54 research outputs found

    Sanitization of FHE ciphertexts

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    By definition, fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) schemes support homomorphic decryption, and all known FHE constructions are bootstrapped from a Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption (SHE) scheme via this technique. Additionally, when a public key is provided, ciphertexts are also re-randomizable, e.g., by adding to them fresh encryptions of 0. From those two operations we devise an algorithm to sanitize a ciphertext, by making its distribution canonical. In particular, the distribution of the ciphertext does not depend on the circuit that led to it via homomorphic evaluation, thus providing circuit privacy in the honest-but-curious model. Unlike the previous approach based on noise flooding, our approach does not degrade much the security/efficiency trade-off of the underlying FHE. The technique can be applied to all lattice-based FHE proposed so far, without substantially affecting their concrete parameters

    Plug-and-play sanitization for TFHE

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    Fully Homomorphic encryption allows to evaluate any circuits over encrypted data while preserving the privacy of the data. Another desirable property of FHE called circuit privacy enables to preserve the privacy of the evaluation circuit, i.e. all the information on the bootstrapped ciphertext, including the computation that was performed to obtain it, is destroyed. In this paper, we show how to directly build a circuit private FHE scheme from TFHE bootstrapping (Asiacrypt 2016). Our proof frame is inspired from the techniques used in Bourse etal (Crypto 2016), we provide a statistical analysis of the error growth during the bootstrapping procedure where we adapt discrete Gaussian lemmata over rings. We make use of a randomized decomposition for the homomorphic external product and introduce a public key encryption scheme with invariance properties on the ciphertexts distribution. As a proof of concept, we provide a C implementation of our sanitization strategy

    Efficient Privacy-Preserving Viral Strain Classification via k-mer Signatures and FHE

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    With the development of sequencing technologies, viral strain classification -- which is critical for many applications, including disease monitoring and control -- has become widely deployed. Typically, a lab (client) holds a viral sequence, and requests classification services from a centralized repository of labeled viral sequences (server). However, such ``classification as a service\u27\u27 raises privacy concerns. In this paper we propose a privacy-preserving viral strain classification protocol that allows the client to obtain classification services from the server, while maintaining complete privacy of the client\u27s viral strains. The privacy guarantee is against active servers, and the correctness guarantee is against passive ones. We implemented our protocol and performed extensive benchmarks, showing that it obtains almost perfect accuracy (99.8%99.8\%--100%100\%) and microAUC (0.9990.999), and high efficiency (amortized per-sequence client and server runtimes of 4.954.95ms and 0.530.53ms, respectively, and 0.210.21MB communication). In addition, we present an extension of our protocol that guarantees server privacy against passive clients, and provide an empirical evaluation showing that this extension provides the same high accuracy and microAUC, with amortized per sequences overhead of only a few milliseconds in client and server runtime, and 0.3MB in communication complexity. Along the way, we develop an enhanced packing technique in which two reals are packed in a single complex number, with support for homomorphic inner products of vectors of ciphertexts. We note that while similar packing techniques were used before, they only supported additions and multiplication by constants

    Circuit Privacy for FHEW/TFHE-Style Fully Homomorphic Encryption in Practice

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    A fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) scheme allows a client to encrypt and delegate its data to a server that performs computation on the encrypted data that the client can then decrypt. While FHE gives confidentiality to clients\u27 data, it does not protect the server\u27s input and computation. Nevertheless, FHE schemes are still helpful in building delegation protocols that reduce communication complexity, as FHE ciphertext\u27s size is independent of the size of the computation performed on them. We can further extend FHE by a property called circuit privacy, which guarantees that the result of computing on ciphertexts reveals no information on the computed function and the inputs of the server. Thereby, circuit private FHE gives rise to round optimal and communication efficient secure two-party computation protocols. Unfortunately, despite significant efforts and much work put into the efficiency and practical implementations of FHE schemes, very little has been done to provide useful and practical FHE supporting circuit privacy. In this work, we address this gap and design the first randomized bootstrapping algorithm whose single invocation sanitizes a ciphertext and, consequently, serves as a tool to provide circuit privacy. We give an extensive analysis, propose parameters, and provide a C++ implementation of our scheme. Our bootstrapping can sanitize a ciphertext to achieve circuit privacy at an 80-bit statistical security level in 1.4 seconds. In addition, we can perform non-sanitized bootstrapping in around 0.14 seconds on a laptop without additional public keys. Crucially, we do not need to increase the parameters significantly to perform computation before or after the sanitization takes place. For comparison\u27s sake, we revisit the Ducas-Stehl\\u27e washing machine method. In particular, we give a tight analysis, estimate efficiency, review old and provide new parameters

