163 research outputs found

    A Lazy Bailout Approach for Dual-Criticality Systems on Uniprocessor Platforms

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    © 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.A challenge in the design of cyber-physical systems is to integrate the scheduling of tasks of different criticality, while still providing service guarantees for the higher critical tasks in case of resource-shortages caused by faults. While standard real-time scheduling is agnostic to the criticality of tasks, the scheduling of tasks with different criticalities is called mixed-criticality scheduling. In this paper we present the Lazy Bailout Protocol (LBP), a mixed-criticality scheduling method where low-criticality jobs overrunning their time budget cannot threaten the timeliness of high-criticality jobs while at the same time the method tries to complete as many low-criticality jobs as possible. The key principle of LBP is instead of immediately abandoning low-criticality jobs when a high-criticality job overruns its optimistic WCET estimate, to put them in a low-priority queue for later execution. To compare mixed-criticality scheduling methods we introduce a formal quality criterion for mixed-criticality scheduling, which, above all else, compares schedulability of high-criticality jobs and only afterwards the schedulability of low-criticality jobs. Based on this criterion we prove that LBP behaves better than the original {\em Bailout Protocol} (BP). We show that LBP can be further improved by slack time exploitation and by gain time collection at runtime, resulting in LBPSG. We also show that these improvements of LBP perform better than the analogous improvements based on BP.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Scheduling policies and system software architectures for mixed-criticality computing

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    Mixed-criticality model of computation is being increasingly adopted in timing-sensitive systems. The model not only ensures that the most critical tasks in a system never fails, but also aims for better systems resource utilization in normal condition. In this report, we describe the widely used mixed-criticality task model and fixed-priority scheduling algorithms for the model in uniprocessors. Because of the necessity by the mixed-criticality task model and scheduling policies, isolation, both temporal and spatial, among tasks is one of the main requirements from the system design point of view. Different virtualization techniques have been used to design system software architecture with the goal of isolation. We discuss such a few system software architectures which are being and can be used for mixed-criticality model of computation

    Robust Mixed-Criticality Systems

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    Certification authorities require correctness and survivability. In the temporal domain this requires a convincing argument that all deadlines will be met under error free conditions, and that when certain defined errors occur the behaviour of the system is still predictable and safe. This means that occasional execution-time overruns should be tolerated and where more severe errors occur levels of graceful degradation should be supported. With mixed-criticality systems, fault tolerance must be criticality aware, i.e. some tasks should degrade less than others. In this paper a quantitative notion of robustness is defined, and it is shown how fixed priority-based task scheduling can be structured to maximise the likelihood of a system remaining fail operational or fail robust (the latter implying that an occasional job may be skipped if all other deadlines are met). Analysis is developed for fail operational and fail robust behaviour, optimal priority ordering is addressed and an experimental evaluation is described. Overall, the approach presented allows robustness to be balanced against schedulability. A designer would thus be able to explore the design space so defined

    Adaptive Mid-term and Short-term Scheduling of Mixed-criticality Systems

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    A mixed-criticality real-time system is a real-time system having multiple tasks classified according to their criticality. Research on mixed-criticality systems started to provide an effective and cost efficient a priori verification process for safety critical systems. The higher the criticality of a task within a system and the more the system should guarantee the required level of service for it. However, such model poses new challenges with respect to scheduling and fault tolerance within real-time systems. Currently, mixed-criticality scheduling protocols severely degrade lower criticality tasks in case of resource shortage to provide the required level of service for the most critical ones. The actual research challenge in this field is to devise robust scheduling protocols to minimise the impact on less critical tasks. This dissertation introduces two approaches, one short-term and the other medium-term, to appropriately allocate computing resources to tasks within mixed-criticality systems both on uniprocessor and multiprocessor systems. The short-term strategy consists of a protocol named Lazy Bailout Protocol (LBP) to schedule mixed-criticality task sets on single core architectures. Scheduling decisions are made about tasks that are active in the ready queue and that have to be dispatched to the CPU. LBP minimises the service degradation for lower criticality tasks by providing to them a background execution during the system idle time. After, I refined LBP with variants that aim to further increase the service level provided for lower criticality tasks. However, this is achieved at an increased cost of either system offline analysis or complexity at runtime. The second approach, named Adaptive Tolerance-based Mixed-criticality Protocol (ATMP), decides at runtime which task has to be allocated to the active cores according to the available resources. ATMP permits to optimise the overall system utility by tuning the system workload in case of shortage of computing capacity at runtime. Unlike the majority of current mixed-criticality approaches, ATMP allows to smoothly degrade also higher criticality tasks to keep allocated lower criticality ones

