12 research outputs found

    SCBS Social Capital Benchmarking System - Profiting from Social Capital when Building Network Organisations

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    In knowledge economy, companies and organisations build sustainable competitive advantages not only relying on their internal intellectual capital but also on the intellectual capital of other companies, organisations and institutions and specifically on those of the cluster [Porter, 1990], microcluster or territory where the company is located. This kind of intellectual capital, basically external and of a relational nature is one of the main constituents of the networked organisation and (will be called) from now on Social Capital [Nahapiet and Ghoshal, 1998] because it is embedded in the social fabric (texture) of the nearby environment. SCBS (Social Capital Benchmarking System) is both a new management method and a new management tool, that identifies, audits and benchmarks the resources and capabilities or the social capital, existing in alternative cluster locations that are necessary in order to develop the specific network organisation that each particular business model requires. The system has been successfully piloted in five European enterprises

    Corporate Social Capital and Firm Performance in the Global Information Technology Services Sector

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    The confluence of a number of marketplace phenomena has provided the impetus for the selection and conduct of this research. The first is the so called value relevance of intangibles in determining share market performance of publicly listed companies. The growing gap between market and book values has been proposed as an indication of the impact of intangibles on share price values. A second related phenomenon is the increasing reliance on share price appreciation as the principal means for shareholder return as opposed to returns through dividends. This suggests that share prices are becoming an even more critical firm performance measure than traditional accounting-based firm performance measures like return on investment (ROI). A third phenomenon is the rapid growth in marketplace alliances and joint ventures, the number of which has grown rapidly over the past 30 years. The explanation for these phenomena may lie in the concept of corporate social capital (CSC) which, as an intangible asset (IA), has been proposed in several normative studies. CSC has been defined as “the set of resources, tangible or virtual, that accrue to a corporate player through the player’s social relationships, facilitating the attainment of goals” (Leenders & Gabbay, 1999, p3). However, constructs for CSC have only been loosely defined and its impacts on firm performance only minimally empirically tested. This research addresses this gap in the literature. The key aim of this research is to explore the impact of CSC on firm performance. Through the use of CSC as a lens for viewing a firm’s intangibles, several important sub-components of the CSC formulation are exposed. These include a firm’s market centrality (CENT), absorptive capacity (AC), internal capital (INC), human capital (HC) and financial soundness. Therefore, an extended aim for this research is to identify the differential impacts of the CSC sub-components on firm performance. Firm performance was measured as ROI, market-to-book ratios (Tobin’s Q) and total shareholder return (TSR). Overall, the research results indicate that CSC is a significant predictor of firm performance, but falls short of fully explaining the market-to-book value disparity. For this research an innovative computer-supported content analysis (CA) technique was devised to capture a majority of the data required for the empirical research. The use of a commercial news aggregation service, Factiva, and a standard taxonomy of terms for the search, allowed variables for intangible constructs to be derived from a relatively large sample of firms (n=155) from the global information technology services (ITS) sector from 2001 to 2004. Data indices for joint venture or alliance activity, research and development (R&D) activity, HC, INC and external capital (EC) were all developed using this CA approach. The research findings indicated that all things aren’t equal in terms of how the benefits of CSC accrue to different firms in the sector. The research indicated that for larger, more mature firms, financial soundness does not necessarily correlate with improved shareholder return. The inference is that these firms may have reached a plateau in terms of how the market is valuing them. In terms of market centrality, the research indicates that software firms could benefit from building a larger number of alliances and becoming more centrally connected in the marketplace. The reverse is true, however, for larger, more established firms in the non-software sectors. These companies can be penalised for being over-connected, potentially signalling that they are locked into a suite of alliances that will ultimately limit their capacity to innovate and grow. For smaller, potentially loss-making firms, the research indicates that investments in HC are potentially the only investment strategy that could result in improvements in profitability and shareholder return. Investments by such firms in R&D or INC developments are likely to depress shareholder value and therefore should be minimised in favour of HC investments. For larger, more established firms, investment in HC is beneficial for both ROI and TSR. Investments in areas like R&D and INC were found to be only beneficial to those firms who have the financial capacity to afford it. Firms that don’t appear to have the financial resources to support the level of investments they are making in R&D and/or INC were penalised by the market. Overall, the research provides specific insights into the links between firms and their performance, through appropriate investments in CSC. In terms of research practice, this research demonstrates the viability of computer-supported CA. Progress in the development of more intelligent search technologies will provide increasing utility to CA researchers, promising to unlock a vast range of textual source data for researchers that were previously beyond manual CA practices

