBPEL zur Modellierung aus der DP eingesetzt. ZusĂ€tzlich werden Model-Checking-Tools (Model Checker) zur Validierung der Modelle in frĂŒhen Entwicklungsphasen eingesetzt. Da die AdĂ€quatheit eines Model Checkers wesentlich von der Art des Eingabemodells und den zu validierenden Eigenschaften abhĂ€ngt, ist ein wichtiger Teil dieses Berichts der Identifikation relevanter Modelleigenschaften und der Analyse der Anforderungen an einen Model Checker gewidmet

    Enabling Flexibility in Process-Aware Information Systems: Challenges, Methods, Technologies

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    In today’s dynamic business world, the success of a company increasingly depends on its ability to react to changes in its environment in a quick and flexible way. Companies have therefore identified process agility as a competitive advantage to address business trends like increasing product and service variability or faster time to market, and to ensure business IT alignment. Along this trend, a new generation of information systems has emerged—so-called process-aware information systems (PAIS), like workflow management systems, case handling tools, and service orchestration engines. With this book, Reichert and Weber address these flexibility needs and provide an overview of PAIS with a strong focus on methods and technologies fostering flexibility for all phases of the process lifecycle (i.e., modeling, configuration, execution and evolution). Their presentation is divided into six parts. Part I starts with an introduction of fundamental PAIS concepts and establishes the context of process flexibility in the light of practical scenarios. Part II focuses on flexibility support for pre-specified processes, the currently predominant paradigm in the field of business process management (BPM). Part III details flexibility support for loosely specified processes, which only partially specify the process model at build-time, while decisions regarding the exact specification of certain model parts are deferred to the run-time. Part IV deals with user- and data-driven processes, which aim at a tight integration of processes and data, and hence enable an increased flexibility compared to traditional PAIS. Part V introduces existing technologies and systems for the realization of a flexible PAIS. Finally, Part VI summarizes the main ideas of this book and gives an outlook on advanced flexibility issues. The attached pdf file gives a preview on Chapter 3 of the book which explains the book's overall structure

    Reversible Computation: Extending Horizons of Computing

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    This open access State-of-the-Art Survey presents the main recent scientific outcomes in the area of reversible computation, focusing on those that have emerged during COST Action IC1405 "Reversible Computation - Extending Horizons of Computing", a European research network that operated from May 2015 to April 2019. Reversible computation is a new paradigm that extends the traditional forwards-only mode of computation with the ability to execute in reverse, so that computation can run backwards as easily and naturally as forwards. It aims to deliver novel computing devices and software, and to enhance existing systems by equipping them with reversibility. There are many potential applications of reversible computation, including languages and software tools for reliable and recovery-oriented distributed systems and revolutionary reversible logic gates and circuits, but they can only be realized and have lasting effect if conceptual and firm theoretical foundations are established first

    Realizing Adaptive Process-aware Information Systems with ADEPT2

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    In dynamic environments it must be possible to quickly implement new business processes, to enable ad-hoc deviations from the defined business processes on-demand (e.g., by dynamically adding, deleting or moving process activities), and to support dynamic process evolution (i.e., to propagate process schema changes to already running process instances). These fundamental requirements must be met without affecting process consistency and robustness of the process-aware information system. In this paper we describe how these challenges have been addressed in the ADEPT2 process management system. Our overall vision is to provide a next generation technology for the support of dynamic processes, which enables full process lifecycle management and which can be applied to a variety of application domains
