74 research outputs found


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    International audienceThis booklet contains the proceedings of the second European Conference in Queueing Theory (ECQT) that was held from the 18th to the 20th of July 2016 at the engineering school ENSEEIHT, Toulouse, France. ECQT is a biannual event where scientists and technicians in queueing theory and related areas get together to promote research, encourage interaction and exchange ideas. The spirit of the conference is to be a queueing event organized from within Europe, but open to participants from all over the world. The technical program of the 2016 edition consisted of 112 presentations organized in 29 sessions covering all trends in queueing theory, including the development of the theory, methodology advances, computational aspects and applications. Another exciting feature of ECQT2016 was the institution of the Takács Award for outstanding PhD thesis on "Queueing Theory and its Applications"

    Diffusion limit for single-server retrial queues with renewal input and outgoing calls

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    This paper studies a single-server retrial queue with two types of calls (incoming and outgoing calls). Incoming calls arrive at the server according to a renewal process, and outgoing calls of N − 1 (N ≥ 2) categories occur according to N − 1 independent Poisson processes. Upon arrival, if the server is occupied, an incoming call joins a virtual infinite queue called the orbit, and after an exponentially distributed time in orbit enters the server again, while outgoing calls are lost if the server is busy at the time of their arrivals. Although M/G/1 retrial queues and their variants are extensively studied in the literature, the GI/M/1 retrial queues are less studied due to their complexity. This paper aims to obtain a diffusion limit for the number of calls in orbit when the retrial rate is extremely low. Based on the diffusion limit, we built an approximation to the distribution of the number of calls in orbit

    A Note on an M/M/s Queueing System with two Reconnect and two Redial Orbits

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    A queueing system with two reconnect orbits, two redial (retrial) orbits, s servers and two independent Poisson streams of customers is considered. An arriving customer of type i, i = 1, 2 is handled by an available server, if there is any; otherwise, he waits in an infinite buffer queue. A waiting customer of type i who did not get connected to a server will lose his patience and abandon after an exponentially distributed amount of time, the abandoned one may leave the system (lost customer) or move into one of the redial orbits, from which he makes a new attempt to reach the primary queue, and when a customer finishes his conversation with a server, he may comeback to the system, to one of the reconnect orbits where he will wait for another service. In this paper, a fluid model is used to derive a first order approximation for the number of customers in the redial and reconnect orbits in the heavy traffic. The fluid limit of such a model is a unique solution to a system of three differential equations

    Rare event analysis of Markov-modulated infinite-server queues: a Poisson limit

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    This article studies an infinite-server queue in a Markov environment, that is, an infinite-server queue with arrival rates and service times depending on the state of a Markovian background process. Scaling the arrival rates (i) by a factor N and the rates (ij) of the background process by N1+E (for some E>0), the focus is on the tail probabilities of the number of customers in the system, in the asymptotic regime that N tends to . In particular, it is shown that the logarithmic asymptotics correspond to those of a Poisson distribution with an appropriate mean

    Large deviations of an infinite-server system with a linearly scaled background process

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    This paper studies an infinite-server queue in a Markov environment, that is, an infinite-server queue with arrival rates and service times depending on the state of a Markovian background process. We focus on the probability that the number of jobs in the system attains an unusually high value. Scaling the arrival rates ¿i¿i by a factor NN and the transition rates ¿ij¿ij of the background process as well, a large-deviations based approach is used to examine such tail probabilities (where NN tends to 88). The paper also presents qualitative properties of the system’s behavior conditional on the rare event under consideration happening. Keywords: Queues; Infinite-server systems; Markov modulation; Large deviation

    Analysis of Markov-modulated infinite-server queues in the central-limit regime

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    This paper focuses on an infinite-server queue modulated by an independently evolving finite-state Markovian background process, with transition rate matrix Q(qij)i,j=1dQ\equiv(q_{ij})_{i,j=1}^d. Both arrival rates and service rates are depending on the state of the background process. The main contribution concerns the derivation of central limit theorems for the number of customers in the system at time t0t\ge 0, in the asymptotic regime in which the arrival rates λi\lambda_i are scaled by a factor NN, and the transition rates qijq_{ij} by a factor NαN^\alpha, with αR+\alpha \in \mathbb R^+. The specific value of α\alpha has a crucial impact on the result: (i) for α>1\alpha>1 the system essentially behaves as an M/M/\infty queue, and in the central limit theorem the centered process has to be normalized by N\sqrt{N}; (ii) for α<1\alpha<1, the centered process has to be normalized by N1α/2N^{{1-}\alpha/2}, with the deviation matrix appearing in the expression for the variance

    Heavy outgoing call asymptotics for MMPP|M|1 retrial queue with two way communication and multiple types of outgoing calls

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    В работе рассматривается однолинейная система массового обслуживания с повторными вызовами (RQ-система) с марковски модулированным пуассоновским потоком (MMPP) на входе и разнотипными вызываемыми заявками. Заявки, поступившие в систему, занимают прибор для обслуживания, если он свободен, или отправляются на орбиту, где осуществляют случайную задержку перед следующей попыткой занять прибор. Длительность задержки имеет экспоненциальное распределение. Особенностью данной системы является наличие вызываемых заявок нескольких типов. Интенсивности вызывания заявок различны для разных типов вызываемых заявок. Длительности обслуживания вызываемых заявок также различаются в зависимости от типа и являются экспоненциальными случайными величинами, параметры которых в общем случае не совпадают. Прибор вызывает заявки извне, только когда не обслуживает поступившие из потока заявки. Работа посвящена исследованию такой системы методом асимптотического анализа в двух предельных условиях: высокой интенсивности вызывания заявок и длительного обслуживания вызываемых заявок. Целью исследования является нахождение предельного стационарного распределения вероятностей числа заявок в системе, поступивших из потока, без учета вызываемой заявки, если она обслуживается на приборе. Получены асимптотические характеристические функции числа поступивших заявок в системе в вышеназванных предельных условиях. В предельном условии высокой интенсивности вызывания заявок асимптотическая характеристическая функция числа поступивших заявок в системе с повторными вызовами и разнотипными вызываемыми заявками является характеристической функцией гауссовской случайной величины. Однозначно определен вид асимптотической характеристической функции числа поступивших заявок в исследуемой системе в предельном условии длительного обслуживания вызываемых заявок