275 research outputs found

    Evaluator services for optimised service placement in distributed heterogeneous cloud infrastructures

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    Optimal placement of demanding real-time interactive applications in a distributed heterogeneous cloud very quickly results in a complex tradeoff between the application constraints and resource capabilities. This requires very detailed information of the various requirements and capabilities of the applications and available resources. In this paper, we present a mathematical model for the service optimization problem and study the concept of evaluator services as a flexible and efficient solution for this complex problem. An evaluator service is a service probe that is deployed in particular runtime environments to assess the feasibility and cost-effectiveness of deploying a specific application in such environment. We discuss how this concept can be incorporated in a general framework such as the FUSION architecture and discuss the key benefits and tradeoffs for doing evaluator-based optimal service placement in widely distributed heterogeneous cloud environments

    Towards critical event monitoring, detection and prediction for self-adaptive future Internet applications

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    The Future Internet (FI) will be composed of a multitude of diverse types of services that offer flexible, remote access to software features, content, computing resources, and middleware solutions through different cloud delivery models, such as IaaS, PaaS and SaaS. Ultimately, this means that loosely coupled Internet services will form a comprehensive base for developing value added applications in an agile way. Unlike traditional application development, which uses computing resources and software components under local administrative control, FI applications will thus strongly depend on third-party services. To maintain their quality of service, those applications therefore need to dynamically and autonomously adapt to an unprecedented level of changes that may occur during runtime. In this paper, we present our recent experiences on monitoring, detection, and prediction of critical events for both software services and multimedia applications. Based on these findings we introduce potential directions for future research on self-adaptive FI applications, bringing together those research directions

    QoE for Mobile Streaming

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    Seamless multimedia delivery within a heterogeneous wireless networks environment: are we there yet?

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    The increasing popularity of live video streaming from mobile devices such as Facebook Live, Instagram Stories, Snapchat, etc. pressurises the network operators to increase the capacity of their networks. However, a simple increase in system capacity will not be enough without considering the provisioning of Quality of Experience (QoE) as the basis for network control, customer loyalty and retention rate and thus increase in network operators revenue. As QoE is gaining strong momentum especially with increasing users’ quality expectations, the focus is now on proposing innovative solutions to enable QoE when delivering video content over heterogeneous wireless networks. In this context, this paper presents an overview of multimedia delivery solutions, identifies the problems and provides a comprehensive classification of related state-of-the-art approaches following three key directions: adaptation, energy efficiency and multipath content delivery. Discussions, challenges and open issues on the seamless multimedia provisioning faced by the current and next generation of wireless networks are also provided

