18 research outputs found

    Overview of the CLEF 2018 Consumer Health Search Task

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    This paper details the collection, systems and evaluation methods used in the CLEF 2018 eHealth Evaluation Lab, Consumer Health Search (CHS) task (Task 3). This task investigates the effectiveness of search engines in providing access to medical information present on the Web for people that have no or little medical knowledge. The task aims to foster advances in the development of search technologies for Consumer Health Search by providing resources and evaluation methods to test and validate search systems. Built upon the the 2013-17 series of CLEF eHealth Information Retrieval tasks, the 2018 task considers both mono- and multilingual retrieval, embracing the Text REtrieval Conference (TREC) -style evaluation process with a shared collection of documents and queries, the contribution of runs from participants and the subsequent formation of relevance assessments and evaluation of the participants submissions. For this year, the CHS task uses a new Web corpus and a new set of queries compared to the previous years. The new corpus consists of Web pages acquired from the CommonCrawl and the new set of queries consists of 50 queries issued by the general public to the Health on the Net (HON) search services. We then manually translated the 50 queries to French, German, and Czech; and obtained English query variations of the 50 original queries. A total of 7 teams from 7 different countries participated in the 2018 CHS task: CUNI (Czech Republic), IMS Unipd (Italy), MIRACL (Tunisia), QUT (Australia), SINAI (Spain), UB-Botswana (Botswana), and UEvora (Portugal)

    Overview of the CLEF eHealth Evaluation Lab 2018

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    In this paper, we provide an overview of the sixth annual edition of the CLEF eHealth evaluation lab. CLEF eHealth 2018 continues our evaluation resource building efforts around the easing and support of patients, their next-of-kins, clinical staff, and health scientists in understanding, accessing, and authoring eHealth information in a multilingual setting. This year’s lab offered three tasks: Task 1 on multilingual information extraction to extend from last year’s task on French and English corpora to French, Hungarian, and Italian; Task 2 on technologically assisted reviews in empirical medicine building on last year’s pilot task in English; and Task 3 on Consumer Health Search (CHS) in mono- and multilingual settings that builds on the 2013–17 Information Retrieval tasks. In total 28 teams took part in these tasks (14 in Task 1, 7 in Task 2 and 7 in Task 3). Herein, we describe the resources created for these tasks, outline our evaluation methodology adopted and provide a brief summary of participants of this year’s challenges and results obtained. As in previous years, the organizers have made data and tools associated with the lab tasks available for future research and development

    Overview of the CLEF 2018 Consumer Health Search Task

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    This paper details the collection, systems and evaluation methods used in the CLEF 2018 eHealth Evaluation Lab, Consumer Health Search (CHS) task (Task 3). This task investigates the effectiveness of search engines in providing access to medical information present on the Web for people that have no or little medical knowledge. The task aims to foster advances in the development of search technologies for Consumer Health Search by providing resources and evaluation methods to test and validate search systems. Built upon the the 2013-17 series of CLEF eHealth Information Retrieval tasks, the 2018 task considers both mono- and multilingual retrieval, embracing the Text REtrieval Conference (TREC) -style evaluation process with a shared collection of documents and queries, the contribution of runs from participants and the subsequent formation of relevance assessments and evaluation of the participants submissions. For this year, the CHS task uses a new Web corpus and a new set of queries compared to the previous years. The new corpus consists of Web pages acquired from the CommonCrawl and the new set of queries consists of 50 queries issued by the general public to the Health on the Net (HON) search services. We then manually translated the 50 queries to French, German, and Czech; and obtained English query variations of the 50 original queries. A total of 7 teams from 7 different countries participated in the 2018 CHS task: CUNI (Czech Republic), IMS Unipd (Italy), MIRACL (Tunisia), QUT (Australia), SINAI (Spain), UB-Botswana (Botswana), and UEvora (Portugal)

    Biomedical entities recognition in Spanish combining word embeddings

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    El reconocimiento de entidades con nombre (NER) es una tarea importante en el campo del Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural que se utiliza para extraer conocimiento significativo de los documentos textuales. El objetivo de NER es identificar trozos de texto que se refieran a entidades específicas. En esta tesis pretendemos abordar la tarea de NER en el dominio biomédico y en español. En este dominio las entidades pueden referirse a nombres de fármacos, síntomas y enfermedades y ofrecen un conocimiento valioso a los expertos sanitarios. Para ello, proponemos un modelo basado en redes neuronales y empleamos una combinación de word embeddings. Además, nosotros generamos unos nuevos embeddings específicos del dominio y del idioma para comprobar su eficacia. Finalmente, demostramos que la combinación de diferentes word embeddings como entrada a la red neuronal mejora los resultados del estado de la cuestión en los escenarios aplicados.Named Entity Recognition (NER) is an important task in the field of Natural Language Processing that is used to extract meaningful knowledge from textual documents. The goal of NER is to identify text fragments that refer to specific entities. In this thesis we aim to address the task of NER in the Spanish biomedical domain. In this domain entities can refer to drug, symptom and disease names and offer valuable knowledge to health experts. For this purpose, we propose a model based on neural networks and employ a combination of word embeddings. In addition, we generate new domain- and language-specific embeddings to test their effectiveness. Finally, we show that the combination of different word embeddings as input to the neural network improves the state-of-the-art results in the applied scenarios.Tesis Univ. Jaén. Departamento de Informática. Leída el 22 abril de 2021

