45 research outputs found

    Automating Global Geospatial Data Set Analysis : Visualizing flood disasters in the cities of the Global South

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    Flooding is the most devastating natural hazard affecting tens of millions of people yearly and causing billions of USD dollars in damages globally. The people most affected by flooding globally are those with a high level of everyday vulnerability and limited resources for flood protection and recovery. Geospatial data from the Global South is severely lacking, and geospatial proficiency needs to be improved at a local level so that geospatial data and data analysis can be efficiently utilized in disaster risk reduction schemes and urban planning in the Global South. This thesis focuses on the use of automated global geospatial dataset analysis in disaster risk reduction in the Global South by using the Python programming language to produce an automated flood analysis and visualization model. In this study, the automated model was developed and tested in two, highly relevant cases: in the city of Bangkok, Thailand, and in the urban area of Tula de Allende, Mexico. The results of the thesis show that with minimal user interaction, the automated flood model ingests flood extent and depth data produced by ICEYE, a global population estimation raster produced by the German Aerospace Agency (DLR) and OpenStreetMap (OSM) data, performs multiple relevant analyses of these data, and produces an interactive map highlighting the severity and effects of a flooding event. The automated flood model performs consistently and accurately while producing key statistics and standardized visualizations of flooding events which offers first responders a very fast first estimation of the scale of a flooding event and helps plan an appropriate response anywhere around the globe. Global geospatial data sets are often created to examine large scale geographical phenomena; however, the results of this thesis show that they can also be used to analyze detailed local-level phenomena when paired together with supporting data. The advantage of using global geospatial data sets is that when sufficiently accurate and precise, they remove the most time-consuming part of geospatial analysis: finding suitable data. Fast reaction is of utmost importance in the first hours of a natural hazard like flooding, thus, automated analysis produced on a global scale could significantly help international humanitarian aid and first responders. Using an automated model also standardizes the results removing human errors and interpretation from the results enabling the accurate comparison of historical flood data in due time.Tulvat ovat luonnonilmiöihin liittyvistä riskeistä tuhoisimpia, ja ne vaikuttavat kymmeniin miljooniin ihmisiin vuosittain sekä aiheuttavat miljardien dollarien vahingot maailmanlaajuisesti. Tulvista kärsivät usein maailmanlaajuisesti ne ihmiset, jotka ovat jo ennestään haavoittuvia ja joilla on suhteellisesti heikoimmat keinot suojautua tulvilta ja selviytyä tulvan aiheuttamista tuhoista. Monissa globaalin etelän maissa on niukasti paikkatietoaineistoa ja paikkatieto-osaamista on syytä lisätä erityisesti paikallisella tasolla, jotta paikkatietoaineistoa ja analyysin hyödynnettävyyttä voidaan parantaa katastrofiriskien vähentämissuunnitelmissa sekä kaupunkisuunnittelussa globaalissa etelässä. Tämä opinnäytetyö keskittyy automatisoidun globaalin paikkatietoaineiston analyysin hyödyntämiseen katastrofiriskien vähentämisessä globaalissa etelässä käyttämällä Python-ohjelmointikieltä automatisoidun tulva-analyysi- ja visualisointimallin tuottamiseen. Tässä tutkimuksessa automatisoitua mallia kehitettiin ja testattiin kahdessa tulvariskien kannalta erittäin relevantissa tapauksessa: Bangkokissa, Thaimaassa ja Tula de Allende:n kaupunkialueella, Meksikossa. Tämän tutkielman tulokset osoittavat, että automatisoitu tulvamalli osaa lukea ICEYE:n tuottaman tulvan laajuus- ja syvyysaineiston, Saksan ilmailu- ja avaruuskeskuksen (DLR) tuottaman maailmanlaajuisen väestönarviorasterin, sekä OpenStreetMap (OSM) -aineiston, suorittaa aineistolle tulvan tuhojen tulkinnan kannalta olennaisia analyyseja, ja tuottaa lopputuloksena interaktiivisen kartan, joka korostaa tulvatapahtuman laajuutta ja vaikutuksia. Automatisoitu tulvamalli toimii johdonmukaisesti ja tuottaa tilastoja sekä standardoituja visualisointeja tulvatapahtumista, mikä tarjoaa ensivastehenkilöille erittäin nopean ensimmäisen arvion tulvatapahtuman laajuudesta. Tämä auttaa kohdentamaan pelastustoimenpiteitä riskitilanteessa vaihtelevissa ympäristöissä eri puolilla maailmaa. Globaalit paikkatietoaineistot luodaan usein laajojen maantieteellisten ilmiöiden tutkimiseen, mutta tämän tutkielman tulokset osoittavat kuitenkin, että niillä voidaan analysoida myös hyvin paikallistason ilmiöitä, kun ne yhdistetään muihin relevantteihin tietolähteisiin. Globaalien paikkatietoaineistojen käytön etuna on, että ollessaan riittävän tarkkoja ne poistavat paikkatietoanalyysin aikaa vievimmän osan: sopivan tiedon löytämisen. Nopea reagointi on äärimmäisen tärkeää luonnonuhkien, kuten tulvien, ensimmäisinä tunteina ja kansainvälisen humanitaarisen avun ja ensivastetoimijoiden tulisi hyödyntää maailmanlaajuisia automatisoituja analyysejä. Automaattinen malli myös standardoi tulokset poistaen tuloksista inhimilliset virheet ja tulkinnat, mikä mahdollistaa historiallisten tulvatietojen tarkan vertailun

