157,381 research outputs found

    Intervista ad Annick Bizouerne

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    intervista ad Annick Bizouerne capo progetto del progetto urbano di Rive Gauche a Parigi.Interview with Annick Bizouerne Project Manager for the urban project Paris Rive Gauche

    Printed circuit board with bellows rivet connection Patent

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    Electrical connection for printed circuits on common board, using bellows principle in rive

    Effects of the CDM on Poverty Eradication and Global Climate Protection

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    In an impure public good model we analyze the effects of CDM transfers on poverty as well as on the global climate protection level. We construct an analytical model of a developing and an industrialized region, both of which independently seek to maximize their utility – a function of private consumption, domestic air quality, and global climate protection. They do so by distributing their finite expenditures across (1) the aggregate consumption good, (2) end-of-pipe pollution control technologies, and (3) greenhouse gas abatement. Based on our analytical findings, we develop two sets of simulations for China in which we vary the rate of the CDM transfer. The simulations differ by the assumption of China’s domestic air quality policy – the first assumes a technology-standards policy which fixes a level of end-of-pipe SO2 control, whereas the second assumes a technology-neutral policy which simply fixes the level of total SO2 emissions.Ancillary Benefits, CDM, Climate Policy, Impure Public Goods, Transfers, Abatement Technology

    The immunopathogenesis of drug hypersensitivity

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    Introduction: Immunologically mediated-adverse drug reactions threaten the viability of drugs and the health of patients (1, 2). The mechanistic basis for abacavir hypersensitivity is understood and preventable through HLA-B*57:01 screening. The immunopathogenesis of most immunologically mediated-adverse drug reaction remain unsolved, representing an opportunity to improve drug safety. Methods: Using a repository of clinically phenotyped and HLA typed human Donors and Controls, this work aimed to shed light on the immunopathogenesis of nevirapine and carbamazepine severe cutaneous adverse reactions. Cellular and molecular, techniques were employed including ex-vivo/in-vitro immunophenotyping, detection, stimulation and expansion of drug-specific responses, and characterisation of the specific T-cell receptor using droplet digital PCR. Virtual and Bioinformatics approaches were used to define potential interactions between nevirapine and class-I HLA Results and discussion: In carbamazepine associated Steven-Johnson’s Syndrome / toxic epidermal necrolysis, increased expression of granulysin was seen ex-vivo in CD8+ T cells exposed to carbamazepine. To explore the hypothesis that this is related to a cross-reactive memory cytotoxic T-cell response, we examined responses to human simplex virus 1 / 2 responses in HLA-B*15:02 carbamazepine associated Steven-Johnson’s Syndrome / toxic epidermal necrolysis patients and identified a shared epitope. Common T-cell receptor clonotypes were identified using droplet digital PCR in HLA-B*15:02 carbamazepine associated Steven-Johnson’s Syndrome / toxic epidermal necrolysis patients. Nevirapine severe cutaneous adverse reactions are associated with multiple class-I HLA alleles across differing ethnicities. The hypothesis that this relates to shared peptide-binding specificities between these alleles was confirmed using bioinformatics, statistical, and virtual approaches. This showed the strongest association across European, Asian and African-American ethnicities to be with two HLA class C alleles HLA-C*04:01 and C*05:01 defined by a unique F-binding pocket. Conclusion: Continuing work should build on the results presented and the unique techniques used, to further understand the underlying immunopathogenesis and the mechanistic basis for these adverse reactions, leading to the development of screening strategies to improve drug and patient safety


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    During the first quarter of this year a horsemeat scandal severely compromised the reputation of a well-known supermarket chain in the United Kingdom (“UK”).  Shortly thereafter a similar scandal came to the fore in South Africa (“SA”).  After testing several meat products which were labelled as '100% pure beef mince' and 'beef biltong', traces of pork, donkey, water buffalo and in rare instances even giraffe, were found in products sold by several local supermarkets.  Despite food labelling legislation and regulations in both the UK and SA which attempt to afford consumers adequate protection, compliance therewith remains a problem in practice. The incorrect labelling of meat products in actual fact appears to have become an illicit trade for financial gain on a global level.  Simultaneously, consumers continue to be disappointed and their interests continue to be violated by means of fraudulent procedures

    Introducing Adaptive Flood Risk Management in England, New Zealand, and the Netherlands: The Impact of Administrative Traditions

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    Climate change adaptation creates significant challenges for decision makers in the flood risk-management policy domain. Given the complex characteristics of climate change, adaptive approaches(which can be adjusted as circumstances evolve) are deemed necessary to deal with a range of uncertainties around flood hazard and its impacts and associated risks. The question whether implementing adaptive approaches is successful highly depends upon how the administrative tradition of a country enable or hinder applying a more adaptive approach. In this article, we discern how the administrative tradition in the Netherlands, England, and New Zealand impact upon the introduction of adaptive flood risk management approaches. Using the concept of administrative traditions, we aim to explain the similarities and/or differences in how adaptive strategies are shaped and implemented in the three different state flood management regimes and furthermore, which aspects related to administrative traditions are enablers or barriers to innovation in these processe
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