91 research outputs found

    Grasping, Perching, And Visual Servoing For Micro Aerial Vehicles

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    Micro Aerial Vehicles (MAVs) have seen a dramatic growth in the consumer market because of their ability to provide new vantage points for aerial photography and videography. However, there is little consideration for physical interaction with the environment surrounding them. Onboard manipulators are absent, and onboard perception, if existent, is used to avoid obstacles and maintain a minimum distance from them. There are many applications, however, which would benefit greatly from aerial manipulation or flight in close proximity to structures. This work is focused on facilitating these types of close interactions between quadrotors and surrounding objects. We first explore high-speed grasping, enabling a quadrotor to quickly grasp an object while moving at a high relative velocity. Next, we discuss planning and control strategies, empowering a quadrotor to perch on vertical surfaces using a downward-facing gripper. Then, we demonstrate that such interactions can be achieved using only onboard sensors by incorporating vision-based control and vision-based planning. In particular, we show how a quadrotor can use a single camera and an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) to perch on a cylinder. Finally, we generalize our approach to consider objects in motion, and we present relative pose estimation and planning, enabling tracking of a moving sphere using only an onboard camera and IMU

    Proceedings of the International Micro Air Vehicles Conference and Flight Competition 2017 (IMAV 2017)

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    The IMAV 2017 conference has been held at ISAE-SUPAERO, Toulouse, France from Sept. 18 to Sept. 21, 2017. More than 250 participants coming from 30 different countries worldwide have presented their latest research activities in the field of drones. 38 papers have been presented during the conference including various topics such as Aerodynamics, Aeroacoustics, Propulsion, Autopilots, Sensors, Communication systems, Mission planning techniques, Artificial Intelligence, Human-machine cooperation as applied to drones

    Distributed Control for Collective Behaviour in Micro-unmanned Aerial Vehicles

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    Full version unavailable due to 3rd party copyright restrictions.The work presented herein focuses on the design of distributed autonomous controllers for collective behaviour of Micro-unmanned Aerial Vehicles (MAVs). Two alternative approaches to this topic are introduced: one based upon the Evolutionary Robotics (ER) paradigm, the other one upon flocking principles. Three computer simulators have been developed in order to carry out the required experiments, all of them having their focus on the modelling of fixed-wing aircraft flight dynamics. The employment of fixed-wing aircraft rather than the omni-directional robots typically employed in collective robotics significantly increases the complexity of the challenges that an autonomous controller has to face. This is mostly due to the strict motion constraints associated with fixed-wing platforms, that require a high degree of accuracy by the controller. Concerning the ER approach, the experimental setups elaborated have resulted in controllers that have been evolved in simulation with the following capabilities: (1) navigation across unknown environments, (2) obstacle avoidance, (3) tracking of a moving target, and (4) execution of cooperative and coordinated behaviours based on implicit communication strategies. The design methodology based upon flocking principles has involved tests on computer simulations and subsequent experimentation on real-world robotic platforms. A customised implementation of Reynolds’ flocking algorithm has been developed and successfully validated through flight tests performed with the swinglet MAV. It has been notably demonstrated how the Evolutionary Robotics approach could be successfully extended to the domain of fixed-wing aerial robotics, which has never received a great deal of attention in the past. The investigations performed have also shown that complex and real physics-based computer simulators are not a compulsory requirement when approaching the domain of aerial robotics, as long as proper autopilot systems (taking care of the ”reality gap” issue) are used on the real robots.EOARD (European Office of Aerospace Research & Development), euCognitio

    Aerial Vehicles

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    This book contains 35 chapters written by experts in developing techniques for making aerial vehicles more intelligent, more reliable, more flexible in use, and safer in operation.It will also serve as an inspiration for further improvement of the design and application of aeral vehicles. The advanced techniques and research described here may also be applicable to other high-tech areas such as robotics, avionics, vetronics, and space

