5,205 research outputs found

    Spatio-Temporal Modelling of Perfusion Cardiovascular MRI

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    Myocardial perfusion MRI provides valuable insight into how coronary artery and microvascular diseases affect myocardial tissue. Stenosis in a coronary vessel leads to reduced maximum blood flow (MBF), but collaterals may secure the blood supply of the myocardium but with altered tracer kinetics. To date, quantitative analysis of myocardial perfusion MRI has only been performed on a local level, largely ignoring the contextual information inherent in different myocardial segments. This paper proposes to quantify the spatial dependencies between the local kinetics via a Hierarchical Bayesian Model (HBM). In the proposed framework, all local systems are modelled simultaneously along with their dependencies, thus allowing more robust context-driven estimation of local kinetics. Detailed validation on both simulated and patient data is provided

    A Semi-parametric Technique for the Quantitative Analysis of Dynamic Contrast-enhanced MR Images Based on Bayesian P-splines

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    Dynamic Contrast-enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging (DCE-MRI) is an important tool for detecting subtle kinetic changes in cancerous tissue. Quantitative analysis of DCE-MRI typically involves the convolution of an arterial input function (AIF) with a nonlinear pharmacokinetic model of the contrast agent concentration. Parameters of the kinetic model are biologically meaningful, but the optimization of the non-linear model has significant computational issues. In practice, convergence of the optimization algorithm is not guaranteed and the accuracy of the model fitting may be compromised. To overcome this problems, this paper proposes a semi-parametric penalized spline smoothing approach, with which the AIF is convolved with a set of B-splines to produce a design matrix using locally adaptive smoothing parameters based on Bayesian penalized spline models (P-splines). It has been shown that kinetic parameter estimation can be obtained from the resulting deconvolved response function, which also includes the onset of contrast enhancement. Detailed validation of the method, both with simulated and in vivo data, is provided

    Advanced signal processing methods in dynamic contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging

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    Tato dizertační práce představuje metodu zobrazování perfúze magnetickou rezonancí, jež je výkonným nástrojem v diagnostice, především v onkologii. Po ukončení sběru časové sekvence T1-váhovaných obrazů zaznamenávajících distribuci kontrastní látky v těle začíná fáze zpracování dat, která je předmětem této dizertace. Je zde představen teoretický základ fyziologických modelů a modelů akvizice pomocí magnetické rezonance a celý řetězec potřebný k vytvoření obrazů odhadu parametrů perfúze a mikrocirkulace v tkáni. Tato dizertační práce je souborem uveřejněných prací autora přispívajícím k rozvoji metodologie perfúzního zobrazování a zmíněného potřebného teoretického rozboru.This dissertation describes quantitative dynamic contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI), which is a powerful tool in diagnostics, mainly in oncology. After a time series of T1-weighted images recording contrast-agent distribution in the body has been acquired, data processing phase follows. It is presented step by step in this dissertation. The theoretical background in physiological and MRI-acquisition modeling is described together with the estimation process leading to parametric maps describing perfusion and microcirculation properties of the investigated tissue on a voxel-by-voxel basis. The dissertation is divided into this theoretical analysis and a set of publications representing particular contributions of the author to DCE-MRI.