201,049 research outputs found

    Blackspot Location and Recommendation to Reduce Number and Severity of Accidents on Purbaleunyi Toll Road

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    Toll roads, as land transportation infrastructure, have an important role in Indonesia. With a high number of road crashes in Indonesia, with about 40,000 people die on the road each year, the determination of blackspot locations is crucial. The aim of this study is to analyze blackspot location on a toll road in Indonesia and, furthermore, to provide recommendations in order to reduce number and severity of accident. A case study is carried out on a toll road, named Purbaleunyi Toll Road, in West Java. Accident rate value and UCL method are used in this study to determine blackspot locations. The results indicated that there are many blackspot locations along the toll road and recommended solutions provided are adherence to traffic regulation, adherence to vehicle worthiness,dissemination of road safety importance to road users, and the implementation of blackspot treatments continuously


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    ABSTRACTThe number of people who still cannot understand the role, the obligation of traffic police to do rajia, I chose the title "The Traffic Authority of Samarinda City Traffic Raiding on the Road Based on Government Regulation Number 80 of 2012" so that the public understands the authority of traffic police. Legal research conducted in this study Using the Normative Juridical approach is believed to be a decision analysis so that the expected results are obtained. Law enforcement officers (traffic police) act as deterrents and as actresses in political functions. In addition, the traffic police also carry out the regeling function (for example, regulation of the obligations for certain motorized vehicles to supplement with safety triangles) and functions specifically in the case of permits or beginstiging (for example, issuing a driver's license). Government Regulation No. 80 of 2012 concerning the inspection of motorized vehicles and the enforcement of traffic violations and road transport is the basis of the authority of traffic police to carry out raids on road vehicles and the role of the police as law enforcers. The role of the police in the context of law enforcement must be based on applicable rules and the code of ethics of the police themselves.Keywords: Traffic Police, Examination, Enforcement, Violation

    Twenty First Century Approach to Traffic, Metro Police Officers Training Programs in South African

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    This paper discusses, a systematic method for establishing and maintaining an effective training program that meets the requirements and expectations of road traffic law enforcers (Metropolitan Police and Traffic Officers) as per (South African Police Service Act 68 of 1995 & National Road Traffic Act 39 of 1996 and National Road Traffic Regulation, 2000). The systematic approach to road traffic law enforcers training includes a professional approach that is distinct, yet interrelated, in phases. These phases include analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. Road traffic law enforcement training focus amongst other on outcome based training systems such as work integrated learning, performance-based training, training system development, instructional systems development, and other similar methods. For the purpose of this paper, theoretical and practical training are interchangeable. The systematic approach method may also be used in conjunction with other training organizations that contain road traffic safety professional training and qualification requirements

    Work Of Legal Products Traffic In Overcoming Road Conclusion

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    The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze the concept of the substance of traffic law products in overcoming road congestion. This research uses a normative juridical method with research specifications in the form of descriptive analysis. Based on the discussion, it is concluded that the state's efforts in the form of legislation with the existence of legal products that are correlated with overcoming the problem of congestion on the highway with various concepts of interrelated substances include Act No. 22 of 2009, concerning traffic and transportation. Act No. 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government in Article 9 paragraph (1) states that there are 3 (three) types of government affairs, namely absolute government affairs, concurrent government affairs, and general government affairs. Government affairs under the authority of the Regions consist of Mandatory Government Affairs and Preferred Government Affairs. Article 10 of Act No. 38 of 2004 concerning Roads states that to regulate road use and smooth traffic, roads are divided into several road classes. Government Regulation Number 32 of 2011 concerning Management and Engineering, Impact Analysis, and Traffic Needs Management, the scope of regulation of PP Management and Engineering, Impact Analysis, and Traffic Needs Management includes traffic management and engineering activities including planning, regulation, engineering, empowerment, and supervision

    Aspek Hukum Surat Tanda Nomor Kendaraan Yang Pajaknya Telah Habis Masa Berlaku Saat Dilakukan Pemeriksaan Oleh Polisi Lalu Lintas

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    Introduction: The ticket is a fine imposed by the police on road users who violate the regulation. Vehicle registration certificate or STNK for short, is proof of registration and ratification of a motorized vehicle based on its registered identity and ownership. Motor Vehicle Tax is a tax levied on ownership and/or ownership of motorized vehicles.  Purposes of the Research: The traffic police have the authority to provide evidence of violations (tickets) in the form of confiscating vehicle registration certificates during motor vehicle inspections. What legal policy is followed by motor vehicle users whose Vehicle Registration Certificate has expired.   Methods of the Research: This study clearly includes normative legal with secondary data. The main problem in this study obviously is achieved by using a juridical-normative approach. Results Originality of the Research: The results of this study were the police have the authority in terms of traffic violations such as vehicle registration tickets whose taxes have expired. All regulations regarding vehicle registration tickets by the police are regulated in the Traffic and Road Transport Law, Law no. 2 of 2002 concerning the Indonesian National Police and Government Regulation No. 80 of 2012 concerning Procedures for Inspection of Motorized Vehicles on the Road and Enforcement of Traffic and Road Transportation Violations. Legal policies that can be carried out include preventive measures that carry out traffic regulation, conduct traffic control, socialize to the public to comply with traffic regulations, increase the number of police facilities and increase patrol escort activities, especially in vulnerable and vulnerable areas. Meanwhile, for repressive efforts, namely by issuing ticket and reprimand