    Negation Processing in Spanish and its Application to Sentiment Analysis

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    El Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural es el área de la Inteligencia Artificial que tiene como objetivo desarrollar mecanismos computacionalmente eficientes para facilitar la comunicación entre personas y máquinas por medio del lenguaje natural. Para que las máquinas sean capaces de procesar, comprender y generar lenguaje humano hay que tener en cuenta una amplia gama de fenómenos lingüísticos, como la negación, la ironía o el sarcasmo, que se utilizan para dar a las palabras un significado diferente. Esta tesis doctoral se centra en el estudio de la negación, un fenómeno lingüístico complejo que utilizamos en nuestra comunicación diaria. A diferencia de la mayoría de los estudios existentes hasta el momento se realiza sobre textos en español, ya que es la segunda lengua con más hablantes nativos, la tercera más utilizada en Internet, y no existen sistemas de procesamiento de negación disponibles en esta lengua.Natural Language Processing is the area of Artificial Intelligence that aims to develop computationally efficient mechanisms to facilitate communication between people and machines through natural language. To ensure that machines are capable of processing, understanding and generating human language, a wide range of linguistic phenomena must be taken into account, such as negation, irony or sarcasm, which are used to give words a different meaning. This doctoral thesis focuses on the study of negation, a complex linguistic phenomenon that we use in our daily communication. In contrast to most of the existing studies to date, it is carried out on Spanish texts, because i) it is the second language with most native speakers, ii) it is the third language most used on the Internet, and iii) there are no negation processing systems available on this language.Tesis Univ. Jaén. Departamento de Informática. Leída el 13 de septiembre de 2019


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    Front-Line Physicians' Satisfaction with Information Systems in Hospitals

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    Day-to-day operations management in hospital units is difficult due to continuously varying situations, several actors involved and a vast number of information systems in use. The aim of this study was to describe front-line physicians' satisfaction with existing information systems needed to support the day-to-day operations management in hospitals. A cross-sectional survey was used and data chosen with stratified random sampling were collected in nine hospitals. Data were analyzed with descriptive and inferential statistical methods. The response rate was 65 % (n = 111). The physicians reported that information systems support their decision making to some extent, but they do not improve access to information nor are they tailored for physicians. The respondents also reported that they need to use several information systems to support decision making and that they would prefer one information system to access important information. Improved information access would better support physicians' decision making and has the potential to improve the quality of decisions and speed up the decision making process.Peer reviewe

    Using machine learning for automated de-identification and clinical coding of free text data in electronic medical records

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    The widespread adoption of Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) in hospitals continues to increase the amount of patient data that are digitally stored. Although the primary use of the EMR is to support patient care by making all relevant information accessible, governments and health organisations are looking for ways to unleash the potential of these data for secondary purposes, including clinical research, disease surveillance and automation of healthcare processes and workflows. EMRs include large quantities of free text documents that contain valuable information. The greatest challenges in using the free text data in EMRs include the removal of personally identifiable information and the extraction of relevant information for specific tasks such as clinical coding. Machine learning-based automated approaches can potentially address these challenges. This thesis aims to explore and improve the performance of machine learning models for automated de-identification and clinical coding of free text data in EMRs, as captured in hospital discharge summaries, and facilitate the applications of these approaches in real-world use cases. It does so by 1) implementing an end-to-end de-identification framework using an ensemble of deep learning models; 2) developing a web-based system for de-identification of free text (DEFT) with an interactive learning loop; 3) proposing and implementing a hierarchical label-wise attention transformer model (HiLAT) for explainable International Classification of Diseases (ICD) coding; and 4) investigating the use of extreme multi-label long text transformer-based models for automated ICD coding. The key findings include: 1) An end-to-end framework using an ensemble of deep learning base-models achieved excellent performance on the de-identification task. 2) A new web-based de-identification software system (DEFT) can be readily and easily adopted by data custodians and researchers to perform de-identification of free text in EMRs. 3) A novel domain-specific transformer-based model (HiLAT) achieved state-of-the-art (SOTA) results for predicting ICD codes on a Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care (MIMIC-III) dataset comprising the discharge summaries (n=12,808) that are coded with at least one of the most 50 frequent diagnosis and procedure codes. In addition, the label-wise attention scores for the tokens in the discharge summary presented a potential explainability tool for checking the face validity of ICD code predictions. 4) An optimised transformer-based model, PLM-ICD, achieved the latest SOTA results for ICD coding on all the discharge summaries of the MIMIC-III dataset (n=59,652). The segmentation method, which split the long text consecutively into multiple small chunks, addressed the problem of applying transformer-based models to long text datasets. However, using transformer-based models on extremely large label sets needs further research. These findings demonstrate that the de-identification and clinical coding tasks can benefit from the application of machine learning approaches, present practical tools for implementing these approaches, and highlight priorities for further research