143 research outputs found

    "They Come from Above" : Exploring Finnish Development Cooperation in the Field of Meteorology, 1968-2015

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    Finnish development cooperation in the field of meteorology has continued for nearly 50 years and over 100 countries have been beneficiaries of this aid. Cooperation in this field is complex, it brings together public and private sector actors and experts from different backgrounds. Projects have succeeded in capacity development, but have struggled with sustainability. Local capacity often lowers after projects ends. Data includes interviews (n=56) with experts from the Finnish Meteorological Institute, Vaisala, Ministry for Foreign Affairs and 8 recipient countries. Archive material and policy documents are also included in analysis. Exploratory case study method applying conventional content analysis is used. The objective of the study is to explore the underlying issues influencing the challenge of sustainability. Theoretical framework includes a combination of concepts and theories: governmentality (Foucault) and analytics of government (Dean), power theories (Lukes, Clegg and French & Raven) and approaches regarding patterns of aid behavior (Hydén and Mease, Gibson et al., Burnell and Mosse). Historical analysis shows the various phases of these projects, and reflects them to the history of Finnish aid from the late 1960s to the 2010s. Experts’ experiences from the grass-roots level form an important basis for the analysis. Policy analysis shows that projects have been well-fitting with development policies up until the 2000s, after which the gap between policy and practice has widened. Cooperation is focused more on technology and less to the societal aspects of meteorology. The Ministry is not involved in practice, allowing projects to be driven towards more technology-oriented goals by the experts of meteorology, many of which who have adopted an “apolitical” strategy. This weakens connections between projects and local people. Private sector experts have adopted an opposing strategy, and engage actively with politicians, who are able to make decisions regarding purchasing of meteorological equipment. Analysis shows that all important decisions within the aid system "come from above", bureaucracy is heavy and control is tight. Lack of flexibility and trust within the system lowers the influence of the projects. Differences between the donor stakeholders are found in general approaches to key issues. Power analysis shows that the Ministry holds the most influential forms of power, while FMI and Vaisala hold mainly dispositional power. Recipients of aid lack access to important forms of power, yet they are expected to sustain capacity after projects ends. Several “donor traps” are also found to actualize, which influence outcomes of aid. In order to make projects truly sustainable for the aid recipients, the donor would have to give up some power and through that, also some accountability. This is nearly an impossible choice, since both are highly important for the donor. This study finds that within the current system, there is no one actor who has both motive and power to change aid. For the sake of the future, this is a significant challenge to overcome regarding the role of the developing nations, as well as the renewal of the aid system.Suomalainen kehitysyhteistyö meteorologian alalla on