197 research outputs found

    Real-Time Implementation Of LPC-10 Codec On TMS320C6713 DSP

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    During last two decades various speech coding algorithms have been developed. The range of toll speech frequency is from 300 Hz- 3400 Hz. Generally, human speech signal could be classified as non-stationary signal because of its fluctuation randomly over the time axis. One important assumption made to make the analysis of such signal even easier by assuming the speech signal is quasi-stationary over short range (frame). The frames of speech signal can be classified further into Voiced or Unvoiced, where the voiced part is quasi-stationary while the unvoiced part as an AWGN. The quality of the synthesized signal is degraded significantly due to the excitation of voiced part not equally spaced within the frame and the excitation of the unvoiced part is not exact AWGN. This assumption produced a non-natural speech signal but with high intelligible level. One more reason is that the frame could have voiced plus unvoiced parts within the same frame, and by classifying this frame as voiced or unvoiced due to rigid decision would drop the level of quality significantly. Speech compression commonly referred to as speech coding, where the amount of redundancies is reduced, and represent the speech signal by set of parameters in order to have very low bit rates. One of these speech coding algorithms is linear predictive coding (LPC-10). This thesis implements LPC-10 analysis and synthesis using Matlab and C coding. LPC-10 have been compared with some other speech compression algorithms like pulse code modulation (PCM), differential pulse code modulation (DPCM), and code excited linear prediction coding (CELP), in term of segmental signal to quantization noise ratio SEG-SQNR and mean squared error MSE using Matlab simulation. The focus on LPC-10 was implemented on the DSP board TMS320C6713 to test the LPC-10 algorithm in realtime. Real-time implementation on TMS320C6713 DSP board required to convert the Matlab script into C code on the DSP Board. Upon successfully completion, comparison of the results using TMS320C6713 DSP against the simulated results using Matlab in both graphical and tabular forms were made

    Automatic floating-point to fixed-point conversion for DSP code generation

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    Analysis of fixed-point and floating-point arithmetic representations’ impact on synthesized area of a digital integrated circuit

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    Abstract. This thesis compared fixed-point and floating-point representations, using signal-to-quantization-noise-ratio (SQNR) and synthesized area as key comparison methods. Good-enough SQNR was set to 40 dB, and the goal was to choose area that was as small as possible, but still had sufficient dynamic range (DR), and also fulfilled the SQNR requirement. Quantization models for both representations were implemented with Matlab. For examination of the SQNR, an algorithm was chosen and aforementioned quantization models were added inside it. The chosen algorithm was memory-based 64-point FFT, implemented with radix-2 butterfly. The performance drop inside algorithm caused by arithmetic representation quantization was examined using SQNR. To be able to calculate the error value, a reference model was implemented, and that was done using FFT-function of Matlab. When SQNR-analysis had been executed, synthesis was run for arithmetic operation models, for area and power estimate calculation. From these results, a conclusion of impact on area of FXP and FLP on different FFT models was done and a superiority comparison was possible.Kiinteän pilkun luvun ja liukuvan pilkun luvun aritmeettisten esitystapojen vaikutusten analysointi digitaalisen mikropiirin syntetisoituun pinta-alaan. Tiivistelmä. Tässä työssä vertailtiin kiinteän pilkun lukuja ja liukuvan pilkun lukuja, käyttäen tärkeimpinä vertailuparametreina signaalikvantisointikohinasuhdetta (SQNR) sekä synteesistä saatavaa pinta-alaa. SQNR tavoitearvoksi asetettiin 40 dB ja tavoitteena oli valita mahdollisimman pieni pinta-ala, jolla vielä saavutettiin tarpeeksi suuri dynaaminen alue (DR) ja SQNR tavoite täyttyi. SQNR:n laskentaan tarvittiin molemmille aritmeettisille esitystavoille kvantisointimallit, jotka tehtiin Matlab-ohjelmalla. Lopulta kvantisointikohinan tarkempaan tarkasteluun valittiin algoritmi, jonka sisälle edellä mainitut kvantisointimallit asetettiin. Valittu algoritmi oli muistipohjainen 64-näytteinen FFT, joka on toteutettu radix-2 perhoslaskennalla. Algoritmin sisällä tapahtuvaa aritmeettisesta esitystavasta johtuvaa suorituskyvyn muutosta tutkittiin SQNR:n avulla. Jotta virhe voitiin laskea, myös referenssimalli täytyi implementoida, ja siihen käytettiin Matlabin valmista FFT-funktiota. Kun SQNR-analyysi oli suoritettu, ajettiin aritmeettisille operaatio malleille synteesit, joista voitiin laskea algoritmin vaatima pinta-ala. Näistä tuloksista voitiin yhteenvetää liukuvan pilkun ja kiinteän pilkun lukujen vaikutukset FFT mallien pinta-aloihin, ja siten tehdä paremmuusvertailua niiden välillä

    Compact beamforming in medical ultrasound scanners

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