482 research outputs found

    Runtime-assisted optimizations in the on-chip memory hierarchy

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    Following Moore's Law, the number of transistors on chip has been increasing exponentially, which has led to the increasing complexity of modern processors. As a result, the efficient programming of such systems has become more difficult. Many programming models have been developed to answer this issue. Of particular interest are task-based programming models that employ simple annotations to define parallel work in an application. The information available at the level of the runtime systems associated with these programming models offers great potential for improving hardware design. Moreover, due to technological limitations, Moore's Law is predicted to eventually come to an end, so novel paradigms are necessary to maintain the current performance improvement trends. The main goal of this thesis is to exploit the knowledge about a parallel application available at the runtime system level to improve the design of the on-chip memory hierarchy. The coupling of the runtime system and the microprocessor enables a better hardware design without hurting the programmability. The first contribution is a set of insertion policies for shared last-level caches that exploit information about tasks and task data dependencies. The intuition behind this proposal revolves around the observation that parallel threads exhibit different memory access patterns. Even within the same thread, accesses to different variables often follow distinct patterns. The proposed policies insert cache lines into different logical positions depending on the dependency type and task type to which the corresponding memory request belongs. The second proposal optimizes the execution of reductions, defined as a programming pattern that combines input data to form the resulting reduction variable. This is achieved with a runtime-assisted technique for performing reductions in the processor's cache hierarchy. The proposal's goal is to be a universally applicable solution regardless of the reduction variable type, size and access pattern. On the software level, the programming model is extended to let a programmer specify the reduction variables for tasks, as well as the desired cache level where a certain reduction will be performed. The source-to-source compiler and the runtime system are extended to translate and forward this information to the underlying hardware. On the hardware level, private and shared caches are equipped with functional units and the accompanying logic to perform reductions at the cache level. This design avoids unnecessary data movements to the core and back as the data is operated at the place where it resides. The third contribution is a runtime-assisted prioritization scheme for memory requests inside the on-chip memory hierarchy. The proposal is based on the notion of a critical path in the context of parallel codes and a known fact that accelerating critical tasks reduces the execution time of the whole application. In the context of this work, task criticality is observed at a level of a task type as it enables simple annotation by the programmer. The acceleration of critical tasks is achieved by the prioritization of corresponding memory requests in the microprocessor.Siguiendo la ley de Moore, el número de transistores en los chips ha crecido exponencialmente, lo que ha comportado una mayor complejidad en los procesadores modernos y, como resultado, de la dificultad de la programación eficiente de estos sistemas. Se han desarrollado muchos modelos de programación para resolver este problema; un ejemplo particular son los modelos de programación basados en tareas, que emplean anotaciones sencillas para definir los Trabajos paralelos de una aplicación. La información de que disponen los sistemas en tiempo de ejecución (runtime systems) asociada con estos modelos de programación ofrece un enorme potencial para la mejora del diseño del hardware. Por otro lado, las limitaciones tecnológicas hacen que la ley de Moore pueda dejar de cumplirse próximamente, por lo que se necesitan paradigmas nuevos para mantener las tendencias actuales de mejora de rendimiento. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es aprovechar el conocimiento de las aplicaciones paral·leles de que dispone el runtime system para mejorar el diseño de la jerarquía de memoria del chip. El acoplamiento del runtime system junto con el microprocesador permite realizar mejores diseños hardware sin afectar Negativamente en la programabilidad de dichos sistemas. La primera contribución de esta tesis consiste en un conjunto de políticas de inserción para las memorias caché compartidas de último nivel que aprovecha la información de las tareas y las dependencias de datos entre estas. La intuición tras esta propuesta se basa en la observación de que los hilos de ejecución paralelos muestran distintos patrones de acceso a memoria e, incluso dentro del mismo hilo, los accesos a diferentes variables a menudo siguen patrones distintos. Las políticas que se proponen insertan líneas de caché en posiciones lógicas diferentes en función de los tipos de dependencia y tarea a los que corresponde la petición de memoria. La segunda propuesta optimiza la ejecución de las reducciones, que se definen como un patrón de