519 research outputs found


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    The past decade has been witnessing an explosion of various applications and devices. This big-data era challenges the existing security technologies: new analysis techniques should be scalable to handle “big data” scale codebase; They should be become smart and proactive by using the data to understand what the vulnerable points are and where they locate; effective protection will be provided for dissemination and analysis of the data involving sensitive information on an unprecedented scale. In this dissertation, I argue that the code search techniques can boost existing security analysis techniques (vulnerability identification and memory analysis) in terms of scalability and accuracy. In order to demonstrate its benefits, I address two issues of code search by using the code analysis: scalability and accountability. I further demonstrate the benefit of code search by applying it for the scalable vulnerability identification [57] and the cross-version memory analysis problems [55, 56]. Firstly, I address the scalability problem of code search by learning “higher-level” semantic features from code [57]. Instead of conducting fine-grained testing on a single device or program, it becomes much more crucial to achieve the quick vulnerability scanning in devices or programs at a “big data” scale. However, discovering vulnerabilities in “big code” is like finding a needle in the haystack, even when dealing with known vulnerabilities. This new challenge demands a scalable code search approach. To this end, I leverage successful techniques from the image search in computer vision community and propose a novel code encoding method for scalable vulnerability search in binary code. The evaluation results show that this approach can achieve comparable or even better accuracy and efficiency than the baseline techniques. Secondly, I tackle the accountability issues left in the vulnerability searching problem by designing vulnerability-oriented raw features [58]. The similar code does not always represent the similar vulnerability, so it requires that the feature engineering for the code search should focus on semantic level features rather than syntactic ones. I propose to extract conditional formulas as higher-level semantic features from the raw binary code to conduct the code search. A conditional formula explicitly captures two cardinal factors of a vulnerability: 1) erroneous data dependencies and 2) missing or invalid condition checks. As a result, the binary code search on conditional formulas produces significantly higher accuracy and provides meaningful evidence for human analysts to further examine the search results. The evaluation results show that this approach can further improve the search accuracy of existing bug search techniques with very reasonable performance overhead. Finally, I demonstrate the potential of the code search technique in the memory analysis field, and apply it to address their across-version issue in the memory forensic problem [55, 56]. The memory analysis techniques for COTS software usually rely on the so-called “data structure profiles” for their binaries. Construction of such profiles requires the expert knowledge about the internal working of a specified software version. However, it is still a cumbersome manual effort most of time. I propose to leverage the code search technique to enable a notion named “cross-version memory analysis”, which can update a profile for new versions of a software by transferring the knowledge from the model that has already been trained on its old version. The evaluation results show that the code search based approach advances the existing memory analysis methods by reducing the manual efforts while maintaining the reasonable accuracy. With the help of collaborators, I further developed two plugins to the Volatility memory forensic framework [2], and show that each of the two plugins can construct a localized profile to perform specified memory forensic tasks on the same memory dump, without the need of manual effort in creating the corresponding profile

    A fast and scalable binary similarity method for open source libraries

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    Abstract. Usage of third party open source software has become more and more popular in the past years, due to the need for faster development cycles and the availability of good quality libraries. Those libraries are integrated as dependencies and often in the form of binary artifacts. This is especially common in embedded software applications. Dependencies, however, can proliferate and also add new attack surfaces to an application due to vulnerabilities in the library code. Hence, the need for binary similarity analysis methods to detect libraries compiled into applications. Binary similarity detection methods are related to text similarity methods and build upon the research in that area. In this research we focus on fuzzy matching methods, that have been used widely and successfully in text similarity analysis. In particular, we propose using locality sensitive hashing schemes in combination with normalised binary code features. The normalization allows us to apply the similarity comparison across binaries produced by different compilers using different optimization flags and being build for various machine architectures. To improve the matching precision, we use weighted code features. Machine learning is used to optimize the feature weights to create clusters of semantically similar code blocks extracted from different binaries. The machine learning is performed in an offline process to increase scalability and performance of the matching system. Using above methods we build a database of binary similarity code signatures for open source libraries. The database is utilized to match by similarity any code blocks from an application to known libraries in the database. One of the goals of our system is to facilitate a fast and scalable similarity matching process. This allows integrating the system into continuous software development, testing and integration pipelines. The evaluation shows that our results are comparable to other systems proposed in related research in terms of precision while maintaining the performance required in continuous integration systems.Nopea ja skaalautuva käännettyjen ohjelmistojen samankaltaisuuden tunnistusmenetelmä avoimen lähdekoodin kirjastoille. Tiivistelmä. Kolmansien osapuolten kehittämien ohjelmistojen käyttö on yleistynyt valtavasti viime vuosien aikana nopeutuvan ohjelmistokehityksen ja laadukkaiden ohjelmistokirjastojen tarjonnan kasvun myötä. Nämä kirjastot ovat yleensä lisätty kehitettävään ohjelmistoon riippuvuuksina ja usein jopa käännettyinä binääreinä. Tämä on yleistä varsinkin sulatetuissa ohjelmistoissa. Riippuvuudet saattavat kuitenkin luoda uusia hyökkäysvektoreita kirjastoista löytyvien haavoittuvuuksien johdosta. Nämä kolmansien osapuolten kirjastoista löytyvät haavoittuvuudet synnyttävät tarpeen tunnistaa käännetyistä binääriohjelmistoista löytyvät avoimen lähdekoodin ohjelmistokirjastot. Binäärien samankaltaisuuden tunnistusmenetelmät usein pohjautuvat tekstin samankaltaisuuden tunnistusmenetelmiin ja hyödyntävät tämän tieteellisiä saavutuksia. Tässä tutkimuksessa keskitytään sumeisiin tunnistusmenetelmiin, joita on käytetty laajasti tekstin samankaltaisuuden tunnistamisessa. Tutkimuksessa hyödynnetään sijainnille sensitiivisiä tiivistemenetelmiä ja normalisoituja binäärien ominaisuuksia. Ominaisuuksien normalisoinnin avulla binäärien samankaltaisuutta voidaan vertailla ohjelmiston kääntämisessä käytetystä kääntäjästä, optimisaatiotasoista ja prosessoriarkkitehtuurista huolimatta. Menetelmän tarkkuutta parannetaan painotettujen binääriominaisuuksien avulla. Koneoppimista hyödyntämällä binääriomisaisuuksien painotus optimoidaan siten, että samankaltaisista binääreistä puretut ohjelmistoblokit luovat samankaltaisien ohjelmistojen joukkoja. Koneoppiminen suoritetaan erillisessä prosessissa, mikä parantaa järjestelmän suorituskykyä. Näiden menetelmien avulla luodaan tietokanta avoimen lähdekoodin kirjastojen tunnisteista. Tietokannan avulla minkä tahansa ohjelmiston samankaltaiset binääriblokit voidaan yhdistää tunnettuihin avoimen lähdekoodin kirjastoihin. Menetelmän tavoitteena on tarjota nopea ja skaalautuva samankaltaisuuden tunnistus. Näiden ominaisuuksien johdosta järjestelmä voidaan liittää osaksi ohjelmistokehitys-, integraatioprosesseja ja ohjelmistotestausta. Vertailu muihin kirjallisuudessa esiteltyihin menetelmiin osoittaa, että esitellyn menetlmän tulokset on vertailtavissa muihin kirjallisuudessa esiteltyihin menetelmiin tarkkuuden osalta. Menetelmä myös ylläpitää suorituskyvyn, jota vaaditaan jatkuvan integraation järjestelmissä

