284 research outputs found

    Satellite Selection Methodology for Horizontal Navigation and Integrity Algorithms

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    With the new upcoming GNSS constellation in the future it might no longer be possible to use all satellites in view for navigation due to limited tracking channels. This is in particular true in the context of Advanced Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (ARAIM), where the use of dual frequency is favorable to mitigate ionospheric disturbances. To address the issues of limited channels we propose two different satellites selection strategies adapted for Horizontal ARAIM in this paper. First a bare geometric approach which comes with almost no additional computation effort at the cost of less stable results. And second a heuristic optimization which improves selection results significantly while adding additional computational effort. Both approaches are compared to brute force selected best sets in terms of resulting protection levels, computational cost and achieved ARAIM availability. Results show the general applicability of both presented selection methods in Horizontal ARAIM. Using limited sets instead of all satellites in view can still provide global availability. Depending on the method more or less satellites are necessary to ensure sufficiently small and stable protection levels

    GDOP Bounds for GNSS Augmented with Range Information

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    Code phase GNSS receivers convert the measured satellite pseudoranges into estimates of the position and clock offset of the receiver, typically via an iterative, linearized least squares method. Since the pseudoranges themselves are noisy, the resulting estimates of position and time are random variables. To describe the accuracy of this solution, it is common to describe it statistically via the error covariance matrix. Rather than considering the individual elements of this covariance matrix, users frequently reduce it to a scalar performance indicator; the most common of these is the Geometric Dilution of Precision (GDOP). It is well known that the GDOP is a function of the satellite geometry; with only a few visible satellites in poor locations, the GDOP can become quite large. However, for a future with multiple, fully occupied GNSS constellations it is expected that receivers would select those satellites to track so as to achieve the best possible performance. Hence, an understanding of both how small the GDOP can be as a function of the number of satellites visible and the characteristics of the constellations that meet that bound are of value. Further, once identified, a receiver could exploit those constellation characteristics in selecting a subset of satellites. Investigating the best possible GNSS satellite constellation with respect to the GDOP is not a new problem. Recently, these authors developed achievable lower bounds to the GDOP as a function of the number of satellites; the bounds were also extended to non-zero mask angle and to multiple GNSS constellations. Further, using actual GPS satellite ephemeris data, it was shown by example that good GDOP performance resulted from constellations similar to the “best constellations resulting from the bounds. This paper examines augmentation of the GNSS pseudoragnes with data from non-GNSS sensors; specifically, ranges. While integration of GNSS and non-GNSS sensors is not novel, the perspective in the paper is how such external sensors impact potential receiver performance (i.e. minimum GDOP) and what role they play in satellite selection. Specifically, tight lower bounds to GDOP when the GNSS is augmented by this additional measurement (barometric altimeter or a DME slant range) are presented; achievability of the bounds is also examined

    Lower Bounds on DOP

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    Code phase Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) positioning performance is often described by the Geometric or Position Dilution of Precision (GDOP or PDOP), functions of the number of satellites employed in the solution and their geometry. This paper develops lower bounds to both metrics solely as functions of the number of satellites, effectively removing the added complexity caused by their locations in the sky, to allow users to assess how well their receivers are performing with respect to the best possible performance. Such bounds will be useful as receivers sub-select from the plethora of satellites available with multiple GNSS constellations. The bounds are initially developed for one constellation assuming that the satellites are at or above the horizon. Satellite constellations that essentially achieve the bounds are discussed, again with value toward the problem of satellite selection. The bounds are then extended to a non-zero mask angle and to multiple constellations

    Multi-Constellation GNSS: New Bounds on DOP and a Related Satellite Selection Process

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    GPS receivers convert the measured pseudoranges from the visible GPS satellites into an estimate of the position and clock offset of the receiver. For various reasons receivers might only track and process a subset of the visible satellites. It would be desired, of course, to use the best subset. In general selecting the best subset is a combinatorics problem; selecting m objects from a choice of n allows for n m potential subsets. And since the GDOP performance criterion is nonlinear and non-separable, finding the best subset is a brute force procedure; hence, a number of authors have described sub-optimal algorithms for choosing satellites. This paper revisits this problem, especially in the context of multiple GNSS constellations, for the GDOP and PDOP criteria. Included are a discussion of optimum constellations (based upon parallel work of these authors on achievable lower bounds to GDOP and PDOP), musings on how the non-separableness of DOP makes it impossible to rank order the satellites, and a review/discussion of subset selection algorithms. Our long term goal is the development of better selection algorithms for multi-constellation GNSS

