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    Home environments are changing as more technological devices are used to improve daily life. The growing demand for high technology in our homes means that robot integration will soon arrive. Home devices are evolving in a connected paradigm in which data flows to perform efficient home task management. Heterogeneous home robots connected in a network can establish a workflow that complements their capabilities and so increases performance within a mission execution. This work addresses the definition and requirements of a robot-group mission in the home context. The proposed solution relies on a network of smart resources, which are defined as cyber-physical systems that provide high-level service execution. Firstly, control middleware architecture is introduced as the execution base for the Smart resources. Next, the Smart resource topology and its integration within a robotic platform are addressed. Services supplied by Smart resources manage their execution through a robot behavior architecture. Robot behavior execution is hierarchically organized through a mission definition that can be established as an individual or collective approach. Environment model and interaction tasks characterize the operation capabilities of each robot within a mission. Mission goal achievement in a heterogeneous group is enhanced through the complement of the interaction capabilities of each robot. To offer a clearer explanation, a full use case is presented in which two robots cooperate to execute a mission and the previously detailed steps are evaluated. Finally, some of the obtained results are discussed as conclusions and future works is introduced.Los entornos domésticos se encuentran sometidos a un proceso de cambio gracias al empleo de dispositivos tecnológicos que mejoran la calidad de vida de las personas. La creciente demanda de alta tecnología en los hogares señala una próxima incorporación de la robótica de servicio. Los dispositivos domésticos están evolucionando hacia un paradigma de conexión en el cual la información fluye para ofrecer una gestión más eficiente. En este entorno, robots heterogéneos conectados a la red pueden establecer un flujo de trabajo que ofreciendo nuevas soluciones y incrementando la eficiencia en la ejecución de tareas. Este trabajo aborda la definición y los requisitos necesarios para la ejecución de misiones en grupos de robots heterogéneos en entornos domésticos. La solución propuesta se apoya en una red de Smart resources, que son definidos como sistemas ciber-físicos que proporcionan servicios de alto nivel. En primer lugar, se presenta la arquitectura del middleware de control en la cual se basa la ejecución de los Smart resources. A continuación se detalla la topología de los Smart resources, así como su integración en plataformas robóticas. Los servicios proporcionados por los Smart resources gestionan su ejecución mediante una arquitectura de comportamientos para robots. La ejecución de estos comportamientos se organiza de forma jerárquica mediante la definición de una misión con un objetivo establecido de forma individual o colectiva a un grupo de robots. Dentro de una misión, las tareas de modelado e interacción con el entorno define las capacidades de operación de los robots dentro de una misión. Mediante la integración de un grupo heterogéneo de robots sus diversas capacidades son complementadas para el logro un objetivo común. A fin de caracterizar esta propuesta, los mecanismos presentados en este documento se evaluarán en detalle a lo largo de una serie experimentos en los cuales un grupo de robots heterogéneos ejecutan una misión colaborativa para alcanzar un objetivo común. Finalmente, los resultados serán discutidos a modo de conclusiones dando lugar el establecimiento de un trabajo futuro.Els entorns domèstics es troben sotmesos a un procés de canvi gràcies a l'ocupació de dispositius tecnològics que milloren la qualitat de vida de les persones. La creixent demanda d'alta tecnologia a les llars assenyala una propera incorporació de la robòtica de servei. Els dispositius domèstics estan evolucionant cap a un paradigma de connexió en el qual la informació flueix per oferir una gestió més eficient. En aquest entorn, robots heterogenis connectats a la xarxa poden establir un flux de treball que ofereix noves solucions i incrementant l'eficiència en l'execució de tasques. Aquest treball aborda la definició i els requisits necessaris per a l'execució de missions en grups de robots heterogenis en entorns domèstics. La solució proposada es recolza en una xarxa de Smart resources, que són definits com a sistemes ciber-físics que proporcionen serveis d'alt nivell. En primer lloc, es presenta l'arquitectura del middleware de control en la qual es basa l'execució dels Smart resources. A continuació es detalla la tipologia dels Smart resources, així com la seva integració en plataformes robòtiques. Els serveis proporcionats pels Smart resources gestionen la seva execució mitjançant una arquitectura de comportaments per a robots. L'execució d'aquests comportaments s'organitza de forma jeràrquica mitjançant la definició d'una missió amb un objectiu establert de forma individual o col·lectiva a un grup de robots. Dins d'una missió, les tasques de modelatge i interacció amb l'entorn defineix les capacitats d'operació dels robots dins d'una missió. Mitjançant la integració d'un grup heterogeni de robots seves diverses capacitats són complementades per a l'assoliment un objectiu comú. Per tal de caracteritzar aquesta proposta, els mecanismes presentats en aquest document s'avaluaran en detall mitjançant d'una sèrie experiments en els quals un grup de robots heterogenis executen una missió col·laborativa per aconseguir un objectiu comú. Finalment, els resultats seran discutits a manera de conclusions donant lloc a l'establiment d'un treball futur.Munera Sánchez, E. (2017). MISSION-ORIENTED HETEROGENEOUS ROBOT COOPERATION BASED ON SMART RESOURCES EXECUTION [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/88404TESI

    An agent based architecture to support monitoring in plug and produce manufacturing systems using knowledge extraction

