8 research outputs found

    Algorithmische und Code-Optimierungen Molekulardynamiksimulationen für Verfahrenstechnik

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    The focus of this work lies on implementational improvements and, in particular, node-level performance optimization of the simulation software ls1-mardyn. Through data structure improvements, SIMD vectorization and, especially, OpenMP parallelization, the world’s first simulation of 2*1013 molecules at over 1 PFLOP/sec was enabled. To allow for long-range interactions, the Fast Multipole Method was introduced to ls1-mardyn. The algorithm was optimized for sequential, shared-memory, and distributed-memory execution on up to 32,768 MPI processes.Der Fokus dieser Arbeit liegt auf Code-Optimierungen und insbesondere Leistungsoptimierung auf Knoten-Ebene für die Simulationssoftware ls1-mardyn. Durch verbesserte Datenstrukturen, SIMD-Vektorisierung und vor allem OpenMP-Parallelisierung wurde die weltweit erste Petaflop-Simulation von 2*1013 Molekülen ermöglicht. Zur Simulation von langreichweitigen Wechselwirkungen wurde die Fast-Multipole-Methode in ls1-mardyn eingeführt. Sequenzielle, Shared- und Distributed-Memory-Optimierungen wurden angewandt und erlaubten eine Ausführung auf bis zu 32768 MPI-Prozessen

    TweTriS: Twenty trillion-atom simulation

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    Significant improvements are presented for the molecular dynamics code ls1 mardyn — a linked cell-based code for simulating a large number of small, rigid molecules with application areas in chemical engineering. The changes consist of a redesign of the SIMD vectorization via wrappers, MPI improvements and a software redesign to allow memory-efficient execution with the production trunk to increase portability and extensibility. Two novel, memory-efficient OpenMP schemes for the linked cell-based force calculation are presented, which are able to retain Newton’s third law optimization. Comparisons to well-optimized Verlet list-based codes, such as LAMMPS and GROMACS, demonstrate the viability of the linked cell-based approach. The present version of ls1 mardyn is used to run simulations on entire supercomputers, maximizing the number of sampled atoms. Compared to the preceding version of ls1 mardyn on the entire set of 9216 nodes of SuperMUC, Phase 1, 27% more atoms are simulated. Weak scaling performance is increased by up to 40% and strong scaling performance by up to more than 220%. On Hazel Hen, strong scaling efficiency of up to 81% and 189 billion molecule updates per second is attained, when scaling from 8 to 7168 nodes. Moreover, a total of 20 trillion atoms is simulated at up to 88% weak scaling efficiency running at up to 1.33 PFLOPS. This represents a fivefold increase in terms of the number of atoms simulated to date.BMBF, 01IH16008, Verbundprojekt: TaLPas - Task-basierte Lastverteilung und Auto-Tuning in der Partikelsimulatio

    Improving the efficiency of the Energy-Split tool to compute the energy of very large molecular systems

