515 research outputs found

    Towards a Reliable Framework of Uncertainty-Based Group Decision Support System

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    This study proposes a framework of Uncertainty-based Group Decision Support System (UGDSS). It provides a platform for multiple criteria decision analysis in six aspects including (1) decision environment, (2) decision problem, (3) decision group, (4) decision conflict, (5) decision schemes and (6) group negotiation. Based on multiple artificial intelligent technologies, this framework provides reliable support for the comprehensive manipulation of applications and advanced decision approaches through the design of an integrated multi-agents architecture.Comment: Accepted paper in IEEE-ICDM2010; Print ISBN: 978-1-4244-9244-

    Electre Methods: Main Features and Recent Developments

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    We present main characteristics of Electre family methods, designed for multiple criteria decision aiding. These methods use as a preference model an outranking relation in the set of actions - it is constructed in result of concordance and non-discordance tests involving a specific input preference information. After a brief description of the constructivist conception in which the Electre methods are inserted, we present the main features of these methods. We discuss such characteristic features as: the possibility of taking into account positive and negative reasons in the modeling of preferences, without any need for recoding the data; using of thresholds for taking into account the imperfect knowledge of data; the absence of systematic compensation between "gains" and "losses". The main weaknesses are also presented. Then, some aspects related to new developments are outlined. These are related to some new methodological developments, new procedures, axiomatic analysis, software tools, and several other aspects. The paper ends with conclusions

    Preference Disaggregation: Towards an Integrated Framework

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    La desagregació de preferències pretén capturar models de preferències mitjançant la descomposició de la informació obtinguda a partir de preferències indirectes que estan en forma d'eleccions holístiques o judicis. Des d'una perspectiva d'ajuda a la presa de decisions multi criteri, aquesta informació es pren com a punt de partida en un procés d'inferència que condueix a model de preferències basat en punts de vista, generalment conflictius, que conjuntament formen una base per a la decisió. L'estudi de les decisions humanes ha rebut una atenció creixent en els últims anys des de diverses disciplines, que inclouen des de les ciències del comportament (anàlisi de decisions, desagregació de preferències), la intel·ligència artificial (aprenentatge de preferències), fins a l'economia i el màrqueting (teoria de l'elecció). Les tres corrents, encara que originades per diferents filosofies, convergeixen ràpidament cap a una comprensió integral de les preferències, que és l'element bàsic per a les decisions i accions humanes. Aquesta tesi doctoral aprofundeix en aquesta àrea de recerca mitjançant la introducció d'un marc analític integrat que permet capturar les preferències d'una forma complexa a partir de l'observació d'opcions holístiques, decisions i judicis.La desagregación de preferencias pretende capturar modelos de preferencias mediante la descomposición de la información obtenida con preferencias indirectas que están en forma de elecciones holísticas o juicios. Desde una perspectiva de ayuda a la toma de decisiones multicriterio, dicha información se toma como punto de partida en un proceso de inferencia que conduce a modelo de preferencias basado en puntos de vista, generalmente conflictivos, que conjuntamente forman una base para la decisión. El estudio de las decisiones humanas ha recibido una atención creciente en los últimos años desde varias disciplinas, que incluyen desde las ciencias del comportamiento (análisis de decisiones, desagregación de preferencias), la inteligencia artificial (aprendizaje de preferencias), hasta la economía y el márqueting (teoría de la elección). Las tres corrientes, aunque originadas por diferentes filosofías, convergen rápidamente hacia una comprensión integral de las preferencias, que es el elemento básico para las decisiones y acciones humanas. Esta tesis doctoral profundiza en esta área de investigación mediante la introducción de un marco analítico integrado que permite capturar las preferencias de una forma compleja a partir de la observación de opciones holísticas, decisiones y juicios.Preference disaggregation aims at capturing preference models by decomposing indirect preference information that are in form of holistic choices or judgments. From a multiple criteria decision aiding perspective, such information is taken as input to an inference procedure that yields to a preference model based on all the, usually conflicting, points of view that together form a basis for the judgments. Studying human judgments and choices has received increasing attention in the last few years from several disciplines, including behavioral science (decision analysis, preference disaggregation), artificial intelligence (preference learning), and economics and marketing (choice modeling). The three streams, although originated from different philosophies, are converging rapidly to a comprehensive understanding of human preferences, that is the main element of decisions and actions. This doctoral dissertation sheds light on this phenomenon by introducing an integrated analytical framework that allows capturing preferences of a complex form by observing holistic choices, decisions, and judgments

    GIS-based multicriteria analysis as decision support in flood risk management

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    In this report we develop a GIS-based multicriteria flood risk assessment and mapping approach. This approach has the ability a) to consider also flood risks which are not measured in monetary terms, b) to show the spatial distribution of these multiple risks and c) to deal with uncertainties in criteria values and to show their influence on the overall assessment. It can furthermore be used to show the spatial distribution of the effects of risk reduction measures. The approach is tested for a pilot study at the River Mulde in Saxony, Germany. Therefore, a GISdataset of economic as well as social and environmental risk criteria is built up. Two multicriteria decision rules, a disjunctive approach and an additive weighting approach are used to come to an overall assessment and mapping of flood risk in the area. Both the risk calculation and mapping of single criteria as well as the multicriteria analysis are supported by a software tool (FloodCalc) which was developed for this task. --

    MCDA for sustainability assessment – insights to Helmholtz Association activities

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    The "MCDA for sustainability assessment – insights to Helmholtz Association activities" Working Paper aims to compile and reflect previous and on-going work within the Helmholtz Association related to MCDA, in particular, to present use cases and key methodological aspects. It has a focus on but is not limited to energy technologies and systems and is mainly based on the presentations held at the online workshop “Multi criteria decision analysis for sustainability assessment of energy technologies and systems”. The workshop was organized within the activities of the Helmholtz program ESD Topic 1 "Energy System Transformation" and took place on November 22nd, 2021