113,534 research outputs found

    Saving Private Ryan

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    Saving Private Ryan\u27s Tax Refund

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    It\u27s Not Just a Job, It\u27s a Calling: The Redemption of Soldiering as Religious Vocation in Saving Private Ryan

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    Filmic depictions of the warrior have decayed over the last few decades, driven by a focus on Vietnam – the bad war in which soldiering was hell. When Spielberg decided to revisit WWII in Saving Private Ryan, he recaptured the idea of the good soldier whose mission was a Calling. This essay examines how western culture came to its fallacious, bifurcated understanding of Calling, then explores the definition of Calling, identifies Calling\u27s key features, and then uses these theories to examine the character of Private Jackson, the Christian sniper from the film Saving Private Ryan

    The Role and Impact of the Environment in Saving Private Ryan

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    Although certain films may not be explicitly labeled as environmental film, we approach Saving Private Ryan through an ecocritical analysis. We evaluate how the film not only displays the physical and mental tolls of war in several bloody battles, but we also explore the environmental costs. By examining the genre of historical realism, we demonstrate how the film outlines the unique role of the environment in war but also enables the viewers to consider the impacts of war on the surrounding environment. To understand the environmental message in Saving Private Ryan, we used a concept called the “Three Ecologies” by the ecocinema scholar, Adrian J. Ivakhiv. By considering the perceptual and social environments on-screen in Saving Private Ryan, it allows us to think about the material impact of war on real settings. Therefore, the unique role of the environment in war is seen through the portrayal and highlighted importance of weather, geography, and resources. The marine environment was also found to be disturbed due to the numerous vessels and equipment lost at sea, and along the beaches of Normandy. The certain stylistic elements used in this Hollywood Blockbuster are used to depict the film’s various settings and action to help us understand the role of the environment in how viewers engage with the film. Overall, this study evaluates how Saving Private Ryan provides an invaluable commentary on the environmental aspect of an iconic battle in world history

    Empire of the Gun: Steven Spielberg's SAVING PRIVATE RYAN and American Chauvinism

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    This book chapter analyzes Steven Spielberg's supposedly anti-war SAVING PRIVATE RYAN (1992) as a pro-war, pro-military, and pro-America movie

    Representasi Patriotisme dalam Film Saving Private Ryan (Analisis Semiotika Roland Barthes Mengenai Representasi Patriotisme dalam Film)

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    Representasi Patriotisme dalam Film Saving Private Ryan (Analisis Semiotika Roland Barthes Mengenai Representasi Patriotisme dalam Film) Abstrak Sarwo Edi Wibowo 1204110045 Film berfungsi sebagai media yang digunakan sebagai hiburan serta menyebarkan edukasi. Hingga saat ini banyak para sineas film yang membuat film bertemakan patriotisme. Hal ini disebabkan karena banyaknya penikmat film yang menyukai film yang mengangkat sisi patriotik. Film Saving Private Ryan ini bercerita tentang perjuangan delapan orang tentara yang mempunyai misi menyelamatkan satu orang tentara. Perjuangan ini dianggap para pasukan tentara tersebut tidak sebanding dengan pengorbanan nyawa mereka. Perubahan zaman membuat pergeseran makna dari patriotisme itu sendiri. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui konotasi, denotasi serta mitos patriotisme yang direpresentasikan dalam film Saving Private Ryan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode semiotika Roland Barthes yang menganalisis dalam dalam dua tahapan yaitu denotasi dan konotasi. Kemudian didukung dengan literatur komunikasi massa serta literatur dimensi serta jenis-jenis patriotisme yang bertujuan agar penelitian ini memiliki landasan berpikir teoritis. Denotasi merupakan makna sesungguhnya yang terlihat, sedangkan konotasi merupakan makna yang tersembunyi atau secara tersirat. Unit analisis yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini yaitu dari adegan serta dialog yang terdapat dalam film Saving private Ryan. Dari penelitian ini, secara denotasi film Saving Private Ryan menceritakan perjuangan sekelompok tentara untuk mempertahankan bangsanya. sedangkan secara konotasi ditemukan pemahaman mengenai patriotisme dalam artian yang sempit. Patriotisme disini masih terbatas pada profesi, pengorbanan jiwa serta kekerasan. Kata kunci: Saving Private Ryan, Patriotisme, Semiotika, Roland Barthe

    Szeregowiec Ryan, czyli wojna i (a) pamięć

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    Saving Private Ryan. War and (vs) memory The analysis is concerned with the relations between representation of war in American cinema and its cultural memory based on Steven Spielberg's Saving Private Ryan (USA 1998). Based on concepts such as cultural memory, postmemory, representation and realism, multiple aspects of a film work were analyzed: the plot, image, sound, and John Williams' musical score. Hollywood war films through referencing genre traditions, patriotic musical style and iconic imagery are capable of influencing the ways society remembers and imagines war. In case of Saving Private Ryan filming techniques used for the combat scenes play a particular role. Influenced by the original World War II combat documentaries the filmmakers achieved the viewer's full immersion in depicted combat, as opposed to the older war cinema, where technological means allowed the camera to only observe the events. Key words: combat film; Saving Private Ryan; Steven Spielberg; collective memory; representation

    Salvar al soldado Ryan con 300 espartanos: historia, memoria, mito

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    El presente artículo tiene por objeto indagar en los temas de la construcción de la memoria, el mito y la tradición oral, tal como se han proyectado en dos películas recientes de gran impacto internacional, principalmente 300 (2007, Zack Snyder) y Salvar al Soldado Ryan (1998, Steven Spielberg). También pretendemos explorar las innovaciones que las técnicas del nuevo cine digital estån aportando a estas mitologías contemporåneas.The present paper addresses the issues of construction of memory, myth and oral tradition as we see in two recent films of great international impact, 300 (2007, Zack Snyder) and Saving Private Ryan (1998, Steven Spielberg). We also intend to explore the technical innovations that new digital cinema is bringing into these contemporary mythologies

    Reframing History: New Historicism in Cinematic Critique of World War II Perspectives in 'The Fighter Pilot' (2013) and 'Saving Private Ryan' (1998)

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    This study aims at showing the biases of two contrast movies, ‘The Fighter Pilot’ on the Japanese side and ‘Saving Private Ryan’ on the American side in the context of New Historicism. Having the two movies analyzed, the New Historicism theory by Stephen Greenblatt (2011) was used to reveal the motives of both works. Two contextual aspects of the narratives were contrasted, ‘Idealized Image" vs. Realism’. Hence, the cinematography aspects of both movies were also analyzed to reveal the emotional impacts and the motives of the characters. As a result: 1) Emphasizing the themes of sacrifice, friendship, and loyalty, "The Fighter Pilot" presents an idealized image of Japanese fighter pilots during WWII, romanticizing their heroism, sacrifices, and positive qualities. 2) The portrayal of the American soldiers in the ‘Saving Private Ryan’  shows an idealized image of virtuous, patriotic, and brave individuals dedicated to duty, peacekeeping, and sacrifice for the greater good, using cinematic techniques to enhance heroism, while depicting the chaos and horrors of war, including the emotional toll on soldiers and moral dilemmas in the same era. 3) Both movies avoid depicting unpleasant scenes of WWII, contributing to a one-sided perspective that compromises the historical accuracy by selectively portraying narratives to fit a particular motive. Thus, historical movies can be a tool for shaping one’s perspective on historical events either to remember or to forget certain occurrences