    Satellite selection in the context of an operational GBAS

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    When incorporating multiple constellations into future ground based augmentation systems (GBAS), a problem with limited VDB (VHF data broadcast) capacity might arise. Furthermore, the number of airborne receiver tracking channels could be insufficient to use all visible satellites. One way to cope with these issues is to perform a satellite selection to limit the number of used satellites with minor impact on performance. This paper investigates different factors that constrain the approach of simply selecting "the best set in every epoch" and shows how to overcome some limitations. These constraints include limitations in satellite visibility, loss of satellites during approach (i.e. in curves), and convergence times in the airborne processing until satellites are usable. Various protection level simulations are performed to show the influence of the named factors on the nominal performance. Taking into account all these contextual influences, results show satellite selection is still applicable in GBAS ground stations

    Target localization based on bistatic T/R pair selection in GNSS-based multistatic radar system

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    To cope with the increasingly complex electromagnetic environment, multistatic radar systems, especially the passive multistatic radar, are becoming a trend of future radar development due to their advantages in anti-electronic jam, anti-destruction properties, and no electromagnetic pollution. However, one problem with this multi-source network is that it brings a huge amount of information and leads to considerable computational load. Aiming at the problem, this paper introduces the idea of selecting external illuminators in the multistatic passive radar system. Its essence is to optimize the configuration of multistatic T/R pairs. Based on this, this paper respectively proposes two multi-source optimization algorithms from the perspective of resolution unit and resolution capability, the Covariance Matrix Fusion Method and Convex Hull Optimization Method, and then uses a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) as an external illuminator to verify the algorithms. The experimental results show that the two optimization methods significantly improve the accuracy of multistatic positioning, and obtain a more reasonable use of system resources. To evaluate the algorithm performance under large number of transmitting/receiving stations, further simulation was conducted, in which a combination of the two algorithms were applied and the combined algorithm has shown its effectiveness in minimize the computational load and retain the target localization precision at the same time

    Datalähtöinen lähestymistapa satelliittien valintaan globaaleissa satelliittipaikannusjärjestelmissä

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    The main goal of this work was to develop an algorithm for multi-constellation GNSS receivers that would select satellites out of the tracked ones to be used in the location solution. As the receiver has very limited computational resources, the complexity of the algorithm needed to be kept low. The work began by exploratory analysis of GNSS data. This analysis gave insight into the differences of the various satellite navigation systems as well as into the nature of the pseudorange residuals. These observations helped in shaping the algorithm that we proposed for the problem of satellite selection. The algorithm itself was developed using data science techniques to filter out bad pseudorange measurements and borrowed some earlier ideas to optimize the geometric dilution of precision of the solution set as well. The approach we chose was shown to work very well when applied to real data measured from road tests in varying surroundings. Even with practically non-existent parameter tuning the algorithm was able to spot almost 90% of the bad pseudorange measurements, keeping the specificity, i.e., ability to hold on to the good measurements at over 90% level. The ability to filter out bad pseudorange measurements translated to improved location accuracy as well. All in all, the results achieved in this work proved encouraging enough to begin implementing the algorithm in actual receiver software to study the performance of the data-driven approach in action

    Robust GNSS Carrier Phase-based Position and Attitude Estimation Theory and Applications

