91 research outputs found

    Intrinsic universality and the computational power of self-assembly

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    This short survey of recent work in tile self-assembly discusses the use of simulation to classify and separate the computational and expressive power of self-assembly models. The journey begins with the result that there is a single universal tile set that, with proper initialization and scaling, simulates any tile assembly system. This universal tile set exhibits something stronger than Turing universality: it captures the geometry and dynamics of any simulated system. From there we find that there is no such tile set in the noncooperative, or temperature 1, model, proving it weaker than the full tile assembly model. In the two-handed or hierarchal model, where large assemblies can bind together on one step, we encounter an infinite set, of infinite hierarchies, each with strictly increasing simulation power. Towards the end of our trip, we find one tile to rule them all: a single rotatable flipable polygonal tile that can simulate any tile assembly system. It seems this could be the beginning of a much longer journey, so directions for future work are suggested.Comment: In Proceedings MCU 2013, arXiv:1309.104

    How to prove security of communication protocols? A discussion on the soundness of formal models w.r.t. computational ones.

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    Security protocols are short programs that aim at securing communication over a public network. Their design is known to be error-prone with flaws found years later. That is why they deserve a careful security analysis, with rigorous proofs. Two main lines of research have been (independently) developed to analyse the security of protocols. On the one hand, formal methods provide with symbolic models and often automatic proofs. On the other hand, cryptographic models propose a tighter modeling but proofs are more difficult to write and to check. An approach developed during the last decade consists in bridging the two approaches, showing that symbolic models are sound w.r.t. symbolic ones, yielding strong security guarantees using automatic tools. These results have been developed for several cryptographic primitives (e.g. symmetric and asymmetric encryption, signatures, hash) and security properties. While proving soundness of symbolic models is a very promising approach, several technical details are often not satisfactory. Focusing on symmetric encryption, we describe the difficulties and limitations of the available results

    Efficient Isolation of Perfect Matching in O(log n) Genus Bipartite Graphs

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    We show that given an embedding of an O(log n) genus bipartite graph, one can construct an edge weight function in logarithmic space, with respect to which the minimum weight perfect matching in the graph is unique, if one exists. As a consequence, we obtain that deciding whether such a graph has a perfect matching or not is in SPL. In 1999, Reinhardt, Allender and Zhou proved that if one can construct a polynomially bounded weight function for a graph in logspace such that it isolates a minimum weight perfect matching in the graph, then the perfect matching problem can be solved in SPL. In this paper, we give a deterministic logspace construction of such a weight function for O(log n) genus bipartite graphs

    The Two-Handed Tile Assembly Model Is Not Intrinsically Universal

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    In this paper, we study the intrinsic universality of the well-studied Two-Handed Tile Assembly Model (2HAM), in which two “supertile” assemblies, each consisting of one or more unit-square tiles, can fuse together (self-assemble) whenever their total attachment strength is at least the global temperature τ. Our main result is that for all τ′ < τ, each temperature-τ′ 2HAM tile system cannot simulate at least one temperature-τ 2HAM tile system. This impossibility result proves that the 2HAM is not intrinsically universal, in stark contrast to the simpler abstract Tile Assembly Model which was shown to be intrinsically universal (The tile assembly model is intrinsically universal, FOCS 2012). On the positive side, we prove that, for every fixed temperature τ ≥ 2, temperature-τ 2HAM tile systems are intrinsically universal: for each τ there is a single universal 2HAM tile set U that, when appropriately initialized, is capable of simulating the behavior of any temperature τ 2HAM tile system. As a corollary of these results we find an infinite set of infinite hierarchies of 2HAM systems with strictly increasing power within each hierarchy. Finally, we show how to construct, for each τ, a temperature-τ 2HAM system that simultaneously simulates all temperature-τ 2HAM systems

    The Complexity of Rational Synthesis

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    We study the computational complexity of the cooperative and non-cooperative rational synthesis problems, as introduced by Kupferman, Vardi and co-authors. We provide tight results for most of the classical omega-regular objectives, and show how to solve those problems optimally

    Learning-Based Mean-Payoff Optimization in an Unknown MDP under Omega-Regular Constraints

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    We formalize the problem of maximizing the mean-payoff value with high probability while satisfying a parity objective in a Markov decision process (MDP) with unknown probabilistic transition function and unknown reward function. Assuming the support of the unknown transition function and a lower bound on the minimal transition probability are known in advance, we show that in MDPs consisting of a single end component, two combinations of guarantees on the parity and mean-payoff objectives can be achieved depending on how much memory one is willing to use. (i) For all epsilon and gamma we can construct an online-learning finite-memory strategy that almost-surely satisfies the parity objective and which achieves an epsilon-optimal mean payoff with probability at least 1 - gamma. (ii) Alternatively, for all epsilon and gamma there exists an online-learning infinite-memory strategy that satisfies the parity objective surely and which achieves an epsilon-optimal mean payoff with probability at least 1 - gamma. We extend the above results to MDPs consisting of more than one end component in a natural way. Finally, we show that the aforementioned guarantees are tight, i.e. there are MDPs for which stronger combinations of the guarantees cannot be ensured

    Prediction based task scheduling in distributed computing

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    Convergence of the Number of Period Sets in Strings

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    Consider words of length n. The set of all periods of a word of length n is a subset of {0, 1, 2, . . ., n−1}. However, any subset of {0, 1, 2, . . ., n−1} is not necessarily a valid set of periods. In a seminal paper in 1981, Guibas and Odlyzko proposed to encode the set of periods of a word into an n long binary string, called an autocorrelation, where a one at position i denotes the period i. They considered the question of recognizing a valid period set, and also studied the number of valid period sets for strings of length n, denoted κn. They conjectured that ln(κn) asymptotically converges to a constant times ln2(n). Although improved lower bounds for ln(κn)/ln2(n) were proposed in 2001, the question of a tight upper bound has remained open since Guibas and Odlyzko’s paper. Here, we exhibit an upper bound for this fraction, which implies its convergence and closes this longstanding conjecture. Moreover, we extend our result to find similar bounds for the number of correlations: a generalization of autocorrelations which encodes the overlaps between two strings