12 research outputs found

    Database architectures for modern hardware: report from Dagstuhl Seminar 18251

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    The requirements of emerging applications on the one hand and the trends in computing hardware and systems on the other hand demand a fundamental rethinking of current data management architectures. Based on the broad consensus that this rethinking requires expertise from different research disciplines, the goal of this seminar was to bring together researchers and practitioners from these areas representing both the software and hardware sides and to foster cross-cutting architectural discussions. The outcome of this seminar was not only an identification of promising hardware technologies and their exploitation in data management systems but also a set of use cases, studies, and experiments for new architectural concepts

    Smooth Scan: Statistics-Oblivious Access Paths

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    Query optimizers depend heavily on statistics representing column distributions to create efficient query plans. In many cases, though, statistics are outdated or non-existent, and the process of refreshing statistics is very expensive, especially for ad-hoc workloads on ever bigger data. This results in suboptimal plans that severely hurt performance. The main problem is that any decision, once made by the optimizer, is fixed throughout the execution of a query. In particular, each logical operator translates into a fixed choice of a physical operator at run-time. In this paper we advocate for continuous adaptation and morphing of physical operators throughout their lifetime, by adjusting their behavior in accordance with the statistical properties of the data. We demonstrate the benefits of the new paradigm by designing and implementing an adaptive access path operator called Smooth Scan, which morphs continuously within the space of traditional index access and full table scan. Smooth Scan behaves similarly to an index scan for low selectivity; if selectivity increases, however, Smooth Scan progressively morphs its behavior toward a sequential scan. As a result, a system with Smooth Scan requires no optimization decisions up front nor does it need accurate statistics to provide good performance. We implement Smooth Scan in PostgreSQL and, using both synthetic benchmarks as well as TPC-H, we show that it achieves robust performance while at the same time being statistics-oblivious

    Smooth Scan: Robust Query Execution with a Statistics-oblivious Access Operator

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    Query optimizers depend heavily on statistics representing column distributions to create efficient query plans. In many cases, though, statistics are outdated or non-existent, and the process of refreshing statistics is very expensive, especially for ad-hoc workloads on ever bigger data. This results in suboptimal plans that severely hurt performance. The main problem is that any decision, once made by the optimizer, is fixed throughout the execution of a query. In particular, each logical operator translates into a fixed choice of a physical operator at run-time. In this paper we advocate for continuous adaptation and morphing of physical operators throughout their lifetime, by adjusting their behavior in accordance with the statistical properties of the data. We demonstrate the benefits of the new paradigm by designing and implementing an adaptive access path operator called Smooth Scan, which morphs continuously within the space of traditional index access and full table scan. Smooth Scan behaves similarly to an index scan for low selectivity; if selectivity increases, however, Smooth Scan progressively morphs its behavior toward a sequential scan. As a result, a system with Smooth Scan requires no access path decisions up front nor does it need accurate statistics to provide good performance. We implement Smooth Scan in PostgreSQL and, using both synthetic benchmarks as well as TPC-H, we show that it achieves robust performance while at the same time being statistics-oblivious

    Robust and adaptive query processing in hybrid transactional/analytical database systems

