102 research outputs found


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    The work in this thesis is concerned with the development of a novel and practical collision avoidance system for autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs). Synergistically, advanced stochastic motion planning methods, dynamics quantisation approaches, multivariable tracking controller designs, sonar data processing and workspace representation, are combined to enhance significantly the survivability of modern AUVs. The recent proliferation of autonomous AUV deployments for various missions such as seafloor surveying, scientific data gathering and mine hunting has demanded a substantial increase in vehicle autonomy. One matching requirement of such missions is to allow all the AUV to navigate safely in a dynamic and unstructured environment. Therefore, it is vital that a robust and effective collision avoidance system should be forthcoming in order to preserve the structural integrity of the vehicle whilst simultaneously increasing its autonomy. This thesis not only provides a holistic framework but also an arsenal of computational techniques in the design of a collision avoidance system for AUVs. The design of an obstacle avoidance system is first addressed. The core paradigm is the application of the Rapidly-exploring Random Tree (RRT) algorithm and the newly developed version for use as a motion planning tool. Later, this technique is merged with the Manoeuvre Automaton (MA) representation to address the inherent disadvantages of the RRT. A novel multi-node version which can also address time varying final state is suggested. Clearly, the reference trajectory generated by the aforementioned embedded planner must be tracked. Hence, the feasibility of employing the linear quadratic regulator (LQG) and the nonlinear kinematic based state-dependent Ricatti equation (SDRE) controller as trajectory trackers are explored. The obstacle detection module, which comprises of sonar processing and workspace representation submodules, is developed and tested on actual sonar data acquired in a sea-trial via a prototype forward looking sonar (AT500). The sonar processing techniques applied are fundamentally derived from the image processing perspective. Likewise, a novel occupancy grid using nonlinear function is proposed for the workspace representation of the AUV. Results are presented that demonstrate the ability of an AUV to navigate a complex environment. To the author's knowledge, it is the first time the above newly developed methodologies have been applied to an A UV collision avoidance system, and, therefore, it is considered that the work constitutes a contribution of knowledge in this area of work.J&S MARINE LT