liki 50-vuotisen historian aikana tavoittanut yli 100 maata. Meteorologia on ala, jossa Suomella on kansainvälisesti arvostettua erityisosaamista. Kehitysyhteistyöhankkeet on toteutettu julkisen ja yksityisen sektorin yhteistyönä. Projektit ovat onnistuneet kapasiteetin kehittämisessä, mutta vaikutusten ylläpito on ollut keskeinen haaste yhteistyöhankkeiden päättymisen jälkeen. Tutkimusaineisto koostuu haastatteluista Ilmatieteen laitoksen, Vaisalan, Ulkoasiainministeriön ja 8 eri avunsaajamaan asiantuntijoiden kanssa (n=56). Näiden lisäksi on käytetty arkistomateriaaleja sekä politiikkadokumentteja. Menetelmänä on tapaustutkimus ja perinteinen sisällönanalyysi. Tarkoituksena on selvittää mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat avun kestävyysongelmaan. Teoreettinen viitekehys rakentuu eri osista: governmentality käsitteestä (Foucault) ja siihen pohjautuvasta analytics of government teoriasta (Dean), kolmesta eri valtateoriasta (Lukes, Clegg ja French & Raven) sekä erilaisista lähestymistavoista avunantajien toimintaan ruohonjuuritasolla (Hydén and Mease, Gibson et al., Burnell ja Mosse). Historiallisessa analyysissä esitellään meteorologisen avun eri vaiheita ja haasteita, peilaten niitä suomalaisen kehitysavun vaiheisiin 1960-luvun lopulta 2010-luvulle asti. Asiantuntijoiden kokemukset hankkeista muodostavat tärkeän pohjan tutkimukselle. Politiikka-analyysi osoittaa että projektit ovat olleet hyvin linjassa kehityspolitiikan kanssa 2000-luvulle asti, jonka jälkeen on ilmennyt enemmän haasteita. Ministeriö ei osallistu aktiivisesti hankkeiden käytännön toteutukseen, mahdollistaen sen että meteorologian asiantuntijat voivat ohjata projekteja haluamaansa suuntaan. Yhteistyö sektorilla on keskittynyt enemmän teknologiaan kuin meteorologian yhteiskunnallisiin ulottuvuuksiin. Monet meteorologian asiantuntijoista ovat omaksuneet ei-poliittisen lähestymistavan, joka heikentää projektien yhteyttä kehitystavoitteisiin ja paikalliseen yhteiskuntaan. Yksityisen sektorin asiantuntijoiden tulee sen sijaan toimia aktiivisessa yhteistyössä poliitikkojen kanssa, koska vain heillä on päätäntävaltaa laitehankintojen suhteen. Analyysi osoittaa että apujärjestelmässä päätökset tulevat yläpuolelta, byrokratia on raskasta ja kontrolli on tiukkaa. Joustavuuden ja luottamuksen puute heikentää hankkeiden vaikuttavuutta. Toimijavertailussa tuodaan esille eroja lähestymistavoissa Ilmatieteen laitoksen, Vaisalan ja Ulkoasianministeriön asiantuntijoiden kesken. Valta-analyysi osoittaa miten ministeriöön on keskittynyt merkittävin valta, kun taas Ilmatieteen laitos ja Vaisala voivat käyttää valtaa, joka tulee heidän organisaatioiden roolin mukana. Avunsaajamailla sen sijaan ei ole tärkeitä vallankäytön muotoja saatavilla, silti heidän oletetaan ylläpitävän projektien saavutuksia yhteistyön päättymisen jälkeen. Lisäksi projekteissa toteutuu erilaisia ”avunantajien ansoja”, jotka myös heikentävät vaikuttavuutta. Jotta projektit saavuttaisivat kestäviä tuloksia, avunantajien tulisi luopua jossain määrin vallasta ja sitä kautta osin myös vastuullisuudesta. Tämä on liki mahdoton vaihtoehto, sillä molemmat ovat avunantajamaalle tärkeitä. Tutkimuksessa tuodaan esille, ettei ole yhtään sellaista toimijaa, jolla olisi sekä valtaa että motiivi tehdä muutoksia apujärjestelmän rakenteeseen. Tämä on merkittävä haaste tulevaisuuden kannalta sekä kehittyvien maiden aseman että apujärjestelmän uusiutumisen näkökulmista

