33 research outputs found

    Graph analytics on modern massively parallel systems

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    Graphs provide a very flexible abstraction for understanding and modeling complex systems in many fields such as physics, biology, neuroscience, engineering, and social science. Only in the last two decades, with the advent of Big Data era, supercomputers equipped by accelerators –i.e., Graphics Processing Unit (GPUs)–, advanced networking, and highly parallel file systems have been used to analyze graph properties such as reachability, diameter, connected components, centrality, and clustering coefficient. Today graphs of interest may be composed by millions, sometimes billions, of nodes and edges and exhibit a highly irregular structure. As a consequence, the design of efficient and scalable graph algorithms is an extraordinary challenge due to irregular communication and memory access patterns, high synchronization costs, and lack of data locality. In the present dissertation, we start off with a brief and gentle introduction for the reader to graph analytics and massively parallel systems. In particular, we present the intersection between graph analytics and parallel architectures in the current state-of-the-art and discuss the challenges encountered when solving such problems on large-scale graphs on these architectures (Chapter 1). In Chapter 2, some preliminary definitions and graph-theoretical notions are provided together with a description of the synthetic graphs used in the literature to model real-world networks. In Chapters 3-5, we present and tackle three different relevant problems in graph analysis: reachability (Chapter 3), Betweenness Centrality (Chapter 4), and clustering coefficient (Chapter 5). In detail, Chapter 3 tackles reachability problems by providing two scalable algorithms and implementations which efficiently solve st-connectivity problems on very large-scale graphs Chapter 4 considers the problem of identifying most relevant nodes in a network which plays a crucial role in several applications, including transportation and communication networks, social network analysis, and biological networks. In particular, we focus on a well-known centrality metrics, namely Betweenness Centrality (BC), and present two different distributed algorithms for the BC computation on unweighted and weighted graphs. For unweighted graphs, we present a new communication-efficient algorithm based on the combination of bi-dimensional (2D) decomposition and multi-level parallelism. Furthermore, new algorithms which exploit the underlying graph topology to reduce the time and space usage of betweenness centrality computations are described as well. Concerning weighted graphs, we provide a scalable algorithm based on an algebraic formulation of the problem. Finally, thorough comprehensive experimental results on synthetic and real- world large-scale graphs, we show that the proposed techniques are effective in practice and achieve significant speedups against state-of-the-art solutions. Chapter 5 considers clustering coefficients problem. Similarly to Betweenness Centrality, it is a fundamental tool in network analysis, as it specifically measures how nodes tend to cluster together in a network. In the chapter, we first extend caching techniques to Remote Memory Access (RMA) operations on distributed-memory system. The caching layer is mainly designed to avoid inter-node communications in order to achieve similar benefits for irregular applications as communication-avoiding algorithms. We also show how cached RMA is able to improve the performance of a new distributed asynchronous algorithm for the computation of local clustering coefficients. Finally, Chapter 6 contains a brief summary of the key contributions described in the dissertation and presents potential future directions of the work

    Book of Abstracts of the Sixth SIAM Workshop on Combinatorial Scientific Computing

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    Book of Abstracts of CSC14 edited by Bora UçarInternational audienceThe Sixth SIAM Workshop on Combinatorial Scientific Computing, CSC14, was organized at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France on 21st to 23rd July, 2014. This two and a half day event marked the sixth in a series that started ten years ago in San Francisco, USA. The CSC14 Workshop's focus was on combinatorial mathematics and algorithms in high performance computing, broadly interpreted. The workshop featured three invited talks, 27 contributed talks and eight poster presentations. All three invited talks were focused on two interesting fields of research specifically: randomized algorithms for numerical linear algebra and network analysis. The contributed talks and the posters targeted modeling, analysis, bisection, clustering, and partitioning of graphs, applied in the context of networks, sparse matrix factorizations, iterative solvers, fast multi-pole methods, automatic differentiation, high-performance computing, and linear programming. The workshop was held at the premises of the LIP laboratory of ENS Lyon and was generously supported by the LABEX MILYON (ANR-10-LABX-0070, Université de Lyon, within the program ''Investissements d'Avenir'' ANR-11-IDEX-0007 operated by the French National Research Agency), and by SIAM