    Vulnerability Analysis of the MAVLink Protocol for Command and Control of Unmanned Aircraft

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    The MAVLink protocol is an open source, point-to-point networking protocol used to carry telemetry and to command and control many small unmanned aircraft. This research presents three exploits that compromise confidentiality, integrity, and availability vulnerabilities in the communication between an unmanned aerial vehicle and a ground control station using the MAVLink protocol. The attacks assume the configuration settings for the data-link hardware have been obtained. Field experiments using MAVProxy to compromise communication between an ArduPilot Mega 2.5 autopilot and the Mission Planner application demonstrate that all three exploits are successful when MAVLink messages are unprotected. A methodology is proposed to quantify the cost of securing the MAVLink protocol through the measurement of network latency, power consumption, and exploit success. Experimental measurements indicate that the ArduPilot Mega 2.5 autopilot running the ATmega2560 processor at 16 MHz with the standard, unsecured MAVLink protocol consumes on average 0.0105 additional watts of power per second and operates with an average additional latency of 0.11 seconds while under the most resource-intensive attack than when not under attack

    Collaborative autonomy in heterogeneous multi-robot systems

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    As autonomous mobile robots become increasingly connected and widely deployed in different domains, managing multiple robots and their interaction is key to the future of ubiquitous autonomous systems. Indeed, robots are not individual entities anymore. Instead, many robots today are deployed as part of larger fleets or in teams. The benefits of multirobot collaboration, specially in heterogeneous groups, are multiple. Significantly higher degrees of situational awareness and understanding of their environment can be achieved when robots with different operational capabilities are deployed together. Examples of this include the Perseverance rover and the Ingenuity helicopter that NASA has deployed in Mars, or the highly heterogeneous robot teams that explored caves and other complex environments during the last DARPA Sub-T competition. This thesis delves into the wide topic of collaborative autonomy in multi-robot systems, encompassing some of the key elements required for achieving robust collaboration: solving collaborative decision-making problems; securing their operation, management and interaction; providing means for autonomous coordination in space and accurate global or relative state estimation; and achieving collaborative situational awareness through distributed perception and cooperative planning. The thesis covers novel formation control algorithms, and new ways to achieve accurate absolute or relative localization within multi-robot systems. It also explores the potential of distributed ledger technologies as an underlying framework to achieve collaborative decision-making in distributed robotic systems. Throughout the thesis, I introduce novel approaches to utilizing cryptographic elements and blockchain technology for securing the operation of autonomous robots, showing that sensor data and mission instructions can be validated in an end-to-end manner. I then shift the focus to localization and coordination, studying ultra-wideband (UWB) radios and their potential. I show how UWB-based ranging and localization can enable aerial robots to operate in GNSS-denied environments, with a study of the constraints and limitations. I also study the potential of UWB-based relative localization between aerial and ground robots for more accurate positioning in areas where GNSS signals degrade. In terms of coordination, I introduce two new algorithms for formation control that require zero to minimal communication, if enough degree of awareness of neighbor robots is available. These algorithms are validated in simulation and real-world experiments. The thesis concludes with the integration of a new approach to cooperative path planning algorithms and UWB-based relative localization for dense scene reconstruction using lidar and vision sensors in ground and aerial robots

    A survey of free software for the design, analysis, modelling, and simulation of an unmanned aerial vehicle

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    The objective of this paper is to analyze free software for the design, analysis, modelling, and simulation of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). Free software is the best choice when the reduction of production costs is necessary; nevertheless, the quality of free software may vary. This paper probably does not include all of the free software, but tries to describe or mention at least the most interesting programs. The first part of this paper summarizes the essential knowledge about UAVs, including the fundamentals of flight mechanics and aerodynamics, and the structure of a UAV system. The second section generally explains the modelling and simulation of a UAV. In the main section, more than 50 free programs for the design, analysis, modelling, and simulation of a UAV are described. Although the selection of the free software has been focused on small subsonic UAVs, the software can also be used for other categories of aircraft in some cases; e.g. for MAVs and large gliders. The applications with an historical importance are also included. Finally, the results of the analysis are evaluated and discussed—a block diagram of the free software is presented, possible connections between the programs are outlined, and future improvements of the free software are suggested. © 2015, CIMNE, Barcelona, Spain.Internal Grant Agency of Tomas Bata University in Zlin [IGA/FAI/2015/001, IGA/FAI/2014/006