    Great Plains Research, Volume 22, Number 2, Fall 2012 (complete issue)

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    Reconsidering National Park Interpretation of the Great Plains and TransMississippi West • Robert Pahre Evaluating the Role of Latinidad and the Latino Threat in the State of Missouri • Joel Jennings and J.S. Onesimo Sandoval The Right Call: Baseball Coaches\u27 Attempts to Influence Umpires • Kevin Warneke and Dave Ogden Documenting Change at Upper Hamburg Bend: Nebraska\u27s First SideChannel Restoration • Brandon L. Eder and Gerald E. Mestl Initial Changes in Species Cover Following Savanna Restoration Treatments in Western Iowa • David A. McKenzie, Thomas B. Bragg, and David M. Sutherland Monitoring Standing Herbage of the Sands and Choppy Sands Ecological Vegetation Types in the Nebraska Sandhills • Daniel W. Uresk Review of Conspecific Attraction and Area Sensitivity of Grassland Birds • David R. W. Bruinsma and Nicola Koper New Distributional Records of Great Plains Pseudoscorpions (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) • Paul O. Cooney and James A. Kalisch REVIEW ESSAY: An Atlas to Be Read from Cover to Cover • A review of Atlas of the Great Plains • Harm J. de Blij BOOK REVIEWS Hockensmith, John S. • Spanish Mustangs in the Great American West: Return of the Horse • Reviewed by Karen Dalke Brown, Mary Bomberger, Stephen J. Dinsmore, and Charles R. Brown • Birds of Southwestern Nebraska: An Annotated Check-List of Species in the North and South Platte River Valleys and at Lake McConaughy • Reviewed by Wayne J. Mollhoff Adelman, Charlotte, and Bernard L. Schwartz • The Midwestern Native Garden: Native Alternatives to Nonnative Flowers and Plants, An Illustrated Guide • Reviewed by Stephen L. Young Marchildon, Gregory P., ed. • Agricultural History: History of the Prairie West Series, Volume 3 • Reviewed by Bradford Rennie Freeman, David M.; Foreword by Robert Ward • Implementing the Endangered Species Act on the Platte Basin Water Commons • Reviewed by Mary Bomberger Brown Bower, Shannon Stunden; Foreword by Graeme Wynn • Wet Prairie: People, Land, and Water in Agricultural Manitoba • Reviewed by Sterling Evans Waters, Michael R., Charlotte D. Pevny, David L. Carlson, et al.; Foreword by Michael B. Collins • Clovis Lithic Technology: Investigation of a Stratified Workshop at the Gault Site, Texas • Reviewed by Heather M. Rockwell. Arnn, John Wesley, III; Foreword by Tom D. Dillehay • Land of the Tejas: Native American Identity and Interaction in Texas, A.D. 1300 to 1700 • Reviewed by Robert Cast Clark, Bonnie J. • On the Edge of Purgatory: An Archaeology of Place in Hispanic Colorado • Reviewed by Jason M. LaBelle Barker, Joanne • Native Acts: Law, Recognition, and Cultural Authenticity • Reviewed by Jo Carrillo Regan, Paulette • Unsettling the Settler Within: Indian Residential Schools, Truth Telling, and Reconciliation in Canada • Reviewed by Robyn Green Prussing, Erica • White Man\u27s Water: The Politics of Sobriety in a Native American Community • Reviewed by Paul Spicer Lehr, John, and David McDowell • Trailblazers: The Lives and Times of Michael Ewanchuk and Muriel (Smith) Ewanchuk • Reviewed by Denis Hlynka Pachirat, Timothy • Every Twelve Seconds: Industrialized Slaughter and the Politics of Sight •Reviewed by Donald D. Stull. Pawley, Howard; Foreword by Paul Moist • Keep True: A Life in Politics • Reviewed by Kelly Saunders Sinner, George A Bud, and Bob Jansen; Foreword by Clay S. Jenkinson • Turning Points: A Memoir • Reviewed by Stephen W. King Daum, Courtenay W., Robert J. Duffy, and John A Straayer, eds. • State of Change: Colorado Politics in the Twenty-First Century • Reviewed by Robert R. Preuhs Hiler, Edward A, and Steven L. Bosserman • Together We Can: Pathways to Collective Leadership in Agriculture at Texas A&M • Reviewed by Theodore R. Alter NEWS AND NOTES ANNUAL INDE

    Great Plains Research, Volume 22, Number 2, Fall 2012 (complete issue)

