88 research outputs found

    Information theory : proceedings of the 1990 IEEE international workshop, Eindhoven, June 10-15, 1990

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    Information theory : proceedings of the 1990 IEEE international workshop, Eindhoven, June 10-15, 1990

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    Achievable Rate and Modulation for Bandlimited Channels with Oversampling and 1-Bit Quantization at the Receiver

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    Sustainably realizing applications of the future with high performance demands requires that energy efficiency becomes a central design criterion for the entire system. For example, the power consumption of the analog-to-digital converter (ADC) can become a major factor when transmitting at large bandwidths and carrier frequencies, e.g., for ultra-short range high data rate communication. The consumed energy per conversion step increases with the sampling rate such that high resolution ADCs become unfeasible in the sub-THz regime at the very high sampling rates required. This makes signaling schemes adapted to 1-bit quantizers a promising alternative. We therefore quantify the performance of bandlimited 1-bit quantized wireless communication channels using techniques like oversampling and faster-than-Nyquist (FTN) signaling to compensate for the loss of achievable rate. As a limiting case, we provide bounds on the mutual information rate of the hard bandlimited 1-bit quantized continuous-time – i.e., infinitely oversampled – additive white Gaussian noise channel in the mid-to-high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regime. We derive analytic expressions using runlength encoded input signals. For real signals the maximum value of the lower bound on the spectral efficiency in the high-SNR limit was found to be approximately 1.63 bit/s/Hz. Since in practical scenarios the oversampling ratio remains finite, we derive bounds on the achievable rate of the bandlimited oversampled discrete-time channel. These bounds match the results of the continuous-time channel remarkably well. We observe spectral efficiencies up to 1.53 bit/s/Hz in the high-SNR limit given hard bandlimitation. When excess bandwidth is tolerable, spectral efficiencies above 2 bit/s/Hz per domain are achievable w.r.t. the 95 %-power containment bandwidth. Applying the obtained bounds to a bandlimited oversampled 1-bit quantized multiple-input multiple-output channel, we show the benefits when using appropriate power allocation schemes. As a constant envelope modulation scheme, continuous phase modulation is considered in order to relieve linearity requirements on the power amplifier. Noise-free performance limits are investigated for phase shift keying (PSK) and continuous phase frequency shift keying (CPFSK) using higher-order modulation alphabets and intermediate frequencies. Adapted waveforms are designed that can be described as FTN-CPFSK. With the same spectral efficiency in the high-SNR limit as PSK and CPFSK, these waveforms provide a significantly improved bit error rate (BER) performance. The gain in SNR required for achieving a certain BER can be up to 20 dB.Die nachhaltige Realisierung von zukünftigen Übertragungssystemen mit hohen Leistungsanforderungen erfordert, dass die Energieeffizienz zu einem zentralen Designkriterium für das gesamte System wird. Zum Beispiel kann die Leistungsaufnahme des Analog-Digital-Wandlers (ADC) zu einem wichtigen Faktor bei der Übertragung mit großen Bandbreiten und Trägerfrequenzen werden, z. B. für die Kommunikation mit hohen Datenraten über sehr kurze Entfernungen. Die verbrauchte Energie des ADCs steigt mit der Abtastrate, so dass hochauflösende ADCs im Sub-THz-Bereich bei den erforderlichen sehr hohen Abtastraten schwer einsetzbar sind. Dies macht Signalisierungsschemata, die an 1-Bit-Quantisierer angepasst sind, zu einer vielversprechenden Alternative. Wir quantifizieren daher die Leistungsfähigkeit von bandbegrenzten 1-Bit-quantisierten drahtlosen Kommunikationssystemen, wobei Techniken wie Oversampling und Faster-than-Nyquist (FTN) Signalisierung eingesetzt werden, um den durch Quantisierung verursachten Verlust der erreichbaren Rate auszugleichen. Wir geben Grenzen für die Transinformationsrate des Extremfalls eines strikt bandbegrenzten 1-Bit quantisierten zeitkontinuierlichen – d.h. unendlich überabgetasteten – Kanals mit additivem weißen Gauß’schen Rauschen bei mittlerem bis hohem Signal-Rausch-Verhältnis (SNR) an. Wir leiten analytische Ausdrücke basierend auf lauflängencodierten Eingangssignalen ab. Für reelle Signale ist der maximale Wert der unteren Grenze der spektralen Effizienz im Hoch-SNR-Bereich etwa 1,63 Bit/s/Hz. Da die Überabtastrate in praktischen Szenarien endlich bleibt, geben wir Grenzen für die erreichbare Rate eines bandbegrenzten, überabgetasteten zeitdiskreten Kanals an. Diese Grenzen stimmen mit den Ergebnissen des zeitkontinuierlichen Kanals bemerkenswert gut überein. Im Hoch-SNR-Bereich sind spektrale Effizienzen bis zu 1,53 Bit/s/Hz bei strikter Bandbegrenzung möglich. Wenn Energieanteile außerhalb des Frequenzbandes tolerierbar sind, können spektrale Effizienzen über 2 Bit/s/Hz pro Domäne – bezogen auf die Bandbreite, die 95 % der Energie enthält – erreichbar sein. Durch die Anwendung der erhaltenen Grenzen auf einen bandbegrenzten überabgetasteten 1-Bit quantisierten Multiple-Input Multiple-Output-Kanal zeigen wir Vorteile durch die Verwendung geeigneter Leistungsverteilungsschemata. Als Modulationsverfahren mit konstanter Hüllkurve betrachten wir kontinuierliche Phasenmodulation, um die Anforderungen an die Linearität des Leistungsverstärkers zu verringern. Beschränkungen für die erreichbare Datenrate bei rauschfreier Übertragung auf Zwischenfrequenzen mit Modulationsalphabeten höherer Ordnung werden für Phase-shift keying (PSK) and Continuous-phase frequency-shift keying (CPFSK) untersucht. Weiterhin werden angepasste Signalformen entworfen, die als FTN-CPFSK beschrieben werden können. Mit der gleichen spektralen Effizienz im Hoch-SNR-Bereich wie PSK und CPFSK bieten diese Signalformen eine deutlich verbesserte Bitfehlerrate (BER). Die Verringerung des erforderlichen SNRs zur Erreichung einer bestimmten BER kann bis zu 20 dB betragen