programación que combina datos de entrada para conseguir la variable de reducción como resultado. Esto se consigue mediante una técnica asistida por el runtime system para la realización de reducciones en la jerarquía de la caché del procesador, con el objetivo de ser una solución aplicable de forma universal sin depender del tipo de la variable de la reducción, su tamaño o el patrón de acceso. A nivel de software, el modelo de programación se extiende para que el programador especifique las variables de reducción de las tareas, así como el nivel de caché escogido para que se realice una determinada reducción. El compilador fuente a Fuente (compilador source-to-source) y el runtime ssytem se modifican para que traduzcan y pasen esta información al hardware subyacente, evitando así movimientos de datos innecesarios hacia y desde el núcleo del procesador, al realizarse la operación donde se encuentran los datos de la misma. La tercera contribución proporciona un esquema de priorización asistido por el runtime system para peticiones de memoria dentro de la jerarquía de memoria del chip. La propuesta se basa en la noción de camino crítico en el contexto de los códigos paralelos y en el hecho conocido de que acelerar tareas críticas reduce el tiempo de ejecución de la aplicación completa. En el contexto de este trabajo, la criticidad de las tareas se considera a nivel del tipo de tarea ya que permite que el programador las indique mediante anotaciones sencillas. La aceleración de las tareas críticas se consigue priorizando las correspondientes peticiones de memoria en el microprocesador.Seguint la llei de Moore, el nombre de transistors que contenen els xips ha patit un creixement exponencial, fet que ha provocat un augment de la complexitat dels processadors moderns i, per tant, de la dificultat de la programació eficient d’aquests sistemes. Per intentar solucionar-ho, s’han desenvolupat diversos models de programació; un exemple particular en són els models basats en tasques, que fan servir anotacions senzilles per definir treballs paral·lels dins d’una aplicació. La informació que hi ha al nivell dels sistemes en temps d’execució (runtime systems) associada amb aquests models de programació ofereix un gran potencial a l’hora de millorar el disseny del maquinari. D’altra banda, les limitacions tecnològiques fan que la llei de Moore pugui deixar de complir-se properament, per la qual cosa calen nous paradigmes per mantenir les tendències actuals en la millora de rendiment. L’objectiu principal d’aquesta tesi és aprofitar els coneixements que el runtime System té d’una aplicació paral·lela per millorar el disseny de la jerarquia de memòria dins el xip. L’acoblament del runtime system i el microprocessador permet millorar el disseny del maquinari sense malmetre la programabilitat d’aquests sistemes. La primera contribució d’aquesta tesi consisteix en un conjunt de polítiques d’inserció a les memòries cau (cache memories) compartides d’últim nivell que aprofita informació sobre tasques i les dependències de dades entre aquestes. La intuïció que hi ha al darrere d’aquesta proposta es basa en el fet que els fils d’execució paral·lels mostren diferents patrons d’accés a la memòria; fins i tot dins el mateix fil, els accessos a variables diferents sovint segueixen patrons diferents. Les polítiques que s’hi proposen insereixen línies de la memòria cau a diferents ubicacions lògiques en funció dels tipus de dependència i de tasca als quals correspon la petició de memòria. La segona proposta optimitza l’execució de les reduccions, que es defineixen com un patró de programació que combina dades d’entrada per aconseguir la variable de reducció com a resultat. Això s’aconsegueix mitjançant una tècnica assistida pel runtime system per dur a terme reduccions en la jerarquia de la memòria cau del processador, amb l’objectiu que la proposta sigui aplicable de manera universal, sense dependre del tipus de la variable a la qual es realitza la reducció, la seva mida o el patró d’accés. A nivell de programari, es realitza una extensió del model de programació per facilitar que el programador especifiqui les variables de les reduccions que usaran les tasques, així com el nivell de memòria cau desitjat on s’hauria de realitzar una certa reducció. El compilador font a font (compilador source-to-source) i el runtime system s’amplien per traduir i passar aquesta informació al maquinari subjacent. A nivell de maquinari, les memòries cau privades i compartides s’equipen amb unitats funcionals i la lògica corresponent per poder dur a terme les reduccions a la pròpia memòria cau, evitant així moviments de dades innecessaris entre el nucli del processador i la jerarquia de memòria. La tercera contribució proporciona un esquema de priorització assistit pel runtime System per peticions de memòria dins de la jerarquia de memòria del xip. La proposta es basa en la noció de camí crític en el context dels codis paral·lels i en el fet conegut que l’acceleració de les tasques que formen part del camí crític redueix el temps d’execució de l’aplicació sencera. En el context d’aquest treball, la criticitat de les tasques s’observa al nivell del seu tipus ja que permet que el programador les indiqui mitjançant anotacions senzilles. L’acceleració de les tasques crítiques s’aconsegueix prioritzant les corresponents peticions de memòria dins el microprocessador