    A Survey of Research into Mixed Criticality Systems

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    This survey covers research into mixed criticality systems that has been published since Vestal’s seminal paper in 2007, up until the end of 2016. The survey is organised along the lines of the major research areas within this topic. These include single processor analysis (including fixed priority and EDF scheduling, shared resources and static and synchronous scheduling), multiprocessor analysis, realistic models, and systems issues. The survey also explores the relationship between research into mixed criticality systems and other topics such as hard and soft time constraints, fault tolerant scheduling, hierarchical scheduling, cyber physical systems, probabilistic real-time systems, and industrial safety standards

    An Enhanced Bailout Protocol for Mixed Criticality Embedded Software

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    To move mixed criticality research into industrial practice requires models whose run-time behaviour is acceptable to systems engineers. Certain aspects of current models, such as abandoning lower criticality tasks when certain situations arise, do not give the robustness required in application domains such as the automotive and aerospace industries. In this paper a new bailout protocol is developed that still guarantees high criticality software but minimises the negative impact on lower criticality software via a timely return to normal operation. We show how the bailout protocol can be integrated with existing techniques, utilising both offline slack and online gain-time to further improve performance. Static analysis is provided for schedulability guarantees, while scenario-based evaluation via simulation is used to explore the effectiveness of the protocol

    Ordonnancement des systèmes avec différents niveaux de criticité

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    Real-time safety-critical systems must complete their tasks within a given time limit. Failure to successfully perform their operations, or missing a deadline, can have severe consequences such as destruction of property and/or loss of life. Examples of such systems include automotive systems, drones and avionics among others. Safety guarantees must be provided before these systems can be deemed usable. This is usually done through certification performed by a certification authority.Safety evaluation and certification are complicated and costly even for smaller systems.One answer to these difficulties is the isolation of the critical functionality. Executing tasks of different criticalities on separate platforms prevents non-critical tasks from interfering with critical ones, provides a higher guaranty of safety and simplifies the certification process limiting it to only the critical functions. But this separation, in turn, introduces undesirable results portrayed by an inefficient resource utilization, an increase in the cost, weight, size and energy consumption which can put a system in a competitive disadvantage.To overcome the drawbacks of isolation, Mixed Criticality (MC) systems can be used. These systems allow functionalities with different criticalities to execute on the same platform. In 2007, Vestal proposed a model to represent MC-systems where tasks have multiple Worst Case Execution Times (WCETs), one for each criticality level. In addition, correctness conditions for scheduling policies were formally defined, allowing lower criticality jobs to miss deadlines or be even dropped in cases of failure or emergency situations.The introduction of multiple WCETs and different conditions for correctness increased the difficulty of the scheduling problem for MC-systems. Conventional scheduling policies and schedulability tests proved inadequate and the need for new algorithms arose. Since then, a lot of work has been done in this field.In this thesis, we contribute to the study of schedulability in MC-systems. The workload of a system is represented as a set of jobs that can describe the execution over the hyper-period of tasks or over a duration in time. This model allows us to study the viability of simulation-based correctness tests in MC-systems. We show that simulation tests can still be used in mixed-criticality systems, but in this case, the schedulability of the worst case scenario is no longer sufficient to guarantee the schedulability of the system even for the fixed priority scheduling case. We show that scheduling policies are not predictable in general, and define the concept of weak-predictability for MC-systems. We prove that a specific class of fixed priority policies are weakly predictable and propose two simulation-based correctness tests that work for weakly-predictable policies.We also demonstrate that contrary to what was believed, testing