4 research outputs found

    Techniques for recognizing textual entailment and semantic equivalence

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    After defining what is understood by textual entailment and semantic equivalence, the present state and the desirable future of the systems aimed at recognizing them is shown. A compilation of the currently implemented techniques in the main Recognizing Textual Entailment and Semantic Equivalence systems is given

    Overview of the Answer Validation Exercise 2006

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    Creaci贸 d鈥檜n corpus d鈥檈ntailment en espanyol

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Ling眉铆stica. Facultat de Filologia. Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2019-2020, Tutora: Mariona Taul茅 Delor[cat] L鈥檈studi de la infer猫ncia en el llenguatge natural i la seva detecci贸 pot suposar un aven莽 important en les tecnologies del llenguatge. Per aquest motiu, s鈥檋an creat corpus per a tasca de Natural Language Inference, que estudien l鈥檈ntailment i la contradicci贸, si b茅 han estat centrats en l鈥檃ngl猫s. Aquest treball presenta la metodologia duta a terme per a la creaci贸 i anotaci贸 manual de frases d鈥檜n corpus d鈥檈ntailment en espanyol. Especialment, s鈥檋a descrit el proc茅s de creaci贸 de frases inferides de textos a trav茅s d鈥檜ns criteris que n鈥檃sseguren la seva riquesa, que hi hagi diferents nivells de complexitat i eviten que hi hagi informaci贸 esbiaixada. S鈥檋an creat 940 hip貌tesis inferides a partir de 470 frases inicials, que van ser extretes de 6 articles de la Viquip猫dia. El corpus d鈥檈ntailment en espanyol forma part d鈥檜n corpus m茅s gran de Natural Language Inference que s鈥檈st脿 duent a terme en el marc d鈥檜n projecte que desenvolupa el grup de recerca CLiC (Centre de Llenguatge i Computaci贸) de la Universitat de Barcelona.[eng] The study of Natural Language Inference and its detection may suppose an important advance in language technology. For this reason, many corpora regarding entailment and contradiction have been created, even though most of them have been written for English. This work presents the methodology for the creation and annotation of a corpus of entailed sentences in Spanish made by humans. Especially, the process of creation of entailed sentences from texts through some criteria that ensure its richness, different levels of complexity and lack of bias. 940 hypotheses have been entailed from 470 texts, which were taken from 6 Wikipedia articles. The corpus of entailment in Spanish is part of a larger corpus about Natural Language Inference, which is being developed in the project of the research group CLiC (Centre de Llenguatge i Computaci贸) of the University of Barcelona

    Sparte, a test suite for recognising textual entailment in spanish

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    Abstract. The aim of Recognising Textual Entailment (RTE) is to determine whether the meaning of a text entails the meaning of another text named hypothesis. RTE systems can be applied to validate the answers of Question Answering (QA) systems. Once the answer to a question is given by the QA system, a hypothesis is built turning the question plus the answer into an affirmative form. If the text (a given document) entails this hypothesis, then the answer is expected to be correct. Thus, a RTE system becomes an Answer Validation system. Within this framework the first problem is to find collections for training and testing RTE systems. We present here the SPARTE corpus aimed at evaluating RTE systems in Spanish. The paper presents the methodology to build SPARTE from the Spanish QA assessments performed at the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum (CLEF) during the last three editions. The paper also describes the test suite and discusses the appropriate evaluation measures together with their baselines.