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    Reconsidering National Park Interpretation of the Great Plains and TransMississippi West • Robert Pahre Evaluating the Role of Latinidad and the Latino Threat in the State of Missouri • Joel Jennings and J.S. Onesimo Sandoval The Right Call: Baseball Coaches\u27 Attempts to Influence Umpires • Kevin Warneke and Dave Ogden Documenting Change at Upper Hamburg Bend: Nebraska\u27s First SideChannel Restoration • Brandon L. Eder and Gerald E. Mestl Initial Changes in Species Cover Following Savanna Restoration Treatments in Western Iowa • David A. McKenzie, Thomas B. Bragg, and David M. Sutherland Monitoring Standing Herbage of the Sands and Choppy Sands Ecological Vegetation Types in the Nebraska Sandhills • Daniel W. Uresk Review of Conspecific Attraction and Area Sensitivity of Grassland Birds • David R. W. Bruinsma and Nicola Koper New Distributional Records of Great Plains Pseudoscorpions (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) • Paul O. Cooney and James A. Kalisch REVIEW ESSAY: An Atlas to Be Read from Cover to Cover • A review of Atlas of the Great Plains • Harm J. de Blij BOOK REVIEWS Hockensmith, John S. • Spanish Mustangs in the Great American West: Return of the Horse • Reviewed by Karen Dalke Brown, Mary Bomberger, Stephen J. Dinsmore, and Charles R. Brown • Birds of Southwestern Nebraska: An Annotated Check-List of Species in the North and South Platte River Valleys and at Lake McConaughy • Reviewed by Wayne J. Mollhoff Adelman, Charlotte, and Bernard L. Schwartz • The Midwestern Native Garden: Native Alternatives to Nonnative Flowers and Plants, An Illustrated Guide • Reviewed by Stephen L. Young Marchildon, Gregory P., ed. • Agricultural History: History of the Prairie West Series, Volume 3 • Reviewed by Bradford Rennie Freeman, David M.; Foreword by Robert Ward • Implementing the Endangered Species Act on the Platte Basin Water Commons • Reviewed by Mary Bomberger Brown Bower, Shannon Stunden; Foreword by Graeme Wynn • Wet Prairie: People, Land, and Water in Agricultural Manitoba • Reviewed by Sterling Evans Waters, Michael R., Charlotte D. Pevny, David L. Carlson, et al.; Foreword by Michael B. Collins • Clovis Lithic Technology: Investigation of a Stratified Workshop at the Gault Site, Texas • Reviewed by Heather M. Rockwell. Arnn, John Wesley, III; Foreword by Tom D. Dillehay • Land of the Tejas: Native American Identity and Interaction in Texas, A.D. 1300 to 1700 • Reviewed by Robert Cast Clark, Bonnie J. • On the Edge of Purgatory: An Archaeology of Place in Hispanic Colorado • Reviewed by Jason M. LaBelle Barker, Joanne • Native Acts: Law, Recognition, and Cultural Authenticity • Reviewed by Jo Carrillo Regan, Paulette • Unsettling the Settler Within: Indian Residential Schools, Truth Telling, and Reconciliation in Canada • Reviewed by Robyn Green Prussing, Erica • White Man\u27s Water: The Politics of Sobriety in a Native American Community • Reviewed by Paul Spicer Lehr, John, and David McDowell • Trailblazers: The Lives and Times of Michael Ewanchuk and Muriel (Smith) Ewanchuk • Reviewed by Denis Hlynka Pachirat, Timothy • Every Twelve Seconds: Industrialized Slaughter and the Politics of Sight •Reviewed by Donald D. Stull. Pawley, Howard; Foreword by Paul Moist • Keep True: A Life in Politics • Reviewed by Kelly Saunders Sinner, George A Bud, and Bob Jansen; Foreword by Clay S. Jenkinson • Turning Points: A Memoir • Reviewed by Stephen W. King Daum, Courtenay W., Robert J. Duffy, and John A Straayer, eds. • State of Change: Colorado Politics in the Twenty-First Century • Reviewed by Robert R. Preuhs Hiler, Edward A, and Steven L. Bosserman • Together We Can: Pathways to Collective Leadership in Agriculture at Texas A&M • Reviewed by Theodore R. Alter NEWS AND NOTES ANNUAL INDE

