256,078 research outputs found

    Using SMS text messaging for teaching and data collection in the behavioral sciences

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    Recent interest in university teaching has focused on interactivity in lectures and practical classes, and teachers in several fields have set up systems in which students can interact with the lecturer using mobile-phone-based SMS text messaging. This approach has particular potential in psychology, where students could use SMS messaging as a way of responding in simple psychology experiments or demonstrations. We describe a simple architecture for an SMS-based responding, using an SMS-to-HTTP message relay service, and a PHP/MySQL input-output handler. We describe briefly two experiments we have run using the system. The first experiment examined anchoring effects in an SMS-based auction. The second experiment examined delay discounting, with participants indicating their intertemporal preferences using SMS. Finally, we evaluate the feedback we obtained from students about the practical and conceptual issues surrounding text-message-based responding


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan sistem SMS gateway nilai siswa, mengetahui functionality, usability dan performance SMS gateway dalam menampilkan nilai siswa. Pengumuman informasi nilai yang biasa dilakukan sekolah secara konvensional dinilai tidak efektif dan efisien untuk memenuhi kebutuhan siswa. Prosedur penelitian tugas akhir ini menggunakan metode dalam proses perancangan sebuah aplikasi web nilai siswa yang berbasis SMS menggunakan tahapan-tahapan dalam System Development Life Cycle (SDLC), yaitu tahapan analisis, desain, implementasi, dan pengujian. Pengujian dilakukan untuk analisis kualitas software dari sisi functionality, usability, dan efficiency. Hasil pengujian functionality yang telah dilakukan terhadap aplikasi adalah semua fungsi web dan sms sudah sesuai dengan sub karakteristik functionality. Hasil pengujian usability terhadap aplikasi yang dirancang adalah 89,75% dan termasuk dalam kategori sangat baik. Hasil pengujian efficiency terhadap aplikasi mendapatkan hasil autoreply SMS terhadap sebuah request data adalah 3,26 menit/SMS. Sistem ini efisien dalam hal waktu untuk memperoleh informasi nilai

    SModelS: a tool for interpreting simplified-model results from the LHC and its application to supersymmetry

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    We present a general procedure to decompose Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) collider signatures presenting a Z2 symmetry into Simplified Model Spectrum (SMS) topologies. Our method provides a way to cast BSM predictions for the LHC in a model independent framework, which can be directly confronted with the relevant experimental constraints. Our concrete implementation currently focusses on supersymmetry searches with missing energy, for which a large variety of SMS results from ATLAS and CMS are available. As show-case examples we apply our procedure to two scans of the minimal supersymmetric standard model. We discuss how the SMS limits constrain various particle masses and which regions of parameter space remain unchallenged by the current SMS interpretations of the LHC results.Comment: v3: Version published in EPJ

    SMS Management System for Direct Sales and Network Marketing

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    SMS management system in direct sales and network marketing is a concept of integrating information system with mobile phone as well as using short message service (SMS) as a medium of communication in the business process of direct sales and network marketing sector. Direct sales and network marketing sector is a business phenomenon which expanding rapidly within these few years and it will keep on expanding. To deal with the large members and distributors joining the company, the management of these companies started to seek for new direction in upgrading the relationship management between the company and the distributors. This is important when the low cost and time saving SMS is introduce to these direct selling companies. With the intention of enhancing the connection between distributors is an opportunity to integrate SMS system in the management system in this industry. In this paper, we have analyzed how the SMS will play an important role in the business process by allowing the end user and the company will benefit from its simple and cost saving

    Dual roles of spent mushroom substrate on soil improvement and enhanced drought tolerance of wheat Triticum aestivum

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    This study examines the effects of the spent substrate of oyster mushroom (SMS) for growing wheat at different drought conditions. The SMS not only served as the sole fertilizer to produce normal growth and grain yield of wheat but also improved the soil quality after harvest to raise the soil organic matter, maintain the soil alkalinity and increase field capacity unlike the synthetic fertilizer amendment. Simultaneously, SMS treatment enhanced drought tolerance of wheat by enabling germination at 8.5% soil water content and completing sexual reproduction to grain production even at 6.3% soil water content