7 research outputs found

    Executing Safe State Machines on a Reactive Processor

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    Safe State Machines (SSMs) are a Statechart dialect with precise synchronous semantics, used to describe the behavior of reactive systems. A natural target for executing SSMs are reactive processors, which have an instruction set architecture (ISA) particularly well-suited for reactive control flow. When synthesizing SSMs into code, this is traditionally done via the synchronous language Esterel. However, this is not always straightforward; transitions in SSMs can jump arbitrarily between states, and there is no Esterel statement that matches this. We here propose to circumvent this by synthesizing SSMs directly onto a reactive ISA that can encode transitions directly as GOTOs. This not only has the potential for smaller and faster code, but preserves the structure of the SSM much better that going via Esterel. Conversely, we note that SSMs appear easier to implement on a reactive processor than Esterel, notably because there is not exception handling required

    Predictable Multithreading of Embedded Applications Using PRET-C

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    International audienceWe propose a new language called Precision Timed C (PRET-C), for predictable and lightweight multithreading in C. PRET-C supports synchronous concurrency, preemption, and a high-level construct for logical time. In contrast to existing synchronous languages, PRET-C offers C-based shared memory communications between concurrent threads that is guaranteed to be thread safe. Due to the proposed synchronous semantics, the mapping of logical time to physical time can be achieved much more easily than with plain C, thanks to a Worst Case Reaction Time (WCRT) analyzer (not presented here). Associated to the PRET-C programming language, we present a dedicated target architecture, called ARPRET, which combines a hardware accelerator associated to an existing softcore processor. This allows us to improve the throughput while preserving the predictability. With extensive benchmarking, we then demonstrate that ARPRET not only achieves completely predictable execution of PRET-C programs, but also improves the throughput when compared to the pure software execution of PRET-C. The PRET-C software approach is also significantly more efficient in comparison to two other light-weight concurrent C variants (namely SC and Protothreads), as well as the well-known Esterel synchronous programming language

    Tight WCRT Analysis for Synchronous C Programs

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    Accurate estimation of the tick length of a synchronous program is essential for efficient and predictable implementations that are devoid of timing faults. The techniques to determine the tick length statically are classified as worst case reaction time (WCRT) analysis. While a plethora of techniques exist for worst case execution time (WCET) analysis of procedural programs, there are only a handful of techniques for determining the WCRT value of synchronous programs. Most of these techniques produce overestimates and hence are unsuitable for the design of systems that are predictable while being also efficient. In this paper, we present an approach for the accurate estimation of the exact WCRT value of a synchronous program, called its tight WCRT value, using model checking. For our input specifications we have selected a synchronous C based language called PRET-C that is designed for programming Precision Timed (PRET) architectures. We then present an approach for static WCRT analysis of these programs via an intermediate format called TCCFG. This intermediate representation is then compiled to produce the input for the model checker. Experimental results that compare our approach to existing approaches demonstrate the benefits of the proposed approach. The proposed approach, while presented for PRET-C is also applicable for WCRT analysis of Esterel using simple adjustments to the generated model. The proposed approach thus paves the way for a generic approach for determining the tight WCRT value of synchronous programs at compile time

    WCRT algebra and interfaces for esterel-style synchronous processing

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    Abstract—The synchronous model of computation together with a suitable execution platform facilitates system-level timing predictability. This paper introduces an algebraic framework for precisely capturing worst case reaction time (WCRT) characteris-tics for Esterel-style reactive processors with hardware-supported multithreading. This framework provides a formal grounding for the WCRT problem, and allows to improve upon earlier heuristics by accurately and modularly characterizing timing interfaces. I

    Reactive processing for synchronous languages and its worst case reaction time analysis

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    Many embedded systems belong to the class of reactive systems. These are systems that have to react continuously to the environment at a rate that is determined by the environment. Reactive systems have two specific characteristics : their control flow requires concurrency and preemption, and, since the reactive systems are often safety-critical, we must be able to prove the correctness of the behavior and of the timing. To implement reactive systems, the synchronous languages were developed, which have a clear mathematical semantics and allow the expression of concurrency and preemption in a deterministic way. Programs in a synchronous language can be either compiled to software and run on a common processor, they can be synthesized to a hardware description, or a software/hardware co-design approach can be taken. However, the compilation of synchronous hardware into efficient code is not trivial. To improve the efficiency of the execution and at the same time simplify the compilation, reactive processors were introduced, which have an instruction set architecture that is inspired by synchronous languages. In particular, reactive processors have direct support for preemption and concurrency. Furthermore, these processors optimize the worst case reaction time, in contrast to common processors which optimize the average case reaction time. This simplifies the timing analysis, which is necessary to prove that a system meets its timing requirements. This thesis presents three contributions to reactive systems: - A formal semantics is given to the Kiel Esterel Processor (KEP), a reactive processor to execute the synchronous language Esterel. Also a compilation scheme from SyncCharts to the KEP assembler is presented, in addition to the existing compilation from Esterel into KEP assembler. - The Kiel Lustre Processor is introduced, a reactive processor for the synchronous dataflow language Lustre, which allows true parallel execution with multiple processing units. - Different approaches for the worst case reaction time analysis of KEP programs are presented: a search for the longest execution path in the KEP assembler, a formal modeling of the execution times based on interface algebras. Also an approach to use model checking to analyze the reaction time is applied to the KEP