    Robot Visual Servoing Using Discontinuous Control

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    This work presents different proposals to deal with common problems in robot visual servoing based on the application of discontinuous control methods. The feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed approaches are substantiated by simulation results and real experiments using a 6R industrial manipulator. The main contributions are: - Geometric invariance using sliding mode control (Chapter 3): the defined higher-order invariance is used by the proposed approaches to tackle problems in visual servoing. Proofs of invariance condition are presented. - Fulfillment of constraints in visual servoing (Chapter 4): the proposal uses sliding mode methods to satisfy mechanical and visual constraints in visual servoing, while a secondary task is considered to properly track the target object. The main advantages of the proposed approach are: low computational cost, robustness and fully utilization of the allowed space for the constraints. - Robust auto tool change for industrial robots using visual servoing (Chapter 4): visual servoing and the proposed method for constraints fulfillment are applied to an automated solution for tool changing in industrial robots. The robustness of the proposed method is due to the control law of the visual servoing, which uses the information acquired by the vision system to close a feedback control loop. Furthermore, sliding mode control is simultaneously used in a prioritized level to satisfy the aforementioned constraints. Thus, the global control accurately places the tool in the warehouse, but satisfying the robot constraints. - Sliding mode controller for reference tracking (Chapter 5): an approach based on sliding mode control is proposed for reference tracking in robot visual servoing using industrial robot manipulators. The novelty of the proposal is the introduction of a sliding mode controller that uses a high-order discontinuous control signal, i.e., joint accelerations or joint jerks, in order to obtain a smoother behavior and ensure the robot system stability, which is demonstrated with a theoretical proof. - PWM and PFM for visual servoing in fully decoupled approaches (Chapter 6): discontinuous control based on pulse width and pulse frequency modulation is proposed for fully decoupled position based visual servoing approaches, in order to get the same convergence time for camera translation and rotation. Moreover, other results obtained in visual servoing applications are also described.Este trabajo presenta diferentes propuestas para tratar problemas habituales en el control de robots por realimentación visual, basadas en la aplicación de métodos de control discontinuos. La viabilidad y eficacia de las propuestas se fundamenta con resultados en simulación y con experimentos reales utilizando un robot manipulador industrial 6R. Las principales contribuciones son: - Invariancia geométrica utilizando control en modo deslizante (Capítulo 3): la invariancia de alto orden definida aquí es utilizada después por los métodos propuestos, para tratar problemas en control por realimentación visual. Se apuertan pruebas teóricas de la condición de invariancia. - Cumplimiento de restricciones en control por realimentación visual (Capítulo 4): esta propuesta utiliza métodos de control en modo deslizante para satisfacer restricciones mecánicas y visuales en control por realimentación visual, mientras una tarea secundaria se encarga del seguimiento del objeto. Las principales ventajas de la propuesta son: bajo coste computacional, robustez y plena utilización del espacio disponible para las restricciones. - Cambio de herramienta robusto para un robot industrial mediante control por realimentación visual (Capítulo 4): el control por realimentación visual y el método propuesto para el cumplimiento de las restricciones se aplican a una solución automatizada para el cambio de herramienta en robots industriales. La robustez de la propuesta radica en el uso del control por realimentación visual, que utiliza información del sistema de visión para cerrar el lazo de control. Además, el control en modo deslizante se utiliza simultáneamente en un nivel de prioridad superior para satisfacer las restricciones. Así pues, el control es capaz de dejar la herramienta en el intercambiador de herramientas de forma precisa, a la par que satisface las restricciones del robot. - Controlador en modo deslizante para seguimiento de referencia (Capítulo 5): se propone un enfoque basado en el control en modo deslizante para seguimiento de referencia en robots manipuladores industriales controlados por realimentación visual. La novedad de la propuesta radica en la introducción de un controlador en modo deslizante que utiliza la señal de control discontinua de alto orden, i.e. aceleraciones o jerks de las articulaciones, para obtener un comportamiento más suave y asegurar la estabilidad del sistema robótico, lo que se demuestra con una prueba teórica. - Control por realimentación visual mediante PWM y PFM en métodos completamente desacoplados (Capítulo 6): se propone un control discontinuo basado en modulación del ancho y frecuencia del pulso para métodos completamente desacoplados de control por realimentación visual basados en posición, con el objetivo de conseguir el mismo tiempo de convergencia para los movimientos de rotación y traslación de la cámara . Además, se presentan también otros resultados obtenidos en aplicaciones de control por realimentación visual.Aquest treball presenta diferents propostes per a tractar problemes habituals en el control de robots per realimentació visual, basades en l'aplicació de mètodes de control discontinus. La viabilitat i eficàcia de les propostes es fonamenta amb resultats en simulació i amb experiments reals utilitzant un robot manipulador industrial 6R. Les principals contribucions són: - Invariància geomètrica utilitzant control en mode lliscant (Capítol 3): la invariància d'alt ordre definida ací és utilitzada després pels mètodes proposats, per a tractar problemes en control per realimentació visual. S'aporten proves teòriques de la condició d'invariància. - Compliment de restriccions en control per realimentació visual (Capítol 4): aquesta proposta utilitza mètodes de control en mode lliscant per a satisfer restriccions mecàniques i visuals en control per realimentació visual, mentre una tasca secundària s'encarrega del seguiment de l'objecte. Els principals avantatges de la proposta són: baix cost computacional, robustesa i plena utilització de l'espai disponible per a les restriccions. - Canvi de ferramenta robust per a un robot industrial mitjançant control per realimentació visual (Capítol 4): el control per realimentació visual i el mètode proposat per al compliment de les restriccions s'apliquen a una solució automatitzada per al canvi de ferramenta en robots industrials. La robustesa de la proposta radica en l'ús del control per realimentació visual, que utilitza informació del sistema de visió per a tancar el llaç de control. A més, el control en mode lliscant s'utilitza simultàniament en un nivell de prioritat superior per a satisfer les restriccions. Així doncs, el control és capaç de deixar la ferramenta en l'intercanviador de ferramentes de forma precisa, a la vegada que satisfà les restriccions del robot. - Controlador en mode lliscant per a seguiment de referència (Capítol 5): es proposa un enfocament basat en el control en mode lliscant per a seguiment de referència en robots manipuladors industrials controlats per realimentació visual. La novetat de la proposta radica en la introducció d'un controlador en mode lliscant que utilitza senyal de control discontínua d'alt ordre, i.e. acceleracions o jerks de les articulacions, per a obtindre un comportament més suau i assegurar l'estabilitat del sistema robòtic, la qual cosa es demostra amb una prova teòrica. - Control per realimentació visual mitjançant PWM i PFM en mètodes completament desacoblats (Capítol 6): es proposa un control discontinu basat en modulació de l'ample i la freqüència del pols per a mètodes completament desacoblats de control per realimentació visual basats en posició, amb l'objectiu d'aconseguir el mateix temps de convergència per als moviments de rotació i translació de la càmera. A més, es presenten també altres resultats obtinguts en aplicacions de control per realimentació visual.Muñoz Benavent, P. (2017). Robot Visual Servoing Using Discontinuous Control [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/90430TESI