    Legal Compliance On The Road As The Effort To Overcome Jakarta’s Traffic Congestion

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    Traffic discipline is an important attitude. Road drivers need to be accustomed to it if they want to reach their destination safely. Drivers need to be disciplined regarding regulation. Jakarta is a densely populated city with the problem of traffic congestion due to its road users who do not comply with regulations. Why are the people of Jakarta not discipline in traffic? What is the solution to make them obey traffic rules? These are main problems discussed in this paper. The research used the normative method, analyzed descriptively, used primary data which was supported by secondary data, and processed qualitatively. Jakarta people are not disciplined in traffic because there is no awareness about the importance of traffic order. As solutions, theremust be a strict law enforcement on the road, and officers must keep providing information to the public on the importance of traffic order. There must be sanction as a deterrent effect for those who are not disciplined in traffic.Keywords: legal compliance; law enforcement; traffic order

    Road user safety on the National Highway 1 (N1-Highway) in Accra, Ghana

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    Road Traffic Crashes (RTCs) are one of the leading causes of premature deaths in Ghana. Recently, after the rehabilitation of a very critical link on the N1-Highway in Accra, RTCs have soared. The prevalence of traffic injuries and fatalities has attracted the attention of both, road safety professionals and policy makers. Road user behavior has been established to contribute significantly to RTCs. The object of this study was therefore to assess the attitude of both pedestrians and motorists in relation to compliance with traffic safety regulation on the N1-Highway. Covert but unobstructed spot speeds studies were undertaken at accident-prone location on the highway with posted speed limit of 70 km/h. Besides, driver compliance with traffic signal regulations and pedestrian road crossing behavior were also assessed. The 85th percentile speeds realized was 78.2 km/h, which was in excess of the posted speed limit. In all, 42,298 motorists were registered, of which 0.3% was observed run the red traffic lights during the day on the highway. More than 1 in 5 of the 105,151 pedestrian observed jaywalked. Road user behavior undoubtedly, presents a significant road safety challenge on the N1-Highway.  Road user education and training must be pursued and sustained, alongside strict enforcement of traffic safety regulations to modify road user, while considering legislation to regulate pedestrian behavior in traffic behavior for safer travels. Key words: Road user behavior, Excessive speed, Pedestrians, RTCs, N1-Highway, Accra, Ghan

    Pengaturan Lampu Lalu Lintas dengan Simulasi Monte Carlo Studi Kasus : Perempatan Daerah Dago � Bandung

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    One of the areas that often become a source of traffic jam is road intersection. So it will be crucial to manage the intersection. Every intersection in main road is common to have traffic light and every cycle of the lamp, red, green and orange, will influence the traffic. The traffic cycle will have significant role to decrease or increase effects of the problem. Inappropriate regulation for the intersection can cause traffic jam or a heavy traffic jam in the road. Sometimes every intersection needs different rule based on the traffic condition. Therefore is truly needed to manage the traffic light in every intersection. With the simulation we can know whether the rule for the traffic light has appropriated to the intersection's traffic condition. If the rule is not optimal yet, we can change the rule with the optimal one. In the research, two methods are used, using coupling parameter and without coupling parameter. Average of vehicle Arrival in each intersection is used as coupling parameter. As its result, using coupling parameter is better than without using coupling parameter

    Pelaksanaan Pemberian Asuransi terhadap Korban Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas oleh PT. Jasa Raharja di Kota Pekanbaru

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    Transportation has a very broad role and importance for the economicdevelopment of the nation. Developments in science and technology especially in thefield of traffic and transportation, it not only provides benefits and positive influenceon the behavior of people\u27s lives, but it can also have negative impacts, such as theemergence of problems in areas such as traffic accidents.The government through the Law. 34 Year 1964 on Road Traffic AccidentFund provides insurance benefits for victims of traffic accidents, which in thisimplementation is left to the PT. Jasa Raharja (Persero). Duties and responsibilitiesare to collect funds from the public through donations compulsory motor vehicleowners are performed each year, and thereafter is channeled back to the communitythrough the insurance compensation to the victim or the victim\u27s heirs, which aim toreduce the burden of costs due to road traffic accidents, which given the amount ofcompensation has been set in the Regulation of the Minister of Finance DecreeNo.36/PMK.010/2008 of Great Benefit and Contribution Compulsory Road TrafficAccident Fun
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