489,055 research outputs found

    Application and Safety Management of Computer Electronic Information Engineering Technology

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    With the continuous development of science and technology, electronic engineering technology pays more and more attention to the application of computers in this field, and the application of electronic information engineering technology is also increasing. However, it also makes him more and more risky, and the information may be stolen and changed randomly. Especially since the 21st century, the development of information technology has been quite rapid. Among all kinds of science and technology, computer and electronic engineering technology also occupies a more important position, which has brought about earth-shaking changes in people's life and work style and promoted social development to a certain extent. Under this background, there are inevitably hidden dangers in information security, which also hinders the progress of science and technology and the development of society to some extent. Based on this situation, we must strengthen our electronic information engineering prevention technology to ensure everyone's privacy. This paper first introduces the application of electronic information engineering technology, and then discusses its security risks and related measures to realize the security management of electronic information engineering technology

    Penerapan Manajemen Risiko untuk Meminimalisasi Pembiayaan Bermasalah di Koperasi Bina Usaha Negara Lahat

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    This study aimed to analyze non-performing financing in the Kota Negara Lahat City Development Cooperative and to determine the application of risk management to minimize non-performing financing in the Kota Negara Lahat Business Development Cooperative. The method used is descriptive method. Analysis of the data used is data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusions. Triangulation testing is done by checking the data to the same source with different techniques. The results showed that the steps used by the State Lahat City Business Development Cooperative to prevent the occurrence of non-performing financing were contained in every action starting from before the financing occurred until the financing was completed. The prevention of problem financing starts before the customer takes the financing, in which the Kota Negara Lahat Cooperative of Bina Usaha Kota Negara Lahat applies the precautionary principle in every action, especially in the distribution of financing because the risks that often occur are found in financing transactions in the Kota Negara Lahat Cooperative. the. In conclusion, the Kota Negara Lahat Business Development Cooperative has taken several ways to overcome or prevent the occurrence of problematic financing customers. The rapid development of the external and internal environment of cooperatives has resulted in increasingly complex risks for cooperative business activities. Keywords: Non-performing Financing, Application of Risk Managemen

    and Middle Tier Acquisition

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    Acquisition Research Program Sponsored Report SeriesSponsored Acquisition Research & Technical ReportsMajor defense acquisition programs take about eight years to proceed from program initiation to an initial operational capability. This cycle time is longer than it takes adversaries to create new problems for operational military forces. Prior statutory changes have not significantly affected cycle times. Recent changes created middle tier acquisition programs intended to deliver capabilities and products in less than five years. These middle tier acquisition programs are rapid prototyping and fielding pathways with new governance, acquisition authorities and schedule duration tied to requirements approval dates. The Department of Defense acquisitions continue to evolve, and program offices must concurrently adapt to both emergent guidance and programmatic realities. Including innovations such as system modularity and agile system development methods into these new program types can create additional programmatic schedule risks and opportunities. These in-stride adaptations can affect the capability of a program office to deliver an effective system within promised cycle times. This research explored schedule growth risks associated with new acquisition pathways and process innovations. It used public data to identify schedule-related risk factors associated with middle tier acquisition and process innovations. We developed quantitative schedule models for middle tier acquisition programs to predict schedule durations and schedule risks associated with application of various innovations within rapid acquisition pathways. We identified and analyzed schedule growth risk mitigation strategies. This research contributes to the understanding of the risks and opportunities associated with recent acquisition process changes. The research results will be useful to program offices and acquisition leadership in executing current and future rapid acquisition programs.Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Penerapan QRCode Pada Sistem Repositori Arsip Vital Untuk Meningkatkan Efektifitas Layanan Publik

