46 research outputs found

    Rover: Architectural Support for Exposing and Using Context

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    Technology has advanced to the point where many people feel it has created a world with an insurmountable amount of information. Information includes messages people send to each other, logged data from their activities, and the services available to them. This problem has been exaggerated in modern societies by high availability of Internet connectivity. All types of information contains context, whether they have been stated explicitly or understood implicitly. Understanding, handling, and using context represents one of the most critical steps towards coping with the amount of information available today. In this dissertation, we examine two topics: context and the design of a context-aware platform. We describe fundamental types of context associated with every piece of information and discuss issues which may occur when implementing a system which utilizes context. We present a context-aware platform called Rover. The Rover architecture provides a conceptual framework geared towards understanding how application developers can utilize a variety of aspects of context to assist the development of modern applications. To aid developers in figuring out what context may be useful in their application, we describe the concept of a Rover ecosystem: a logical organization analogous to how similar groups of people interact with each other. We also discuss how information and context can be shared between ecosystems. To examine the feasibility of the Rover architecture's conceptual framework, we have implemented a reference implementation of the core unit of a Rover ecosystem: the Rover server. We discuss the details of the Rover server and describe the implementation of an emergency response application which demonstrates the utility of the conceptual framework

    My Crohn’s disease on real-time information - User experience improvement through cross-platform applications

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    Reducing hospital institutionalization of citizen with chronic diseases is a major priority of western countries priorities. The more complex the health condition, the harder it is to coordinate clinical care. To improve the disease management and control, most patients need to use mobile applications that are available in online stores or web services because of the difficulty that a personal mobile phone has to get real time access to clinical data outside of a hospital. In terms of IBD - Inflammatory Bowel Disease - existing mobile phone solutions are very complex, because visually the interfaces communicates with the user through inadequate use of symbols in clinical features, which are inconsistent and have poor legibility. They also presents a lack of visual optimization between multiplatform systems. This increases the user's learning curve in terms of how to interpret and interact with these systems, generating an opportunity for these patients with abilities to innovate through the creation and development of solutions that solve their own problems related to the management and coordination of the disease. This thesis aims to analysis IBD patients behaviour related to disease management, identify the type of problems, both functional and communication, which occur in existing IBD m-Health and e-Health systems, and introduces two topics – communication and design studies – in the "User Innovator" model of Von Hippel (1976) which consists of users, that are, for example, patients with chronic diseases, and who innovate by creating solutions to solve personal problems because of unfavourable healthcare conditions. To validate in the design process the three perspectives – design, innovation and patient – were considered, and the framework “Human-social Interaction Model for e-Health Interfaces” was created, enabling a sustainable approach to research, with inputs from personal experience being used, introducing relevant feedback for the final goal of the preliminary studies, when creating the interface for mobile phone application particularly for Crohn’s disease, one of the IBD, with a new healthcare user experience. To reach the objective, a set of studies were conducted that were divided into two stages. The first, a literature review of the relationship between semiotics and interactive communication; the meaning of symbolic representation in interactive projects; new design research guidelines that define interfaces and features and that are more approachable for users; user perspectives towards technology for health supporting and controlling; the design and communication space on technological projects; the challenge for users/ patients who try to create systems to solve personal problems. The second part, presents the practical research that includes a survey of 279 participants with IBD; the empirical analysis of six case studies – mobile applications and multiplatform: context, features, design principles lifting, and usability testing A/B with the design features and principles of design on two of the six systems being compared. The results from the thesis challenge the concepts of mobile interface usability in health, providing users with a structured interpretation of medical information design and a guideline for designers with chronic diseases that would like to create solutions to monitor health problems.Reduzir a institucionalização hospitalar de cidadãos com doenças crónicas é uma das prioridades para os países ocidentais. Quanto maior for a complexidade das condições de saúde, mais difícil se torna a coordenação dos cuidados clínicos. Para melhorar o controle e a gestão da doença, a maioria destes pacientes recorre às aplicações para telemóvel disponíveis em lojas online e aos serviços na web pois, é difícil obter permissão para aceder a dados clínicos em tempo real no telemóvel pessoal a partir do hospital. No contexto da DII – Doença Inflamatória do Intestino – as soluções existentes apresentam níveis de complexidade visual elevados pois, a interface comunica com o utilizador através de símbolos clínicos inadequados em funcionalidades convencionais – fraca legibilidade e inconsistência; Apresenta também, fraca coerência visual entre sistemas multiplataforma. Estes cenários promovem no utilizador, um aumento da curva de aprendizagem relativamente à forma como estes interagem com os sistemas criando assim, uma abertura para o desenvolvimento de soluções pelos que têm habilidade para inovar através da criação e desenvolvimento de sistemas que resolvem os seus problemas com a gestão e coordenação da doença. Esta tese tem como objetivo analisar o comportamento dos pacientes com DII relativamente à gestão da sua doença. Identificar que tipo de problemas – funcionais e de comunicação – existem nas soluções atuais para telemóvel e web no contexto da DII, introduzindo novos temas – estudos em comunicação e design – no modelo "User Innovator" de Von Hippel (1976) que consiste em, utilizadores, como por exemplo, pacientes com doenças crónicas, que inovam ao criarem soluções para resolver os problemas pessoais, tais como, condições de saúde adversas. Para validar no processo de design a integração das três áreas – design, inovação e paciente – criamos a framework “Human-social Interaction Model for e-Health Interfaces” que nos permitiu uma abordagem sustentável à investigação, quando foram aplicados inputs provenientes de experiência pessoal das três perspectivas introduzindo feedback relevante para o objetivo final dos estudos preliminares, também quando criada a interface para dispositivos móveis focada na doença de Crohn, uma das DII, com uma nova experiência de utilizador na área da saúde. Para atingir o objectivo, realizou-se um conjunto de estudos que se encontram divididos em dois momentos: o primeiro, com revisão de literatura sobre a relação da semiótica com a comunicação interativa; o significado da representação simbólica em projetos interativos; as novas linhas de reflexão do Design que definem interfaces e funcionalidades mais próximas do utilizador; a perspectiva dos utilizadores perante a tecnologia como meio de suporte e controle da saúde; o espaço do design e da comunicação em projetos tecnológicos; o desafio para utilizadores/ pacientes que tentam criar sistemas para solucionar problemas pessoais. A segunda parte apresenta a investigação de campo com, um inquérito a 279 participantes com DII; análise empírica de seis casos de estudo – aplicações para telemóvel e multiplataforma: contexto, funcionalidades, levantamento de princípios do design, e testes de usabilidade A/B onde comparamos em dois dos seis sistemas, a articulação entre as funcionalidades e os princípios do design. Os resultados obtidos desafiam a usabilidade das interfaces para telemóvel no contexto da saúde, proporcionando aos utilizadores uma interpretação mais coerente do ponto de vista formal do design de informação médica e um caminho para designers com doenças crónicas que pretendem criar soluções para resolver problemas de monotorização da saúde

