1,148 research outputs found

    Toward Semantics-aware Representation of Digital Business Processes

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    An extended enterprise (EE) can be described by a set of models each representing a specific aspect of the EE. Aspects can for example be the process flow or the value description. However, different models are done by different people, which may use different terminology, which prevents relating the models. Therefore, we propose a framework consisting of process flow and value aspects and in addition a static domain model with structural and relational components. Further, we outline the usage of the static domain model to enable relating the different aspects

    An overview of S-OGSA: A Reference Semantic Grid Architecture

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    The Grid's vision, of sharing diverse resources in a flexible, coordinated and secure manner through dynamic formation and disbanding of virtual communities, strongly depends on metadata. Currently, Grid metadata is generated and used in an ad hoc fashion, much of it buried in the Grid middleware's code libraries and database schemas. This ad hoc expression and use of metadata causes chronic dependency on human intervention during the operation of Grid machinery, leading to systems which are brittle when faced with frequent syntactic changes in resource coordination and sharing protocols. The Semantic Grid is an extension of the Grid in which rich resource metadata is exposed and handled explicitly, and shared and managed via Grid protocols. The layering of an explicit semantic infrastructure over the Grid Infrastructure potentially leads to increased interoperability and greater flexibility. In recent years, several projects have embraced the Semantic Grid vision. However, the Semantic Grid lacks a Reference Architecture or any kind of systematic framework for designing Semantic Grid components or applications. The Open Grid Service Architecture ( OGSA) aims to define a core set of capabilities and behaviours for Grid systems. We propose a Reference Architecture that extends OGSA to support the explicit handling of semantics, and defines the associated knowledge services to support a spectrum of service capabilities. Guided by a set of design principles, Semantic-OGSA ( S-OGSA) defines a model, the capabilities and the mechanisms for the Semantic Grid. We conclude by highlighting the commonalities and differences that the proposed architecture has with respect to other Grid frameworks. (c) 2006 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved

    Reprodutibilidade e reuso de experimentos em eScience : workflows, ontologias e scripts

