260 research outputs found

    On Consistent Mapping in Distributed Environments using Mobile Sensors

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    The problem of robotic mapping, also known as simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), by a mobile agent for large distributed environments is addressed in this dissertation. This has sometimes been referred to as the holy grail in the robotics community, and is the stepping stone towards making a robot completely autonomous. A hybrid solution to the SLAM problem is proposed based on "first localize then map" principle. It is provably consistent and has great potential for real time application. It provides significant improvements over state-of-the-art Bayesian approaches by reducing the computational complexity of the SLAM problem without sacrificing consistency. The localization is achieved using a feature based extended Kalman filter (EKF) which utilizes a sparse set of reliable features. The common issues of data association, loop closure and computational cost of EKF based methods are kept tractable owing to the sparsity of the feature set. A novel frequentist mapping technique is proposed for estimating the dense part of the environment using the sensor observations. Given the pose estimate of the robot, this technique can consistently map the surrounding environment. The technique has linear time complexity in map components and for the case of bounded sensor noise, it is shown that the frequentist mapping technique has constant time complexity which makes it capable of estimating large distributed environments in real time. The frequentist mapping technique is a stochastic approximation algorithm and is shown to converge to the true map probabilities almost surely. The Hybrid SLAM software is developed in the C-language and is capable of handling real experimental data as well as simulations. The Hybrid SLAM technique is shown to perform well in simulations, experiments with an iRobot Create, and on standard datasets from the Robotics Data Set Repository, known as Radish. It is demonstrated that the Hybrid SLAM technique can successfully map large complex data sets in an order of magnitude less time than the time taken by the robot to acquire the data. It has low system requirements and has the potential to run on-board a robot to estimate large distributed environments in real time

    Using the Jensen-Shannon, density power, and Itakura-Saito divergences to implement an evolutionary-based global localization filter for mobile robots

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    One of the most demanding skills for a mobile robot is to be intelligent enough to know its own location. The global localization problem consists of obtaining the robot's pose (position and orientation) in a known map if the initial location is unknown. This task is addressed applying evolutionary computation concepts (Differential Evolution). In the current approach, the distances obtained from the laser sensors are combined with the predicted scan (in the known map) from possible locations to implement a cost function that is optimized by an evolutionary filter. The laser beams (sensor information) are modeled using a combination of probability distributions to implement a non-symmetric fitness function. The main contribution of this paper is to apply the probabilistic approach to design three different cost functions based on known divergences (Jensen-Shannon, Itakura-Saito, and density power). The three metrics have been tested in different experiments and the localization module performance is exceptional in regions with occlusions caused by different obstacles. This fact validates that the non-symmetric probabilistic approach is a suitable technique to be applied to multiple metrics.This work was supported by the Competitive Improvement of Drilling and Blasting Cycle in Mining and Underground-Works through New Techniques of Engineering, Explosives, Prototypes, and Advanced Tools, which is a Research and Development project undertaken by the following companies: Obras Subterr a neas, MaxamCorp Holding, Putzmeister Iberica, Subterra Ingenieria, Expace On Boards Systems, Dacartec Servicios Informaticos, and Cepasa Ensayos Geotecnicos

    Kullback-Leibler divergence-based differential eEvolution Markov chain filter for global localization of mobile robots

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    One of the most important skills desired for a mobile robot is the ability to obtain its own location even in challenging environments. The information provided by the sensing system is used here to solve the global localization problem. In our previous work, we designed different algorithms founded on evolutionary strategies in order to solve the aforementioned task. The latest developments are presented in this paper. The engine of the localization module is a combination of the Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling technique and the Differential Evolution method, which results in a particle filter based on the minimization of a fitness function. The robot's pose is estimated from a set of possible locations weighted by a cost value. The measurements of the perceptive sensors are used together with the predicted ones in a known map to define a cost function to optimize. Although most localization methods rely on quadratic fitness functions, the sensed information is processed asymmetrically in this filter. The Kullback-Leibler divergence is the basis of a cost function that makes it possible to deal with different types of occlusions. The algorithm performance has been checked in a real map. The results are excellent in environments with dynamic and unmodeled obstacles, a fact that causes occlusions in the sensing area.The research leading to these results has received funding from the RoboCity2030-III-CM project (Robótica aplicada a la mejora de la calidad de vida de los ciudadanos, fase III; S2013/MIT-2748),funded by Programas de Actividades I+Den la Comunidad de Madrid and cofunded by the Structural Funds of the EU