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    In recent years a set of production paradigms were proposed in order to capacitate manufacturers to meet the new market requirements, such as the shift in demand for highly customized products resulting in a shorter product life cycle, rather than the traditional mass production standardized consumables. These new paradigms advocate solutions capable of facing these requirements, empowering manufacturing systems with a high capacity to adapt along with elevated flexibility and robustness in order to deal with disturbances, like unexpected orders or malfunctions. Evolvable Production Systems propose a solution based on the usage of modularity and self-organization with a fine granularity level, supporting pluggability and in this way allowing companies to add and/or remove components during execution without any extra re-programming effort. However, current monitoring software was not designed to fully support these characteristics, being commonly based on centralized SCADA systems, incapable of re-adapting during execution to the unexpected plugging/unplugging of devices nor changes in the entire system’s topology. Considering these aspects, the work developed for this thesis encompasses a fully distributed agent-based architecture, capable of performing knowledge extraction at different levels of abstraction without sacrificing the capacity to add and/or remove monitoring entities, responsible for data extraction and analysis, during runtime

    Logic programming for deliberative robotic task planning

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    Over the last decade, the use of robots in production and daily life has increased. With increasingly complex tasks and interaction in different environments including humans, robots are required a higher level of autonomy for efficient deliberation. Task planning is a key element of deliberation. It combines elementary operations into a structured plan to satisfy a prescribed goal, given specifications on the robot and the environment. In this manuscript, we present a survey on recent advances in the application of logic programming to the problem of task planning. Logic programming offers several advantages compared to other approaches, including greater expressivity and interpretability which may aid in the development of safe and reliable robots. We analyze different planners and their suitability for specific robotic applications, based on expressivity in domain representation, computational efficiency and software implementation. In this way, we support the robotic designer in choosing the best tool for his application

    A diversity-aware computational framework for systems biology

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    A systematic literature review of decision-making and control systems for autonomous and social robots

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    In the last years, considerable research has been carried out to develop robots that can improve our quality of life during tedious and challenging tasks. In these contexts, robots operating without human supervision open many possibilities to assist people in their daily activities. When autonomous robots collaborate with humans, social skills are necessary for adequate communication and cooperation. Considering these facts, endowing autonomous and social robots with decision-making and control models is critical for appropriately fulfiling their initial goals. This manuscript presents a systematic review of the evolution of decision-making systems and control architectures for autonomous and social robots in the last three decades. These architectures have been incorporating new methods based on biologically inspired models and Machine Learning to enhance these systems’ possibilities to developed societies. The review explores the most novel advances in each application area, comparing their most essential features. Additionally, we describe the current challenges of software architecture devoted to action selection, an analysis not provided in similar reviews of behavioural models for autonomous and social robots. Finally, we present the future directions that these systems can take in the future.The research leading to these results has received funding from the projects: Robots Sociales para Estimulación Física, Cognitiva y Afectiva de Mayores (ROSES), RTI2018-096338-B-I00, funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades; Robots sociales para mitigar la soledad y el aislamiento en mayores (SOROLI), PID2021-123941OA-I00, funded by Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI), Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. This publication is part of the R&D&I project PLEC2021-007819 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by the European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR

    The influence of informal power structures on corporate strategy of a selected mining organisation in Northern Cape Province, South Africa

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    Corporate strategy has gained a lot of traction in academic discourse as a critical field that ensures organisational success and the role of informal structures in achieving this success has also gained a lot of focus. However, several scholars have pointed out that most of the studies on informal structures have used western and Asian socioecological narratives to contextualise informal structures. The contextual gap identified by the study and the assumptions by scholars that African, Asian and Western contexts have huge variances prompted the study to explore the contextual gap in South Africa. After defining the contextual gap, the critical question that the study sought to answer was; How are informal structures responding to corporate strategy within a South African context? To answer this question the study used an interpretive approach and a single case study to draw from the subjective experiences of 30 employees using in depth interviews. To ensure the abstraction of high-quality data the study utilised heterogeneous purposive sampling to draw insights from informed participants which in turn enabled the study to explore diversified perspectives. The study established that the socio ecological context of the organisation had both positive and negative influence on the employee's desire to accept or reject corporate strategy. The study established that the positive influence enabled smooth flow of information, flexibility, fulfilment of social needs and sharing of ideas. However, the study also established that the negative influence which manifested in resistance to corporate strategy, social fragmentation, conflict and political bickering outweighed the positive influence. The study concluded by adopting a strategic management model and extending it to contain the negative attributes of the socio-cultural environment with the hope that the model may enable the organisation to positively influence informal structures

    Freshwater ecosystem services in mining regions : modelling options for policy development support

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    The ecosystem services (ES) approach offers an integrated perspective of social-ecological systems, suitable for holistic assessments of mining impacts. Yet for ES models to be policy-relevant, methodological consensus in mining contexts is needed. We review articles assessing ES in mining areas focusing on freshwater components and policy support potential. Twenty-six articles were analysed concerning (i) methodological complexity (data types, number of parameters, processes and ecosystem-human integration level) and (ii) potential applicability for policy development (communication of uncertainties, scenario simulation, stakeholder participation and management recommendations). Articles illustrate mining impacts on ES through valuation exercises mostly. However, the lack of ground-and surface-water measurements, as well as insufficient representation of the connectivity among soil, water and humans, leave room for improvements. Inclusion of mining-specific environmental stressors models, increasing resolution of topographies, determination of baseline ES patterns and inclusion of multi-stakeholder perspectives are advantageous for policy support. We argue that achieving more holistic assessments exhorts practitioners to aim for high social-ecological connectivity using mechanistic models where possible and using inductive methods only where necessary. Due to data constraints, cause-effect networks might be the most feasible and best solution. Thus, a policy-oriented framework is proposed, in which data science is directed to environmental modelling for analysis of mining impacts on water ES