    Visual guidance of unmanned aerial manipulators

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    The ability to fly has greatly expanded the possibilities for robots to perform surveillance, inspection or map generation tasks. Yet it was only in recent years that research in aerial robotics was mature enough to allow active interactions with the environment. The robots responsible for these interactions are called aerial manipulators and usually combine a multirotor platform and one or more robotic arms. The main objective of this thesis is to formalize the concept of aerial manipulator and present guidance methods, using visual information, to provide them with autonomous functionalities. A key competence to control an aerial manipulator is the ability to localize it in the environment. Traditionally, this localization has required external infrastructure of sensors (e.g., GPS or IR cameras), restricting the real applications. Furthermore, localization methods with on-board sensors, exported from other robotics fields such as simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), require large computational units becoming a handicap in vehicles where size, load, and power consumption are important restrictions. In this regard, this thesis proposes a method to estimate the state of the vehicle (i.e., position, orientation, velocity and acceleration) by means of on-board, low-cost, light-weight and high-rate sensors. With the physical complexity of these robots, it is required to use advanced control techniques during navigation. Thanks to their redundancy on degrees-of-freedom, they offer the possibility to accomplish not only with mobility requirements but with other tasks simultaneously and hierarchically, prioritizing them depending on their impact to the overall mission success. In this work we present such control laws and define a number of these tasks to drive the vehicle using visual information, guarantee the robot integrity during flight, and improve the platform stability or increase arm operability. The main contributions of this research work are threefold: (1) Present a localization technique to allow autonomous navigation, this method is specifically designed for aerial platforms with size, load and computational burden restrictions. (2) Obtain control commands to drive the vehicle using visual information (visual servo). (3) Integrate the visual servo commands into a hierarchical control law by exploiting the redundancy of the robot to accomplish secondary tasks during flight. These tasks are specific for aerial manipulators and they are also provided. All the techniques presented in this document have been validated throughout extensive experimentation with real robotic platforms.La capacitat de volar ha incrementat molt les possibilitats dels robots per a realitzar tasques de vigilància, inspecció o generació de mapes. Tot i això, no és fins fa pocs anys que la recerca en robòtica aèria ha estat prou madura com per començar a permetre interaccions amb l’entorn d’una manera activa. Els robots per a fer-ho s’anomenen manipuladors aeris i habitualment combinen una plataforma multirotor i un braç robòtic. L’objectiu d’aquesta tesi és formalitzar el concepte de manipulador aeri i presentar mètodes de guiatge, utilitzant informació visual, per dotar d’autonomia aquest tipus de vehicles. Una competència clau per controlar un manipulador aeri és la capacitat de localitzar-se en l’entorn. Tradicionalment aquesta localització ha requerit d’infraestructura sensorial externa (GPS, càmeres IR, etc.), limitant així les aplicacions reals. Pel contrari, sistemes de localització exportats d’altres camps de la robòtica basats en sensors a bord, com per exemple mètodes de localització i mapejat simultànis (SLAM), requereixen de gran capacitat de còmput, característica que penalitza molt en vehicles on la mida, pes i consum elèctric son grans restriccions. En aquest sentit, aquesta tesi proposa un mètode d’estimació d’estat del robot (posició, velocitat, orientació i acceleració) a partir de sensors instal·lats a bord, de baix cost, baix consum computacional i que proporcionen mesures a alta freqüència. Degut a la complexitat física d’aquests robots, és necessari l’ús de tècniques de control avançades. Gràcies a la seva redundància de graus de llibertat, aquests robots ens ofereixen la possibilitat de complir amb els requeriments de mobilitat i, simultàniament, realitzar tasques de manera jeràrquica, ordenant-les segons l’impacte en l’acompliment de la missió. En aquest treball es presenten aquestes lleis de control, juntament amb la descripció de tasques per tal de guiar visualment el vehicle, garantir la integritat del robot durant el vol, millorar de l’estabilitat del vehicle o augmentar la manipulabilitat del braç. Aquesta tesi es centra en tres aspectes fonamentals: (1) Presentar una tècnica de localització per dotar d’autonomia el robot. Aquest mètode està especialment dissenyat per a plataformes amb restriccions de capacitat computacional, mida i pes. (2) Obtenir les comandes de control necessàries per guiar el vehicle a partir d’informació visual. (3) Integrar aquestes accions dins una estructura de control jeràrquica utilitzant la redundància del robot per complir altres tasques durant el vol. Aquestes tasques son específiques per a manipuladors aeris i també es defineixen en aquest document. Totes les tècniques presentades en aquesta tesi han estat avaluades de manera experimental amb plataformes robòtiques real

