25 research outputs found

    Automatic Transformation of Natural to Unified Modeling Language: A Systematic Review

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    Context: Processing Software Requirement Specifications (SRS) manually takes a much longer time for requirement analysts in software engineering. Researchers have been working on making an automatic approach to ease this task. Most of the existing approaches require some intervention from an analyst or are challenging to use. Some automatic and semi-automatic approaches were developed based on heuristic rules or machine learning algorithms. However, there are various constraints to the existing approaches of UML generation, such as restriction on ambiguity, length or structure, anaphora, incompleteness, atomicity of input text, requirements of domain ontology, etc. Objective: This study aims to better understand the effectiveness of existing systems and provide a conceptual framework with further improvement guidelines. Method: We performed a systematic literature review (SLR). We conducted our study selection into two phases and selected 70 papers. We conducted quantitative and qualitative analyses by manually extracting information, cross-checking, and validating our findings. Result: We described the existing approaches and revealed the issues observed in these works. We identified and clustered both the limitations and benefits of selected articles. Conclusion: This research upholds the necessity of a common dataset and evaluation framework to extend the research consistently. It also describes the significance of natural language processing obstacles researchers face. In addition, it creates a path forward for future research

    Systemic approach and decision process for sustainability in chemical engineering: Application to computer aided product design

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    Dans un contexte de prise en compte croissante des enjeux environnementaux, l'industrie de la chimie et des procédés se retrouve confrontée à des problématiques de substitution de molécules. Les méthodes de formulation inverse, qui consistent en la recherche assistée par ordinateur de molécules satisfaisant un ensemble de contraintes, répondent de manière efficace à ces problématiques. A partir de l'analyse systémique des usages et fonctionnalités nécessaires dans ce contexte, nous développons un outil logiciel de formulation inverse mettant en oeuvre un algorithme génétique. Celui-ci est capable d'explorer un espace de solutions plus vaste en considérant les mélanges et non les molécules seules. Par ailleurs, il propose une définition des problèmes très flexible qui permet la recherche efficiente de molécules issues de filières renouvelables. En s'appuyant sur l'ingénierie système et l'ingénierie d'entreprise, nous proposons un processus formel de prise de décision pour la substitution de produit dans un contexte industriel. Ce processus de décision multi-critères englobe les phases de définition des exigences, de génération de solutions alternatives, de sélection de la meilleure alternative et de mise en oeuvre du produit. Il utilise une approche dirigée par les modèles et des techniques de prises de décision qui garantissent un alignement opérationnel en complément de l'alignement stratégique. A travers un cas d'étude, nous montrons comment l'utilisation conjointe de notre outil de recherche par formulation inverse et de notre processus de décision permet une démarche environnementale de substitution de produit à la fois efficiente et conforme à la réalité de l'entreprise. ABSTRACT : In a context where environmental issues are increasingly taken into account, the chemical related industry faces situations imposing a chemical product substitution. Computer aided molecular design methods, which consist in finding molecules satisfying a set of constraints, are well adapted to these situations. Using a systemic analysis of the needs and uses linked to this context, we develop a computer aided product design tool implementing a genetic algorithm. It is able to explore a wider solution space thanks to a flexible molecular framework. Besides, by allowing a very flexible setting of the problem to be solved, it enables the search of molecules sourced from renewable resources. Based on concepts from system and enterprise engineering, we formalize a decision making process dedicated to the product substitution in an industrial context. This multi-criteria decision process includes the phases of the requirements definition, of the generation of alternative solutions, of the selection of the best alternative and of the product application. It uses a model driven approach and decision making techniques that guaranty an operational alignment in addition to the strategic alignment across the chemical enterprise. Through a case study, we expose how the combination of our computer aided product design tool and our decision making process enables an environmentally compliant approach of product substitution which is both efficient and in adequacy with enterprise context

    A Uniform Formal Approach to Business and Access Control Models, Policies and their Combinations