    WCRT Algebra and Scheduling Interfaces for Esterel-Style Synchronous Multithreading

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    The abstractions used in system design typically limit themselves to encapsulate and guarantee functionality, not timing. Hence, it is very difficult to transfer results on timing behavior across layers, e.g., from the application level through the operating system level to the hardware level. The choice of the model of computation plays a big role in facilitating this transfer. In the realm of reactive systems, the synchronous model of computation has some appeal here, as it inherently limits the number of operations per reaction, and addresses concurrency and preemptive behavior at the language level. Recently, reactive processing architectures have been proposed as execution platform for synchronous languages, notably Esterel. Initially, these architectures were driven by the desire for high performance with low resource usage, including low power consumption. However, by now they have also demonstrated their benefits in terms of predictability. Preliminary work on worst case reaction time (WCRT) analysis has been promising---fairly simple heuristics already achieve an accuracy typically in the 30--40% range. However, these methods so far lack formal grounding, and do not exploit knowledge about signal consistency etc. To provide a formal basis for WCRT analysis, we here propose a type-theoretic, algebraic approach. This approach not only allows to verify the correctness of WCRT analyses methods, but also opens the door for more exact analyses, as it allows to capture functionality and timing precisely and to trade off precision against analysis effort. This approach is still under development; this report presents first results on suitable interface types and the proper characterization of instantaneous nodes, delay nodes and concurrency. As a concrete application, it builds on a multi-threaded Esterel processor, the Kiel Esterel Processor (KEP)

    SCCharts: Language and Interactive Incremental Compilation

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    Safety-critical systems are a subclass of reactive systems, a dominating class of computer systems these days. Such systems control the airbags in our cars, the flaps of an aircraft, nuclear power plants or pace makers. Software for these systems must be reliable. Hence, a language and tooling is needed that allows to build and maintain reliable software models. Furthermore, a reliable compiler is required to obtain decent machine-understandable and executable code from highly abstract models. This thesis presents SCCharts, a Statecharts-based synchronous and visual modeling language for specifying and designing safety-critical systems and for deriving their implementations. It elaborates on why a control-flow oriented and synchronous language is desirable and how incremental language features are chosen to flatten learning curve. It presents an interactive incremental model transformation based compilation approach termed SLIC. It shows how SLIC helps in supporting both, the modeler and the tool smith for building reliable models and maintaining a reliable compiler, respectively. A SLIC-based compiler for SCCharts including its high-level model transformations is presented. Furthermore, practicality aspects of the KIELER SCCharts language and tooling implementation complete the considerations to validate the proposed approach.Sicherheitskritische Systeme sind eine Unterklasse von reaktiven Systemen, welche heutzutage eine der wichtigsten und größten Klasse von Computersystemen darstellt. Solche Systeme kontrollieren die Airbags unserer Autos, die Landeklappen eines Passagierflugzeugs, Kernkraftwerke oder Herzschrittmacher. Software für solche Systeme muß absolut zuverlässig sein. Daher werden Computersprachen und Werkzeuge benötigt, die es erlauben, zuverlässige Softwaremodelle zu erstellen und zu warten. Weiterhin braucht es zuverlässige Kompiler, die aus solchen abstrakten Modellen korrekten maschinenlesbaren und ausführbaren Code erzeugen. Mit SCCharts präsentiert diese Arbeit eine zustandsmaschinenbasierte und synchrone Modellierungssprache für den Entwurf und zur Implementierung sicherheitskritischer Systeme. Es wird betrachtet, warum sich dafür eine kontrollflußorientierte und synchrone Sprache besonders gut eignet und welche Wahl inkrementeller Sprachbestandteile die Lernkurve senken können. Die Arbeit zeigt, wie ein als SLIC bezeichneter, interaktiver, inkrementeller und auf Modelltransformationen basierender Kompilierungsansatz sowohl dem Modellierer dabei helfen kann, zuverlässige Modelle zu erstellen, als auch den Werkzeugentwickler darin unterstützt, einen zuverlässigen Kompiler bereit zu stellen. Es wird ein auf SLIC basierender SCCharts Kompiler inklusive seiner high-level Modelltransformationen vorgestellt. Weiterhin wird der vorgestellte Ansatz mit Hilfe der beispielhaft umgesetzten KIELER SCCharts Sprach- und Werkzeugimplementierung auf seine Praktikabilität hin überprüft