    Optimal path planning for detection and classification of underwater targets using sonar

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    2021 Spring.Includes bibliographical references.The work presented in this dissertation focuses on choosing an optimal path for performing sequential detection and classification state estimation to identify potential underwater targets using sonar imagery. The detection state estimation falls under the occupancy grid framework, modeling the relationship between occupancy state of grid cells and sensor measurements, and allows for the consideration of statistical dependence between the occupancy state of each grid cell in the map. This is in direct contrast to the classical formulations of occupancy grid frameworks, in which the occupancy state of each grid cell is considered statistically independent. The new method provides more accurate estimates, and occupancy grids estimated with this method typically converge with fewer measurements. The classification state estimation utilises a Dirichlet-Categorical model and a one-step classifier to perform efficient updating of the classification state estimate for each grid cell. To show the performance capabilities of the developed sequential state estimation methods, they are applied to sonar systems in littoral areas in which targets lay on the seafloor, could be proud, partially or fully buried. Additionally, a new approach to the active perception problem, which seeks to select a series of sensing actions that provide the maximal amount of information to the system, is developed. This new approach leverages the aforementioned sequential state estimation techniques to develop a set of information-theoretic cost functions that can be used for optimal sensing action selection. A path planning cost function is developed, defined as the mutual information between the aforementioned state variables before and after a measurement. The cost function is expressed in closed form by considering the prior and posterior distributions of the state variables. Choice of the optimal sensing actions is performed by modeling the path planning as a Markov decision problem, and solving it with the rollout algorithm. This work, supported by the Office of Naval Research (ONR), is intended to develop a suite of interactive sensing algorithms to autonomously command an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) for the task of detection and classification of underwater mines, while choosing an optimal navigation route that increases the quality of the detection and classification state estimates

    Information metrics for localization and mapping

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    Decades of research have made possible the existence of several autonomous systems that successfully and efficiently navigate within a variety of environments under certain conditions. One core technology that has allowed this is simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), the process of building a representation of the environment while localizing the robot in it. State-of-the-art solutions to the SLAM problem still rely, however, on heuristic decisions and options set by the user. In this thesis we search for principled solutions to various aspects of the localization and mapping problem with the help of information metrics. One such aspect is the issue of scalability. In SLAM, the problem size grows indefinitely as the experiment goes by, increasing computational resource demands. To maintain the problem tractable, we develop methods to build an approximation to the original network of constraints of the SLAM problem by reducing its size while maintaining its sparsity. In this thesis we propose three methods to build the topology of such approximated network, and two methods to perform the approximation itself. In addition, SLAM is a passive application. It means, it does not drive the robot. The problem of driving the robot with the aim of both accurately localizing the robot and mapping the environment is called active SLAM. In this problem two normally opposite forces drive the robot, one to new places discovering unknown regions and another to revisit previous configurations to improve localization. As opposed to heuristics, in this thesis we pose the problem as the joint minimization of both map and trajectory estimation uncertainties, and present four different active SLAM approaches based on entropy-reduction formulation. All methods presented in this thesis have been rigorously validated in both synthetic and real datasets.Dècades de recerca han fet possible l’existència de nombrosos sistemes autònoms que naveguen eficaçment i eficient per varietat d’entorns sota certes condicions. Una de les principals tecnologies que ho han fet possible és la localització i mapeig simultanis (SLAM), el procés de crear una representació de l’entorn mentre es localitza el robot en aquesta. De tota manera, els algoritmes d’SLAM de l’estat de l’art encara basen moltes decisions en heurístiques i opcions a escollir per l’usuari final. Aquesta tesi persegueix solucions fonamentades per a varietat d’aspectes del problema de localització i mappeig amb l’ajuda de mesures d’informació. Un d’aquests aspectes és l’escalabilitat. En SLAM, el problema creix indefinidament a mesura que l’experiment avança fent créixer la demanda de recursos computacionals. Per mantenir el problema tractable, desenvolupem mètodes per construir una aproximació de la xarxa de restriccions original del problema d’SLAM, reduint així el seu tamany a l’hora que es manté la seva naturalesa dispersa. En aquesta tesi, proposem tres métodes per confeccionar la topologia de l’approximació i dos mètodes per calcular l’aproximació pròpiament. A més, l’SLAM és una aplicació passiva. És a dir que no dirigeix el robot. El problema de guiar el robot amb els objectius de localitzar el robot i mapejar l’entorn amb precisió es diu SLAM actiu. En aquest problema, dues forces normalment oposades guien el robot, una cap a llocs nous descobrint regions desconegudes i l’altra a revisitar prèvies configuracions per millorar la localització. En contraposició amb mètodes heurístics, en aquesta tesi plantegem el problema com una minimització de l’incertesa tant en el mapa com en l’estimació de la trajectòria feta i presentem quatre mètodes d’SLAM actiu basats en la reducció de l’entropia. Tots els mètodes presentats en aquesta tesi han estat rigurosament validats tant en sèries de dades sintètiques com en reals