    Design and application of advanced disturbance rejection control for small fixed-wing UAVs

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    Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have seen continual growth in both research and commercial applications. Attractive features such as their small size, light weight and low cost are a strong driver of this growth. However, these factors also bring about some drawbacks. The light weight and small size means that small UAVs are far more susceptible to performance degradation from factors such as wind gusts. Due to the generally low cost, available sensors are somewhat limited in both quality and available measurements. For example, it is very unlikely that angle of attack is sensed by a small UAV. These aircraft are usually constructed by the end user, so a tangible amount of variation will exist between different aircraft of the same type. Depending on application, additional variation between flights from factors such as battery placement or additional sensors may exist. This makes the application of optimal model based control methods difficult. Research literature on the topic of small UAV control is very rich in regard to high level control, such as path planning in wind. A common assumption in such literature is the existence of a low level control method which is able to track demanded aircraft attitudes to complete a task. Design of such controllers in the presence of significant wind or modelling errors (factors collectively addressed as lumped disturbances herein) is rarely considered. Disturbance Observer Based Control (DOBC) is a means of improving the robustness of a baseline feedback control scheme in the presence of lumped disturbances. The method allows for the rejection of the influence of unmeasurable disturbances much more quickly than traditional integral control, while also enabling recovery of nominal feedback con- trol performance. The separation principle of DOBC allows for the design of a nominal feedback controller, which does not need to be robust against disturbances. A DOBC augmentation can then be applied to ensure this nominal performance is maintained even in the presence of disturbances. This method offers highly attractive properties for control design, and has seen a large rise in popularity in recent years. Current literature on this subject is very often conducted purely in simulation. Ad- ditionally, very advanced versions of DOBC control are now being researched. To make the method attractive to small UAV operators, it would be beneficial if a simple DOBC design could be used to realise the benefits of this method, as it would be more accessible and applicable by many. This thesis investigates the application of a linear state space disturbance observer to low level flight control of a small UAV, along with developments of the method needed to achieve good performance in flight testing. Had this work been conducted purely in simulation, it is likely many of the difficulties encountered would not have been addressed or discovered. This thesis presents four main contributions. An anti-windup method has been devel- oped which is able to alleviate the effect of control saturation on the disturbance observer dynamics. An observer is designed which explicitly considers actuator dynamics. This development was shown to enable faster observer estimation dynamics, yielding better disturbance rejection performance. During initial flight testing, a significant aeroelastic oscillation mode was discovered. This issue was studied in detail theoretically, with a pro- posed solution developed and applied. The solution was able to fully alleviate the effect in flight. Finally, design and development of an over-actuated DOBC method is presented. A method for design of DOBC for over actuated systems was developed and studied. The majority of results in this thesis are demonstrated with flight test data
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