74 research outputs found

    Guidance in feature extraction to resolve uncertainty

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    Automated Feature Extraction (AFE) plays a critical role in image understanding. Often the imagery analysts extract features better than AFE algorithms do, because analysts use additional information. The extraction and processing of this information can be more complex than the original AFE task, and that leads to the “complexity trap”. This can happen when the shadow from the buildings guides the extraction of buildings and roads. This work proposes an AFE algorithm to extract roads and trails by using the GMTI/GPS tracking information and older inaccurate maps of roads and trails as AFE guides

    Modeling spatial uncertainties in geospatial data fusion and mining

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    Geospatial data analysis relies on Spatial Data Fusion and Mining (SDFM), which heavily depend on topology and geometry of spatial objects. Capturing and representing geometric characteristics such as orientation, shape, proximity, similarity, and their measurement are of the highest interest in SDFM. Representation of uncertain and dynamically changing topological structure of spatial objects including social and communication networks, roads and waterways under the influence of noise, obstacles, temporary loss of communication, and other factors. is another challenge. Spatial distribution of the dynamic network is a complex and dynamic mixture of its topology and geometry. Historically, separation of topology and geometry in mathematics was motivated by the need to separate the invariant part of the spatial distribution (topology) from the less invariant part (geometry). The geometric characteristics such as orientation, shape, and proximity are not invariant. This separation between geometry and topology was done under the assumption that the topological structure is certain and does not change over time. New challenges to deal with the dynamic and uncertain topological structure require a reexamination of this fundamental assumption. In the previous work we proposed a dynamic logic methodology for capturing, representing, and recording uncertain and dynamic topology and geometry jointly for spatial data fusion and mining. This work presents a further elaboration and formalization of this methodology as well as its application for modeling vector-to-vector and raster-to-vector conflation/registration problems and automated feature extraction from the imagery

    Overview of contextual tracking approaches in information fusion

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    Proceedings of: Geospatial InfoFusion III. 2-3 May 2013 Baltimore, Maryland, United States.Many information fusion solutions work well in the intended scenarios; but the applications, supporting data, and capabilities change over varying contexts. One example is weather data for electro-optical target trackers of which standards have evolved over decades. The operating conditions of: technology changes, sensor/target variations, and the contextual environment can inhibit performance if not included in the initial systems design. In this paper, we seek to define and categorize different types of contextual information. We describe five contextual information categories that support target tracking: (1) domain knowledge from a user to aid the information fusion process through selection, cueing, and analysis, (2) environment-to-hardware processing for sensor management, (3) known distribution of entities for situation/threat assessment, (4) historical traffic behavior for situation awareness patterns of life (POL), and (5) road information for target tracking and identification. Appropriate characterization and representation of contextual information is needed for future high-level information fusion systems design to take advantage of the large data content available for a priori knowledge target tracking algorithm construction, implementation, and application.Publicad

    Target Motion Estimation Techniques in Single-Channel SAR

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    —Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) systems are versatile, high-resolution radar imagers useful for providing detailed intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance, especially when atmospheric conditions are non-ideal for optical imagers. However, targets in SAR images are smeared when they are moving. Along-track interferometry is a commonly-used method for extracting the motion parameters of moving targets but requires a dualaperture SAR system, which may be power- size- or cost prohibitive. This paper presents a method of estimating target motion parameters in single-channel SAR data given geometric target motion constraints. This estimation method includes an initial estimate, computation of the SAR ambiguity function, and application of the target motion constraints

    Real-time Aerial Vehicle Detection and Tracking using a Multi-modal Optical Sensor

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    Vehicle tracking from an aerial platform poses a number of unique challenges including the small number of pixels representing a vehicle, large camera motion, and parallax error. For these reasons, it is accepted to be a more challenging task than traditional object tracking and it is generally tackled through a number of different sensor modalities. Recently, the Wide Area Motion Imagery sensor platform has received reasonable attention as it can provide higher resolution single band imagery in addition to its large area coverage. However, still, richer sensory information is required to persistently track vehicles or more research on the application of WAMI for tracking is required. With the advancements in sensor technology, hyperspectral data acquisition at video frame rates become possible as it can be cruical in identifying objects even in low resolution scenes. For this reason, in this thesis, a multi-modal optical sensor concept is considered to improve tracking in adverse scenes. The Rochester Institute of Technology Multi-object Spectrometer is capable of collecting limited hyperspectral data at desired locations in addition to full-frame single band imagery. By acquiring hyperspectral data quickly, tracking can be achieved at reasonableframe rates which turns out to be crucial in tracking. On the other hand, the relatively high cost of hyperspectral data acquisition and transmission need to be taken into account to design a realistic tracking. By inserting extended data of the pixels of interest we can address or avoid the unique challenges posed by aerial tracking. In this direction, we integrate limited hyperspectral data to improve measurement-to-track association. Also, a hyperspectral data based target detection method is presented to avoid the parallax effect and reduce the clutter density. Finally, the proposed system is evaluated on realistic, synthetic scenarios generated by the Digital Image and Remote Sensing software