    Teenustele orienteeritud ja tÔendite-teadlik mobiilne pilvearvutus

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    Arvutiteaduses on kaks kĂ”ige suuremat jĂ”udu: mobiili- ja pilvearvutus. Kui pilvetehnoloogia pakub kasutajale keerukate ĂŒlesannete lahendamiseks salvestus- ning arvutusplatvormi, siis nutitelefon vĂ”imaldab lihtsamate ĂŒlesannete lahendamist mistahes asukohas ja mistahes ajal. TĂ€psemalt on mobiilseadmetel vĂ”imalik pilve vĂ”imalusi Ă€ra kasutades energiat sÀÀsta ning jagu saada kasvavast jĂ”udluse ja ruumi vajadusest. Sellest tulenevalt on kĂ€esoleva töö peamiseks kĂŒsimuseks kuidas tuua pilveinfrastruktuur mobiilikasutajale lĂ€hemale? Antud töös uurisime kuidas mobiiltelefoni pilveteenust saab mobiilirakendustesse integreerida. Saime teada, et töö delegeerimine pilve eeldab mitmete pilve aspektide kaalumist ja integreerimist, nagu nĂ€iteks ressursimahukas töötlemine, asĂŒnkroonne suhtlus kliendiga, programmaatiline ressursside varustamine (Web APIs) ja pilvedevaheline kommunikatsioon. Nende puuduste ĂŒletamiseks lĂ”ime Mobiilse pilve vahevara Mobile Cloud Middleware (Mobile Cloud Middleware - MCM) raamistiku, mis kasutab deklaratiivset teenuste komponeerimist, et delegeerida töid mobiililt mitmetele pilvedele kasutades minimaalset andmeedastust. Teisest kĂŒljest on nĂ€idatud, et koodi teisaldamine on peamisi strateegiaid seadme energiatarbimise vĂ€hendamiseks ning jĂ”udluse suurendamiseks. Sellegipoolest on koodi teisaldamisel miinuseid, mis takistavad selle laialdast kasutuselevĂ”ttu. Selles töös uurime lisaks, mis takistab koodi mahalaadimise kasutuselevĂ”ttu ja pakume lahendusena vĂ€lja raamistiku EMCO, mis kogub seadmetelt infot koodi jooksutamise kohta erinevates kontekstides. Neid andmeid analĂŒĂŒsides teeb EMCO kindlaks, mis on sobivad tingimused koodi maha laadimiseks. VĂ”rreldes kogutud andmeid, suudab EMCO jĂ€reldada, millal tuleks mahalaadimine teostada. EMCO modelleerib kogutud andmeid jaotuse mÀÀra jĂ€rgi lokaalsete- ning pilvejuhtude korral. Neid jaotusi vĂ”rreldes tuletab EMCO tĂ€psed atribuudid, mille korral mobiilirakendus peaks koodi maha laadima. VĂ”rreldes EMCO-t teiste nĂŒĂŒdisaegsete mahalaadimisraamistikega, tĂ”useb EMCO efektiivsuse poolest esile. LĂ”puks uurisime kuidas arvutuste maha laadimist Ă€ra kasutada, et tĂ€iustada kasutaja kogemust pideval mobiilirakenduse kasutamisel. Meie peamiseks motivatsiooniks, et sellist adaptiivset tööde tĂ€itmise kiirendamist pakkuda, on tagada kasutuskvaliteet (QoE), mis muutub vastavalt kasutajale, aidates seelĂ€bi suurendada mobiilirakenduse eluiga.Mobile and cloud computing are two of the biggest forces in computer science. While the cloud provides to the user the ubiquitous computational and storage platform to process any complex tasks, the smartphone grants to the user the mobility features to process simple tasks, anytime and anywhere. Smartphones, driven by their need for processing power, storage space and energy saving are looking towards remote cloud infrastructure in order to solve these problems. As a result, the main research question of this work is how to bring the cloud infrastructure closer to the mobile user? In this thesis, we investigated how mobile cloud services can be integrated within the mobile apps. We found out that outsourcing a task to cloud requires to integrate and consider multiple aspects of the clouds, such as resource-intensive processing, asynchronous communication with the client, programmatically provisioning of resources (Web APIs) and cloud intercommunication. Hence, we proposed a Mobile Cloud Middleware (MCM) framework that uses declarative service composition to outsource tasks from the mobile to multiple clouds with minimal data transfer. On the other hand, it has been demonstrated that computational offloading is a key strategy to extend the battery life of the device and improves the performance of the mobile apps. We also investigated the issues that prevent the adoption of computational offloading, and proposed a framework, namely Evidence-aware Mobile Computational Offloading (EMCO), which uses a community of devices to capture all the possible context of code execution as evidence. By analyzing the evidence, EMCO aims to determine the suitable conditions to offload. EMCO models the evidence in terms of distributions rates for both local and remote cases. By comparing those distributions, EMCO infers the right properties to offload. EMCO shows to be more effective in comparison with other computational offloading frameworks explored in the state of the art. Finally, we investigated how computational offloading can be utilized to enhance the perception that the user has towards an app. Our main motivation behind accelerating the perception at multiple response time levels is to provide adaptive quality-of-experience (QoE), which can be used as mean of engagement strategy that increases the lifetime of a mobile app