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    Orientadores: Claudia Maria Bauzer Medeiros, Yolanda GilTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Scripts e Sistemas Gerenciadores de Workflows Científicos (SGWfC) são abordagens comumente utilizadas para automatizar o fluxo de processos e análise de dados em experimentos científicos computacionais. Apesar de amplamente usados em diversas disciplinas, scripts são difíceis de entender, adaptar, reusar e reproduzir. Por esta razão, diversas soluções têm sido propostas para auxiliar na reprodutibilidade de experimentos que utilizam ambientes baseados em scripts. Porém, estas soluções não permitem a documentação completa do experimento, nem ajudam quando outros cientistas querem reusar apenas parte do código do script. SGWfCs, por outro lado, ajudam na documentação e reuso através do suporte aos cientistas durante a modelagem e execução dos seus experimentos, que são especificados e executados como componentes interconectados (reutilizáveis) de workflows. Enquanto workflows são melhores que scripts para entendimento e reuso dos experimentos, eles também exigem documentação adicional. Durante a modelagem de um experimento, cientistas frequentemente criam variantes de workflows, e.g., mudando componentes do workflow. Reuso e reprodutibilidade exigem o entendimento e rastreamento da proveniência das variantes, uma tarefa que consome muito tempo. Esta tese tem como objetivo auxiliar na reprodutibilidade e reuso de experimentos computacionais. Para superar estes desafios, nós lidamos com dois problemas de pesquisas: (1) entendimento de um experimento computacional, e (2) extensão de um experimento computacional. Nosso trabalho para resolver estes problemas nos direcionou na escolha de workflows e ontologias como respostas para ambos os problemas. As principais contribuições desta tese são: (i) apresentar os requisitos para a conversão de experimentos baseados em scripts em experimentos reprodutíveis; (ii) propor uma metodologia que guia o cientista durante o processo de conversão de experimentos baseados em scripts em workflow research objects reprodutíveis. (iii) projetar e implementar funcionalidades para avaliação da qualidade de experimentos computacionais; (iv) projetar e implementar o W2Share, um arcabouço para auxiliar a metodologia de conversão, que explora ferramentas e padrões que foram desenvolvidos pela comunidade científica para promover o reuso e reprodutibilidade; (v) projetar e implementar o OntoSoft-VFF, um arcabouço para captura de informação sobre software e componentes de workflow para auxiliar cientistas a gerenciarem a exploração e evolução de workflows. Nosso trabalho é apresentado via casos de uso em Dinâmica Molecular, Bioinformática e Previsão do TempoAbstract: Scripts and Scientific Workflow Management Systems (SWfMSs) are common approaches that have been used to automate the execution flow of processes and data analysis in scientific (computational) experiments. Although widely used in many disciplines, scripts are hard to understand, adapt, reuse, and reproduce. For this reason, several solutions have been proposed to aid experiment reproducibility for script-based environments. However, they neither allow to fully document the experiment nor do they help when third parties want to reuse just part of the code. SWfMSs, on the other hand, help documentation and reuse by supporting scientists in the design and execution of their experiments, which are specified and run as interconnected (reusable) workflow components (a.k.a. building blocks). While workflows are better than scripts for understandability and reuse, they still require additional documentation. During experiment design, scientists frequently create workflow variants, e.g., by changing workflow components. Reuse and reproducibility require understanding and tracking variant provenance, a time-consuming task. This thesis aims to support reproducibility and reuse of computational experiments. To meet these challenges, we address two research problems: (1) understanding a computational experiment, and (2) extending a computational experiment. Our work towards solving these problems led us to choose workflows and ontologies to answer both problems. The main contributions of this thesis are thus: (i) to present the requirements for the conversion of script to reproducible research; (ii) to propose a methodology that guides the scientists through the process of conversion of script-based experiments into reproducible workflow research objects; (iii) to design and implement features for quality assessment of computational experiments; (iv) to design and implement W2Share, a framework to support the conversion methodology, which exploits tools and standards that have been developed by the scientific community to promote reuse and reproducibility; (v) to design and implement OntoSoft-VFF, a framework for capturing information about software and workflow components to support scientists manage workflow exploration and evolution. Our work is showcased via use cases in Molecular Dynamics, Bioinformatics and Weather ForecastingDoutoradoCiência da ComputaçãoDoutor em Ciência da Computação2013/08293-7, 2014/23861-4, 2017/03570-3FAPES

    Current Trends and New Challenges of Databases and Web Applications for Systems Driven Biological Research

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    Dynamic and rapidly evolving nature of systems driven research imposes special requirements on the technology, approach, design and architecture of computational infrastructure including database and Web application. Several solutions have been proposed to meet the expectations and novel methods have been developed to address the persisting problems of data integration. It is important for researchers to understand different technologies and approaches. Having familiarized with the pros and cons of the existing technologies, researchers can exploit its capabilities to the maximum potential for integrating data. In this review we discuss the architecture, design and key technologies underlying some of the prominent databases and Web applications. We will mention their roles in integration of biological data and investigate some of the emerging design concepts and computational technologies that are likely to have a key role in the future of systems driven biomedical research

    XML: aplicações e tecnologias associadas: 6th National Conference

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    This volume contains the papers presented at the Sixth Portuguese XML Conference, called XATA (XML, Aplicações e Tecnologias Associadas), held in Évora, Portugal, 14-15 February, 2008. The conference followed on from a successful series held throughout Portugal in the last years: XATA2003 was held in Braga, XATA2004 was held in Porto, XATA2005 was held in Braga, XATA2006 was held in Portalegre and XATA2007 was held in Lisboa. Dued to research evaluation criteria that are being used to evaluate researchers and research centers national conferences are becoming deserted. Many did not manage to gather enough submissions to proceed in this scenario. XATA made it through. However with a large decrease in the number of submissions. In this edition a special meeting will join the steering committee with some interested attendees to discuss XATA's future: internationalization, conference model, ... We think XATA is important in the national context. It has succeeded in gathering and identifying a comunity that shares the same research interests and has promoted some colaborations. We want to keep "the wheel spinning"... This edition has its program distributed by first day's afternoon and next day's morning. This way we are facilitating travel arrangements and we will have one night to meet