    The University Defence Research Collaboration In Signal Processing

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    This chapter describes the development of algorithms for automatic detection of anomalies from multi-dimensional, undersampled and incomplete datasets. The challenge in this work is to identify and classify behaviours as normal or abnormal, safe or threatening, from an irregular and often heterogeneous sensor network. Many defence and civilian applications can be modelled as complex networks of interconnected nodes with unknown or uncertain spatio-temporal relations. The behavior of such heterogeneous networks can exhibit dynamic properties, reflecting evolution in both network structure (new nodes appearing and existing nodes disappearing), as well as inter-node relations. The UDRC work has addressed not only the detection of anomalies, but also the identification of their nature and their statistical characteristics. Normal patterns and changes in behavior have been incorporated to provide an acceptable balance between true positive rate, false positive rate, performance and computational cost. Data quality measures have been used to ensure the models of normality are not corrupted by unreliable and ambiguous data. The context for the activity of each node in complex networks offers an even more efficient anomaly detection mechanism. This has allowed the development of efficient approaches which not only detect anomalies but which also go on to classify their behaviour

    Ground moving target tracking with space-time adaptive radar

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    Ground moving target tracking by airborne radar provides situational awareness of vehicle movements in the supervised region. Vehicles are detected by applying space time adaptive processing to the received multi channel radar data. The detections are then fed to a tracking algorithm that processes them to tracks. In literature, radar signal processing and ground target tracking are treated as two separate topics and results are not validated by experimental data. The first objective of this thesis is to provide a closer link between these fields. The second objective is to show that tracking performance can be improved by providing additional data from the radar signal processing to the tracking step. The third objective is to validate the algorithm and the performance improvement using experimental data. As a result this thesis presents a unified treatment of ground moving target tracking from radar raw data to established tracks. A complete reference algorithm for ground moving target tracking based on the Gaussian mixture probability hypothesis density filter is presented. In particular, Jacobians of the observation process are derived. They are presented in such a form that immediate implementation in a programming language is possible. In the course of this thesis a measurement campaign with the experimental radar PAMIR of Fraunhofer FHR was conducted. The experiment included two GPS equipped reference vehicles and a multitude of targets of opportunity. Tracking results obtained with this experimental data and the reference tracking algorithm of this thesis are shown. The thesis also enhances the reference target tracking algorithm by a parameter that characterizes the variance of the direction of arrival measurement of the target signal. This parameter is determined adaptively depending on the estimated signal strength and the clutter background. The major contribution with regard to this enhancement is a thorough experimental validation: Firstly, a comparison between GPS based measurements and radar based measurements of the direction of arrival shows that this variance captures the distribution of measurement errors excellently. Secondly, tracking results are compared to the GPS tracks of the ground truth vehicles. It is found that the enhanced algorithm yields superior track quality with respect to both track accuracy and track continuity.Bodenzielverfolgung mit luftgestĂŒtztem Radar liefert das Lagebild von Fahrzeug­bewegungen innerhalb des beobachteten Gebiets. Fahrzeuge werden durch die Anwendung von Raum-Zeit adaptiver Signalverarbeitung (STAP) entdeckt. Die Entdeckungen werden dann von einem Zielverfolgungsalgorithmus zu Zielspuren verarbeitet. In der Literatur werden Radarsignalverarbeitung und Zielverfolgung als zwei getrennte Forschungsfelder behandelt und die Bodenzielverfolgung wird nicht anhand von Realdaten validiert. Das erste Ziel dieser Arbeit ist, eine engere Verbindung zwischen beiden Feldern herzustellen. Das zweite Ziel ist zu zeigen, dass die QualitĂ€t der Zielverfolgung durch das Verwenden zusĂ€tzlicher, durch die Radarsignalverarbeitung gewonnene Information verbessert werden kann. Das dritte Ziel ist, die FunktionalitĂ€t der Zielverfolgung und die Verbesserung der Leistung durch experimentelle Realdaten zu belegen. Somit stellt diese Arbeit eine Gesamtbehandlung der Bodenzielverfolgung von den Radar-Rohdaten bis zu Zielspuren dar. Es wird ein vollstĂ€ndiger, auf dem Gaussian Mixture Probability Hypothesis Density Filter basierender Referenzalgorithmus fĂŒr die Bodenzielverfolgung entwickelt. Insbesondere werden Jacobimatrizen der Beobachtungsfunktion hergeleitet. Sie werden in der Arbeit so dargestellt, dass sie direkt in einer Programmiersprache implementiert werden können. Im Zuge dieser Arbeit wurde ein Zielverfolgungs-Experiment mit dem Experimentalsystem PAMIR des Fraunhofer FHR durchgefĂŒhrt. In dem Experiment wurden neben einer Vielzahl von Gelegenheitszielen zwei mit GPS-GerĂ€ten ausgerĂŒstete Fahrzeuge von dem Radar beobachtet. Auf Basis dieses Experiments und des Referenzalgorithmus werden Zielverfolgungsergebnisse vorgestellt. DarĂŒber hinaus erweitert diese Arbeit den Referenzalgorithmus um einen Parameter, der die Varianz der RichtungsschĂ€tzung des Zielsignals charakterisiert. Dieser Parameter wird adaptiv anhand der geschĂ€tzten SignalstĂ€rke und der StĂ€rke störender BodenrĂŒckstreuungen festgelegt. Der wesentliche Beitrag dieser Arbeit in Bezug auf diese Erweiterung ist eine grĂŒndliche experimentelle Validierung. Erstens zeigt der Vergleich von GPS- und Radar-basierten RichtungsschĂ€tzungen, dass dieser Parameter die Verteilung des Messfehlers exzellent beschreibt. Zweitens werden Zielverfolgungsergebnisse mit den GPS-Spuren verglichen. Es zeigt sich, dass der erweiterte Algorithmus sowohl in Bezug auf die Spurgenauigkeit als auch in Bezug auf die SpurkontinuitĂ€t die Zielverfolgung verbessert