for correctness can not be done only through a linear number of preemptions.The majority of the related work focuses on systems of two criticality levels due to the difficulty of the problem. But for automotive and airborne systems, industrial standards define four or five criticality levels, which motivated us to propose a scheduling algorithm that schedules mixed-criticality systems with theoretically any number of criticality levels. We show experimentally that it has higher success rates compared to the state of the art.We illustrate how our scheduling algorithm, or any algorithm that generates a single time-triggered table for each criticality mode, can be used as a recovery strategy to ensure the safety of the system in case of certain failures.Finally, we propose a high level concurrency language and a model for designing an MC-system with coarse grained multi-core interference.Les systèmes temps-réel critiques doivent exécuter leurs tâches dans les délais impartis. En cas de défaillance, des événements peuvent avoir des catastrophes économiques. Des classifications des défaillances par rapport aux niveaux des risques encourus ont été établies, en particulier dans les domaines des transports aéronautique et automobile. Des niveaux de criticité sont attribués aux différentes fonctions des systèmes suivant les risques encourus lors d'une défaillance et des probabilités d'apparition de celles-ci. Ces différents niveaux de criticité influencent les choix d'architecture logicielle et matérielle ainsi que le type de composants utilisés pour sa réalisation. Les systèmes temps-réels modernes ont tendance à intégrer sur une même plateforme de calcul plusieurs applications avec différents niveaux de criticité. Cette intégration est nécessaire pour des systèmes modernes comme par exemple les drones (UAV) afin de réduire le coût, le poids et la consommation d'énergie. Malheureusement, elle conduit à des difficultés importantes lors de leurs conceptions. En plus, ces systèmes doivent être certifiés en prenant en compte ces différents niveaux de criticités.Il est bien connu que le problème d'ordonnancement des systèmes avec différents niveaux de criticités représente un des plus grand défi dans le domaine de systèmes temps-réel. Les techniques traditionnelles proposent comme solution l’isolation complète entre les niveaux de criticité ou bien une certification globale au plus haut niveau. Malheureusement, une telle solution conduit à une mauvaise des ressources et à la perte de l’avantage de cette intégration. En 2007, Vestal a proposé un modèle pour représenter les systèmes avec différents niveaux de criticité dont les tâches ont plusieurs temps d’exécution, un pour chaque niveau de criticité. En outre, les conditions de validité des stratégies d’ordonnancement ont été définies de manière formelle, permettant ainsi aux tâches les moins critiques d’échapper aux délais, voire d’être abandonnées en cas de défaillance ou de situation d’urgence.Les politiques de planification conventionnelles et les tests d’ordonnoncement se sont révélés inadéquats.Dans cette thèse, nous contribuons à l’étude de l’ordonnancement dans les systèmes avec différents niveaux de criticité. La surcharge d'un système est représentée sous la forme d'un ensemble de tâches pouvant décrire l'exécution sur l'hyper-période de tâches ou sur une durée donnée. Ce modèle nous permet d’étudier la viabilité des tests de correction basés sur la simulation pour les systèmes avec différents niveaux de criticité. Nous montrons que les tests de simulation peuvent toujours être utilisés pour ces systèmes, et la possibilité de l’ordonnancement du pire des scénarios ne suffit plus, même pour le cas de l’ordonnancement avec priorité fixe. Nous montrons que les politiques d'ordonnancement ne sont généralement pas prévisibles. Nous définissons le concept de faible prévisibilité pour les systèmes avec différents niveaux de criticité et nous montrons ensuite qu'une classe spécifique de stratégies à priorité fixe sont faiblement prévisibles. Nous proposons deux tests de correction basés sur la simulation qui fonctionnent pour des stratégies faiblement prévisibles.Nous montrons également que, contrairement à ce que l’on croyait, le contrôle de l’exactitude ne peut se faire que par l’intermédiaire d’un nombre linéaire de préemptions.La majorité des travaux reliés à notre domaine portent sur des systèmes à deux niveaux de criticité en raison de la difficulté du problème. Mais pour les systèmes automobiles et aériens, les normes industrielles définissent quatre ou cinq niveaux de criticité, ce qui nous a motivés à proposer un algorithme de planification qui planifie les systèmes à criticité mixte avec théoriquement un nombre quelconque de niveaux de criticité. Nous montrons expérimentalement que le taux de réussite est supérieur à celui de l’état de la technique