    Codes Correcting Two Deletions

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    In this work, we investigate the problem of constructing codes capable of correcting two deletions. In particular, we construct a code that requires redundancy approximately 8 log n + O(log log n) bits of redundancy, where n is the length of the code. To the best of the author's knowledge, this represents the best known construction in that it requires the lowest number of redundant bits for a code correcting two deletions

    A general construction of constrained parity-check codes for optical recording

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    This paper proposes a general and systematic code design method to efficiently combine constrained codes with parity-check (PC) codes for optical recording. The proposed constrained PC code includes two component codes: the normal constrained (NC) code and the parity-related constrained (PRC) code. They are designed based on the same finite state machine (FSM). The rates of the designed codes are only a few tenths below the theoretical maximum. The PC constraint is defined by the generator matrix (or generator polynomial) of a linear binary PC code, which can detect any type of dominant error events or error event combinations of the system. Error propagation due to parity bits is avoided, since both component codes are protected by PCs. Two approaches are proposed to design the code in the non-return-to-zero-inverse (NRZI) format and the non-return-to-zero (NRZ) format, respectively. Designing the codes in NRZ format may reduce the number of parity bits required for error detection and simplify post-processing for error correction. Examples of several newly designed codes are illustrated. Simulation results with the Blu-Ray disc (BD) systems show that the new d = 1 constrained 4-bit PC code significantly outperforms the rate 2/3 code without parity, at both nominal density and high density