    Political connections of new business ventures

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    The perceived capability of corporate organizations to influence politics, although fueling an ongoing public debate, features in literature as a source of probable benefits. According to the majority of the pertinent studies, these benefits, more often than not, materialize with important value-adding implications. In the U.S. context, whereby political money contributions constitute the prevalent way of establishing connections, this can result in a hefty return on a firm’s political investment. Our research posits that if political connections formed via monetary donations elevate the donor to a higher status, this should reflect in circumstances whereby a firm needs to assert its quality to other economic agents. This is the case for firms that are plagued by the market newness liability. Whether as a form of insurance from tail risk or entitlement to economic rents, proximity to politics offers legitimacy and a compelling way of introducing a new venture to the marketplace. To prove this conjecture, we mainly draw from IPOs for representing a setting of acute uncertainty. Our findings confirm that both lobbying and PAC (Political Action Committee) expenditure pays off on listing day as donors incur less underpricing; an effect which can be amplified with contribution size and strategic targeting of recipients. Donor IPOs also experience negative offer price revisions and lower aftermarket volatility. Collectively, these results offer new empirical grounding to uncertainty and signaling theories. Subsequently, we frame IPO pricing as an efficiency problem for prospective issuers and develop an approach of general application in finance, where relationships of influence are suspected. Rather than imposing a regression-based framework, we allow relationships to manifest themselves in a data-driven manner. Our analysis reveals nonlinearities between IPO pricing efficiency and the two contribution avenues (justifying the fully nonparametric treatment). We are able to uncover relationships separately according to business sector, which we interpret in terms of varied competitive environments. Broadening up our scope prior to and after the IPO event, we document that connected firms are associated with a longer time to venture or other equity capital financing, attesting to a greater financial autonomy. Additionally, they attain larger market shares and have a superior likelihood of survival in the public domain

    Future Transportation

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    Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with transportation activities account for approximately 20 percent of all carbon dioxide (co2) emissions globally, making the transportation sector a major contributor to the current global warming. This book focuses on the latest advances in technologies aiming at the sustainable future transportation of people and goods. A reduction in burning fossil fuel and technological transitions are the main approaches toward sustainable future transportation. Particular attention is given to automobile technological transitions, bike sharing systems, supply chain digitalization, and transport performance monitoring and optimization, among others