74 research outputs found

    Logic Programming approaches for routing fault-free and maximally-parallel Wavelength Routed Optical Networks on Chip (Application paper)

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    One promising trend in digital system integration consists of boosting on-chip communication performance by means of silicon photonics, thus materializing the so-called Optical Networks-on-Chip (ONoCs). Among them, wavelength routing can be used to route a signal to destination by univocally associating a routing path to the wavelength of the optical carrier. Such wavelengths should be chosen so to minimize interferences among optical channels and to avoid routing faults. As a result, physical parameter selection of such networks requires the solution of complex constrained optimization problems. In previous work, published in the proceedings of the International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, we proposed and solved the problem of computing the maximum parallelism obtainable in the communication between any two endpoints while avoiding misrouting of optical signals. The underlying technology, only quickly mentioned in that paper, is Answer Set Programming (ASP). In this work, we detail the ASP approach we used to solve such problem. Another important design issue is to select the wavelengths of optical carriers such that they are spread across the available spectrum, in order to reduce the likelihood that, due to imperfections in the manufacturing process, unintended routing faults arise. We show how to address such problem in Constraint Logic Programming on Finite Domains (CLP(FD)). This paper is under consideration for possible publication on Theory and Practice of Logic Programming.Comment: Paper presented at the 33nd International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2017), Melbourne, Australia, August 28 to September 1, 2017. 16 pages, LaTeX, 5 figure

    Approximable 1-Turn Routing Problems in All-Optical Mesh Networks

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    In all-optical networks, several communications can be transmitted through the same fiber link provided that they use different wavelengths. The MINIMUM ALL-OPTICAL ROUTING problem (given a list of pairs of nodes standing for as many point to point communication requests, assign to each request a route along with a wavelength so as to minimize the overall number of assigned wavelengths) has been paid a lot of attention and is known to be N P–hard. Rings, trees and meshes have thus been investigated as specific networks, but leading to just as many N P–hard problems. This paper investigates 1-turn routings in meshes (paths are allowed one turn only). We first show the MINIMUM LOAD 1-TURN ROUTING problem to be N P–hard but 2-APX (more generally, the MINIMUM LOAD k-CHOICES ROUTING problem is N P–hard but k-APX), then that the MINIMUM 1-TURN PATHS COLOURING problem is 4-APX (more generally, any d-segmentable routing of load L in a hypermesh of dimension d can be coloured with 2d(L−1)+1 colours at most). >From there, we prove the MINIMUM ALL-OPTICAL 1-TURN ROUTING problem to be APX

    Algorithms and efficient encodings for argumentation frameworks and arithmetic problems

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    In this thesis we focus on the design and implementation of a particular framework of Possibilistic Defeasible Logic Programming (RP-DeLP). This framework is based on a general notion of collective (non-binary) conflict among arguments allowing to ensure direct and indirect consistency properties with respect to the strict knowledge. An output of an RP-DeLP program is a pair of sets of warranted and blocked conclusions (literals), all of them recursively based on warranted conclusions but, while warranted conclusions do not generate any conflict, blocked conclusions do. An RP-DeLP program may have multiple outputs in case of circular definitions of conflicts among arguments. We introduce two semantics, the first one where all possible outputs are computed and the second one which is a characterization of an unique output property. The computation of the outputs for both semantics relies on two main problems: the problem of finding a collective conflict among a set of arguments and the problem of finding almost valid arguments for a conclusion. Both problems are combinatorial problems, so we propose two resolution approaches: a first one based on SAT techniques and a second one based on Answer Set Programming techniques. We propose an implementation and we empirically test our algorithms. We provide an analysis on the performance of the implementation of the algorithms, and we explain the results on the resolution of some randomly generated problems. In this thesis we also focus on the resolution of some combinatorial problems. We analyze, design and implement some resolution tools for arithmetic problems, modular constraints and networking problems. We studied empirically how our approaches perform and we compared them to other solving techniques known as best proposals in the literature.Esta tesis se centra en el diseño e implementación de un framework particular para Possibilistic Defeasible Logic Programming (RP-DeLP). Este framework está basado en la noción general de conflicto colectivo entre argumentos (no binario) que permite asegurar las propiedades de consistencia directa e indirecta respecto al conocimiento estricto. Una salida de un programa RP-DeLP es una tupla de conjuntos de conclusiones (literales) garantizadas y bloqueadas, todas ellas basadas recursivamente sobre conclusiones garantizadas con la particularidad de que mientras las conclusiones garantizadas no generan ningún conflicto, las conclusiones bloqueadas sí lo hacen. Un programa RP-DeLP puede tener múltiples salidas en el caso de que existan definiciones circulares de conflictos entre los argumentos. Se introducen dos semánticas, la primera donde se computan todas las posibles salidas del programa y una segunda que nace de la caracterización de la propiedad de la salida única. El cómputo de las salidas para ambas semánticas se basa en la solución de dos problemas principales: el problema de la búsqueda de argumentos almost valid para una conclusión y la búsqueda de conflictos colectivos entre un conjunto de argumentos. Ambos problemas son problemas combinatorios y se proponen dos aproximaciones de resolución diferentes: una primera aproximación basada en técnicas SAT y otra segunda aproximación basada en técnicas de Answer Set Programming. Se propone una implementación y también se prueba empíricamente el comportamiento de los algoritmos propuestos. A través de un análisis sobre el comportamiento de la implementación se explican los resultados obtenidos. Para ello se generan problemas aleatorios donde algunas propiedades pueden ser controladas mediante la configuración de parámetros de entrada. Adicionalmente esta tesis también se centra en la resolución de otros problemas combinatorios. Se analizan e implementan herramientas para la resolución de problemas aritméticos, restricciones modulares y problemas de redes de comunicaciones. Se propone un estudio empírico de las propuestas y se comparan con las aproximaciones, conocidas como más eficientes hasta el momento, de la literatura.Aquesta tesi doctoral se centra en el disseny i implementació d'un framework particular per Possibilistic Defeasible Logic Programming (RP-DeLP). Aquest framework es basa en una noció de conflicte col·lectiu (no binària) entre arguments que permet assegurar les propietats de consistència directa i indirecta respecte del coneixement estricte. Una sortida d'un programa RP-DeLP és una parella de conjunts de conclusions garantides i bloquejades (literals), totes elles basades recursivament en conclusions prèviament garantides. La diferència radica en què mentre les conclusions garantides no generen cap conflicte, les conclusions bloquejades sí que ho fan. Un programa RP-DeLP pot tenir múltiples sortides en el cas de definicions circulars de conflictes entre arguments. S'introdueixen dues semàntiques pel sistema d'argumentació presentat. La primera d'elles pren en consideració totes les possibles sortides que poden ser obtingudes d'un programa RP-DeLP tenint en compte les diferents maneres de resoldre els conflictes circulars que poden sorgir. La segona semàntica se centra en el còmput d'una única sortida que està basada en la caracterització del que anomenem maximal ideal output. Aquesta sortida conté un nombre maximal de literals garantits, però que inclou només literals els arguments dels quals tenen els seus suports inclosos en la sortida. El comput de les sortides per ambdues semàntiques es basa en la resolució de dos problemes principals: el problema de trobar conflictes col·lectius entre un conjunt d'arguments i el problema de trobar arguments almost valid per una conclusió. Ambdós problemes són considerats problemes combinatoris i es proposen dues aproximacions per a la resolució: una primera aproximació basada en tècniques SAT i una segona basada en Answer Set Programming. Es proposa una implementació i una anàlisi empírica dels algorismes implementats. Aquests algorismes es proven sobre un conjunt de problemes generats aleatòriament mitjançant un generador que permet la configuració dels diferents paràmetres dels problemes generats. Un cop obtinguts els resultats, s'estudia quina afectació han tingut els diferents paràmetres observant el temps de resolució i la informació obtinguda. En aquesta tesi també s'estudien diferents tècniques de resolució per a altres problemes combinatoris. S'analitzen, dissenyen i implementen algunes eines de resolució per a problemes aritmètics, restriccions modulars i problemes de xarxes de comunicacions. S'ha estudiat com les aproximacions proposades es comporten en comparació amb altres tècniques proposades a la literatura considerades com les més eficients fins al moment