    Cidades e territórios do conhecimento : contribuição para o desenvolvimento de uma teoria

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    Mestrado em Gestão de OperaçõesNo passado, as regiões concorriam entre si para a construção de grandes infra-estruturas físicas, que a seu ver as tornariam competitivas face a outras. A prosperidade dos territórios passava pela sua atractividade para a instalação de negócios e consequente criação de empregos. Hoje em dia, o sucesso de indivíduos, organizações ou territórios depende da mobilização de activos intangíveis. Ao entrarem eles próprios na era do conhecimento, os territórios não estão a fazer mais do que responder à economia electrónica que se instalou há muito no planeta e que é reconhecida e reforçada por opções estratégicas tomadas pelos Estados, individualmente ou de forma concertada. A reformulação da Estratégia de Lisboa abriu uma janela de oportunidade para o desenvolvimento das metrópoles europeias baseadas na economia do conhecimento. As organizações com fins lucrativos há já algum tempo que vêm pondo em prática um novo estilo de gestão, baseada nos chamados activos intangíveis, como por exemplo o capital humano. Mas as organizações são sistemas abertos e, por isso, a progressão interna do conhecimento alimenta-se constantemente do conhecimento externo disponível no meio envolvente, em clientes, fornecedores, concorrentes e sociedade em geral. Ao processo anterior junta-se, assim, a captação, absorção e integração do conhecimento externo. O conhecimento é um recurso indispensável à inovação e esta é o sustento das vantagens competitivas numa época em que os ciclos de inovação são cada vez mas curtos. Desta forma, o conhecimento torna-se estratégico para a sobrevivência da sociedade em geral e dos territórios em particular e é necessário geri-lo também a este nível. Na presente dissertação, discute-se a aplicabilidade do conceito de gestão do conhecimento ao território. Pretende-se investigar se nos modelos conhecidos de gestão do conhecimento ao nível territorial existe uma abordagem multinível e se é visível uma estrutura de cadeia de operações no processo de gestão de conhecimento. Concluímos que o território é uma rede viva, cuja matéria-prima essencial é o indivíduo, uma vez que é nestes que reside o conhecimento, a verdadeira mola propulsora do território. Os modelos disponíveis no presente ainda estão mais orientados para a mensuração, passo essencial para aferir qual o nível de conhecimento que os territórios detêm na actualidade. Depreende-se ser esta uma área de investigação muito promissora e realmente desafiante, não só pela riqueza das temáticas envolvidas mas, sobretudo, pelos resultados que poderá permitir alcançar: o bem-estar de todos os envolvidos ABSTRACT: In the past, the regions compete among themselves for the construction of large physical infrastructure, which in their eyes would make them competitive against the other. The prosperity of the territories passed by its attractiveness for the installation of business and consequent job creation. Nowadays, the success of individuals, organizations or territories depends on mobilisation of intangible assets. By entering themselves in the era of knowledge, the territories aren’t doing more than responding to the electronic economy that is installed long ago on the planet and that is recognized and strengthened by strategic choices made by states, individually or in a concerted manner. The recasting of the Lisbon Strategy opened a window of opportunity for the development of European metropolises based on the knowledge economy. In recente past, profit organisations started to put into practice, a new management style, based on, essentially, in so-called intangible assets, such as human capital. But organisations are open systems and therefore the internal advancement of knowledge is constantly fed by the knowledge available in the external environment, customers, suppliers, competitors and society in general. To the previous process join, therefore, the capture, absorption and integration of external knowledge. Knowledge is an indispensable resource for innovation and this is the livelihood of competitive advantage at a time when the cycles of innovation are increasingly short. Thus, the knowledge becomes strategic to the survival of society in general and of the territories in particular and it is necessary to manage him well also at this level. This dissertation, discusses the applicability of the concept of knowledge management to the territory. The aim is to investigate if in the known models of knowledge management at territorial level there is a multi-level approach and if is visible a chain operations structure in the management of knowledge. We concluded that the territory is a alive network, whose raw material is essentially the individual, since it is in these that knowledge resides, the real propulsion spring of the territory. The models available at present are still more geared to the measurement essential step to ascertain at what level of knowledge the territories is at present. It is this as a very promising area of research and really challenging, not only for the wealth of thematic involved, but above all the results that can achieve: the welfare of all involve

    Reward - based advertisement in online games: a win for advertisers, developers, and gamers