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia InformáticaThe Energy-Split tool receives as input pieces of a very large molecular system and computes all intra and inter-molecular energies, separately calculating the energies of each fragment and then the total energy of the molecule. It takes into account the connectivity information among atoms in a molecule to compute (i) the energy of all terms involving atoms covalently bonded, namely bonds, angles, dihedral angles, and improper angles, and (ii) Coulomb and the Van der Waals energies, that are independent of the atom’s connections, which have to be computed for every atom in the system. The required operations to obtain the total energy of a large molecule are computationally intensive, which require an efficient high-performance computing approach to obtain results in an acceptable time slot. The original Energy-Split Tcl code was thoroughly analyzed to be ported to a parallel and more efficient C++ version. New data structures were defined with data locality features, to take advantage of the advanced features present in current laptop or server systems. These include the vector extensions to the scalar processors, an efficient on-chip memory hierarchy, and the inherent parallelism in multicore devices. To improve the Energy-Split’s sequential variant a parallel version was developed using auxiliary libraries. Both implementations were tested on different multicore devices and optimized to take the most advantage of the features in high performance computing. Significant results by applying professional performance engineering approaches, namely (i) by identifying the data values that can be represented as Boolean variables (such as variables used in auxiliar data structures on the traversal algorithm that computes the Euclidean distance between atoms), leading to significant performance improvements due to the reduced memory bottleneck (over 10 times faster), and (ii) using an adequate compress format (CSR) to represent and operate on sparse matrices (namely matrices with Euclidean distances between atoms pairs, since all distances further the cut-off distance (user defined) are considered as zero, and these are the majority of values). After the first code optimizations, the performance of the sequential version was improved by around 100 times when compared to the original version on a dual-socket server. The parallel version improved up to 24 times, depending on the molecules tested, on the same server. The overall picture shows that the Energy-Split code is highly scalable, obtaining better results with larger molecule files, even when the atom’s arrangement influences the algorithm’s performance.A ferramenta Energy-Split recebe como ficheiro de input a descrição de fragmentos de um sistema molecular de grandes dimensões, de maneira a calcular os valores de energia intramolecular. Separadamente, também efetua o cálculo da energia de cada fragmento e a energia total de uma molécula. Ao mesmo tempo, tem em conta a informação das ligações entre átomos de uma molécula para calcular (i) a energia que envolve todos os átomos ligados covalentemente, nomeadamente bonds, angles, dihedral angles and improper angles, e (ii) energias de Coulomb e Vand der Waals, que são independentes das conexões dos átomos e têm de ser calculadas para cada átomo do sistema. Para cada átomo, o Energy-Split calcula a energia de interação com todos os outros átomos do sistema, considerando a partição da molécula em fragmentos, feita num programa open source, Visual Molecular Dynamics. As operações para o cálculo destas energias podem levar a tarefas muito intensivas, computacionalmente, fazendo com que seja necessário utilizar uma abordagem que tire proveito de computação de alto desempenho de modo a desenvolver código mais eficiente. O código fornecido, em Tcl, foi profundamente analisado e convertido para uma versão paralela e, mais eficiente, em C++. Ao mesmo tempo, foram definidas novas estruturas de dados, que aproveitam a boa localidade dos mesmos para tirar vantagem das extensões vetoriais presentes em qualquer computador e, também, para explorar o paralelismo inerente a máquinas multicore. Assim, foi implementada uma versão paralela do código convertido numa fase anterior com recurso ao uso de bibliotecas auxiliares. Ambas as versões foram testadas em diferentes ambientes multicore e otimizadas de maneira a ser possível tirar o máximo partido da computação de alto desempenho para obter os melhores resultados. Após a aplicação de técnicas de engenharia de performance como (i) a identificação de dados que poderiam ser representados em formatos mais leves como variáveis booleanas (por exemplo, variáveis usadas em estruturas de dados auxiliares ao cálculo da distância Euclideana entre átomos, utilizadas no algoritmo de travessia da molécula), o que levou a melhorias significativas na performance (cerca de 10 vezes) devido à redução de sobrecarga da memória. (ii) a utilização de um formato adequado para a representação de matirzes esparsas (nomeadamente a de representação das mesmas distâncias Euclidianas do primeiro ponto, uma vez que todas as distâncias que ultrapassem a distância de cutoff (definida pelo utilizador) são consideradas como 0, representado a maioria dos valores). 3 4 Depois das otimizações à versão sequencial, esta apresentou uma melhoria de cerca de 100 vezes em relação à versão original. A versão paralela foi melhorada até 24 vezes, dependendo das moléculas em questão. No geral, o código é escalável, uma vez que apresenta melhores resultados consoante o aumento do tamanho das moléculas testadas, apesar de se concluir que a disposição dos átomos também influencia a perfomance do algoritmo.This work was supported by FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia) within project RDB-TS: Uma base de dados de reações químicas baseadas em informação de estados de transição derivados de cálculos quânticos (Refª BI2-2019_NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-031689_UMINHO), co-funded by the North Portugal Regional Operational Programme, through the European Regional Development Fun

    Routing brain traffic through the von Neumann bottleneck: Efficient cache usage in spiking neural network simulation code on general purpose computers

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    Simulation is a third pillar next to experiment and theory in the study of complex dynamic systems such as biological neural networks. Contemporary brain-scale networks correspond to directed graphs of a few million nodes, each with an in-degree and out-degree of several thousands of edges, where nodes and edges correspond to the fundamental biological units, neurons and synapses, respectively. When considering a random graph, each node's edges are distributed across thousands of parallel processes. The activity in neuronal networks is also sparse. Each neuron occasionally transmits a brief signal, called spike, via its outgoing synapses to the corresponding target neurons. This spatial and temporal sparsity represents an inherent bottleneck for simulations on conventional computers: Fundamentally irregular memory-access patterns cause poor cache utilization. Using an established neuronal network simulation code as a reference implementation, we investigate how common techniques to recover cache performance such as software-induced prefetching and software pipelining can benefit a real-world application. The algorithmic changes reduce simulation time by up to 50%. The study exemplifies that many-core systems assigned with an intrinsically parallel computational problem can overcome the von Neumann bottleneck of conventional computer architectures