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    The quality of query execution plans in database systems determines how fast a query can be processed. Conventional query optimization may still select sub-optimal or even bad query execution plans, due to errors in the cardinality estimation. In this work, we address limitations and unsolved problems of Robust and Adaptive Query Processing, with the goal of improving the detection and compensation of sub-optimal query execution plans. We demonstrate that existing heuristics cannot sufficiently characterize the intermediate result cardinalities, for which a given query execution plan remains optimal, and present an algorithm to calculate precise optimality ranges. The compensation of sub-optimal query execution plans is a complementary problem. We describe metrics to quantify the robustness of query execution plans with respect to cardinality estimations errors. In queries with cardinality estimation errors, our corresponding robust plan selection strategy chooses query execution plans, which are up to 3.49x faster, compared to the estimated cheapest plans. Furthermore, we present an adaptive query processor to compensate sub-optimal query execution plans. It collects true cardinalities of intermediate results at query execution time to re-optimize the currently running query. We show that the overall effort for re-optimizations and plan switches is similar to the initial optimization. Our adaptive query processor can execute queries up to 5.19x faster, compared to a conventional query processor.Die Qualität von Anfrageausführungsplänen in Datenbank Systemen bestimmt, wie schnell eine Anfrage verarbeitet werden kann. Aufgrund von Fehlern in der Kardinalitätsschätzung können konventionelle Anfrageoptimierer immer noch sub-optimale oder sogar schlechte Anfrageausführungsplänen auswählen. In dieser Arbeit behandeln wir Einschränkungen und ungelöste Probleme robuster und adaptiver Anfrageverarbeitung, um die Erkennung und den Ausgleich sub-optimaler Anfrageausführungspläne zu verbessern. Wir zeigen, dass bestehende Heuristiken nicht entscheiden können, für welche Kardinalitäten ein Anfrageausführungsplan optimal ist, und stellen einen Algorithmus vor, der präzise Optimalitätsbereiche berechnen kann. Der Ausgleich von sub-optimalen Anfrageausführungsplänen ist ein ergänzendes Problem. Wir beschreiben Metriken, welche die Robustheit von Anfrageausführungsplänen gegenüber Fehlern in der Kardinalitätsschätzung quantifizieren können. Unsere robuste Planauswahlstrategie, die auf Robustheitsmetriken aufbaut, kann Pläne finden, die bei Fehlern in der Kardinalitätsschätzung bis zu 3.49x schneller sind als die geschätzt günstigsten Pläne. Des Weiteren stellen wir einen adaptiven Anfrageverarbeiter vor, der sub-optimale Anfrageausführungspläne ausgleichen kann. Er erfasst die wahren Kardinalitäten von Zwischenergebnissen während der Anfrageausführung, um damit die aktuell laufende Anfrage zu re-optimieren. Wir zeigen, dass der gesamte Aufwand für Re-Optimierungen und Planänderungen einer initialen Optimierung entspricht. Unser adaptiver Anfrageverarbeiter kann Anfragen bis zu 5.19x schneller ausführen als ein konventioneller Anfrageverarbeiter

