28 research outputs found

    Cloud Computing in Remote Sensing : High Performance Remote Sensing Data Processing in a Big data Environment

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    Multi-area and multi-faceted remote sensing (SAR) datasets are widely used due to the increasing demand for accurate and up-to-date information on resources and the environment for regional and global monitoring. In general, the processing of RS data involves a complex multi-step processing sequence that includes several independent processing steps depending on the type of RS application. The processing of RS data for regional disaster and environmental monitoring is recognized as computationally and data demanding.Recently, by combining cloud computing and HPC technology, we propose a method to efficiently solve these problems by searching for a large-scale RS data processing system suitable for various applications. Real-time on-demand service. The ubiquitous, elastic, and high-level transparency of the cloud computing model makes it possible to run massive RS data management and data processing monitoring dynamic environments in any cloud. via the web interface. Hilbert-based data indexing methods are used to optimally query and access RS images, RS data products, and intermediate data. The core of the cloud service provides a parallel file system of large RS data and an interface for accessing RS data from time to time to improve localization of the data. It collects data and optimizes I/O performance. Our experimental analysis demonstrated the effectiveness of our method platform

    Mobile linkers on DNA-coated colloids: valency without patches.

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    Colloids coated with single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) can bind selectively to other colloids coated with complementary ssDNA. The fact that DNA-coated colloids (DNACCs) can bind to specific partners opens the prospect of making colloidal "molecules." However, in order to design DNACC-based molecules, we must be able to control the valency of the colloids, i.e., the number of partners to which a given DNACC can bind. One obvious, but not very simple approach is to decorate the colloidal surface with patches of single-stranded DNA that selectively bind those on other colloids. Here we propose a design principle that exploits many-body effects to control the valency of otherwise isotropic colloids. Using a combination of theory and simulation, we show that we can tune the valency of colloids coated with mobile ssDNA, simply by tuning the nonspecific repulsion between the particles. Our simulations show that the resulting effective interactions lead to low-valency colloids self-assembling in peculiar open structures, very different from those observed in DNACCs with immobile DNA linkers.This is the author's accepted manuscript. The final version is published by APS in Physical Review Letters (http://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.128303)

    Electron-phonon heat transfer in giant vortex states

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    We examine energy relaxation of nonequilibrium quasiparticles (QPs) in different vortex configurations in "dirty" s-wave superconductors (SCs). The heat flow from the electronic subsystem to phonons in a mesoscopic SC disk with a radius of the order of several coherence lengths is calculated both in the Meissner and in the giant vortex states using the Usadel approach. The recombination process is shown to be strongly affected by interplay of the subgap states, located in the vortex core and in the region at the sample edge where the spectral gap Eg is reduced by the Meissner currents. In order to uncover the physical origin of the results, we develop a semiquantitative analytical approximation based on the combination of homogeneous solutions of Usadel equations in Meissner and vortex states of a mesoscopic SC disk and analytically calculate the corresponding spatially resolved electron-phonon heat rates. Our approach provides important information about nonequilibrium QPs cooling by the magnetic field-induced traps in various mesoscopic SC devices

    Αποδιάταξη του παράγοντα αιμόστασης von Willebrand σε ουρία συγκέντρωσης 8 Μ με προσομοιώσεις μοριακής δυναμικής

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    Η ρύθμιση του μεγέθους του πολυμερούς vWF γίνεται εν μέρει μέσω της πρωτεόλυσης της επικράτειας Α2 από την πρωτεάση ADAMTS13, η οποία διασπά τον δεσμό μεταξύ της τυροσίνης 1605 και της μεθειονίνης 1606. Η πρόσβαση της ADAMTS13 στην θέση κοπής εξασφαλίζεται από την μερική αποδιάταξη της Α2 υπό την επίδραση μηχανικών τάσεων λόγω της ροής του αίματος. Τόσο η Α1 όσο και η A3 εμφανίζουν εξαιρετική σταθερότητα απέναντι στις προαναφερθείσες τάσεις. Με σκοπό την σύγκριση της σταθερότητας των A1 και Α2 χρησιμοποιήσαμε προσομοιώσεις μοριακής δυναμικής για να μελετήσουμε την αποδιάταξη των επικρατειών A1 και Α2 του vWF σε περιβάλλον ουρίας 8Μ και θερμοκρασία 500Κ. Για τις ανάγκες της εργασίας χρησιμοποιήθηκαν οι κρυσταλλογραφικά προσδιορισμένες δομές για τις A1 (1 AUQ.pdb)[37] και Α2 (3GXB_A2.pdb)[38], τα pdb των οποίων παρατίθενται στο παράρτημα. Οι δομικές μεταβολές των δύο επικρατειών με την πάροδο του χρόνου προσομοίωσης ποσοτικοποιήθηκαν με την βοήθεια των παραμέτρων όπως το RMSD, το ποσοστό δευτεροταγούς δομής, το πλήθος των υδρογονικών δεσμών και των native contacts (αριθμός τοπικών επαφών). Τα αποτελέσματα των προσομοιώσεων έδειξαν ότι η επικράτεια Α2 χάνει σε συντομότερο χρονικό διάστημα τα δομικά της χαρακτηριστικά απ ό,τι η Α1. Η σχετική σταθερότητα της A1 οφείλεται πιθανότατα στην παρουσία του δισουλφιδικού δεσμού μεταξύ της cys 509 και της cys 695

    New observations regarding deterministic, time-reversible thermostats and Gauss’s principle of least constraint

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    Articles you may be interested in Deterministic thermostats are frequently employed in nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulations in order to remove the heat produced irreversibly over the course of such simulations. The simplest thermostat is the Gaussian thermostat, which satisfies Gauss's principle of least constraint and fixes the peculiar kinetic energy. There are of course infinitely many ways to thermostat systems, e.g., by fixing ͚ i ͉p i ͉ +1 . In the present paper we provide, for the first time, convincing arguments as to why the conventional Gaussian isokinetic thermostat ͑ =1͒ is unique in this class. We show that this thermostat minimizes the phase space compression and is the only thermostat for which the conjugate pairing rule holds. Moreover, it is shown that for finite sized systems in the absence of an applied dissipative field, all other thermostats ͑ 1͒ perform work on the system in the same manner as a dissipative field while simultaneously removing the dissipative heat so generated. All other thermostats ͑ 1͒ are thus autodissipative. Among all thermostats, only the = 1 Gaussian thermostat permits an equilibrium state

    Analysis of flexible aircraft longitudinal dynamics and handling qualities. Volume 2: Data

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    Two analysis methods are applied to a family of flexible aircraft in order to investigate how and when structural (especially dynamic aeroelastic) effects affect the dynamic characteristics of aircraft. The first type of analysis is an open loop modal analysis technique. This method considers the effect of modal residue magnitudes on determining vehicle handling qualities. The second method is a pilot in the loop analysis procedure that considers several closed loop system characteristics. Both analyses indicated that dynamic aeroelastic effects caused a degradation in vehicle tracking performance, based on the evaluation of some simulation results. Volume 2 consists of the presentation of the state variable models of the flexible aircraft configurations used in the analysis applications mode shape plots for the structural modes, numerical results from the modal analysis frequency response plots from the pilot in the loop analysis and a listing of the modal analysis computer program

    Statistical Analysis of Project Pyro Liquid Propellant Explosion Data

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    Statistical regression analysis of Project Pyro cryogenic propellant explosion test dat