    Schedulability analysis and optimization of time-partitioned distributed real-time systems

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    RESUMEN: La creciente complejidad de los sistemas de control modernos lleva a muchas empresas a tener que re-dimensionar o re-diseñar sus soluciones para adecuarlas a nuevas funcionalidades y requisitos. Un caso paradigmático de esta situación se ha dado en el sector ferroviario, donde la implementación de las aplicaciones de señalización se ha llevado a cabo empleando técnicas tradicionales que, si bien ahora mismo cumplen con los requisitos básicos, su rendimiento temporal y escalabilidad funcional son sustancialmente mejorables. A partir de las soluciones propuestas en esta tesis, además de contribuir a la validación de sistemas que requieren certificación de seguridad funcional, también se creará la tecnología base de análisis de planificabilidad y optimización de sistemas de tiempo real distribuidos generales y también basados en particionado temporal, que podrá ser aplicada en distintos entornos en los que los sistemas ciberfísicos juegan un rol clave, por ejemplo en aplicaciones de Industria 4.0, en los que pueden presentarse problemas similares en el futuro.ABSTRACT:he increasing complexity of modern control systems leads many companies to have to resize or redesign their solutions to adapt them to new functionalities and requirements. A paradigmatic case of this situation has occurred in the railway sector, where the implementation of signaling applications has been carried out using traditional techniques that, although they currently meet the basic requirements, their time performance and functional scalability can be substantially improved. From the solutions proposed in this thesis, besides contributing to the assessment of systems that require functional safety certification, the base technology for schedulability analysis and optimization of general as well as time-partitioned distributed real-time systems will be derived, which can be applied in different environments where cyber-physical systems play a key role, for example in Industry 4.0 applications, where similar problems may arise in the future

    A survey of techniques for reducing interference in real-time applications on multicore platforms

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    This survey reviews the scientific literature on techniques for reducing interference in real-time multicore systems, focusing on the approaches proposed between 2015 and 2020. It also presents proposals that use interference reduction techniques without considering the predictability issue. The survey highlights interference sources and categorizes proposals from the perspective of the shared resource. It covers techniques for reducing contentions in main memory, cache memory, a memory bus, and the integration of interference effects into schedulability analysis. Every section contains an overview of each proposal and an assessment of its advantages and disadvantages.This work was supported in part by the Comunidad de Madrid Government "Nuevas TĂ©cnicas de Desarrollo de Software de Tiempo Real Embarcado Para Plataformas. MPSoC de PrĂłxima GeneraciĂłn" under Grant IND2019/TIC-17261

    Towards a more practical model for mixed criticality systems

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    Abstract-Mixed Criticality Systems (MCSs) have been the focus of considerable study over the last six years. This work has lead to the definition of a standard model that allows processors to be shared efficiently between tasks of different criticality levels. Key aspects of this model are that a system is deemed to execute in one of a small number of criticality modes; initially the system is in the lowest criticality mode, but if any task executes for more than its predefined budget for this criticality level then a mode change is made to a higher criticality mode and all tasks of the lowest criticality level are abandoned (aborted). The initial criticality level is never revisited. This model has been useful in defining key properties of MCSs, but it does not form a useful basis for an actual implementation of a MCS. In this paper we consider the tradeoffs stemming from a consideration of what systems engineers require at run-time and the actual properties of the model that scheduling analysis guarantees. Alternative models are defined that allow low criticality tasks to continue to execute after a criticality mode change. The paper also addresses robust priority assignment
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