    Information metrics for localization and mapping

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    Decades of research have made possible the existence of several autonomous systems that successfully and efficiently navigate within a variety of environments under certain conditions. One core technology that has allowed this is simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), the process of building a representation of the environment while localizing the robot in it. State-of-the-art solutions to the SLAM problem still rely, however, on heuristic decisions and options set by the user. In this thesis we search for principled solutions to various aspects of the localization and mapping problem with the help of information metrics. One such aspect is the issue of scalability. In SLAM, the problem size grows indefinitely as the experiment goes by, increasing computational resource demands. To maintain the problem tractable, we develop methods to build an approximation to the original network of constraints of the SLAM problem by reducing its size while maintaining its sparsity. In this thesis we propose three methods to build the topology of such approximated network, and two methods to perform the approximation itself. In addition, SLAM is a passive application. It means, it does not drive the robot. The problem of driving the robot with the aim of both accurately localizing the robot and mapping the environment is called active SLAM. In this problem two normally opposite forces drive the robot, one to new places discovering unknown regions and another to revisit previous configurations to improve localization. As opposed to heuristics, in this thesis we pose the problem as the joint minimization of both map and trajectory estimation uncertainties, and present four different active SLAM approaches based on entropy-reduction formulation. All methods presented in this thesis have been rigorously validated in both synthetic and real datasets.Dècades de recerca han fet possible l’existència de nombrosos sistemes autònoms que naveguen eficaçment i eficient per varietat d’entorns sota certes condicions. Una de les principals tecnologies que ho han fet possible és la localització i mapeig simultanis (SLAM), el procés de crear una representació de l’entorn mentre es localitza el robot en aquesta. De tota manera, els algoritmes d’SLAM de l’estat de l’art encara basen moltes decisions en heurístiques i opcions a escollir per l’usuari final. Aquesta tesi persegueix solucions fonamentades per a varietat d’aspectes del problema de localització i mappeig amb l’ajuda de mesures d’informació. Un d’aquests aspectes és l’escalabilitat. En SLAM, el problema creix indefinidament a mesura que l’experiment avança fent créixer la demanda de recursos computacionals. Per mantenir el problema tractable, desenvolupem mètodes per construir una aproximació de la xarxa de restriccions original del problema d’SLAM, reduint així el seu tamany a l’hora que es manté la seva naturalesa dispersa. En aquesta tesi, proposem tres métodes per confeccionar la topologia de l’approximació i dos mètodes per calcular l’aproximació pròpiament. A més, l’SLAM és una aplicació passiva. És a dir que no dirigeix el robot. El problema de guiar el robot amb els objectius de localitzar el robot i mapejar l’entorn amb precisió es diu SLAM actiu. En aquest problema, dues forces normalment oposades guien el robot, una cap a llocs nous descobrint regions desconegudes i l’altra a revisitar prèvies configuracions per millorar la localització. En contraposició amb mètodes heurístics, en aquesta tesi plantegem el problema com una minimització de l’incertesa tant en el mapa com en l’estimació de la trajectòria feta i presentem quatre mètodes d’SLAM actiu basats en la reducció de l’entropia. Tots els mètodes presentats en aquesta tesi han estat rigurosament validats tant en sèries de dades sintètiques com en reals