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    Abstrak: Dinas Kearsipan dan Perpustakaan (Disarpus) Kabupaten Cirebon memiliki salah satu tugas untuk mengelola arsip milik negara. Arsip sangat dibutuhkan dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan kedinasan yang dijadikan sebagai pusat ingatan untuk setiap hal didalam kantor. Arsip vital merupakan arsip dinamis yang memerlukan perlakuan khusus, baik dalam hal pengamanan maupun perlindungannya, karena informasi yang dimilikinya sangat terkait dengan keberadaan dan keberlangsungan dinas. Penanganan arsip sudah dapat dianggap cukup baik namun masih banyak menimbulkan resiko kehilangan data karena dokumen yang masih menggunakan kertas, dan tidak ada arsip cadangan serta memakan waktu untuk penemuan kembali. Perancangan sistem ini difokuskan pada arsip vital yang meliputi BPKB Kendaraan, Izin Mendirikan Bangunan (IMB), dan Izin Gangguan (HO). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang sebuah sistem informasi repositori yang mampu menyelesaikan permasalahan terkait penanganan arsip dengan menggunakan QR Code yang efektif, efisien, akurat dan dapat memproteksi arsip vital. Metode Rapid Application Development (RAD) dipilih dalam perancangan sistem ini. Rapid Application Development merupakan proses model perangkat lunak yang berkembang secara teratur dimana proses pemodelannya menekankan siklus pengembangan secara singkat. Metode RAD terdiri dari beberapa tahapan yaitu perencanaan kebutuhan, workshop desain dan implementasi. Hasil yang diharapkan sistem repositori arsip dengan QRCode ini mampu memberikan keamanan tinggi sehingga mampu meningkatkan proteksi terhadap arsip vital dan meningkatkan efektifitas layanan publik dalam penemuan kembali arsip   Kata kunci : Arsip Penting, Pengembangan Aplikasi Cepat, Perlindungan, Repositori Sistem, Kode QR   Abstract : The Department of Archives and Libraries (Disarpus) Cirebon Regency has one of the duties to manage state-owned archives. Archives are very much needed in the implementation of official activities which are used as memory centers for everything in the office. Vital archives are dynamic records that require special treatment, both in terms of security and protection, because the information they hold is closely related to the existence and sustainability of the service. The handling of archives can be considered quite well, but there are still many risks of losing data because documents still use paper, and there is no backup archive and it takes time to recover. The design of this system is focused on vital archives which include Vehicle BPKB, Building Construction Permit (IMB), and Disturbance Permit (HO). This research aims to design a repository information system that can solve problems related to archive handling using QRCode which is effective, efficient, accurate, and can protect vital archives. The method was Rapid Application Development (RAD) chosen in designing this system. Rapid Application Development is a software modeling process that develops regularly where the modeling process emphasizes a short development cycle. The RAD method consists of several stages, namely requirements planning, workshops design, and implementation. Expected result the archive repository system with QRCode can provide high security to increase the protection of vital archives and increase the effectiveness of public services in archive recovery.  Keywords:Important Archives, Fast Application Development, Protection, System Repository,  QR Cod

    Exploring the Effectiveness of Web Crawlers in Detecting Security Vulnerabilities in Computer Software Applications

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    With the rapid development of the Internet, the World Wide Web has become a carrier of a large amount of information. In order to effectively extract and use this information, web crawlers that crawl various web resources have emerged. The interconnectedness, openness, and interactivity of information in the World Wide Web bring great convenience for information sharing to the society and they also bring many security risks. To protect resource information, computer software security vulnerabilities have become the focus of attention. This article is based on the method of computer software security detection under a web crawler simply analyzes the basic concepts of computer software security detection and analyzes the precautions in the process of security detection. Finally, combined with the computer software security vulnerability problems in the web crawler environment, its security detection technology Application for further analysis

    Regulating nanotechnologies: risk, uncertainty and the global governance gap

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    This article builds on research for a two-year project on nanotechnology regulation in the US and Europe (2008–09), which was funded by the European Commission. We are grateful to our collaborators in this project, at the London School of Economics, Chatham House, Environmental Law Institute and Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies, and especially Linda Breggin, Jay Pendergrass and Read Porter. We also received helpful suggestions from three anonymous reviewers and would like to thank them for their advice. Any remaining errors are our own. Nanosciences and nanotechnologies are set to transform the global industrial landscape, but the debate on how to regulate environmental, health and safety risks is lagging behind technological innovation. Current regulatory efforts are primarily focused on the national and regional level, while the international dimensions of nanotechnology governance are still poorly understood and rarely feature on the international agenda. However, with the ongoing globalization of nanosciences and the rapid expansion of international trade in nanomaterials, demand for international coordination and harmonization of regulatory approaches is set to increase. Yet, uncertainty about nanotechnology risk poses a profound dilemma for regulators and policy-makers. Uncertainty both creates demand for and stands in the way of greater international cooperation and harmonization of regulatory approaches. This article reviews the emerging debate on nanotechnology risk and regulatory approaches, investigates the current state of international cooperation and outlines the critical contribution that a global governance approach can make to the safe development of nanotechnologie

    Application of Web 2.0 technologies in e-government: A United Kingdom case study

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    Electronic government (e-Government) has endured significant transformation over the last decade and currently, it is making further leaps by incorporating modern technologies such as second generation web (Web 2.0) technologies. However, since the development and use of this kind of technology is still at its early stages in the public sector, research about the use of Web 2.0 in this domain is still highly tentative and lacks theoretical underpinning. This paper reports the preliminary findings of an in-depth case study in the United Kingdom (UK) public sector, which explore the application of Web 2.0 technologies in the local government authority (LGA). The findings elicited from the case study offer an insight into information systems (IS) evaluation criterions and impact factors of Web 2.0 from both a practical setting and an internal organisational perspective. This paper concludes that a combined analysis of the evaluation and impact factors rather than a singular approach would better assist the decision making process that leads to effective application of Web 2.0 technologies. It also highlights the significant impact and perceived effect of adoption of such technologies
