123,052 research outputs found

    The effect of ability-grouping techniques on students' perceptions of speaking tasks

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    Tesis (Profesor de Inglés para la Enseñanza Básica y Media, Licenciado en Educación)Un problema crítico en la enseñanza del Inglés como Lengua Extranjera en Chile es que la mayoría de los profesores no pueden interactuar con sus alumnos del colegio usando el lengua meta. Lo anterior corresponde a una falta de oportunidades de los estudiantes para practicar la habilidad de hablar a través de conversaciones y trabajo colaborativo. De acuerdo a esto, agrupar a los alumnos precisamente en clases ha demostrado incentivar dichas oportunidades. Por lo tanto, ya que el consenso en técnicas de agrupación es controversial, el presente estudio apunta a contrastar las percepciones de los alumnos de acuerdo a agrupaciones de habilidades homogéneas y heterogéneas comparando dos segundos medios en un colegio chileno subvencionado. Por una parte el Grupo A fue organizado homogéneamente de acuerdo a sus competencias en el idioma mediante una prueba de diagnóstico para que los estudiantes con nivel similar estuvieran juntos. Por otra parte, el Grupo B fue organizado heterogéneamente para que los estudiantes con diferentes niveles estuvieran juntos. Este experimento siguió un diseño de comparación y fue utilizado un instrumento correspondiente a un cuestionario con una escala Likert para medir las percepciones de los estudiantes de acuerdo a las técnicas de agrupación. La aplicación consistió en seis clases para ambos grupos en tratamiento, las cuales incluyeron los seis tipos de actividades colaborativas de tres tipos diferentes de tarea. Las actividades y sus respectivos tipo de actividades son, de la primera a la última: “Juego de Roles” y “Entrevista” (Tarea Interpersonal), “Quién soy yo” y “Debate” (Tarea Transaccional), “Contar una Historia” y “Presentación de Afiche” (Tarea Extensiva). Consecuentemente, el principal hallazgo del estudio muestra que todos los estudiantes (ambos grupos, A y B) percibieron las técnicas de agrupación positivamente. Finalmente, contrastando ambas técnicas de agrupación, los estudiantes del Grupo B (heterogéneo) percibieron la mayor parte de las actividades más positivamente que el Grupo A (homogéneo)One critical problem in Chilean EFL teaching is that most teachers cannot interact with school learners using the target language. The latter corresponds to a shortage of opportunities for learners to practice the speaking skill through conversation and collaboration. Accordingly, grouping learners accurately in classes have proved to encourage the referred opportunities. Therefore, since consensus on grouping techniques is controversial, the current study aimed to contrast learners‟ perceptions on Homogeneous and Heterogeneous ability-grouping by comparing two tenth grade courses in a Chilean subsidized school. On the one hand, Group A was arranged homogeneously in compliance with learners‟ low, middle, or high ability level diagnosed in an oral pretest, so learners with similar level were together. On the other hand, Group B was arranged heterogeneously so learners with different levels were gathered. This experiment followed a comparison-group design and used as an instrument a questionnaire with a Likert scale to measure learners‟ perceptions on grouping techniques. The application consisted on six lessons for both treatment groups, which featured six different collaborative activities taken from three different types of tasks. The activities and their respective type of task are, from first to last: Role Play and Interview (Interpersonal tasks), Who am I and Debate (Transactional tasks), Story Telling and Poster Presentation (Extensive tasks). Consequently, the main finding of the study shows that all learners (from both, Groups A and B) perceived grouping techniques positively. Finally, when contrasting both grouping techniques, learners from Group B (Heterogeneous) perceived most of the activities more positively than Group A (Homogeneous)

    Improving English teaching in Universitas Islam Indonesia: Implementation of cooperative learning

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    Even though cooperative learning is quite a recent paradigm in the field of English teaching especially in English as a Foreign or Second Language (EFL/ESL) classes, it is actually not new for Indonesians. The concept, which relies on individual contributions upon communal achievement, is similar to the concept of gotong royong, which is undoubtedly an innate belief of Indonesians. The concept of gotong royong itself is frequently defined literally as mutual help. However, it is actually more than mutual help, since it also requires all society members’ participations in any event, for the sake of the community. This literature study is aimed at investigating the applicability of cooperative learning technique in the teaching of English in Universitas Islam Indonesia. The paper will be presented in the order of discussion on cooperative learning, followed by elaboration of gotong royong, and summed up by relevancies of the two concepts. It is possible that this technique also suits the teaching of other subjects, since the concept of cooperative learning and gotong royong would also facilitate the students in going into real life phenomena and experience. Nevertheless, the implementation of this method requires large scale and systemic changes to be ideal in nature

