967 research outputs found

    Vom "Fließen der Körpersäfte" bis zur "Überempfindlichkeit"

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    Klinische erfahrungen und angiomyographische Kontrolle mit einem neuen Glutisal-buton-versuchspraparat

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    Die Autoren haben uber ihre Erfahrungen mit dem neuen Glutisal- Versuchspraparat - einer Kombination von Salicylamid und Dimethyl- aminophenyldimethylpyrazolon im Zusammenhang mit der Behandlung von 350 Patienten berichtet. Es wurden vor und wahrend der Behandlung instrumentell die Schmerzempfindlichkeit, die Funktion der quergestreiften Muskulatur (Tonus und Kontraktionsamplitude), Kreislauf, Nerven- und Gelenkfunk· tion mit dem Myotonometer und Angioneuromyographen (nach SZIRMAI), Oszillometer, Oszillographen, Angiometer registriert. Es wurde die Harn- saureausscheidung bei Gichtfallen registriert. Die Autoren fanden, da&#946; das Praparat die Erkaltungen, verschiedene rheumatische Erkrankungen sowie Gicht gunstig beeinflusst. Die Vertra- glichkeit war sehr gut.</p

    Moral hazard in a mutual health-insurance system: German Knappschaften, 1867-1914

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    This paper studies moral hazard in a sickness-insurance fund that provided the model for social-insurance schemes around the world. The German Knappschaften were formed in the medieval period to provide sickness, accident, and death benefits for miners. By the mid-nineteenth century, participation in the Knappschaft was compulsory for workers in mines and related occupations, and the range and generosity of benefits had expanded considerably. Each Knappschaft was locally controlled and self-funded, and their admirers saw in them the ability to use local knowledge and good incentives to deliver benefits at low cost. The Knappschaft underlies Bismarck’s sickness and accident insurance legislation (1883 and 1884), which in turn forms the basis of the German social-insurance system today and, indirectly, many social-insurance systems around the world. This paper focuses on a problem central to any insurance system, and one that plagued the Knappschaften as they grew larger in the later nineteenth century: the problem of moral hazard. Replacement pay for sick miners made it attractive, on the margin, for miners to invent or exaggerate conditions that made it impossible for them to work. Here we outline the moral hazard problem the Knappschaften faced as well as the internal mechanisms they devised to control it. We then use econometric models to demonstrate that those mechanisms were at best imperfect.sickness insurance, moral hazard, Knappschaft, social insurance

    Climate und Rheumatic Diseases

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    Die chirurgische Therapie des Lymphödems

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    Dissertatio inauguralis medica, de affinitatibus atque differentiis, quae inter catarrhum, rheumatismum et arthritidem intercedunt

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