788,292 research outputs found

    Non-Uniform Robust Network Design in Planar Graphs

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    Robust optimization is concerned with constructing solutions that remain feasible also when a limited number of resources is removed from the solution. Most studies of robust combinatorial optimization to date made the assumption that every resource is equally vulnerable, and that the set of scenarios is implicitly given by a single budget constraint. This paper studies a robustness model of a different kind. We focus on \textbf{bulk-robustness}, a model recently introduced~\cite{bulk} for addressing the need to model non-uniform failure patterns in systems. We significantly extend the techniques used in~\cite{bulk} to design approximation algorithm for bulk-robust network design problems in planar graphs. Our techniques use an augmentation framework, combined with linear programming (LP) rounding that depends on a planar embedding of the input graph. A connection to cut covering problems and the dominating set problem in circle graphs is established. Our methods use few of the specifics of bulk-robust optimization, hence it is conceivable that they can be adapted to solve other robust network design problems.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figure

    Dynamic vs Oblivious Routing in Network Design

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    Consider the robust network design problem of finding a minimum cost network with enough capacity to route all traffic demand matrices in a given polytope. We investigate the impact of different routing models in this robust setting: in particular, we compare \emph{oblivious} routing, where the routing between each terminal pair must be fixed in advance, to \emph{dynamic} routing, where routings may depend arbitrarily on the current demand. Our main result is a construction that shows that the optimal cost of such a network based on oblivious routing (fractional or integral) may be a factor of \BigOmega(\log{n}) more than the cost required when using dynamic routing. This is true even in the important special case of the asymmetric hose model. This answers a question in \cite{chekurisurvey07}, and is tight up to constant factors. Our proof technique builds on a connection between expander graphs and robust design for single-sink traffic patterns \cite{ChekuriHardness07}

    Password Based a Generalize Robust Security System Design Using Neural Network

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    Among the various means of available resource protection including biometrics, password based system is most simple, user friendly, cost effective and commonly used. But this method having high sensitivity with attacks. Most of the advanced methods for authentication based on password encrypt the contents of password before storing or transmitting in physical domain. But all conventional cryptographic based encryption methods are having its own limitations, generally either in terms of complexity or in terms of efficiency. Multi-application usability of password today forcing users to have a proper memory aids. Which itself degrades the level of security. In this paper a method to exploit the artificial neural network to develop the more secure means of authentication, which is more efficient in providing the authentication, at the same time simple in design, has given. Apart from protection, a step toward perfect security has taken by adding the feature of intruder detection along with the protection system. This is possible by analysis of several logical parameters associated with the user activities. A new method of designing the security system centrally based on neural network with intrusion detection capability to handles the challenges available with present solutions, for any kind of resource has presented
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