    A Priori Knowledge-Based Post-Doppler STAP for Traffic Monitoring with Airborne Radar

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    Die VerkehrsĂŒberwachung gewinnt aufgrund des weltweiten Anstiegs der Verkehrsteilnehmer immer mehr an Bedeutung. Sicherer und effizierter Straßenverkehr erfordert detaillierte Verkehrsinformationen. HĂ€ufig sind diese lediglich stationĂ€r, rĂ€umlich stark begrenzt und meist nur auf Hauptverkehrsstraßen verfĂŒgbar. In dieser Hinsicht ist ein Ausfall des Telekommunikationsnetzes, beispielsweise im Falle einer Katastrophe, und der damit einhergehende Informationsverlust als kritisch einzustufen. Flugzeuggetragene Radarsysteme mit synthetischer Apertur (eng. Synthetic Aperture Radar - SAR) können fĂŒr dieses Szenario eine Lösung darstellen, da sie großflĂ€chig hochauflösende Bilder generieren können, unabhĂ€ngig von Tageslicht und Witterungsbedingungen. Sie ermöglichen aufgrund dieser Charakteristik die Detektion von Bewegtzielen am Boden (eng. ground moving target indication – GMTI). Moderne GMTI-Algorithmen und -Systeme, die prinzipiell fĂŒr die VerkehrsĂŒberwachung verwendbar sind, wurden in der Literatur bereits diskutiert. Allerdings ist die Robustheit dieser Systeme oft mit hohen Kosten, hoher HardwarekomplexitĂ€t und hohem Rechenaufwand verbunden. Diese Dissertation stellt einen neuartigen GMTI-Prozessor vor, der auf dem Radar-Mehrkanalverfahren post-Doppler space-time adaptive processing (PD STAP) basiert. Durch die Überlagerung einer Straßenkarte mit einem digitalen Höhenmodell ist es mithilfe des PD STAP möglich, Falschdetektionen zu erkennen und auszuschließen sowie die detektierten Fahrzeuge ihren korrekten Straßenpositionen zu zuordnen. Die prĂ€zisen SchĂ€tzungen von Position, Geschwindigkeit und Bewegungsrichtung der Fahrzeuge können mit vergleichsweise geringerer Hardware-KomplexitĂ€t zu niedrigeren Kosten durchgefĂŒhrt werden. Ferner wird im Rahmen dieser Arbeit ein effizienter Datenkalibrierungsalgorithmus erlĂ€utert, der das Ungleichgewicht zwischen den EmpfangskanĂ€len sowie die Variation des Dopplerschwerpunkts ĂŒber Entfernung und Azimut korrigiert und so das Messergebnis verbessert. DarĂŒber hinaus werden neue und automatisierte Strategien zur Erhebung von Trainingsdaten vorgestellt, die fĂŒr die SchĂ€tzung der Clutter-Kovarianzmatrix wegen ihres direkten Einflusses auf die Clutter-UnterdrĂŒckung und Zieldetektion essentiell fĂŒr PD STAP sind. Der neuartige PD STAP Prozessor verfĂŒgt ĂŒber drei verschiedene Betriebsarten, die fĂŒr militĂ€rische und zivile Anwendungen geeignet sind, darunter ein schneller Verarbeitungsalgorithmus der das Potential fĂŒr eine zukĂŒnftige Echtzeit-VerkehrsĂŒberwachung hat. Alle Betriebsarten wurden erfolgreich mit Radar-Mehrkanaldaten des flugzeuggetragenen F-SAR-Radarsensors des DLR getestet

    Review on Active and Passive Remote Sensing Techniques for Road Extraction

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    Digital maps of road networks are a vital part of digital cities and intelligent transportation. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive review on road extraction based on various remote sensing data sources, including high-resolution images, hyperspectral images, synthetic aperture radar images, and light detection and ranging. This review is divided into three parts. Part 1 provides an overview of the existing data acquisition techniques for road extraction, including data acquisition methods, typical sensors, application status, and prospects. Part 2 underlines the main road extraction methods based on four data sources. In this section, road extraction methods based on different data sources are described and analysed in detail. Part 3 presents the combined application of multisource data for road extraction. Evidently, different data acquisition techniques have unique advantages, and the combination of multiple sources can improve the accuracy of road extraction. The main aim of this review is to provide a comprehensive reference for research on existing road extraction technologies.Peer reviewe