    Robust Controller Design for an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle

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    Worldwide there has been a surge of interest in Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV). The ability to operate without human intervention is what makes this technology so appealing. On the other hand, the absence of the human narrows the AUV operation to its control system, computing, and sensing capabilities. Therefore, devising a robust control is mandatory to allow the feasibility of the AUV. Motivated by this fact, this thesis aims to present, discuss and evaluate two linear control solutions being proposed for an AUV developed by a consortium led by CEiiA. To allow the controller design, the dynamic model of this vehicle and respective considerations are firstly addressed. Since the purpose is to enable the vehicle’s operation, devising suitable guidance laws becomes essential. A simple waypoint following and station keeping algorithm, and a path following algorithms are presented. To devise the controllers, a linear version of the dynamic model is derived considering a single operational point. Then, through the decoupling of the linear system into three lightly interactive subsystems, four Proportional Integral Derivative controllers (PIDs) are devised for each Degree Of Freedom (DOF) of the vehicle. A Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) design, based on the decoupling of the linear model into longitudinal and lateral subsystems is also devised. To allocate the controller output throughout the actuators, a control allocation law is devised, which improves maneuverability of the vehicle. The results present a solid performance for both control methods, however, in this work, LQR proved to be slightly faster than PID.É visível, a nível mundial, um aumento considerável do interesse em Veículos Autónomos Subaquáticos (Autonomous Underwater Vehicles - AUV). O que torna esta tecnologia tão atraente é a capacidade de operar sem intervenção humana. Contudo, a ausência do ser humano restringe a operação do AUV ao seu sistema de controlo, computação e capacidades de detecção. Desta forma, conceber um controlo robusto é obrigatório para viabilizar o AUV. Motivado por este facto, esta tese tem como objetivo apresentar, discutir e avaliar duas soluções de controlo linear, a propor a um AUV desenvolvido por um consórcio liderado pelo CEiiA. Para que o projeto do controlador seja possível, o modelo dinâmico deste veículo e respectivas considerações são primeiramente abordados. Com a finalidade de possibilitar a operação do veículo, torna-se essencial a elaboração de leis de guidance adequadas. Para este efeito são apresentados algorítmos de Waypoint following e Station keeping, e de path following. Para a projeção dos controladores é derivada uma versão linear do modelo dinâmico, considerando um único ponto operacional. Através da separação do modelo linear em três subsistemas são criados quatro controladores Proporcional Integral Derivativo (PID) para cada grau de liberdade (Degree Of Freedom - DOF) do veículo. É também projetado um Regulador Linear Quadrático (LQR), baseado na separação do modelo linear em dois subsistemas, longitudinal e lateral. É ainda apresentada uma lei de alocação de controlo para distribuir o sinal de saída dos controladores pelos diferentes atuadores. Esta provou melhorar a manobrabilidade do veículo. Os resultados finais apresentam um desempenho sólido para ambos os métodos de controlo. No entanto, neste trabalho, o LQR provou ser mais rápido do que o PID