    Runtime-Driven Shared Last-Level Cache Management for Task-Parallel Programs

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    Whirlpool: Improving Dynamic Cache Management with Static Data Classification

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    Cache hierarchies are increasingly non-uniform and difficult to manage. Several techniques, such as scratchpads or reuse hints, use static information about how programs access data to manage the memory hierarchy. Static techniques are effective on regular programs, but because they set fixed policies, they are vulnerable to changes in program behavior or available cache space. Instead, most systems rely on dynamic caching policies that adapt to observed program behavior. Unfortunately, dynamic policies spend significant resources trying to learn how programs use memory, and yet they often perform worse than a static policy. We present Whirlpool, a novel approach that combines static information with dynamic policies to reap the benefits of each. Whirlpool statically classifies data into pools based on how the program uses memory. Whirlpool then uses dynamic policies to tune the cache to each pool. Hence, rather than setting policies statically, Whirlpool uses static analysis to guide dynamic policies. We present both an API that lets programmers specify pools manually and a profiling tool that discovers pools automatically in unmodified binaries. We evaluate Whirlpool on a state-of-the-art NUCA cache. Whirlpool significantly outperforms prior approaches: on sequential programs, Whirlpool improves performance by up to 38% and reduces data movement energy by up to 53%; on parallel programs, Whirlpool improves performance by up to 67% and reduces data movement energy by up to 2.6x.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (grant CCF-1318384)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (CAREER-1452994)Samsung (Firm) (GRO award

    Domain-Specialized Cache Management for Graph Analytics

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    Graph analytics power a range of applications in areas as diverse as finance, networking and business logistics. A common property of graphs used in the domain of graph analytics is a power-law distribution of vertex connectivity, wherein a small number of vertices are responsible for a high fraction of all connections in the graph. These richly-connected, hot, vertices inherently exhibit high reuse. However, this work finds that state-of-the-art hardware cache management schemes struggle in capitalizing on their reuse due to highly irregular access patterns of graph analytics. In response, we propose GRASP, domain-specialized cache management at the last-level cache for graph analytics. GRASP augments existing cache policies to maximize reuse of hot vertices by protecting them against cache thrashing, while maintaining sufficient flexibility to capture the reuse of other vertices as needed. GRASP keeps hardware cost negligible by leveraging lightweight software support to pinpoint hot vertices, thus eliding the need for storage-intensive prediction mechanisms employed by state-of-the-art cache management schemes. On a set of diverse graph-analytic applications with large high-skew graph datasets, GRASP outperforms prior domain-agnostic schemes on all datapoints, yielding an average speed-up of 4.2% (max 9.4%) over the best-performing prior scheme. GRASP remains robust on low-/no-skew datasets, whereas prior schemes consistently cause a slowdown.Comment: No content changes from the previous versio

    PrioRAT: criticality-driven prioritization inside the on-chip memory hierarchy

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    The ever-increasing gap between the processor and main memory speeds requires careful utilization of the limited memory link. This is additionally emphasized for the case of memory-bound applications. Prioritization of memory requests in the memory controller is one of the approaches to improve performance of such codes. However, current designs do not consider high-level information about parallel applications. In this paper, we propose a holistic approach to this problem, where the runtime system-level knowledge is made available in hardware. Processor exploits this information to better prioritize memory requests, while introducing negligible hardware cost. Our design is based on the notion of critical path in the execution of a parallel code. The critical tasks are accelerated by prioritizing their memory requests within the on-chip memory hierarchy. As a result, we reduce the critical path and improve the overall performance up to 1.19× compared to the baseline systems.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2019-107255GB-C21/AEI/10.13039/ 501100011033), by the Generalitat de Catalunya (contracts 2017-SGR-1414 and 2017-SGR-1328), by the European Unions Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Mont-Blanc 2020 project (grant agreement 779877) and by the RoMoL ERC Advanced Grant (GA 321253). V. Dimić has been partially supported by the Agency for Management of University and Research Grants (AGAUR) of the Government of Catalonia under Ajuts per a la contractaci o de personal investigador novell fellowship number 2017 FI B 00855. M. Moreto and M. Casas have been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness under Ramon y Cajal fellowship numbers RYC- 2016-21104 and RYC-2017-23269, respectively.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    TD-NUCA: runtime driven management of NUCA caches in task dataflow programming models