    Revisiting Binary Code Similarity Analysis using Interpretable Feature Engineering and Lessons Learned

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    Binary code similarity analysis (BCSA) is widely used for diverse security applications such as plagiarism detection, software license violation detection, and vulnerability discovery. Despite the surging research interest in BCSA, it is significantly challenging to perform new research in this field for several reasons. First, most existing approaches focus only on the end results, namely, increasing the success rate of BCSA, by adopting uninterpretable machine learning. Moreover, they utilize their own benchmark sharing neither the source code nor the entire dataset. Finally, researchers often use different terminologies or even use the same technique without citing the previous literature properly, which makes it difficult to reproduce or extend previous work. To address these problems, we take a step back from the mainstream and contemplate fundamental research questions for BCSA. Why does a certain technique or a feature show better results than the others? Specifically, we conduct the first systematic study on the basic features used in BCSA by leveraging interpretable feature engineering on a large-scale benchmark. Our study reveals various useful insights on BCSA. For example, we show that a simple interpretable model with a few basic features can achieve a comparable result to that of recent deep learning-based approaches. Furthermore, we show that the way we compile binaries or the correctness of underlying binary analysis tools can significantly affect the performance of BCSA. Lastly, we make all our source code and benchmark public and suggest future directions in this field to help further research.Comment: 22 pages, under revision to Transactions on Software Engineering (July 2021

    Fingerprinting Vulnerabilities in Intelligent Electronic Device Firmware

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    Modern smart grid deployments heavily rely on the advanced capabilities that Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs) provide. Furthermore, these devices firmware often contain critical vulnerabilities that if exploited could cause large impacts on national economic security, and national safety. As such, a scalable domain specific approach is required in order to assess the security of IED firmware. In order to resolve this lack of an appropriate methodology, we present a scalable vulnerable function identification framework. It is specifically designed to analyze IED firmware and binaries that employ the ARM CPU architecture. Its core functionality revolves around a multi-stage detection methodology that is specifically designed to resolve the lack of specialization that limits other general-purpose approaches. This is achieved by compiling an extensive database of IED specific vulnerabilities and domain specific firmware that is evaluated. Its analysis approach is composed of three stages that leverage function syntactic, semantic, structural and statistical features in order to identify vulnerabilities. As such it (i) first filters out dissimilar functions based on a group of heterogeneous features, (ii) it then further filters out dissimilar functions based on their execution paths, and (iii) it finally identifies candidate functions based on fuzzy graph matching . In order to validate our methodologies capabilities, it is implemented as a binary analysis framework entitled BinArm. The resulting algorithm is then put through a rigorous set of evaluations that demonstrate its capabilities. These include the capability to identify vulnerabilities within a given IED firmware image with a total accuracy of 0.92

    Investigating Graph Embedding Methods for Cross-Platform Binary Code Similarity Detection

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    IoT devices are increasingly present, both in the industry and in consumer markets, but their security remains weak, which leads to an unprecedented number of attacks against them. In order to reduce the attack surface, one approach is to analyze the binary code of these devices to early detect whether they contain potential security vulnerabilities. More specifically, knowing some vulnerable function, we can determine whether the firmware of an IoT device contains some security flaw by searching for this function. However, searching for similar vulnerable functions is in general challenging due to the fact that the source code is often not openly available and that it can be compiled for different architectures, using different compilers and compilation settings. In order to handle these varying settings, we can compare the similarity between the graph embeddings derived from the binary functions. In this paper, inspired by the recent advances in deep learning, we propose a new method – GESS (graph embeddings for similarity search) – to derive graph embeddings, and we compare it with various state-of-the-art methods. Our empirical evaluation shows that GESS reaches an AUC of 0.979, thereby outperforming the best known approach. Furthermore, for a fixed low false positive rate, GESS provides a true positive rate (or recall) about 36% higher than the best previous approach. Finally, for a large search space, GESS provides a recall between 50% and 60% higher than the best previous approach