    Scalable Algorithms for the Analysis of Massive Networks

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    Die Netzwerkanalyse zielt darauf ab, nicht-triviale Erkenntnisse aus vernetzten Daten zu gewinnen. Beispiele für diese Erkenntnisse sind die Wichtigkeit einer Entität im Verhältnis zu anderen nach bestimmten Kriterien oder das Finden des am besten geeigneten Partners für jeden Teilnehmer eines Netzwerks - bekannt als Maximum Weighted Matching (MWM). Da der Begriff der Wichtigkeit an die zu betrachtende Anwendung gebunden ist, wurden zahlreiche Zentralitätsmaße eingeführt. Diese Maße stammen hierbei aus Jahrzehnten, in denen die Rechenleistung sehr begrenzt war und die Netzwerke im Vergleich zu heute viel kleiner waren. Heute sind massive Netzwerke mit Millionen von Kanten allgegenwärtig und eine triviale Berechnung von Zentralitätsmaßen ist oft zu zeitaufwändig. Darüber hinaus ist die Suche nach der Gruppe von k Knoten mit hoher Zentralität eine noch kostspieligere Aufgabe. Skalierbare Algorithmen zur Identifizierung hochzentraler (Gruppen von) Knoten in großen Graphen sind von großer Bedeutung für eine umfassende Netzwerkanalyse. Heutigen Netzwerke verändern sich zusätzlich im zeitlichen Verlauf und die effiziente Aktualisierung der Ergebnisse nach einer Änderung ist eine Herausforderung. Effiziente dynamische Algorithmen sind daher ein weiterer wesentlicher Bestandteil moderner Analyse-Pipelines. Hauptziel dieser Arbeit ist es, skalierbare algorithmische Lösungen für die zwei oben genannten Probleme zu finden. Die meisten unserer Algorithmen benötigen Sekunden bis einige Minuten, um diese Aufgaben in realen Netzwerken mit bis zu Hunderten Millionen von Kanten zu lösen, was eine deutliche Verbesserung gegenüber dem Stand der Technik darstellt. Außerdem erweitern wir einen modernen Algorithmus für MWM auf dynamische Graphen. Experimente zeigen, dass unser dynamischer MWM-Algorithmus Aktualisierungen in Graphen mit Milliarden von Kanten in Millisekunden bewältigt.Network analysis aims to unveil non-trivial insights from networked data by studying relationship patterns between the entities of a network. Among these insights, a popular one is to quantify the importance of an entity with respect to the others according to some criteria. Another one is to find the most suitable matching partner for each participant of a network knowing the pairwise preferences of the participants to be matched with each other - known as Maximum Weighted Matching (MWM). Since the notion of importance is tied to the application under consideration, numerous centrality measures have been introduced. Many of these measures, however, were conceived in a time when computing power was very limited and networks were much smaller compared to today's, and thus scalability to large datasets was not considered. Today, massive networks with millions of edges are ubiquitous, and a complete exact computation for traditional centrality measures are often too time-consuming. This issue is amplified if our objective is to find the group of k vertices that is the most central as a group. Scalable algorithms to identify highly central (groups of) vertices on massive graphs are thus of pivotal importance for large-scale network analysis. In addition to their size, today's networks often evolve over time, which poses the challenge of efficiently updating results after a change occurs. Hence, efficient dynamic algorithms are essential for modern network analysis pipelines. In this work, we propose scalable algorithms for identifying important vertices in a network, and for efficiently updating them in evolving networks. In real-world graphs with hundreds of millions of edges, most of our algorithms require seconds to a few minutes to perform these tasks. Further, we extend a state-of-the-art algorithm for MWM to dynamic graphs. Experiments show that our dynamic MWM algorithm handles updates in graphs with billion edges in milliseconds

    Algorithm-Level Optimizations for Scalable Parallel Graph Processing

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    Efficiently processing large graphs is challenging, since parallel graph algorithms suffer from poor scalability and performance due to many factors, including heavy communication and load-imbalance. Furthermore, it is difficult to express graph algorithms, as users need to understand and effectively utilize the underlying execution of the algorithm on the distributed system. The performance of graph algorithms depends not only on the characteristics of the system (such as latency, available RAM, etc.), but also on the characteristics of the input graph (small-world scalefree, mesh, long-diameter, etc.), and characteristics of the algorithm (sparse computation vs. dense communication). The best execution strategy, therefore, often heavily depends on the combination of input graph, system and algorithm. Fine-grained expression exposes maximum parallelism in the algorithm and allows the user to concentrate on a single vertex, making it easier to express parallel graph algorithms. However, this often loses information about the machine, making it difficult to extract performance and scalability from fine-grained algorithms. To address these issues, we present a model for expressing parallel graph algorithms using a fine-grained expression. Our model decouples the algorithm-writer from the underlying details of the system, graph, and execution and tuning of the algorithm. We also present various graph paradigms that optimize the execution of graph algorithms for various types of input graphs and systems. We show our model is general enough to allow graph algorithms to use the various graph paradigms for the best/fastest execution, and demonstrate good performance and scalability for various different graphs, algorithms, and systems to 100,000+ cores

    17th SC@RUG 2020 proceedings 2019-2020

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    Graph Processing on GPUs:A Survey

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    Efficient Interconnection Network Design for Heterogeneous Architectures

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    The onset of big data and deep learning applications, mixed with conventional general-purpose programs, have driven computer architecture to embrace heterogeneity with specialization. With the ever-increasing interconnected chip components, future architectures are required to operate under a stricter power budget and process emerging big data applications efficiently. Interconnection network as the communication backbone thus is facing the grand challenges of limited power envelope, data movement and performance scaling. This dissertation provides interconnect solutions that are specialized to application requirements towards power-/energy-efficient and high-performance computing for heterogeneous architectures. This dissertation examines the challenges of network-on-chip router power-gating techniques for general-purpose workloads to save static power. A voting approach is proposed as an adaptive power-gating policy that considers both local and global traffic status through router voting. In addition, low-latency routing algorithms are designed to guarantee performance in irregular power-gating networks. This holistic solution not only saves power but also avoids performance overhead. This research also introduces emerging computation paradigms to interconnects for big data applications to mitigate the pressure of data movement. Approximate network-on-chip is proposed to achieve high-throughput communication by means of lossy compression. Then, near-data processing is combined with in-network computing to further improve performance while reducing data movement. The two schemes are general to play as plug-ins for different network topologies and routing algorithms. To tackle the challenging computational requirements of deep learning workloads, this dissertation investigates the compelling opportunities of communication algorithm-architecture co-design to accelerate distributed deep learning. MultiTree allreduce algorithm is proposed to bond with message scheduling with network topology to achieve faster and contention-free communication. In addition, the interconnect hardware and flow control are also specialized to exploit deep learning communication characteristics and fulfill the algorithm needs, thereby effectively improving the performance and scalability. By considering application and algorithm characteristics, this research shows that interconnection network can be tailored accordingly to improve the power-/energy-efficiency and performance to satisfy heterogeneous computation and communication requirements