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    This study examines factors affecting gamers’ attitude towards reward-based advertisements (RBA) in online games. A conceptual model is developed based on the Ducoffe’s web advertising model and tested using a quantitative design through data collected from 532 online gamers in Fiji. Covariance-based structural equation modelling (CB-SEM) was employed to perform the analysis. Results reveal that informativeness, credibility, entertainment, and incentive positively influence advertisement value. Advertisement value was found to positively influences attitude towards RBA. The moderating factors of perceived competitiveness and gamer envy were found to strengthen the positive association between perceived advertisement value and attitude towards RBA. This study is novel is it is the first exploration of RBA in online gaming. In so doing, this study contributes to both marketing and gaming literature and provides valuable insight for marketers and game developers to influence customers to be more receptive to advertisements in online games

    Gaming and luxury fashion: exploring factors driving gamers’ luxury virtual in - game fashion

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    This study investigates the factors driving gamers’ intention to purchase virtual luxury fashion in online games. The study’s conceptual framework is grounded in the social identity and social capital theory. A total of 468 responses were collected using an online survey from Fortnite players and analyzed using covariance-based structural equation modelling (CB-SEM). The results reveal that avatar identification was positively associated with perceived value, social presence, and intention to purchase virtual luxury fashion. Perceived value and social presence were positively associated with intending to purchase virtual luxury fashion. Brand love strengthened the positive association between the perceived value and social presence on the intention to purchase virtual luxury fashion. This study contributes to the marketing and information systems literature by offering the first insights into virtual luxury fashion in online games. The findings would assist game developers and marketers in better understanding gamer behaviour to capitalize on virtual luxury fashion

    Una propuesta metodológica para la valoración de los intangibles empresariales

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    644 p.La presente tesis doctoral plantea una metodología general para la valoración de los intangibles empresariales. La relevancia de los intangibles como fuente de ventaja competitiva es aceptada tanto por la comunidad académica como por el mundo empresarial. Sin embargo, la información de la que disponen las empresas sobre sus intangibles es limitada siendo su valoración una posible solución. Las empresas muestran interés en conocer el valor de sus intangibles impulsadas tanto por motivos internos como externos.Las metodologías de medición y valoración de los intangibles desarrolladas hasta la actualidad muestran deficiencias que limitan su generalidad y aplicabilidad por parte de las empresas.Se propone una metodología basada en el cálculo del valor de las competencias básicas de carácter intangible, tanto como proyecto básico como de las opciones reales que pueda llevar incorporadas.A continuación, y para comprobar el grado de aplicabilidad de esta propuesta se realiza un estudio de campo que recoge la percepción de los gestores empresariales sobre su capacidad de estimación de los distintos parámetros que requiere la aplicación de la metodología. Asimismo se realiza la implantación de la metodológica en dos casos concretos.La aplicabilidad de la metodología planteada está condicionada por la capacidad de gestión de las empresas. Se observa que aquellas empresas que son capaces de valorar sus intangibles obtienen un rendimiento superior. La gestión de los intangibles precisa de mecanismos que permitan evaluar el efecto de las decisiones adoptadas en el valor de los intangibles

    Orientações para a aplicação do conhecimento organizacional no contexto de iniciativas de inovação no modelo de negócio

