583 research outputs found

    Articulating Race and Nation in Brazilian Popular Song

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    This article presents a cultural history of Brazilian popular song (canção popular) and the many musical genres that fall under its umbrella. From the early days of samba to contemporary popular styles, popular song in Brazil has long represented a site for negotiating complex questions of race, nation, and politics

    Linear And Nonlinear Thermoelastic Analysis Of Functionally Graded Materials Axisymmetric Rotating Disks

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    Functionally graded materials (FGMs) are non-homogeneous materials where the volume fraction of two or more materials is varied, as a power-law distribution, continuously as a function of position along certain dimension(s) of the structure. FGMs are usually made of a mixture of ceramic and metals. The ceramic constituent of the material provides the high temperature resistance due to its low thermal conductivity and the ductile metal constituent, on the other hand, prevents fracture caused by stress due to high temperature gradient in a very short period of time. These materials, usually designed to operate in high temperature environments, find their applications in automotive and aerospace as turbine rotors, flywheels, gears, tubes, disk brakes and energy storage devices. In all these applications, the performance of the components in terms of efficiency, service life and power transmission capacity depends on the material, thickness profile, speed of rotation and operating conditions. Normally, these components are fabricated by using homogeneous metal. In the present work, components made of FGM are to be considered and they are axisymmetric disks subjected to body force, bending and thermal loads. The displacement and stress fields of these components are determined both analytically and numerically. The effect of geometry and material-property nonlinearity on small and large deflections in functionally graded rotating disks is investigated by studying their elastic behavior under thermo mechanical loads. Six types of thickness profiles, namely uniform, linear, concave, convex, hyperbolic convergent and hyperbolic divergent are considered. Material properties such as Young’s modulus,, mass density,hEρ, and the thermal conductivity,α,are assumed to be represented by two power law distributions along the radial direction. Material properties are also assumed to be temperature-dependent for more accurate and realistic results. A theoretical formulation for bending analysis of functionally graded (FG) rotating disks based on First Order Shear Deformation Theory (FSDT) is presented. A semi analytical solution for displacement field is obtained. New linear and nonlinear equilibrium equations for FG axisymmetric rotating disk with bending and thermal loading are developed and presented. The disk has material properties varying through the thickness of the disk graded according to a power-law distribution of the volume fraction of the constituents. FSDT and von Karman theory are used and both small and large deflections are considered. In the case of small deflection, an exact solution for displacement field is given. For large deflection, power series solutions are employed to solve for displacement field. The results for displacement and stresses are normalized with respect to the corresponding disk with homogeneous material geometry and certain value of properties of disk with the same unit respectively. All the results shown are thus independent of the physical dimension of the component. As for practical applications, rotating disks with typical dimensions up to 2 meter diameter are considered. The results for free-free FG rotating disk show that there exist combinations of values of parameters related to thickness profiles for which the radial stress can attain its maximum at radial distance greater than half of the radius, to be more specific at if the ratio of inner to outer radius is assumed to be 0.2, and also the ratio of thickness to outer radius is 0.2 while material properties change in radial direction. The results for FG disk with variable thickness under thermomechanical loading show that an efficient and optimal design of the disk requires variable section thicker at the hub and tapering to smaller thickness at the periphery and also that the temperature-dependent material properties must be considered in high temperature environment. Applying FSDT, while material properties change in radial direction, it is seen that for the specific value of the grading index n(), the moment resultants in a FG solid disk with convex or constant thickness profile are lower throughout than those in pure material disk. In case of changing material properties in thickness direction by using large deflection theory, it is observed that the radial stresses in a full-metal disk due to thermal load, body force and vertical pressure are smaller than those in a full-ceramic disk. It is found that the small deflection theory gives large errors in the results for FG disks if the ratio of maximum deflection to thickness is close to 0.4 for a homogeneous (full-ceramic in this study) disk