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    In magnetic recording greater area) bit packing densities are achieved through increasing track density by reducing space between and width of the recording tracks, and/or reducing the wavelength of the recorded information. This leads to the requirement of higher precision tape transport mechanisms and dedicated coding circuitry. A TMS320 10 digital signal processor is applied to a standard low-cost, low precision, multiple-track, compact cassette tape recording system. Advanced signal processing and coding techniques are employed to maximise recording density and to compensate for the mechanical deficiencies of this system. Parallel software encoding/decoding algorithms have been developed for several Run-Length Limited modulation codes. The results for a peak detection system show that Bi-Phase L code can be reliably employed up to a data rate of 5kbits/second/track. Development of a second system employing a TMS32025 and sampling detection permitted the utilisation of adaptive equalisation to slim the readback pulse. Application of conventional read equalisation techniques, that oppose inter-symbol interference, resulted in a 30% increase in performance. Further investigation shows that greater linear recording densities can be achieved by employing Partial Response signalling and Maximum Likelihood Detection. Partial response signalling schemes use controlled inter-symbol interference to increase recording density at the expense of a multi-level read back waveform which results in an increased noise penalty. Maximum Likelihood Sequence detection employs soft decisions on the readback waveform to recover this loss. The associated modulation coding techniques required for optimised operation of such a system are discussed. Two-dimensional run-length-limited (d, ky) modulation codes provide a further means of increasing storage capacity in multi-track recording systems. For example the code rate of a single track run length-limited code with constraints (1, 3), such as Miller code, can be increased by over 25% when using a 4-track two-dimensional code with the same d constraint and with the k constraint satisfied across a number of parallel channels. The k constraint along an individual track, kx, can be increased without loss of clock synchronisation since the clocking information derived by frequent signal transitions can be sub-divided across a number of, y, parallel tracks in terms of a ky constraint. This permits more code words to be generated for a given (d, k) constraint in two dimensions than is possible in one dimension. This coding technique is furthered by development of a reverse enumeration scheme based on the trellis description of the (d, ky) constraints. The application of a two-dimensional code to a high linear density system employing extended class IV partial response signalling and maximum likelihood detection is proposed. Finally, additional coding constraints to improve spectral response and error performance are discussed.Hewlett Packard, Computer Peripherals Division (Bristol

    Color space selection for JPEG image compression

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    The Joint Photographic Experts Group\u27s image compression algorithm has been shown to be a very efficient and powerful method of compressing images. However, there is little substantive information about which color space should be utilized when implementing the JPEG algorithm. Currently, the JPEG algorithm is set up for use with any three component color space. The objective of this research was to determine whether or not the color space selected will significantly improve image compression capabilities. The RGB, XYZ, YIQ, CIELAB, CIELUV, and CIELAB LCh color spaces were examined and compared. Both numerical measures and psychophysical techniques were used to assess the results. The final results indicate that the device space, RGB, is the worst color space to compress images. In comparison, the nonlinear transforms of the device space, CIELAB and CIELUV, are the best color spaces to compress images. The XYZ, YIQ, and CIELAB LCh color spaces resulted in intermediate levels of compression

    Motion compensated video coding

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    The result of many years of international co-operation in video coding has been the development of algorithms that remove interframe redundancy, such that only changes in the image that occur over a given time are encoded for transmission to the recipient. The primary process used here is the derivation of pixel differences, encoded in a method referred to as Differential Pulse-Coded Modulation (DPCM)and this has provided the basis of contemporary research into low-bit rate hybrid codec schemes. There are, however, instances when the DPCM technique cannot successfully code a segment of the image sequence because motion is a major cause of interframe differences. Motion Compensation (MC) can be used to improve the efficiency of the predictive coding algorithm. This thesis examines current thinking in the area of motion-compensated video compression and contrasts the application of differing algorithms to the general requirements of interframe coding. A novel technique is proposed, where the constituent features in an image are segmented, classified and their motion tracked by a local search algorithm. Although originally intended to complement the DPCM method in a predictive hybrid codec, it will be demonstrated that the evaluation of feature displacement can, in its own right, form the basis of a low bitrate video codec of low complexity. After an extensive discussion of the issues involved, a description of laboratory simulations shows how the postulated technique is applied to standard test sequences. Measurements of image quality and the efficiency of compression are made and compared with a contemporary standard method of low bitrate video coding