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia e Gestão do Conhecimento, Florianópolis, 2015.As discussões acadêmicas publicadas recentemente nos campos da gestão estratégica, da inovação, do empreendedorismo e da teoria econômica incorporaram o conceito de modelo de negócio. Ainda que não tenham chegado a um entendimento comum quanto à sua definição, grande parte dos trabalhos relaciona modelos de negócios à lógica fundamental de uma empresa para criação e captura de valor. Não só a academia, mas também o universo empresarial têm levantado discussões sobre modelo de negócio e esta realidade já foi comprovada por pesquisas recentes que indicaram que 30% dos esforços que as empresas consultadas dispenderão em inovação nos próximos anos serão direcionados à inovação no modelo de negócio. Ainda que pareça evidente a estreita relação entre conhecimento organizacional e inovação no modelo de negócio, poucos autores estabelecerem e trataram explicitamente desta relação. Ao trabalhar na intersecção entre as duas disciplinas, esta pesquisa, de cunho teórico, tem como resultado a proposição de um conjunto de orientações para a aplicação do conhecimento organizacional no contexto de iniciativas de inovação no modelo de negócio das organizações. Por meio de uma revisão integrativa da literatura que combinou temas como conhecimento organizacional, modelo de negócio e disciplinas adjacentes a ambos, identificou-se um conjunto de quatro fatores relacionados ao conhecimento organizacional que, quando considerados, potencializam as chances de sucesso das iniciativas de inovação no modelo de negócio. Este trabalho detalha, ainda, os aspectos teóricos e práticos de cada um dos fatores e organiza-os na forma de orientações que podem ser incorporadas por aqueles que estão envolvidos em iniciativas de inovação no modelo de negócio. Por fim, apresenta a sumarização dos resultados em um esquema que pode ser tomado como referência para pesquisas futuras ou por gestores que desejam se beneficiar pelas oportunidades proporcionadas pela inovação no modelo de negócio.Abstract : The recently published academic discussions in the fields of strategic management, innovation, entrepreneurship and economic theory incorporated the concept of business model. Although a consensus about its definition had not been achieved, most works relates business model to the fundamental logic of a company to create and capture value. Not only theorists, but also practitioners have been discussing about business model and this reality was proven recently by a research that concluded that 30% of the efforts that companies consulted will dispend in innovation in the coming years will be directed to business model innovation. Although it seems clear the close relationship between organizational knowledge and business model innovation, few authors establish and explicitly deal with this relationship. Working at the intersection between both disciplines, this theoretical research had as its main result the proposal of a set of guidelines for the appropriation of organizational knowledge in the context of business model innovation initiatives. Through an integrative literature review that combined topics as organizational knowledge, business model and adjacent disciplines, it was identified a set of four factors related to organizational knowledge that, when considered, increase the probability of success of business model innovation initiatives. This work presents also the theoretical and practical aspects of each factor and organizes them as guidelines that can be considered by those involved in business model innovation. Finally, it presents a summary of the results in a scheme that can influence future topics of research or managers that wish to take advantage of the opportunities offered by business model innovation

    Una propuesta metodológica para la valoración de los intangibles empresariales

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    644 p.La presente tesis doctoral plantea una metodología general para la valoración de los intangibles empresariales. La relevancia de los intangibles como fuente de ventaja competitiva es aceptada tanto por la comunidad académica como por el mundo empresarial. Sin embargo, la información de la que disponen las empresas sobre sus intangibles es limitada siendo su valoración una posible solución. Las empresas muestran interés en conocer el valor de sus intangibles impulsadas tanto por motivos internos como externos.Las metodologías de medición y valoración de los intangibles desarrolladas hasta la actualidad muestran deficiencias que limitan su generalidad y aplicabilidad por parte de las empresas.Se propone una metodología basada en el cálculo del valor de las competencias básicas de carácter intangible, tanto como proyecto básico como de las opciones reales que pueda llevar incorporadas.A continuación, y para comprobar el grado de aplicabilidad de esta propuesta se realiza un estudio de campo que recoge la percepción de los gestores empresariales sobre su capacidad de estimación de los distintos parámetros que requiere la aplicación de la metodología. Asimismo se realiza la implantación de la metodológica en dos casos concretos.La aplicabilidad de la metodología planteada está condicionada por la capacidad de gestión de las empresas. Se observa que aquellas empresas que son capaces de valorar sus intangibles obtienen un rendimiento superior. La gestión de los intangibles precisa de mecanismos que permitan evaluar el efecto de las decisiones adoptadas en el valor de los intangibles

    Impacto en el tejido productivo de la transferencia del conocimiento del CSIC

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    El trabajo que se presenta aborda el estudio de un caso particular de colaboración entre el entorno productivo y científico. La cooperación entre las empresas españolas y los institutos de investigación del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC). La investigación realizada constituye una aproximación a la importancia del capital intelectual de las instituciones científicas cuando ejercen su función de transferencia de conocimiento hacia el tejido productivo y el impacto que este factor de producción tiene sobre la innovación. Desde el ámbito político, económico y social son conocidos los beneficios que la ciencia genera y los que produce el conocimiento transferido desde las entidades científicas a las empresas, por su efecto dinamizador y potenciador de la innovación empresarial. Sin embargo, en el caso español se echa en falta mayores cotas de colaboración entre estos dos tipos de agentes. De ahí que sea de interés analizar el papel de las entidades científicas para tratar de ir eliminando las barreras que impiden el uso de esta fuente de conocimiento externo por las empresas. De acuerdo con lo expuesto, en este trabajo ha sido diseñado un modelo de gestión del proceso de transferencia de conocimiento entre ciencia (institutos y centros del CSIC) y empresas (del territorio nacional), considerando el valor de los aspectos intangibles de esta relación, la satisfacción de las empresas y el efecto que éstos ejercen sobre la innovación empresarial, porque se cree que los intangibles de las instituciones de investigación son fundamentales para mejorar las relaciones de colaboración