    Volcanic Activity: Processing of Observation and Remote Sensing Data (VAPOR)

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    The World Bank makes a very clear distinction between disasters and natural phenomena. Natural phenomena are events like volcanic eruptions. A disaster only occurs when the ability of the community to cope with natural phenomenon has been surpassed, causing widespread human, material, economic or environmental losses. By these definitions, volcanic eruptions do not have to lead to disasters. On November 13, 1985, the second most deadly eruption of the twentieth century occurred in Colombia. Within a few hours of the eruption of the Nevado del Ruiz volcano, 23,000 people were dead because no infrastructure existed to respond to such an emergency. Six years later, the 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines was the largest volcanic eruption in the 21st century to affect a heavily populated area. Because the volcano was monitored, early warning of the eruption was provided and thousands of lives were saved. Despite these improvements, some communities still face danger from volcanic events and volcano-monitoring systems still require further development. There remain clear gaps in monitoring technologies, in data sharing, and in early warning and hazard tracking systems. A global volcano-monitoring framework such as the VIDA framework can contribute to filling these gaps. VIDA stands for “VAPOR Integrated Data-sharing and Analysis” and is also the Catalan and Spanish word for ‘life’. The ultimate goal for this project is to help save the lives of people threatened by volcanic hazards, while protecting infrastructure and contributing to decision support mechanisms in disaster risk management scenarios

    Global Monitoring for Security and Stability (GMOSS) - Integrated Scientific and Technological Research Supporting Security Aspects of the European Union

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    This report is a collection of scientific activities and achievements of members of the GMOSS Network of Excellence during the period March 2004 to November 2007. Exceeding the horizon of classical remote-sensing-focused projects, GMOSS is characterized by the integration of political and social aspects of security with the assessment of remote sensing capabilities and end-users support opportunities. The report layout reflects the work breakdown structure of GMOSS and is divided into four parts. Part I Concepts and Integration addresses the political background of European Security Policy and possibilities for Earth Observation technologies for a contribution. Besides it illustrates integration activities just as the GMOSS Gender Action Plan or a description of the GMOSS testcases. Part II of this book presents various Application activities conducted by the network partners. The contributions vary from pipeline sabotage analysis in Iraq to GIS studies about groundwater vulnerability in Gaza Strip, from Population Monitoring in Zimbabwe to Post-Conflict Urban Reconstruction Assessments and many more. Part III focuses on the research and development of image processing methods and Tools. The themes range from SAR interferometry for the measurement of Surface Displacement to Robust Satellite Techniques for monitoring natural hazards like volcanoes and earthquakes. Further subjects are the 3D detection of buildings in VHR imagery or texture analysis techniques on time series of satellite images with variable illumination and many other more. The report closes with Part IV. In the chapter ¿The Way Forward¿ a review on four years of integrated work is done. Challenges and achievements during this period are depicted. It ends with an outlook about a possible way forward for integrated European security research.JRC.G.2-Support to external securit