90 research outputs found

    Scalable Multi-party Computation for zk-SNARK Parameters in the Random Beacon Model

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    Zero-knowledge succinct non-interactive arguments of knowledge (zk-SNARKs) have emerged as a valuable tool for verifiable computation and privacy preserving protocols. Currently practical schemes require a common reference string (CRS) to be constructed in a one-time setup for each statement. Ben-Sasson, Chiesa, Green, Tromer and Virza devised a multi-party protocol to securely compute such a CRS, and an adaptation of this protocol was used to construct the CRS for the Zcash cryptocurrency. The scalability of these protocols is obstructed by the need for a precommitment round which forces participants to be defined in advance and requires them to secure their secret randomness throughout the duration of the protocol. Our primary contribution is a more scalable multi-party computation (MPC) protocol, secure in the random beacon model, which omits the precommitment round. We show that security holds even if an adversary has limited influence on the beacon. Next, we apply our main result to obtain a two-round protocol for computing an extended version of the CRS of Groth\u27s SNARK. We show that knowledge soundness is maintained in the generic group model when using this CRS. We also contribute a more secure pairing-friendly elliptic curve construction and implementation, tuned for use in zk-SNARKs, in light of recent optimizations to the Number Field Sieve algorithm which reduced the security estimates of existing pairing-friendly curves used in zk-SNARK applications

    On Conditional Cryptocurrency With Privacy

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    In this paper, we present the design and imple-mentation of a conditional cryptocurrency system with privacy protection. Unlike the existing approaches that often depend on smart contracts where cryptocurrencies are first locked in a vault, and then released according to event triggers, the conditional cryptocurrency system encodes event outcome as part of a cryptocurrency note in a UTXO based system. Without relying on any triggering mechanism, the proposed system separates event processing from conditional coin transaction processing where conditional cryptocurrency notes can be transferred freely in an asynchronous manner, only with their asset values conditional to the linked event outcomes. The main advantage of such design is that it enables free trade of conditional assets and prevents assets from being locked. In this work, we demonstrate a method of confidential conditional coin by extending the Zerocoin data model and protocol. The system is implemented and evaluated using xJsnark

    Mining for Privacy: How to Bootstrap a Snarky Blockchain

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    Non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs, and more specifically succinct non-interactive zero-knowledge arguments (zk-SNARKs), have been proven to be the “swiss army knife” of the blockchain and distributed ledger space, with a variety of applications in privacy, interoperability and scalability. Many commonly used SNARK systems rely on a structured reference string, the secure generation of which turns out to be their Achilles heel: If the randomness used for the generation is known, the soundness of the proof system can be broken with devastating consequences for the underlying blockchain system that utilises them. In this work we describe and analyze, for the first time, a blockchain mechanism that produces a secure SRS with the characteristic that security is shown for the exact same conditions under which the blockchain protocol is proven to be secure. Our mechanism makes use of the recent discovery of updateable structure reference strings to perform this secure generation in a fully distributed manner. In this way, the SRS emanates from the normal operation of the blockchain protocol itself without the need of additional security assumptions or off-chain computation and/or verification. We provide concrete guidelines for the parameterisation of this system which allows for the completion of a secure setup in a reasonable period of time. We also provide an incentive scheme that, when paired with the update mechanism, properly incentivises participants into contributing to secure reference string generation

    Redactable Signature Schemes and Zero-knowledge Proofs: A comparative examination for applications in Decentralized Digital Identity Systems

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    Redactable Signature Schemes and Zero-Knowledge Proofs are two radically different approaches to enable privacy. This paper analyses their merits and drawbacks when applied to decentralized identity system. Redactable Signatures, though competitively quick and compact, are not as expressive as zero-knowledge proofs and do not provide the same level of privacy. On the other hand, zero-knowledge proofs can be much faster but some protocols require a trusted set-up. We conclude that given the benefits and drawbacks, redactable signatures are more appropriate at an earlier stage and zero-knowledge proofs are more appropriate at a later stage for decentralized identity systemsComment: 9 Pages, Trustworthy digital identity international conference 202

    UC-Secure CRS Generation for SNARKs

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    Zero-knowledge SNARKs (zk-SNARKs) have recently found various applications in verifiable computation and blockchain applications (Zerocash), but unfortunately they rely on a common reference string (CRS) that has to be generated by a trusted party. A standard suggestion, pursued by Ben Sasson et al. [IEEE S&P, 2015], is to generate CRS via a multi-party protocol. We enhance their CRS-generation protocol to achieve UC-security. This allows to safely compose the CRS-generation protocol with the zk-SNARK in a black-box manner with the insurance that the security of the zk-SNARK is not influenced. Differently from the previous work, the new CRS-generation protocol also avoids the random oracle model which is typically not required by zk-SNARKs themselves. As a case study, we apply the protocol to the state-of-the-art zk-SNARK by Groth [EUROCRYPT, 2016]

    Powers-of-Tau to the People: Decentralizing Setup Ceremonies

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    We introduce the first decentralized trusted setup protocols for constructing a powers-of-tau structured reference string. Facilitated by a blockchain platform, our protocols can run in a permissionless manner, with anybody able to participate in exchange for paying requisite transaction fees. The result is secure as long as any single party participates honestly. We introduce several protocols optimized for different sized powers-of-tau setups and using an on-chain or off-chain data availability model to store the resulting string. We implement our most efficient protocol on top of Ethereum, demonstrating practical concrete performance numbers

    Bringing data minimization to digital wallets at scale with general-purpose zero-knowledge proofs

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    Today, digital identity management for individuals is either inconvenient and error-prone or creates undesirable lock-in effects and violates privacy and security expectations. These shortcomings inhibit the digital transformation in general and seem particularly concerning in the context of novel applications such as access control for decentralized autonomous organizations and identification in the Metaverse. Decentralized or self-sovereign identity (SSI) aims to offer a solution to this dilemma by empowering individuals to manage their digital identity through machine-verifiable attestations stored in a "digital wallet" application on their edge devices. However, when presented to a relying party, these attestations typically reveal more attributes than required and allow tracking end users' activities. Several academic works and practical solutions exist to reduce or avoid such excessive information disclosure, from simple selective disclosure to data-minimizing anonymous credentials based on zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs). We first demonstrate that the SSI solutions that are currently built with anonymous credentials still lack essential features such as scalable revocation, certificate chaining, and integration with secure elements. We then argue that general-purpose ZKPs in the form of zk-SNARKs can appropriately address these pressing challenges. We describe our implementation and conduct performance tests on different edge devices to illustrate that the performance of zk-SNARK-based anonymous credentials is already practical. We also discuss further advantages that general-purpose ZKPs can easily provide for digital wallets, for instance, to create "designated verifier presentations" that facilitate new design options for digital identity infrastructures that previously were not accessible because of the threat of man-in-the-middle attacks