    Development of High Performance Molecular Dynamics with Application to Multimillion-Atom Biomass Simulations

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    An understanding of the recalcitrance of plant biomass is important for efficient economic production of biofuel. Lignins are hydrophobic, branched polymers and form a residual barrier to effective hydrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass. Understanding lignin\u27s structure, dynamics and its interaction and binding to cellulose will help with finding more efficient ways to reduce its contribution to the recalcitrance. Molecular dynamics (MD) using the GROMACS software is employed to study these properties in atomic detail. Studying complex, realistic models of pretreated plant cell walls, requires simulations significantly larger than was possible before. The most challenging part of such large simulations is the computation of the electrostatic interaction. As a solution, the reaction-field (RF) method has been shown to give accurate results for lignocellulose systems, as well as good computational efficiency on leadership class supercomputers. The particle-mesh Ewald method has been improved by implementing 2D decomposition and thread level parallelization for molecules not accurately modeled by RF. Other scaling limiting computational components, such as the load balancing and memory requirements, were identified and addressed to allow such large scale simulations for the first time. This work was done with the help of modern software engineering principles, including code-review, continuous integration, and integrated development environments. These methods were adapted to the special requirements for scientific codes. Multiple simulations of lignocellulose were performed. The simulation presented primarily, explains the temperature-dependent structure and dynamics of individual softwood lignin polymers in aqueous solution. With decreasing temperature, the lignins are found to transition from mobile, extended to glassy, compact states. The low-temperature collapse is thermodynamically driven by the increase of the translational entropy and density fluctuations of water molecules removed from the hydration shell

    GPU fast multipole method with lambda-dynamics features

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    A significant and computationally most demanding part of molecular dynamics simulations is the calculation of long-range electrostatic interactions. Such interactions can be evaluated directly by the naïve pairwise summation algorithm, which is a ubiquitous showcase example for the compute power of graphics processing units (GPUS). However, the pairwise summation has O(N^2) computational complexity for N interacting particles; thus, an approximation method with a better scaling is required. Today, the prevalent method for such approximation in the field is particle mesh Ewald (PME). PME takes advantage of fast Fourier transforms (FFTS) to approximate the solution efficiently. However, as the underlying FFTS require all-to-all communication between ranks, PME runs into a communication bottleneck. Such communication overhead is negligible only for a moderate parallelization. With increased parallelization, as needed for high-performance applications, the usage of PME becomes unprofitable. Another PME drawback is its inability to perform constant pH simulations efficiently. In such simulations, the protonation states of a protein are allowed to change dynamically during the simulation. The description of this process requires a separate evaluation of the energies for each protonation state. This can not be calculated efficiently with PME as the algorithm requires a repeated FFT for each state, which leads to a linear overhead with respect to the number of states. For a fast approximation of pairwise Coulombic interactions, which does not suffer from PME drawbacks, the Fast Multipole Method (FMM) has been implemented and fully parallelized with CUDA. To assure the optimal FMM performance for diverse MD systems multiple parallelization strategies have been developed. The algorithm has been efficiently incorporated into GROMACS and subsequently tested to determine the optimal FMM parameter set for MD simulations. Finally, the FMM has been incorporated into GROMACS to allow for out-of-the-box electrostatic calculations. The performance of the single-GPU FMM implementation, tested in GROMACS 2019, achieves about a third of highly optimized CUDA PME performance when simulating systems with uniform particle distributions. However, the FMM is expected to outperform PME at high parallelization because the FMM global communication overhead is minimal compared to that of PME. Further, the FMM has been enhanced to provide the energies of an arbitrary number of titratable sites as needed in the constant-pH method. The extension is not fully optimized yet, but the first results show the strength of the FMM for constant pH simulations. For a relatively large system with half a million particles and more than a hundred titratable sites, a straightforward approach to compute alternative energies requires the repetition of a simulation for each state of the sites. The FMM calculates all energy terms only a factor 1.5 slower than a single simulation step. Further improvements of the GPU implementation are expected to yield even more speedup compared to the actual implementation.2021-11-1