    Technique of teaching vocrabulary to the 3rd Grade studentns in SDN 2 Jetis Karanganyar

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    This final project report is written based on the job training which has been carried out by the writer at SDN 02 Jetis Karanganyar within two months. The writer took the 3rd grade class as the subject to be observed. The objectives of this report are: 1. to describe technique used in teaching vocabulary to the 3rd grade students in SDN 02 Jetis Karanganyar. 2. To describe how effective of using techniques in vocabulary teaching learning process. In writing this final project report, the writer collected the data by observating the class, interviewing the teacher and teaching in the classroom directly. The writer used some techniques in teaching activity. All of the activities were done to find out the conclusion of the objectives. In conclusion, using techniques have some benefits in teaching vocabulary, such us: making the students enthusiastic, making English teaching learning process not to be monotonous, making good atmosphere in class, helping the teacher control the class condition and helping the students more understand and memorize of the mater ial. Creativity of the teacher for using techniques is the key to make teaching and learning activity exciting

    Non‐hierarchical learning: sharing knowledge, power and outcomes

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    Arguing that every student has the capacity to succeed and that every student must be provided with the opportunity to reach their full potential, this article introduces a new pedagogic approach that draws on a wide range of influences. Linking theoretical practices from sociology, pedagogy, social and educational psychology, and cultural studies, the approach posits that teaching and learning should be conducted in non‐hierarchical classrooms where all members are equal and working towards shared objectives. A theoretical frame is outlined and the factors that helped shape it are reflected on. A conceptual framework which covers the goals of instruction, instructional materials, classroom management, instructional methods, and assessment is also presented. It is hoped that educators will consider the concepts included in this article and, if possible, incorporate them into their teaching practices

    The efects of peer corrective feedback trainning in face to face interaction and synchronousvideo-based computer-mediated comunication