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorNavigation information is an essential element for the functioning of robotic platforms and intelligent transportation systems. Among the existing technologies, Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) have established as the cornerstone for outdoor navigation, allowing for all-weather, all-time positioning and timing at a worldwide scale. GNSS is the generic term for referring to a constellation of satellites which transmit radio signals used primarily for ranging information. Therefore, the successful operation and deployment of prospective autonomous systems is subject to our capabilities to support GNSS in the provision of robust and precise navigational estimates. GNSS signals enable two types of ranging observations: –code pseudorange, which is a measure of the time difference between the signal’s emission and reception at the satellite and receiver, respectively, scaled by the speed of light; –carrier phase pseudorange, which measures the beat of the carrier signal and the number of accumulated full carrier cycles. While code pseudoranges provides an unambiguous measure of the distance between satellites and receiver, with a dm-level precision when disregarding atmospheric delays and clock offsets, carrier phase measurements present a much higher precision, at the cost of being ambiguous by an unknown number of integer cycles, commonly denoted as ambiguities. Thus, the maximum potential of GNSS, in terms of navigational precision, can be reach by the use of carrier phase observations which, in turn, lead to complicated estimation problems. This thesis deals with the estimation theory behind the provision of carrier phase-based precise navigation for vehicles traversing scenarios with harsh signal propagation conditions. Contributions to such a broad topic are made in three directions. First, the ultimate positioning performance is addressed, by proposing lower bounds on the signal processing realized at the receiver level and for the mixed real- and integer-valued problem related to carrier phase-based positioning. Second, multi-antenna configurations are considered for the computation of a vehicle’s orientation, introducing a new model for the joint position and attitude estimation problems and proposing new deterministic and recursive estimators based on Lie Theory. Finally, the framework of robust statistics is explored to propose new solutions to code- and carrier phase-based navigation, able to deal with outlying impulsive noises.La información de navegación es un elemental fundamental para el funcionamiento de sistemas de transporte inteligentes y plataformas robóticas. Entre las tecnologías existentes, los Sistemas Globales de Navegación por Satélite (GNSS) se han consolidado como la piedra angular para la navegación en exteriores, dando acceso a localización y sincronización temporal a una escala global, irrespectivamente de la condición meteorológica. GNSS es el término genérico que define una constelación de satélites que transmiten señales de radio, usadas primordinalmente para proporcionar información de distancia. Por lo tanto, la operatibilidad y funcionamiento de los futuros sistemas autónomos pende de nuestra capacidad para explotar GNSS y estimar soluciones de navegación robustas y precisas. Las señales GNSS permiten dos tipos de observaciones de alcance: –pseudorangos de código, que miden el tiempo transcurrido entre la emisión de las señales en los satélites y su acquisición en la tierra por parte de un receptor; –pseudorangos de fase de portadora, que miden la fase de la onda sinusoide que portan dichas señales y el número acumulado de ciclos completos. Los pseudorangos de código proporcionan una medida inequívoca de la distancia entre los satélites y el receptor, con una precisión de decímetros cuando no se tienen en cuenta los retrasos atmosféricos y los desfases del reloj. En contraposición, las observaciones de la portadora son super precisas, alcanzando el milímetro de exactidud, a expensas de ser ambiguas por un número entero y desconocido de ciclos. Por ende, el alcanzar la máxima precisión con GNSS queda condicionado al uso de las medidas de fase de la portadora, lo cual implica unos problemas de estimación de elevada complejidad. Esta tesis versa sobre la teoría de estimación relacionada con la provisión de navegación precisa basada en la fase de la portadora, especialmente para vehículos que transitan escenarios donde las señales no se propagan fácilmente, como es el caso de las ciudades. Para ello, primero se aborda la máxima efectividad del problema de localización, proponiendo cotas inferiores para el procesamiento de la señal en el receptor y para el problema de estimación mixto (es decir, cuando las incógnitas pertenecen al espacio de números reales y enteros). En segundo lugar, se consideran las configuraciones multiantena para el cálculo de la orientación de un vehículo, presentando un nuevo modelo para la estimación conjunta de posición y rumbo, y proponiendo estimadores deterministas y recursivos basados en la teoría de Lie. Por último, se explora el marco de la estadística robusta para proporcionar nuevas soluciones de navegación precisa, capaces de hacer frente a los ruidos atípicos.Programa de Doctorado en Ciencia y Tecnología Informática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: José Manuel Molina López.- Secretario: Giorgi Gabriele.- Vocal: Fabio Dovi
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