    Autolesão não suicida em adolescentes: Terapia Comunitária Integrativa como estratégia de partilha e de enfrentamento

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    Objetivo: apreender por meio da Terapia Comunitária Integrativa (TCI) os fatores relacionados à autolesão não suicida em adolescentes e à contribuição da mesma para as estratégias de enfrentamento. Método: estudo qualitativo, conduzido com adolescentes que participaram das rodas de Terapia Comunitária Integrativa, as quais foram gravadas eregistradas em diário de campo. Utilizou-se análise temática e fundamentou-se no Modelo de Habilidades de Vida. Resultados: a autolesão emergiu em seis rodas, como tema ou envolto a outro sofrimento vivenciado pelas adolescentes mulheres. Foram evidenciadas as categorias “Adolescência e autolesão não suicida: alívio da angustia”, “Roda de Terapia Comunitária Integrativa: espaço terapêutico” e suas subcategorias. Conclusões: as adolescentes encontram na autolesão não suicida uma forma para materializar e aliviar o sofrimento decorrente de múltiplos fatores. A Terapia Comunitária revelou um espaço vivo de partilha e de ressignificação do sofrimento.Objetivo: aprender a través de la Terapia Comunitaria Integradora (TCI) los fatores relacionados con la autolesión no suicida en adolescentes y su contribución a las estrategias de afrontamiento. Metodo: estudio cualitativo, conducido con adolescentes que participaron en las ruedas de TCI, las cuales fueron grabadas y registradas en diario de campo. Se utilizó análisis temáticos y se fundó en el Modelo de Habilidades de Vida. Resultados: La autolesión surgió en seis ruedas, como tema vinculado a otro sufrimiento. Del análisis surgieron las categorías “Adolescencia y autolesiones no suicidas: alivio de la angustia” y “Rueda de Terapia Comunitaria Integrativa: espacio terapéutico” y sus subcategorías. Conclusiones: Las adolescentes utilizan la autolesiónno suicida como forma de materializar y aliviar el sufrimiento resultante de múltiples factores. La Terapia Comunitaria reveló un espacio vivo de compartir y redefinir el sufrimiento.Objective: to learn though the Integrative Community Therapy (ICT) the factors related to non-suicidal self-harm in adolescents and their contribution to coping strategies. Method: a qualitative study, conducted with adolescents who participated in the Integrative Community Therapy wheels, which were saved and recorded in a field diary. Thematic analysis was used and it was based on the Life Skills Model. Results: self-harm has emerged on six wheels, as a themeor wrapped in other suffering. The following categories emerged from the analysis: “Adolescence and non-suicidal self-harm: Anguish relief” and “Integrative Community Therapy Wheel: Therapeutic space” and its subcategories. Conclusions: adolescents find in non-suicidal selfharm a way to materialize and alleviate the suffering resulting from multiple factors. Community Therapy revealed a living space of sharing and re-signification of suffering


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    Neste trabalho, busca-se demonstrar o conteúdo filosófico no pensamento miúdo do samba. Para isso, foram reunidos três “sambistas pensadores”, espécies de vetores de um modo típico de pensar a vida: Noel Rosa, Paulinho da Viola e Chico Buarque, que apresentam em suas obras legítima “filosofia de botequim”. Defende-se que esse modo típico de pensar foi gestado dentro das rodas de canto e com elas evoluiu até concretizar a metáfora do “botequim” como o ambiente propício a uma maneira sincopada de ação e pensamento. Palavras-chave: Filosofia de botequim. Noel Rosa. Paulinho da Viola. Chico Buarque. Rodas de samba. Pensamento sincopado


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    The lowering clouds racing their shadows over meadows and hills, the foam -flecked waves of the swelling seas, the sudden deluge followed by crisp pellucid sunshine, the famous " soft-days". This everchanging climate plays a much greater rôle than most people realize in Irish affairs. There are mind-moulding forces at work in those grey swirling mists, coming in from the south-west Atlantic. It is from here that Europe gets most of her weather and Ireland much of her agriculture and hence her literally insular characteristics, amongst which a paradox is visible- we are a maritime race wich largely ignores the sea and lives off the land, with all the economic and character-forming consequences of this

