6,965 research outputs found

    Description of a new genus and species of Candonopsini (Crustacea, Ostracoda, Candoninae) from the alluvial valley of the Upper Paraná River (Brazil, South America)

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    The genus Candobrasilopsis gen. nov. is here described, with C. rochai gen. nov. sp. nov. as type species, from the alluvial valley of the Upper Paraná River. The enigmatic Candonopsis brasiliensis Sars, 1901 is here redescribed and transferred to this new genus, the new combination being Candobrasilopsis brasiliensis (Sars, 1901). The new candonid genus belongs to the tribe Candonopsini, because of the absence of the proximal seta on the caudal ramus. It is closely related to Latinopsis Karanovic & Datry, 2009, because of the relatively short terminal segment of the mandibular palp (length less than 1.5 times the basal width, while this segment is longer than three times the basal width in Candonopsis) and the large and stout b-seta on the T1. However, it differs markedly from Latinopsis in the size and shape of the calcified inner lamellae of both valves and in the type of hemipenis. We also discuss the doubtful allocation of several other genera to the Candonopsini, raise Abcandonopsis Karanovic, 2004 to generic status and reassess the uncertain position of Candonopsis anisitsi Daday, 1905 within Latinopsis

    Análise qualitativa da implantação das unidades de pronto atendimento no Distrito Federal : um estudo de caso

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    O objetivo foi analisar a situação atual da Unidade de Pronto Atendimento da Região Administrativa da Samambaia, no Distrito Federal (UPA Samambaia), a primeira a ser inaugurada na região, como forma de prestar um serviço de avaliação à população, dentro da lógica da extensão universitária. Tomamos como objeto de análise as Portarias existentes sobre o tema, as notícias apresentadas em jornal local (Correio Braziliense) e entrevistas realizadas nessa UPA. O método utilizado para a análise da UPA Samambaia foi o Estudo de Caso. Explorando o material, procurou-se delinear a realidade apresentada pela Unidade e se as competências e responsabilidades definidas na Portaria nº. 1020, de 13 de maio de 2009 estão sendo cumpridas, comparando-se o resultado das entrevistas ao noticiado pela mídia. Como resultados, observou-se que as competências e responsabilidades definidas na Portaria nº. 1020 no geral vêm sendo exercidas, conforme exposto nas entrevistas e constatado na unidade, porém, exige melhorias de infraestrutura e aumento do quadro de recursos humanos. Quanto às reportagens da mídia, constatou-se que problemas apresentados como a falta de profissionais de saúde e infraestrutura foram ratificados pelas entrevistas, porém, demonstrou-se que geralmente não há falta de equipamentos diagnósticos, insumos, ambulâncias e segurança na unidade, conforme geralmente noticiado. Apesar dos problemas, ainda existentes, é importante que as demais UPAs, inicialmente propostas, sejam construídas e inauguradas, a fim de que o projeto original para essas unidades seja concretizado. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe objective was to analyze the current situation of the Emergency Unit in an Administrative Region called “Samambaia” in the Federal District (UPA Samambaia/ Distrito Federal). It was the first opened in that region as a way to provide an assessment service to the population, within the logic of university extension. The objects of our analysis were the existing ordinances on the subject, the news presented in the local newspaper called “Correio Braziliense” and the interviews conducted in the unit. The case study method was used to analyze the data. The material was explored in order to investigate if the reality found in the unit was that expected to the powers and responsibilities defined in the Ordinance no. 1020 (May 13th, 2009). In addition, the results of the interviews were compared to the news reported by the media. As a result, it was observed, in general, that the guidelines for powers and responsibilities defined in the Ordinance no. 1020 have been fulfilled, according to data from the interviews and the unit investigation, although there are problems concerning the infrastructure and human resources. As to media reports, it was found that the problems related to the lack of health personnel and infrastructure have been ratified by the interviews, but it was shown that, in general, there isn’t the lack of diagnostic equipment, supplies, ambulances or security in the unit, as usually reported. Despite remaining problems, it is important that the others proposed UPA’s can be built and opened in order to achieve the initial project designed for these units

    Urban imaginary and vulnerable territorial situation in the Capital of Brazil

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    Brasília - Capital Federal do Brasil - fez-se símbolo da modernização nacional alavancada nas décadas de 1950-1960; exprimiu uma catarse civilizadora através de sua morfologia urbanística arrojada e da demanda impositiva de integração territorial do país. Os veículos para concretização desse ideário (de progresso) foram a tecnoburocracia civil e militar, a classe política e as classes associadas. Porém, o imaginário fundador expresso pela nova cidade logo se viu defrontado por uma massa populacional não desejada em busca, também ela, das benesses do moderno e do civilizador. Gestou-se uma metrópole contraditória e fracionada na qual, a par de áreas afluentes e de alta renda, eclodiram territórios dos mais vulneráveis do país, no tocante à vida material-econômica. Este artigo investiga situações territoriais vulneráveis metropolitanas frente à valoração permanente do Plano Piloto de Brasília. Metodologicamente, são cruzados dados oficiais relativos à vulnerabilidade socioeconômica no Distrito Federal com o imaginário urbano apreendido dos testemunhos daqueles que experimentam, concretamente, o intenso cotidiano da metrópole: os residentes de três das mais vulneráveis Regiões Administrativas ou cidades satélites do DF (Varjão, Estrutural e Samambaia). ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTBrasília – the Federal Capital of Brazil – was made a symbol of the national modernization pushed up in the 50‟s and 60‟s; expressed a civilizing catharsis through its dashing urban morphology and the compulsory demand of territorial integration for the country. The means for achieving this progress ideal were military and civil techno-bureaucracy, politicians and associated classes. However, the founding imaginary expressed by the new city was confronted by an undesired mass of people searching for the same benefits from the modern and the civilizing. It was created a contradictory and fragmented metropolis where in the midst of affluent areas erupted territories of the most vulnerable economical situation. This article investigates metropolitan vulnerable territorial situations vis a vis the permanent appreciation of Plano Piloto de Brasília. Methodologically the official data related to socio-economical vulnerability in Distrito Federal is crossed with the urban imaginary expressed by the testimonies from the ones who actually experience the intense day-by-day in the metropolis: the residents of the three most vulnerable Regiões Administrativas or satellite cities in DF (Varjão, Estrutural e Samambaia)

    An Agent-Based Model for Simulating Irrigated Agriculture in the Samambaia Basin in Goiás

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    Agriculture is one of the main economic activities in Brazil. The intensive use of water for irrigated agriculture leads to water rise demand contributing to increase water stress. Agent-based models help assess this problem with promising applications entailing an organizing principle to inform us of how to view a real-world system and effectively build a model. In this work, agent-based modeling is applied to simulate water usage for irrigation in agricultural production in the Samambaia river basin in the municipality of Cristalina in the Goias state of Brazil. The use of real data enables analysis of resource availability in a scenario with high demand irrigation, allowing a greater understanding of the needs of the parties involved

    Producao de mudas de ornamentais na propriedade do Sr. Jozep Johannes...

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Curso de Agronomia