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    Tesis (Profesor de Inglés para la Enseñanza Básica y Media y al grado académico de Licenciado en Educación)This quasi-experimental study was conducted in a private school, in Santiago, Chile, with four groups formed by 9th graders with the same L1 (Spanish) immersed in an EFL context. The purpose of the study was to examine ways in which the potential of peer interaction on learning is maximized. Specifically, the study examined two instructional techniques, both of which have been gaining increasing attention from second language acquisition researchers: (a) training learners how to correct each other (corrective feedback: CF), and (b) synchronous communicative interaction via video-based computer-mediated communication (SVCMC). Participants were divided into four groups depending on their experimental conditions. Group A (SVCMC+CF training) engaged in communicative peer interaction via SVCMC and received CF training. Group B (SVCMC-CF training) was given the same peer interaction tasks but did not receive any CF training. Groups C (FTF+CF training) and D (FTF-CF training) engaged in the same tasks in face-to-face in the classroom while only Group C received CF training. The intervention period lasted two weeks, consisting of four classes of 45 minutes for each of the four groups. The analysis involved (a) learners’ interactional behaviors, namely, language-related episodes, (b) their developmental outcomes with pre- and posttests focusing on past tense and locative usages, and (c) their perceptions based on exit questionnaire with close- and open-items. The results of this study reflected 3 main findings in peer interaction, corrective feedback, and SVCMC. With regard to interactional patterns (peer interaction), corrective feedback training promotes collaboration and so FTF environments, yet in SVCMC dominant patterns were more likely to arise. Meanwhile, CF training helped enhance learners’ language development as their results in the post-test were higher than in the pre-test and, in turn, SVCMC groups outperformed FTF groups. Concerning students’ perceptions, they overtly expressed positive beliefs regarding Peer Corrective Feedback and SVCMC activities. In short, clear differences were found among groups with different interventions resulting in distinct patterns, L2 development outcomes, and learner perceptions.Este estudio cuasi-experimental fue conducido en un colegio privado en Santiago de Chile, con cuatro grupos formados por estudiantes de primer año medio, cuya lengua nativa es el español. Los estudiantes estuvieron inmersos en un contexto EFL. El propósito del estudio fue examinar medios por las cuales el potencial de la interacción entre pares en el aprendizaje sea maximizado. Específicamente, este estudio examinó dos técnicas instructivas, las cuales han recibido recientemente atención paulatina de los investigadores en el campo de la adquisición de un segundo idioma: (a) capacitar a los estudiantes en como corregir a sus pares (retroalimentación), e (b) interacción comunicativa sincronizada a través de video conferencias (ICSV) mediadas por computadores. Los participantes fueron divididos en cuatro grupos según sus condiciones experimentales. El Grupo A (ICSV+ capacitación en retroalimentación) involucrado en interacción comunicativa— entre pares— a través de ICSV y recibieron instrucción en retroalimentación entre pares. Al Grupo B (ICSV – capacitación en retroalimentación) se le dio las mismas tareas, pero no recibió capacitación en retroalimentación. El Grupo C (cara a cara + capacitación en retroalimentación) y el Grupo D (cara a cara – capacitación en retroalimentación) participaron en las mismas tareas cara a cara en la sala de clases mientras que solo el Grupo C recibió capacitación en retroalimentación. El periodo de intervención fue de 2 semanas, compuesto de 4 clases de 45 min para cada uno de los grupos. Este análisis involucró (a) comportamientos interaccionales de los estudiantes, es decir, episodios relacionados con el lenguaje, (b) los resultados que reflejaron el desarrollo del lenguaje de los estudiantes fueron obtenidos mediante una evaluación previa a la intervención y otra posterior a la intervención; las evaluaciones se enfocaron en el uso del pasado simple y locativos, finalmente (c) las percepciones de los estudiantes obtenidas mediante un cuestionario de preguntas cerradas y abiertas. Los resultados de este estudio reflejaron 3 hallazgos principales en cuanto a interacción entre pares, retroalimentación, e ICSV. En cuanto a los patrones interacciónales (interacción entre pares), la retroalimentación y la comunicación cara a cara resultaron promover la colaboración, a diferencia de ICSV en la cual los patrones dominantes tuvieron más probabilidades de surgir. Mientras tanto, la capacitación en retroalimentación ayudó al mejoramiento del desarrollo del lenguaje de los estudiantes ya que sus resultados a lo largo de las evaluaciones pre y post presentaron un alza y, en consecuencia, los grupos que interactuaron a través de ICSV superaron a los grupos que interactuaron cara a cara. Tomando en cuenta las percepciones de los estudiantes, ellos expresaron abiertamente ideas positivas en cuanto a las actividades la capacitación en retroalimentación e ICSV. En resumen, diferencias claras fueron encontradas entre los grupos con diferentes intervenciones resultando en distintos patrones de interacción, resultados en el desarrollo del lenguaje, y percepciones de los estudiantes

    An exploration of the pedagogies employed to integrate knowledge in work-integrated learning

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    This article describes a three‐sector, national research project that investigated the integration aspect of work‐integrated learning (WIL). The context for this study is three sectors of New Zealand higher education: business and management, sport, and science and engineering, and a cohort of higher educational institutions that offer WIL/cooperative education in variety of ways. The aims of this study were to investigate the pedagogical approaches in WIL programs that are currently used by WIL practitioners in terms of learning, and the integration of academic‐workplace learning. The research constituted a series of collective case studies, and there were two main data sources — interviews with three stakeholder groups (namely employers, students, and co‐op practitioners), and analyses of relevant documentation (e.g., course/paper outlines, assignments on reflective practice, portfolio of learning, etc.). The research findings suggest that there is no consistent mechanism by which placement coordinators, off‐campus supervisors, or mentors seek to employ or develop pedagogies to foster learning and the integration of knowledge. Learning, it seems, occurs by means of legitimate peripheral participation with off‐campus learning occurring as a result of students working alongside professionals in their area via an apprenticeship model of learning. There is no evidence of explicit attempts to integrate on‐ and off‐campus learning, although all parties felt this would and should occur. However, integration is implicitly or indirectly fostered by a variety of means such as the use of reflective journals

    Learning through online discussion: a case of triangulation in research

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    This paper reports on issues in carrying out research into online discussion. The context is a study of a distance learning module within an MBA program. The module required students to tackle problems based on real life scenarios within small online groups. Students were studying part time and shared similar professional backgrounds. The research looked at students' overall evaluation of the module, ways in which group work was conducted, and the contribution of the tutor. The approach taken was an interpretive case study using questionnaire survey, text analysis and interviews. The main findings from the study are reported, but the focus is on the strengths of, and difficulties in, using the research methods. Triangulation of methods provides the researcher with a greater degree of confidence in reporting findings, although subjective interpretation is still needed