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    Access control represents an important part of security in software systems, since access control policies determine which users of a software system have access to what objects and operations and under what constraints. One can view access control models as providing the basis for access control rules. Further, an access control policy can be seen as a combination of one or more rules, and one or more policies can be combined into a set of access control policies that control access to an entire system. The rules and resulting policies can be combined in many different ways, and the combination of rules and policies are included in policy languages. Approaches to access control (AC) policy languages, such as XACML, do not provide a formal representation for specifying rule- and policy-combining algorithms or for classifying and verifying properties of AC policies. In addition, there is no connection between the rules that form a policy and the general access control and business models on which those rules are based. Some authors propose formal representations for rule- and policy-combining algorithms. However, the proposed models are not expressive enough to represent formally classes of algorithms related to history of policy outcomes including ordered-permit-overrides, ordered-deny-overrides, and only-one-applicable. In fact, they are not able to express formally any algorithm that involves history including the class related to consensus such as weak-consensus, weak-majority, strong-consensus, strong-majority, and super-majoritypermit. In addition, some other authors propose a formal representation but do not present an approach and automated support for the formal verification of any classes of combining algorithms. The work presented in this thesis provides a uniform formal approach to business and access control models, policies and their combinations. The research involves a new formal representation for access control rules, policies, and their combination and supports formal verification. In addition, the approach explicitly connects the rules to the underlying access control model. Specically, the approach • provides a common representation for systematically describing and integrating business processes, access control models, their rules and policies, • expresses access control rules using an underlying access control model based on an existing augmented business modeling notation, • can express and verify formally all known policy- and rule-combining algorithms, a result not seen in the literature, • supports a classification of relevant access control properties that can be verified against policies and their combinations, and • supports automated formal verification of single policies and combined policy sets based on model checking. Finally, the approach is applied to an augmented version of the conference management system, a well-known example from the literature. Several properties, whose verification was not possible by prior approaches, such as ones involving history of policy outcomes, are verified in this thesis

    Proceedings of the Conference on Software & Systems Engineering Essentials 2008 (SEE 2008)

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    In 2008, the conference "Software & Systems Engineering Essentials" was organized by 4Soft, a software and consulting company from Munich, and the Clausthal University of Technology. These proceedings provide an overview of the conference's purpose and summarize its content

    Gestão de regras de negócio: análise de soluções alternativas

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia e Gestão de Sistemas de InformaçãoCada vez mais, as Organizações estudam novas formas de se destacarem no mercado e de se distinguirem dos seus concorrentes. A gestão de regras de negócio está cada vez mais a ser encarada de forma diferente pelas equipas de sistemas de informação, porque traz inúmeros benefícios na estratégia das organizações bem como benefícios em manutenção das TI, que se apresenta como uma dificuldade para as organizações. O ambiente competitivo da atualidade, exige que as organizações tenham aplicações flexíveis que possam ser adaptadas para atender aos requisitos do negócio, pois estão sempre em constante mudança. O uso de um Sistema de Gestão de Regras de Negócio permite que as organizações desenvolvam e atualizem as aplicações de forma mais rápida e mais eficiente enquanto oferece ferramentas aos gestores para ajudar a tomar a melhor decisão no que toca a decisões estratégicas de negócio. Com a dificuldade atual e necessidade de as organizações garantirem a agilidade nos negócios, uma abordagem de gestão regras de negócio está a catapultar as organizações para lugares cimeiros de mercado permitindo a melhoria gradual na tomada de decisões, bem como um melhor alinhamento entre os sistemas, as pessoas e as TI. A realização deste trabalho pretende produzir uma análise das soluções disponíveis para a gestão de regras de negócio, contribuindo assim, para facilitar a escolha por parte de equipas que futuramente necessitem de implementar soluções envolvendo gestão de regras de negócio.More and more, the organizations study new ways to stand out in the market and to distinguish themselves from their competition. The Business Rules Management is increasingly being looked in a different way by the information system teams, because it brings many benefits in the organizations strategies as well as benefits in the IT maintenance, that presents itself as a difficulty for the organizations. The actual competitive environment, demands the organizations to have flexible applications that can be adapted to attend the business requirements, because they are always in constant change. The use of the Business Rules Management Systems allows the organizations to develop and update the applications in a fast and efficient manner while offering tools to the managers to help them make the best decision in regard to the business strategies decisions. With the current difficulty and need for organizations to ensure agility in the businesses, a business rules management approach is catapulting the organizations to the top market levels allowing a gradual improvement in the decision making, as well as a better alignment between the systems, the people and the IT

    User Review Analysis for Requirement Elicitation: Thesis and the framework prototype's source code

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    Online reviews are an important channel for requirement elicitation. However, requirement engineers face challenges when analysing online user reviews, such as data volumes, technical supports, existing techniques, and legal barriers. Juan Wang proposes a framework solving user review analysis problems for the purpose of requirement elicitation that sets up a channel from downloading user reviews to structured analysis data. The main contributions of her work are: (1) the thesis proposed a framework to solve the user review analysis problem for requirement elicitation; (2) the prototype of this framework proves its feasibility; (3) the experiments prove the effectiveness and efficiency of this framework. This resource here is the latest version of Juan Wang's PhD thesis "User Review Analysis for Requirement Elicitation" and all the source code of the prototype for the framework as the results of her thesis