    Daquelas que escrevem: (políticas de um corpoescrita feminista na academia)

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    Tocadas da cabeça aos pés por uma subjetividade afrolatinoamericana que nos convoca a disputar narrativas e desestabilizar verdades ditas sobre nós, propomos neste ensaio nos (des)orientarmos na polifonia das rodas e vozes possíveis – na universidade, na vida, nas relações. Fazer ciência de roda e a gira nessa roda ensaística de mulheres heterogêneas, marcadas por suas histórias, afetadas por um tempo, é o modo como escolhemos movimentar afetos, é mais do que um método, é um modo de dança e luta, é um ethos e política de encontro. Nosso feminismo posiciona-se como prática de combate às desigualdades e opressões de raça, gênero, classe, idade e orientação sexual. Tecer um corpoescrita é escrever com os acontecimentos vitais que nos constituem, corporificar-se na escritura, tecnologia artística que produz e acompanha processos de subjetivação. No corpoescrita daquelas que escrevem que a racionalidade é objetiva, parcial, inacabada, local, contextualizada, selvagem. É com essa escrita artística e feminista na academia que performatizamos ciência e vida juntas. Produzir conhecimento é construir saberes e fazeres que deslocam, interferem, misturam, reavaliam nossos modos de existir, é criar-se. Quantas e quem são as mulheres em nossas referências bibliográficas? Com quais mulheres damos as mãos em nossas produções de conhecimento?Touched from head to toe by African-Latin-American subjectivity that calls us to dispute narratives and destabilize truths said about us, we propose to (dis)orient ourselves in the wheels polyphony and possible voices - in university, in life, in relationships. Doing wheel-science and spinning in this essayistic wheel of heterogeneous women, marked by their stories, affected by a time, the way we choose to move affections, it is more than a method, it is a way of dancing and fighting, it is an ethos and a meeting policy. Our feminism is a practice to combat inequalities and oppression of race, gender, class, age and sexual orientation. To weave a writing-body is to write with the vital events that constitute ourselves, to become embodied in writing, artistic technology that produces and accompanies processes of subjectification. Writing-bodies of those who write that rationality is objective, partial, unfinished, local, contextualized, wild. With this artistic and feminist academy writing we perform science and life together. Producing knowledge builds awareness and actions that displaces, interfere, mix, reassess modes of existence. This is to create oneself. How many and which women are in the bibliographic references? With which women do we join hands in our knowledge production

    Revisiting 11 Million Reasons: Tensions And Relations Between Diversity And Normalization In Disability Dance

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    Spectacle of the difference

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    [Abstract] Starting at Philip Kotler’s diagrams of the marketing value chain process, the article proposes to discuss the contemporary production strategies through Peirce’s synechism, since the continuity movement from thought to matter is easily observed at the relation ideas - producer - products - ideas (images) - consumer created at the modern times. Moreover, as the commercial value chain gained complexity with contemporary ways of relations, it is possible to expand Peirce’s synechism as a base to discuss concepts and ideas of others great scholars related to the theme. The digitals interface, the CRM (Consumer Relation Management) and other secondary elements of this new commercial system established two way roads, from stimulation to reaction, where thought, habits and matter are putted so close together that the continuity timeframe is contracted in an exponential form. So, by the observation of this everyday life phenomenon raises three interesting questions. The first one, mainly based on Peirce’s synechism and Deleuze reading of Bergson’s idea of concept, is it possible to suggest an actualization of the relation between matter and concept? The second, calling up McLuhan and Umberto Eco to the discussion, is it possible that the medium is not the message, but the message movement? And finally, considering Marx value theory, is it possible to say that information is the contemporary base of surplus value