    Achievable CCA2 Relaxation for Homomorphic Encryption

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    Homomorphic encryption (HE) protects data in-use, but can be computationally expensive. To avoid the costly bootstrapping procedure that refreshes ciphertexts, some works have explored client-aided outsourcing protocols, where the client intermittently refreshes ciphertexts for a server that is performing homomorphic computations. But is this approach secure against malicious servers? We present a CPA-secure encryption scheme that is completely insecure in this setting. We define a new notion of security, called funcCPA, that we prove is sufficient. Additionally, we show: - Homomorphic encryption schemes that have a certain type of circuit privacy -- for example, schemes in which ciphertexts can be ``sanitized\u27\u27-- are funcCPA-secure. - In particular, assuming certain existing HE schemes are CPA-secure, they are also funcCPA-secure. - For certain encryption schemes, like Brakerski-Vaikuntanathan, that have a property that we call oblivious secret key extraction, funcCPA-security implies circular security -- i.e., that it is secure to provide an encryption of the secret key in a form usable for bootstrapping (to construct fully homomorphic encryption). In summary, funcCPA-security lies strictly between CPA-security and CCA2-security (under reasonable assumptions), and has an interesting relationship with circular security, though it is not known to be equivalent

    Privacy-Preserving Federated Learning over Vertically and Horizontally Partitioned Data for Financial Anomaly Detection

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    The effective detection of evidence of financial anomalies requires collaboration among multiple entities who own a diverse set of data, such as a payment network system (PNS) and its partner banks. Trust among these financial institutions is limited by regulation and competition. Federated learning (FL) enables entities to collaboratively train a model when data is either vertically or horizontally partitioned across the entities. However, in real-world financial anomaly detection scenarios, the data is partitioned both vertically and horizontally and hence it is not possible to use existing FL approaches in a plug-and-play manner. Our novel solution, PV4FAD, combines fully homomorphic encryption (HE), secure multi-party computation (SMPC), differential privacy (DP), and randomization techniques to balance privacy and accuracy during training and to prevent inference threats at model deployment time. Our solution provides input privacy through HE and SMPC, and output privacy against inference time attacks through DP. Specifically, we show that, in the honest-but-curious threat model, banks do not learn any sensitive features about PNS transactions, and the PNS does not learn any information about the banks' dataset but only learns prediction labels. We also develop and analyze a DP mechanism to protect output privacy during inference. Our solution generates high-utility models by significantly reducing the per-bank noise level while satisfying distributed DP. To ensure high accuracy, our approach produces an ensemble model, in particular, a random forest. This enables us to take advantage of the well-known properties of ensembles to reduce variance and increase accuracy. Our solution won second prize in the first phase of the U.S. Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs) Prize Challenge.Comment: Prize Winner in the U.S. Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs) Prize Challeng

    On Circuit Private, Multikey and Threshold Approximate Homomorphic Encryption

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    Homomorphic encryption for approximate arithmetic allows one to encrypt discretized real/complex numbers and evaluate arithmetic circuits over them. The first scheme, called CKKS, was introduced by Cheon et al. (Asiacrypt 2017) and gained tremendous attention. The enthusiasm for CKKS-type encryption stems from its potential to be used in inference or multiparty computation tasks that do not require an exact output. A desirable property for homomorphic encryption is circuit privacy, which requires that a ciphertext leaks no information on the computation performed to obtain it. Despite numerous improvements directed toward improving efficiency, the question of circuit privacy for approximate homomorphic encryption remains open. In this paper, we give the first formal study of circuit privacy for homomorphic encryption over approximate arithmetic. We introduce formal models that allow us to reason about circuit privacy. Then, we show that approximate homomorphic encryption can be made circuit private using tools from differential privacy with appropriately chosen parameters. In particular, we show that by applying an exponential (in the security parameter) Gaussian noise on the evaluated ciphertext, we remove useful information on the circuit from the ciphertext. Crucially, we show that the noise parameter is tight, and taking a lower one leads to an efficient adversary against such a system. We expand our definitions and analysis to the case of multikey and threshold homomorphic encryption for approximate arithmetic. Such schemes allow users to evaluate a function on their combined inputs and learn the output without leaking anything on the inputs. A special case of multikey and threshold encryption schemes defines a so-called partial decryption algorithm where each user publishes a ``masked\u27\u27 version of its secret key, allowing all users to decrypt a ciphertext. Similarly, in this case, we show that applying a proper differentially private mechanism gives us IND-CPA-style security where the adversary additionally gets as input the partial decryptions. This is the first security analysis of approximate homomorphic encryption schemes that consider the knowledge of partial decryptions. As part of our study, we scrutinize recent proposals for the definition and constructions of threshold homomorphic encryption schemes and show new random oracle uninstantiability results that may be of independent interest
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