    Information metrics for localization and mapping

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    Aplicat embargament des de la defensa de la tesi fins al 12/2019Decades of research have made possible the existence of several autonomous systems that successfully and efficiently navigate within a variety of environments under certain conditions. One core technology that has allowed this is simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), the process of building a representation of the environment while localizing the robot in it. State-of-the-art solutions to the SLAM problem still rely, however, on heuristic decisions and options set by the user. In this thesis we search for principled solutions to various aspects of the localization and mapping problem with the help of information metrics. One such aspect is the issue of scalability. In SLAM, the problem size grows indefinitely as the experiment goes by, increasing computational resource demands. To maintain the problem tractable, we develop methods to build an approximation to the original network of constraints of the SLAM problem by reducing its size while maintaining its sparsity. In this thesis we propose three methods to build the topology of such approximated network, and two methods to perform the approximation itself. In addition, SLAM is a passive application. It means, it does not drive the robot. The problem of driving the robot with the aim of both accurately localizing the robot and mapping the environment is called active SLAM. In this problem two normally opposite forces drive the robot, one to new places discovering unknown regions and another to revisit previous configurations to improve localization. As opposed to heuristics, in this thesis we pose the problem as the joint minimization of both map and trajectory estimation uncertainties, and present four different active SLAM approaches based on entropy-reduction formulation. All methods presented in this thesis have been rigorously validated in both synthetic and real datasets.Dècades de recerca han fet possible l’existència de nombrosos sistemes autònoms que naveguen eficaçment i eficient per varietat d’entorns sota certes condicions. Una de les principals tecnologies que ho han fet possible és la localització i mapeig simultanis (SLAM), el procés de crear una representació de l’entorn mentre es localitza el robot en aquesta. De tota manera, els algoritmes d’SLAM de l’estat de l’art encara basen moltes decisions en heurístiques i opcions a escollir per l’usuari final. Aquesta tesi persegueix solucions fonamentades per a varietat d’aspectes del problema de localització i mappeig amb l’ajuda de mesures d’informació. Un d’aquests aspectes és l’escalabilitat. En SLAM, el problema creix indefinidament a mesura que l’experiment avança fent créixer la demanda de recursos computacionals. Per mantenir el problema tractable, desenvolupem mètodes per construir una aproximació de la xarxa de restriccions original del problema d’SLAM, reduint així el seu tamany a l’hora que es manté la seva naturalesa dispersa. En aquesta tesi, proposem tres métodes per confeccionar la topologia de l’approximació i dos mètodes per calcular l’aproximació pròpiament. A més, l’SLAM és una aplicació passiva. És a dir que no dirigeix el robot. El problema de guiar el robot amb els objectius de localitzar el robot i mapejar l’entorn amb precisió es diu SLAM actiu. En aquest problema, dues forces normalment oposades guien el robot, una cap a llocs nous descobrint regions desconegudes i l’altra a revisitar prèvies configuracions per millorar la localització. En contraposició amb mètodes heurístics, en aquesta tesi plantegem el problema com una minimització de l’incertesa tant en el mapa com en l’estimació de la trajectòria feta i presentem quatre mètodes d’SLAM actiu basats en la reducció de l’entropia. Tots els mètodes presentats en aquesta tesi han estat rigurosament validats tant en sèries de dades sintètiques com en reals.Postprint (published version
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