    Modern data analytics in the cloud era

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    Cloud Computing ist die dominante Technologie des letzten Jahrzehnts. Die Benutzerfreundlichkeit der verwalteten Umgebung in Kombination mit einer nahezu unbegrenzten Menge an Ressourcen und einem nutzungsabhängigen Preismodell ermöglicht eine schnelle und kosteneffiziente Projektrealisierung für ein breites Nutzerspektrum. Cloud Computing verändert auch die Art und Weise wie Software entwickelt, bereitgestellt und genutzt wird. Diese Arbeit konzentriert sich auf Datenbanksysteme, die in der Cloud-Umgebung eingesetzt werden. Wir identifizieren drei Hauptinteraktionspunkte der Datenbank-Engine mit der Umgebung, die veränderte Anforderungen im Vergleich zu traditionellen On-Premise-Data-Warehouse-Lösungen aufweisen. Der erste Interaktionspunkt ist die Interaktion mit elastischen Ressourcen. Systeme in der Cloud sollten Elastizität unterstützen, um den Lastanforderungen zu entsprechen und dabei kosteneffizient zu sein. Wir stellen einen elastischen Skalierungsmechanismus für verteilte Datenbank-Engines vor, kombiniert mit einem Partitionsmanager, der einen Lastausgleich bietet und gleichzeitig die Neuzuweisung von Partitionen im Falle einer elastischen Skalierung minimiert. Darüber hinaus führen wir eine Strategie zum initialen Befüllen von Puffern ein, die es ermöglicht, skalierte Ressourcen unmittelbar nach der Skalierung auszunutzen. Cloudbasierte Systeme sind von fast überall aus zugänglich und verfügbar. Daten werden häufig von zahlreichen Endpunkten aus eingespeist, was sich von ETL-Pipelines in einer herkömmlichen Data-Warehouse-Lösung unterscheidet. Viele Benutzer verzichten auf die Definition von strikten Schemaanforderungen, um Transaktionsabbrüche aufgrund von Konflikten zu vermeiden oder um den Ladeprozess von Daten zu beschleunigen. Wir führen das Konzept der PatchIndexe ein, die die Definition von unscharfen Constraints ermöglichen. PatchIndexe verwalten Ausnahmen zu diesen Constraints, machen sie für die Optimierung und Ausführung von Anfragen nutzbar und bieten effiziente Unterstützung bei Datenaktualisierungen. Das Konzept kann auf beliebige Constraints angewendet werden und wir geben Beispiele für unscharfe Eindeutigkeits- und Sortierconstraints. Darüber hinaus zeigen wir, wie PatchIndexe genutzt werden können, um fortgeschrittene Constraints wie eine unscharfe Multi-Key-Partitionierung zu definieren, die eine robuste Anfrageperformance bei Workloads mit unterschiedlichen Partitionsanforderungen bietet. Der dritte Interaktionspunkt ist die Nutzerinteraktion. Datengetriebene Anwendungen haben sich in den letzten Jahren verändert. Neben den traditionellen SQL-Anfragen für Business Intelligence sind heute auch datenwissenschaftliche Anwendungen von großer Bedeutung. In diesen Fällen fungiert das Datenbanksystem oft nur als Datenlieferant, während der Rechenaufwand in dedizierten Data-Science- oder Machine-Learning-Umgebungen stattfindet. Wir verfolgen das Ziel, fortgeschrittene Analysen in Richtung der Datenbank-Engine zu verlagern und stellen das Grizzly-Framework als DataFrame-zu-SQL-Transpiler vor. Auf dieser Grundlage identifizieren wir benutzerdefinierte Funktionen (UDFs) und maschinelles Lernen (ML) als wichtige Aufgaben, die von einer tieferen Integration in die Datenbank-Engine profitieren würden. Daher untersuchen und bewerten wir Ansätze für die datenbankinterne Ausführung von Python-UDFs und datenbankinterne ML-Inferenz.Cloud computing has been the groundbreaking technology of the last decade. The ease-of-use of the managed environment in combination with nearly infinite amount of resources and a pay-per-use price model enables fast and cost-efficient project realization for a broad range of users. Cloud computing also changes the way software is designed, deployed and used. This thesis focuses on database systems deployed in the cloud environment. We identify three major interaction points of the database engine with the environment that show changed requirements compared to traditional on-premise data warehouse solutions. First, software is deployed on elastic resources. Consequently, systems should support elasticity in order to match workload requirements and be cost-effective. We present an elastic scaling mechanism for distributed database engines, combined with a partition manager that provides load balancing while minimizing partition reassignments in the case of elastic scaling. Furthermore we introduce a buffer pre-heating strategy that allows to mitigate a cold start after scaling and leads to an immediate performance benefit using scaling. Second, cloud based systems are accessible and available from nearly everywhere. Consequently, data is frequently ingested from numerous endpoints, which differs from bulk loads or ETL pipelines in a traditional data warehouse solution. Many users do not define database constraints in order to avoid transaction aborts due to conflicts or to speed up data ingestion. To mitigate this issue we introduce the concept of PatchIndexes, which allow the definition of approximate constraints. PatchIndexes maintain exceptions to constraints, make them usable in query optimization and execution and offer efficient update support. The concept can be applied to arbitrary constraints and we provide examples of approximate uniqueness and approximate sorting constraints. Moreover, we show how PatchIndexes can be exploited to define advanced constraints like an approximate multi-key partitioning, which offers robust query performance over workloads with different partition key requirements. Third, data-centric workloads changed over the last decade. Besides traditional SQL workloads for business intelligence, data science workloads are of significant importance nowadays. For these cases the database system might only act as data delivery, while the computational effort takes place in data science or machine learning (ML) environments. As this workflow has several drawbacks, we follow the goal of pushing advanced analytics towards the database engine and introduce the Grizzly framework as a DataFrame-to-SQL transpiler. Based on this we identify user-defined functions (UDFs) and machine learning inference as important tasks that would benefit from a deeper engine integration and investigate approaches to push these operations towards the database engine