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    In high performance processors, the design of on-chip memory hierarchies is crucial for performance and energy efficiency. Current processors rely on large shared Non-Uniform Cache Architectures (NUCA) to improve performance and reduce data movement. Multiple solutions exploit information available at the microarchitecture level or in the operating system to optimize NUCA performance. However, existing methods have not taken advantage of the information captured by task dataflow programming models to guide the management of NUCA caches. In this paper we propose TD-NUCA, a hardware/software co-designed approach that leverages information present in the runtime system of task dataflow programming models to efficiently manage NUCA caches. TD-NUCA identifies the data access and reuse patterns of parallel applications in the runtime system and guides the operation of the NUCA caches in the hardware. As a result, TD-NUCA achieves a 1.18x average speedup over the baseline S-NUCA while requiring only 0.62x the data movement.This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (contract PID2019-107255GB-C21) and the Generalitat de Catalunya (contract 2017-SGR-1414). M. Casas has been partially supported by the Grant RYC- 2017-23269 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and ESF ‘Investing in your future’. M. Moreto has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness under Ramon y Cajal fellowship No. RYC-2016-21104.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    A Hardware Approach to Fairly Balance the Inter-Thread Interference in Shared Caches

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    [EN] Shared caches have become the common design choice in the vast majority of modern multi-core and many-core processors, since cache sharing improves throughput for a given silicon area. Sharing the cache, however, has a downside: the requests from multiple applications compete among them for cache resources, so the execution time of each application increases over isolated execution. The degree in which the performance of each application is affected by the interference becomes unpredictable yielding the system to unfairness situations. This paper proposes Fair-Progress Cache Partitioning (FPCP), a low-overhead hardware-based cache partitioning approach that addresses system fairness. FPCP reduces the interference by allocating to each application a cache partition and adjusting the partition sizes at runtime. To adjust partitions, our approach estimates during multicore execution the time each application would have taken in isolation, which is challenging. The proposed approach has two main differences over existing approaches. First, FPCP distributes cache ways incrementally, which makes the proposal less prone to estimation errors. Second, the proposed algorithm is much less costly than the state-of-the-art ASM-Cache approach. Experimental results show that, compared to ASM-Cache, FPCP reduces unfairness by 48 percent in four-application workloads and by 28 percent in eight-application workloads, without harming the performance.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO) and Plan E funds, under grants TIN2014-62246-EXP and TIN2015-66972-C5-1-R.Selfa-Oliver, V.; Sahuquillo Borrás, J.; Petit Martí, SV.; Gómez Requena, ME. (2017). A Hardware Approach to Fairly Balance the Inter-Thread Interference in Shared Caches. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. 28(11):3021-3032. https://doi.org/10.1109/TPDS.2017.2713778S30213032281

    Architectural Support for Optimizing Huge Page Selection Within the OS

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    © 2023 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). This document is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ This document is the Accepted version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in 56th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO), Toronto, Canada. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.1145/3613424.3614296Irregular, memory-intensive applications often incur high translation lookaside buffer (TLB) miss rates that result in significant address translation overheads. Employing huge pages is an effective way to reduce these overheads, however in real systems the number of available huge pages can be limited when system memory is nearly full and/or fragmented. Thus, huge pages must be used selectively to back application memory. This work demonstrates that choosing memory regions that incur the most TLB misses for huge page promotion best reduces address translation overheads. We call these regions High reUse TLB-sensitive data (HUBs). Unlike prior work which relies on expensive per-page software counters to identify promotion regions, we propose new architectural support to identify these regions dynamically at application runtime. We propose a promotion candidate cache (PCC) that identifies HUB candidates based on hardware page table walks after a lastlevel TLB miss. This small, fixed-size structure tracks huge pagealigned regions (consisting of base pages), ranks them based on observed page table walk frequency, and only keeps the most frequently accessed ones. Evaluated on applications of various memory intensity, our approach successfully identifies application pages incurring the highest address translation overheads. Our approach demonstrates that with the help of a PCC, the OS only needs to promote 4% of the application footprint to achieve more than 75% of the peak achievable performance, yielding 1.19-1.33× speedups over 4KB base pages alone. In real systems where memory is typically fragmented, the PCC outperforms Linux’s page promotion policy by 14% (when 50% of total memory is fragmented) and 16% (when 90% of total memory is fragmented) respectively