    Abstracts on Radio Direction Finding (1899 - 1995)

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    The files on this record represent the various databases that originally composed the CD-ROM issue of "Abstracts on Radio Direction Finding" database, which is now part of the Dudley Knox Library's Abstracts and Selected Full Text Documents on Radio Direction Finding (1899 - 1995) Collection. (See Calhoun record https://calhoun.nps.edu/handle/10945/57364 for further information on this collection and the bibliography). Due to issues of technological obsolescence preventing current and future audiences from accessing the bibliography, DKL exported and converted into the three files on this record the various databases contained in the CD-ROM. The contents of these files are: 1) RDFA_CompleteBibliography_xls.zip [RDFA_CompleteBibliography.xls: Metadata for the complete bibliography, in Excel 97-2003 Workbook format; RDFA_Glossary.xls: Glossary of terms, in Excel 97-2003 Workbookformat; RDFA_Biographies.xls: Biographies of leading figures, in Excel 97-2003 Workbook format]; 2) RDFA_CompleteBibliography_csv.zip [RDFA_CompleteBibliography.TXT: Metadata for the complete bibliography, in CSV format; RDFA_Glossary.TXT: Glossary of terms, in CSV format; RDFA_Biographies.TXT: Biographies of leading figures, in CSV format]; 3) RDFA_CompleteBibliography.pdf: A human readable display of the bibliographic data, as a means of double-checking any possible deviations due to conversion

    Making sense of the western front: English infantrymen’s morale and perception of crisis during the Great War

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    This thesis reappraises military morale during the First World War, looking at the relationship between morale and perceptions of crisis. It analyses the resilience of English infantrymen serving on the Western Front during three acute ‘crisis’ periods faced by the British Army in 1914, 1916, and 1917/1918. Through the examination of contemporary sources, it reveals how infantrymen’s long-term experiential perceptions of war and the Western Front functioned to promote resilience. Generally focussing on moments outside of combat, it argues that many combatants perceived the war itself as a prolonged chronic crisis. Adaptations deflected experiences of chronic crisis and soldiers often failed to register acute crisis and did not distinguish these phases as ones of ‘crisis’ at the time. The dissertation draws on untapped archival material, mainly using sources written during or shortly after the events being studied. It investigates the interrelationship between soldiers’ social and physical environment, and their psychological environment. Deploying theory from anthropology, sociology and social psychology, it goes further than previous work in its interdisciplinary scope. The individual chapters reflect the themes that emerged most forcefully from the primary material. The first four describe the ways in which men overcame chronic crisis, while the final chapter analyses the emergence of acute crisis. ‘Attachment’ explores how men familiarised themselves with the physical environment of the Western Front, normalised it and found meaning in it. ‘Exhaustion’ analyses the experience of winter, showing how this subsumed other concerns and changed men’s perspective on war during other seasons of the year. ‘Obligation’ reinterprets the ways in which concepts of duty influenced soldiers’ actions and interpretation of the conflict. ‘Imagination’ develops a fresh perspective on the ways in which men’s perceptions and dreams of England became a coping mechanism and furnished a justification of their suffering. ‘Hope’ argues that visions of peace proved to be sustaining and were inextricably linked to ideas of victory. The thesis offers new insights into the psychology of the soldiers of 1914-18, and the conclusion suggests that human adaptability and the ability to construe events constructively, to have goals and see clear pathways to these goals, helped men to cope with the Great War

    Asian Yearbook of International Law, Volume 22 (2016)

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    The Yearbook aims to promote research, studies and writings in the field of international law in Asia, as well as to provide an intellectual platform for the discussion and dissemination of Asian views and practices on contemporary international legal issues. Readership: All interested in International Law and Asian Law
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