    Toward timely, predictable and cost-effective data analytics

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    Modern industrial, government, and academic organizations are collecting massive amounts of data at an unprecedented scale and pace. The ability to perform timely, predictable and cost-effective analytical processing of such large data sets in order to extract deep insights is now a key ingredient for success. Traditional database systems (DBMS) are, however, not the first choice for servicing these modern applications, despite 40 years of database research. This is due to the fact that modern applications exhibit different behavior from the one assumed by DBMS: a) timely data exploration as a new trend is characterized by ad-hoc queries and a short user interaction period, leaving little time for DBMS to do good performance tuning, b) accurate statistics representing relevant summary information about distributions of ever increasing data are frequently missing, resulting in suboptimal plan decisions and consequently poor and unpredictable query execution performance, and c) cloud service providers - a major winner in the data analytics game due to the low cost of (shared) storage - have shifted the control over data storage from DBMS to the cloud providers, making it harder for DBMS to optimize data access. This thesis demonstrates that database systems can still provide timely, predictable and cost-effective analytical processing, if they use an agile and adaptive approach. In particular, DBMS need to adapt at three levels (to workload, data and hardware characteristics) in order to stabilize and optimize performance and cost when faced with requirements posed by modern data analytics applications. Workload-driven data ingestion is introduced with NoDB as a means to enable efficient data exploration and reduce the data-to-insight time (i.e., the time to load the data and tune the system) by doing these steps lazily and incrementally as a side-effect of posed queries as opposed to mandatory first steps. Data-driven runtime access path decision making introduced with Smooth Scan alleviates suboptimal query execution, postponing the decision on access paths from query optimization, where statistics are heavily exploited, to query execution, where the system can obtain more details about data distributions. Smooth Scan uses access path morphing from one physical alternative to another to fit the observed data distributions, which removes the need for a priori access path decisions and substantially improves the predictability of DBMS. Hardware-driven query execution introduced with Skipper enables the usage of cold storage devices (CSD) as a cost-effective solution for storing the ever increasing customer data. Skipper uses an out-of-order CSD-driven query execution model based on multi-way joins coupled with efficient cache and I/O scheduling policies to hide the non-uniform access latencies of CSD. This thesis advocates runtime adaptivity as a key to dealing with raising uncertainty about workload characteristics that modern data analytics applications exhibit. Overall, the techniques introduced in this thesis through the three levels of adaptivity (workload, data and hardware-driven adaptivity) increase the usability of database systems and the user satisfaction in the case of big data exploration, making low-cost data analytics reality

    Profiling large-scale lazy functional programs

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    The LOLITA natural language processing system is an example of one of the ever increasing number of large-scale systems written entirely in a functional programming language. The system consists of over 50,000 lines of Haskell code and is able to perform a number of tasks such as semantic and pragmatic analysis of text, context scanning and query analysis. Such a system is more useful if the results are calculated in real-time, therefore the efficiency of such a system is paramount. For the past three years we have used profiling tools supplied with the Haskell compilers GHC and HBC to analyse and reason about our programming solutions and have achieved good results; however, our experience has shown that the profiling life-cycle is often too long to make a detailed analysis of a large system possible, and the profiling results are often misleading. A profiling system is developed which allows three types of functionality not previously found in a profiler for lazy functional programs. Firstly, the profiler is able to produce results based on an accurate method of cost inheritance. We have found that this reduces the possibility of the programmer obtaining misleading profiling results. Secondly, the programmer is able to explore the results after the execution of the program. This is done by selecting and deselecting parts of the program using a post-processor. This greatly reduces the analysis time as no further compilation, execution or profiling of the program is needed. Finally, the new profiling system allows the user to examine aspects of the run-time call structure of the program. This is useful in the analysis of the run-time behaviour of the program. Previous attempts at extending the results produced by a profiler in such a way have failed due to the exceptionally high overheads. Exploration of the overheads produced by the new profiling scheme show that typical overheads in profiling the LOLITA system are: a 10% increase in compilation time; a 7% increase in executable size and a 70% run-time overhead. These overheads mean a considerable saving in time in the detailed analysis of profiling a large, lazy functional program