    Relative Position Sensing by Fusing Monocular Vision and Inertial Rate Sensors,

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    Abstract Presented is a system that fuses monocular vision wit

    Advanced Techniques for Design and Manufacturing in Marine Engineering

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    Modern engineering design processes are driven by the extensive use of numerical simulations; naval architecture and ocean engineering are no exception. Computational power has been improved over the last few decades; therefore, the integration of different tools such as CAD, FEM, CFD, and CAM has enabled complex modeling and manufacturing problems to be solved in a more feasible way. Classical naval design methodology can take advantage of this integration, giving rise to more robust designs in terms of shape, structural and hydrodynamic performances, and the manufacturing process.This Special Issue invites researchers and engineers from both academia and the industry to publish the latest progress in design and manufacturing techniques in marine engineering and to debate the current issues and future perspectives in this research area. Suitable topics for this issue include, but are not limited to, the following:CAD-based approaches for designing the hull and appendages of sailing and engine-powered boats and comparisons with traditional techniques;Finite element method applications to predict the structural performance of the whole boat or of a portion of it, with particular attention to the modeling of the material used;Embedded measurement systems for structural health monitoring;Determination of hydrodynamic efficiency using experimental, numerical, or semi-empiric methods for displacement and planning hulls;Topology optimization techniques to overcome traditional scantling criteria based on international standards;Applications of additive manufacturing to derive innovative shapes for internal reinforcements or sandwich hull structures

    Behavior Fusion for Visually-Guided Service Robots

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    Modelling and control of lightweight underwater vehicle-manipulator systems

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    This thesis studies the mathematical description and the low-level control structures for underwater robotic systems performing motion and interaction tasks. The main focus is on the study of lightweight underwater-vehicle manipulator systems. A description of the dynamic and hydrodynamic modelling of the underwater vehicle-manipulator system (UVMS) is presented and a study of the coupling effects between the vehicle and manipulator is given. Through simulation results it is shown that the vehicle’s capabilities are degraded by the motion of the manipulator, when it has a considerable mass with respect to the vehicle. Understanding the interaction effects between the two subsystems is beneficial in developing new control architectures that can improve the performance of the system. A control strategy is proposed for reducing the coupling effects between the two subsystems when motion tasks are required. The method is developed based on the mathematical model of the UVMS and the estimated interaction effects. Simulation results show the validity of the proposed control structure even in the presence of uncertainties in the dynamic model. The problem of autonomous interaction with the underwater environment is further addressed. The thesis proposes a parallel position/force control structure for lightweight underwater vehicle-manipulator systems. Two different strategies for integrating this control law on the vehicle-manipulator structure are proposed. The first strategy uses the parallel control law for the manipulator while a different control law, the Proportional Integral Limited control structure, is used for the vehicle. The second strategy treats the underwater vehicle-manipulator system as a single system and the parallel position/force law is used for the overall system. The low level parallel position/force control law is validated through practical experiments using the HDT-MK3-M electric manipulator. The Proportional Integral Limited control structure is tested using a 5 degrees-of-freedom underwater vehicle in a wave-tank facility. Furthermore, an adaptive tuning method based on interaction theory is proposed for adjusting the gains of the controller. The experimental results show that the method is advantageous as it decreases the complexity of the manual tuning otherwise required and reduces the energy consumption. The main objectives of this thesis are to understand and accurately represent the behaviour of an underwater vehiclemanipulator system, to evaluate this system when in contact with the environment and to design informed low-level control structures based on the observations made through the mathematical study of the system. The concepts presented in this thesis are not restricted to only vehicle-manipulator systems but can be applied to different other multibody robotic systems