    An optical fiber network oracle for NP-complete problems

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    The modern information society is enabled by photonic fiber networks characterized by huge coverage and great complexity and ranging in size from transcontinental submarine telecommunication cables to fiber to the home and local segments. This world-wide network has yet to match the complexity of the human brain, which contains a hundred billion neurons, each with thousands of synaptic connections on average. However, it already exceeds the complexity of brains from primitive organisms, i.e., the honey bee, which has a brain containing approximately one million neurons. In this study, we present a discussion of the computing potential of optical networks as information carriers. Using a simple fiber network, we provide a proof-of-principle demonstration that this network can be treated as an optical oracle for the Hamiltonian path problem, the famous mathematical complexity problem of finding whether a set of towns can be travelled via a path in which each town is visited only once. Pronouncement of a Hamiltonian path is achieved by monitoring the delay of an optical pulse that interrogates the network, and this delay will be equal to the sum of the travel times needed to visit all of the nodes (towns). We argue that the optical oracle could solve this NP-complete problem hundreds of times faster than brute-force computing. Additionally, we discuss secure communication applications for the optical oracle and propose possible implementation in silicon photonics and plasmonic networks.Peer Reviewe

    Synthesis and Optimization of Reversible Circuits - A Survey

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    Reversible logic circuits have been historically motivated by theoretical research in low-power electronics as well as practical improvement of bit-manipulation transforms in cryptography and computer graphics. Recently, reversible circuits have attracted interest as components of quantum algorithms, as well as in photonic and nano-computing technologies where some switching devices offer no signal gain. Research in generating reversible logic distinguishes between circuit synthesis, post-synthesis optimization, and technology mapping. In this survey, we review algorithmic paradigms --- search-based, cycle-based, transformation-based, and BDD-based --- as well as specific algorithms for reversible synthesis, both exact and heuristic. We conclude the survey by outlining key open challenges in synthesis of reversible and quantum logic, as well as most common misconceptions.Comment: 34 pages, 15 figures, 2 table

    Logic Synthesis for Established and Emerging Computing

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    Logic synthesis is an enabling technology to realize integrated computing systems, and it entails solving computationally intractable problems through a plurality of heuristic techniques. A recent push toward further formalization of synthesis problems has shown to be very useful toward both attempting to solve some logic problems exactly--which is computationally possible for instances of limited size today--as well as creating new and more powerful heuristics based on problem decomposition. Moreover, technological advances including nanodevices, optical computing, and quantum and quantum cellular computing require new and specific synthesis flows to assess feasibility and scalability. This review highlights recent progress in logic synthesis and optimization, describing models, data structures, and algorithms, with specific emphasis on both design quality and emerging technologies. Example applications and results of novel techniques to established and emerging technologies are reported
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